"60","Seventeen Taiwanese-American organizations write President Obama on Hu Jintao visit","

Formosan Association for Public Affairs  

552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

Washington DC -  January 12th  2011

Contact: (202) 547-3686


Seventeen Taiwanese-American organizations write President Obama on Hu Jintao visit:

Taiwan is a free and democratic nation, and is not part of China

In a joint letter to president Obama dated January 12th, the leaders of seventeen Taiwanese American organizations urged the President to support a free and democratic Taiwan. In the letter, the organizations state: ""The U.S. needs to make it unambiguously clear that the people of Taiwan have the right to determine their own future, free from any outside interference.""

The organizations called upon President Obama to impress upon the Chinese ""to dismantle its 1,600 missiles targeted at Taiwan and renounce the threat or use of force against Taiwan,"" and ""that it is essential to end Taiwan's international political isolation.""

The organizations concluded: ""Taiwan is a peace-loving country.  It is able and willing to carry out United Nations Charter obligations.  Taiwan deserves an equal place in the international family of nations, and its people should be fully represented in international organizations such as the U.N. and the World Health Organization.""

The President of FAPA, the main organizer of the rally and initiator of the joint letter, Bob Yang Ph.D., stated: ""We want to emphasize that Taiwan was never part of the PRC, and that the PRC has no basis whatsoever to claim sovereignty over Taiwan.  Taiwan did not ""split off"" from China after World War II, but was occupied by the losing side of the Chinese Civil War, the Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang.""

Professor Yang continued: ""We also urge the US government to stand by the principles of human rights, democracy and self-determination, and work towards normalization of relations between a free and democratic Taiwan and the rest of the international community.""

Professor Yang concluded: ""We believe it is clearly a core U.S. interest to protect and nurture this young democracy. We therefore implore upon President Obama to adopt a ""One Taiwan, One China"" policy that recognizes Taiwan as being separate and distinct from China.""

In the meantime, the Taiwanese-American community is planning to join protests in front of the White House against China’s repression in Tibet and East Turkestan, and its threats and intimidation against Taiwan.  .  The main message will be: ""Taiwan is a free and democratic nation, and is not part of China.""

                                                            * * * * * * * * * * *


Full text of the letter and signatories:

January 12, 2011

Dear President Obama:

As you prepare to welcome China's President Hu Jintao to Washington, we, the undersigned representatives of Taiwanese-American organizations, appeal to you to reaffirm America's support for freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan.

We understand that in order to solve many of the world's major problems, the United States needs to engage China.  However, such engagement should not be done at the expense of America's core values-freedom, democracy and human rights, as embodied in the nation of Taiwan.

In November 2009, during your visit to Beijing, Chinese leaders asserted that Taiwan was one of China's so-called ""core interests.""  We ask you to remind Mr. Hu that it is a national interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan. 

We also request that you refrain from proffering U.S. respect for China's ""sovereignty and territorial integrity"" as China lays specious claim over Taiwan.  The U.S. needs to make it unambiguously clear that the people of Taiwan have the right to determine their own future, free from any outside interference.

We believe that it is in the best interest of the United States to take a clear position on the following issues as well.

We ask you to prod China to dismantle its 1,600 missiles targeted at Taiwan and renounce the threat or use of force against Taiwan. To safeguard Taiwan is to embrace freedom, democracy and human rights. This is the best way to maintain peace and stability in Asia and consistent with the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act. In so doing, America will be looked upon with respect and trust by the multitude of nations in that part of the world.

We also implore you to impress upon the Chinese delegation that it is essential to end Taiwan's international political isolation.  Taiwan is a peace-loving country.  It is able and willing to carry out United Nations Charter obligations.  Taiwan deserves an equal place in the international family of nations, and its people should be fully represented in international organizations such as the U.N. and the World Health Organization.

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,

1.    Kang-Hou Wang, President
      Dr. Kang-Lu Wang Memorial Foundation

2.    Terri Giles, Executive Director
Formosa Foundation

3.    Henry Lee, President
Formosan Association for Human Rights

4.    Bob I. Yang, President
Formosan Association for Public Affairs

5.    John Hsu, President
Friends of Taiwan, Inc.

6.    Rev. Shang Nan Tsai, Chairman
National Taiwanese Presbyterian Council (U.S.A.)

7.    James Tu, President
North America Taiwanese Engineers' Association

8.    Shyu-tu Lee, President
North America Taiwanese Professors' Association

9.    Leanne Lian-Yuan Chiou, President
North America Taiwanese Women's Association

10.    Norman Chiou, President
North American Taiwanese Medical Association

11.    Ben Liu, President
Professor Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation

12.    Chanchi Lee, President
Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America

13.    Mike Kwan, President
Taiwanese Hakka Associations of America

14.    Chung-nan Shih, President
Taiwanese Association of America

15.    Susan Chang, President
World Federation of Taiwanese Associations

16.    Susan Chang, Coordinator
World Taiwanese Congress

17.    James S. Chen, Chairman
World United Formosans for Independence-U.S.A.

                                          * * * * * * * * * * * * *



",,"7","39","2010-11-11 16:13:03","2011-02-21 04:22:37" "61","Taiwanese-Americans disturbed by President Ma’s “mainland” language","

 Formosan Association for Public Affairs
552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA
Support Democracy, Support Taiwan
Washington DC -  February 8th  2011
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Taiwanese-Americans disturbed by President Ma's shift on ""China"" language

A throwback to the times of the Civil War

Washington, D.C. - Taiwanese-Americans today expressed surprise and indignation
about recent press reports from Taiwan indicating that President Ma Ying-jeou
now wants the people of the island nation to refer to China as ""the mainland"" or
the ""other side.""

According to the reports, President Ma had said in a February 7th meeting with
leading government and legislative officials that China should not be referred
to by its official name, but instead be called ""the mainland"" or simply ""the
other side.""

The move is apparently part of the Ma government's attempts to define the
so-called ""Republic of China"" (ROC) as the ""real"" China, and ""the mainland"" as
part of this ROC.

FAPA President Yang stated in response: ""To me this is a throwback to the bad
old days of the Civil War between the Chinese Nationalists of Chiang Kai-shek
and the Communists of Mao Zedong.""  He added: ""The Ma government should realize
that the 'ROC' has lost its legitimacy more than thirty years ago, and that the
new reality is that the PRC represents China, and that Taiwan is a free and
democratic country separate from China.""

President Yang continued: ""In order for Taiwan to preserve its democracy it
needs to strengthen its ties with the international community.  And everyone in
the international community refers to Taiwan as 'Taiwan.'  The time for
anachronistic 'ROC' fictions is over.""

The statement by President Ma comes at the heels of efforts by both the PRC and
the Ma administration to lock Taiwan into the ""1992 consensus"", a fiction
conjured up by former Ma government official Su Chi, who said that in 1992 the
two sides agreed to ""One China"" but that each side could have its own

The problem with this ""consensus"" is that the PRC never agreed that each side
could have its own interpretation, while former President Lee Teng-hui - who
served as President from 1988 through 2000 - has stated that such a consensus
never existed in the first place.

President Yang concluded: ""It would behoove the Ma government to come back to
reality, and accept that China is China, and Taiwan is Taiwan.  Playing his
semantic games is detrimental to Taiwan and its future as a free and democratic

                                                            * * * * * * * * * *



",,"7","39","2011-02-08 16:18:10","2011-02-14 21:20:15" "14","What is the FTP layer for?","

The FTP Layer allows file operations (such as installing Extensions or updating the main configuration file) without having to make all the folders and files writable. This has been an issue on Linux and other Unix based platforms in respect of file permissions. This makes the site admin's life a lot easier and increases security of the site.

You can check the write status of relevent folders by going to ''Help->System Info"" and then in the sub-menu to ""Directory Permissions"". With the FTP Layer enabled even if all directories are red, Joomla! will operate smoothly.

NOTE: the FTP layer is not required on a Windows host/server.

",,"3","31","2008-08-06 21:27:49","2008-08-06 21:27:49" "62","Taiwanese-Americans troubled by Ma Ying-jeou’s vendetta against DPP officials","

552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

Washington DC -  April 2nd  2011

Contact: (202) 547-3686


Taiwanese-Americans troubled by Ma Ying-jeou’s vendetta against DPP officials


“lost documents” smacks of political ploy


Washington, D.C. – Taiwanese-Americans today expressed indignation over President Ma Ying-jeou’s accusation that seventeen former Democratic Progressive Party officials “failed to return” some 36,000 documents during the DPP administration.


On Tuesday, March 29 2011, the presidential office in Taipei accused the former officials of violating the National Archives Act and two other laws.  It said that some 25,334 classified documents and 10,958 unclassified documents were “missing.”


At a press conference the next day, presidential spokesman Lo Chih-chiang stated that the case had been referred to  the Control Yuan for investigation and relayed that President Ma demanded that those officials who allegedly disregarded these laws be dealt with accordingly.


FAPA President Bob Yang stated in a response that the move must be regarded as yet another attempt by the Ma government to use the Control Yuan and judicial system for political persecution, done in such a way as to appear “legal” thus avoiding criticism by foreign governments and human rights groups.


President Yang added: It is flabbergasting that the Ma government thinks it can get away with this.  If any documents had been “missing” the Ma team should have noted that during the transition period in 2008.  To come up with this matter three years later, when the primaries for next year’s presidential elections are underway, smacks of a political ploy and strongly suggests a dubious motive.


President Yang concluded: It is regrettable that President Ma is again usurping the Control Yuan and judicial system for his own political gain. Taiwan’s democracy is suffering yet another setback at a time when it can least afford it.  Playing this type of games is detrimental to Taiwan as a free and democratic nation.


* * * * * * * * * * *




華府訊 台美人對馬英九總統指控17位民進黨官員在民進黨執政時期共有三萬六千餘件公文「未歸檔」,感到憤怒不平。















",,"7","39","2011-04-02 13:38:15","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "19","What is FAPA?","

About FAPA

Established in 1982 in Los Angeles, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) is a world-wide, Washington headquartered, non-profit organization that is set up:

(1) To promote international support for the right of the people of Taiwan to establish an independent and democratic country and to join the international community;

(2) To promote relations and cooperation between Taiwan and the United States;

(3) To protect the right of self-determination for the people of Taiwan;

(4) To promote peace and security for Taiwan; and

(5) To advance the rights and interests of Taiwanese communities throughout the world.


FAPA's mission is educational. The organization provides US policy makers, the media, scholars and the general public with information on issues related to Taiwan. FAPA informs and updates Members of Congress and their staff on Taiwanese issues. FAPA seeks to articulate the point of view of the people of Taiwan.




FAPA sees support for democratization as beneficial to American interests, since a more open society on Taiwan will help foster safety, security and peace in the Pacific Basin.

Taiwan's presidential election in March 2000 was the culmination of Taiwan's path to democratization. Although Taiwan has become a full democracy, this does not guarantee the right of its 23 million people to enter into international organizations. As a proponent of democracy in Taiwan, FAPA believes that all residents of Taiwan must have equal rights and share equal responsibilities with the rest of the world. Taiwan is a democratic and prosperous de facto independent country. FAPA strongly believes and advocates that the future of Taiwan must be decided by the 23 million people in Taiwan and without any outside pressure and threats. The right of self-determination is a basic universal right. Nobody but the people of Taiwan has the right to determine the future of Taiwan!

",,"4","34","2008-08-09 07:49:20","2012-08-29 22:04:51" "53","Taiwan related legislations currently in Congress","

Click here for Taiwan related legislations currently in Congress

",,"6","40","2011-02-10 16:18:52","2011-02-16 17:59:27" "54","House Directory","

House Directory

",,"8","41","2011-02-10 16:22:17","2012-08-05 22:50:28" "55","FAPA Local Chapters","

FAPA Local Chapters (55 Chapters)

State and Chapter Name Location and Serving Area
State and Chapter Name Location and Serving Area
AL Huntsville and Birmingham, Alabama
MN Minnesota
MO Missouri

NC North Carolina
AZ Arizona
NJ Northern New Jersey
CA-C Fresno Area
NJ-S Southern New Jersey
CA-LA Link  LA metropolitan Area, CA
NY-Albany Albany Area, NY
CA-N  S.F. and the Bay Area, CA
NY-M New York Manhattan Area, NY
Link: YPG:
Orange County Area, CA
NY-R Rochester Area, NY
CA-SAC Sacramento Area, CA NY-SYR Syracuse Area, NY
CA-SD San Diego Area, CA NY-MH Mid Hudson Area, NY
CO Colorado
OH-C Columbus Area, Ohio
CT Connecticut
OH-N Cincinnati Area, Ohio
DC Link  Greate Washington, DC Area
OK Oklahoma
DE Delaware
OR-SW-WA Oregon - SW Washington
FL-C Orlando area, Florida
PA Pennsylvania
FL-EC Melbourne area, Florida
TN Tennesse
FL-N Gainesville area, Florida
TX-N Dallas Area, Texas
FL-S Miami Area, Florida
TX-C Austin Area, Texas
FL-TAMPA Tampa Area, Florida
TX-S Link  Houston Area, Texas
GA Georgia
UT Utah
HI Hawaii
VA Richmond Area Virginia
IL Illinois
WA Washington
IN Indiana
WI Wisconsin
KS Kansas
WV West Virginia
KY Kentucky

LA Louisiana

MA Link Massachusetts

MD Baltimore area, Maryland

MI Michigan

MI-Central East Lansing, Michigan

",,"4","34","2011-02-10 16:27:44","2016-02-23 18:35:31" "91","Petition Letter - House Concurrent Resolution 77","

Dear Member of Congress:

On September 13, Rep. Scott Garrett and other Representatives introduced bi-partisan resolution HCR77 concluding that ""it is the sense of Congress that Taiwan and its 23,000,000 people deserve membership in the United Nations.""

The introduction of this resolution was timely and symbolic, because that very day, on September 13, 2011, the General Assembly of the United Nations convened for its annual session.

The United Nations is about inclusion, not about exclusion. Article 1 of the UN Charter states that the purposes and principles of the United Nations are: ""To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;"" and ""to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character....""

Now is the time for the United States and the rest of the world to take up the issue of Taiwan's UN membership. Taiwan's contributions are needed to build the world of justice and peace that is the United Nations' goal.

Passing this resolution will constitute an important step in the right direction.

Please contact David Brewster in Rep. Garrett's office at 225-4465.

Thank you for your support for Taiwan!

Sincerely yours,

Name _________________________Signature ________________________


Date _________________________ Phone ___________________________

",,"3","31","2011-10-21 20:25:15","2012-08-13 20:29:46" "56","Senate Directory","

The United States Congressional Directories

Senate Directory

House Directory

",,"3","31","2011-02-10 16:57:31","2012-08-05 22:49:54" "57","Taiwan Communiqué no. 130 is off the press","

We are pleased to let you know that the new issue of Taiwan Communiqué is just off the press (attached).  This issue starts with a hot item: the results of the “Big Five” elections which were held in Taiwan on Saturday November 27th for the mayors of Taiwan’s five major cities. 

While the Kuomintang won three out of the five seats, the DPP received a larger percentage of the overall vote (49.9% versus the KMT’s 44.5%) while the DPP also made major gains in the city councils, pulling even with the KMT, setting the stage for next year’s legislative elections.We then move to the issue of China’s increasing belligerence in East Asia, resulting in increasing tension from the Korean Peninsula down to the South China, including the tension between China and Japan over the Senkakus.  The question is which way the Ma government in Taiwan is leaning.


This is followed by a summary of events in the bilateral relations between China and Taiwan, in particular the continuing increase of Chinese missiles aimed at Taiwan, the slight at the Tokyo Film Festival,  and the disqualification of the Taiwanese taekwondo athlete at the Asian Games, which caused a political storm in Taiwan. We ask whether rapprochement is on the rocks.

This is followed by a piece on the continuing Erosion of justice and democracy in Taiwan, giving a brief summary of the developments in the prosecution against former President Chen Shui-bian, who was declared not-guilty on money laundering charges by the Taipei District Court, but who was subsequently sentenced to eleven years imprisonment by the Supreme Court on separate charges. We then present a commentary on the justice system and politics in Taiwan.

The Report from Washington gives a brief insight into the possible implications of the US mid-term elections – in particular the Republican-controlled House – on relations with Taiwan, while former AIT Chairman Nat Bellocchi comments on the recent visit to Taiwan by former president Bill Clinton.

The book review in this issue in on America’s security and Taiwan’s freedom by Mr. Jay T. Loo.  We close this issue of the Communiqué with a message to our readers on the occasion of Taiwan Communiqué at Thirty: how did we start our journey thirty years ago?

Below you find the table of contents.  The electronic versions will be uploaded to our websites www.fapa.org and http://www.taiwandc.org/twcom/index.html The hardcopy will be sent out to those who are on our mailing list at the end of this week.

Best regards,

Gerrit van der Wees
Editor, Taiwan Communiqué
Formosan Association for Public Affairs



","1","1","2011-02-11 03:18:28","2011-05-31 03:10:31" "75","US Senator sends letter to WHO protesting “province of China” memo","

Formosan Association for Public Affairs  

552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

For Immediate Release

Washington D C -  June 9th   2011

Contact: (202) 547-3686


US Senator sends letter to WHO protesting “province of China” memo


Expressing support for Taiwan’s full membership


On June 2nd 2011, US Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) sent a letter to World Health Organization (WHO) director general Margaret Chan expressing concern about the internal memo which recently became public in Taiwan, in which the organization instructed its institutions to refer to Taiwan as “province of China.”


In the letter, Senator Brown stated that by implying that Taiwan is a “province of China” the WHO “…is going beyond its mandate as the world global health authority and is in violation of US policy.”


Senator Brown added: “I am concerned that the WHO has unwittingly entered into dangerous political waters that are contrary to its mission and detrimental to its goals.  The WHO is not a political authority within the UN and should not act as such.”


The Ohio senator, who has long advocated Taiwan’s full membership in all international organizations, including the United Nations and the WHO, concluded: “As a strong supporter of your organization I have always believed that the WHO is a universal organization and that it should therefore open its doors to all members of the world community, including Taiwan.”


FAPA President Bob Yang commented in a reaction: ""Senator Brown is hitting the nail right on the head: the WHO internal memo is not in keeping with the basic principle of universality for which the WHO should stand.  It relegates Taiwan to a secondary status as a subsidiary of China, which is a violation of US policy as laid down in the Taiwan Relations Act.”


Dr. Yang added: “The memo has brought to light the fallacy of the approach by the Ma Ying-jeou administration in Taiwan to participation in international organizations.  In 2009, it presented its observership as a major “breakthrough”, but now we find out that it came at the cost of Taiwan’s sovereignty as a free and democratic nation.”


Dr. Yang concluded: “We hope that both the WHO and the US government will from now on adhere to the basic principle of universality and support Taiwan’s full membership in international organizations. Taiwan is a free and democratic nation and deserves to be treated like all other nations in the world.”

                              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


美參議員致函世衛組織 抗議「中國省份」密件


美國俄亥俄州民主黨參議員布朗(Senator Sherrod Brown),於201162日致函世界衛生組織幹事長陳馮富珍女士,就最近在台灣揭露的世衛內部密件,指示相關單位稱呼台灣為「中國的省分」乙事,表達抗議。







* * * * * * * * * * *



",,"7","39","2011-06-23 02:33:06","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "58","Sixteen Taiwanese-American Organizations Write To Former President Bill Clinton","

November 11th 2010
Contact: Tel: 202.547.3686

Sixteen Taiwanese-American Organizations Write To Former President Bill Clinton

Urging him to remain neutral during his Taiwan visit

On November 8th 2010, sixteen Taiwanese-American organizations sent a joint letter to former President Bill Clinton, who will be visiting Taiwan in mid-November 2010.

The organizations include all major Taiwanese-American groups, such as the Taiwanese Association of America, the North American Taiwanese Professors' Association, the North American Taiwanese Women's Association, and the North American Taiwanese Medical Association. It also includes international umbrella organizations such as the World Taiwanese Congress (WTC) and the World Federation of Taiwanese Associations. See below for the full text of the letter and list of signatories.

In the letter, the organizations urge the former president to remain ""scrupulously neutral"" during his visit, expressing concern that his statements may be misrepresented as endorsing the policies of the KMT administration of president Ma Ying-jeou.

The organizations point out that voters in Taiwan will cast their ballots on November 27th in hotly contested elections for the five major municipalities. ""Many topics, such as the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement … have turned into sensitive campaign issues"" , wrote the organizations.

The letter also states that during the past months, Taipei has frequently used foreign visitors to give the impression that its policies of accommodation with China have ""reduced tension"" across the Taiwan Strait. The organizations write: ""In our view, this is a flawed and superficial argument. China lessened its threats only because the Ma administration has made Taiwan subservient. In fact, the number of missiles China targets at Taiwan has increased.""

The organization emphasize that they worked hard for Taiwan's democracy, but that ""…the Ma administration has drifted in China's direction and deviated from the status quo that the U.S. traditionally advocates. This is at the great expense of freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan.""

The organizations reiterate that freedom, democracy and human rights are core U.S. values and urge the former President to speak out openly and forcefully for them while in Taiwan.

They conclude by lauding former president Clinton for his 2000 statements that Taiwan's future must be resolved peacefully and with the assent of the people of Taiwan. They urge him to reiterate these remarks, saying this would contribute greatly to the right of the Taiwanese people to determine their own future, free from coercion by China.


* * * * * * * * * * *

Dear President Clinton,

From press reports we understand that you will visit Taiwan during your Asia tour in mid November, 2010. As leaders of Taiwanese-American and affiliated organizations, we are delighted that you will bestow on Taiwan the high-profile attention it deserves. At the same time, we want to take this opportunity to raise an issue of concern to our community here in the United States as well as to our relatives and friends in Taiwan.

We are apprehensive that unwittingly your visit may be used by the Ma administration to score political points. Voters in Taiwan will cast their ballots on November 27 in the hotly contested five-municipality mayoral elections. Many topics, such as the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement recently concluded with China by the Ma administration, have turned into sensitive campaign issues. We appeal to you to remain scrupulously neutral. If a meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou is entertained, we hope you will also grant an audience to Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party.

Many of us fear that statements you make in Taiwan may be misrepresented as endorsing the policies of the Ma administration. During the past months, Taipei has frequently used foreign visitors to give the impression that its policies of accommodation with China have ""reduced tension"" across the Taiwan Strait. In our view, this is a flawed and superficial argument. China lessened its threats only because Taiwan has become subservient. In fact, the number of missiles China targets at Taiwan has increased.

As individuals who have worked hard for Taiwan's democracy, we are distressed that the Ma administration has drifted in China's direction and deviated from the status quo that the U.S. traditionally advocates, all at the expense of freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan. Reports from Freedom House and Reporters Without Borders attest to this fact. Freedom, democracy and human rights are core U.S. values. We request that you speak out openly and forcefully for them while in Taiwan.

We recall fondly that on February 24, 2000, you proclaimed the U.S. would ""continue to make absolutely clear that the issues between Beijing and Taiwan must be resolved peacefully and with the assent of the people of Taiwan."" We implore you to reiterate that position. In so doing, you would contribute greatly to the right of the Taiwanese people to determine their own future, free from coercion by China. Thank you for your attention. We wish you Godspeed.

Sincerely yours,

  1. Kang-Hou Wang, President, Dr. Kang-Lu Wang Memorial Foundation
  2. Terri Giles, Executive Director, Formosa Foundation
  3. Linda Lin, President,Formosan Association for Human Rights
  4. Bob I. Yang, President,Formosan Association for Public Affairs
  5. John Hsu, President,Friends of Taiwan, Inc.
  6. Rev. Shang Nan Tsai, Chairman, National Taiwanese Presbyterian Council (U.S.A.)
  7. Shyu-tu Lee, President, North America Taiwanese Professors' Association
  8. Leanne Lian-Yuan Chiou, President, North America Taiwanese Women's Association
  9. James Tu, President, North American Taiwanese Engineers Association
  10. Norman Chiou, President, North American Taiwanese Medical Association
  11. Ben Liu, President, Professor Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation
  12. Chanchi Lee, President, Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America
  13. Chung-nan Shih, President, Taiwanese Association of America
  14. Susan Chang, President, World Federation of Taiwanese Associations
  15. Susan Chang, Coordinator, World Taiwanese Congress
  16. James S. Chen, Chairman, World United Formosans for Independence-U.S.A.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *


",,"7","39","2010-11-11 16:09:05","2011-02-12 16:13:01" "59","FAPA criticizes Ma statements to Associated Press","

Washington DC - October 26, 2010

Contact (202) 547-3686

FAPA criticizes Ma statements to Associated Press

Disregard for the will of the Taiwanese people

The Formosan Association for Public Affairs - a Washington DC-based Taiwanese-American grassroots organization - today expressed strong criticism of statements recently made by Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou in an interview with Associated Press.

In the October 19th 2010 interview Ma indicated that he was prepared to discuss ""political agreements"" with China moving Taiwan towards ""unification"" with China if he wins re-election in 2012.

FAPA President Bob Yang said that the interview clearly reflects the prevailing view in the Ma administration that it wants to move in the direction of political union with China. Yet, polls consistently show that the great majority of the people of Taiwan do not desire absorption by China. Said Yang: ""Ma is paying lip service to democracy in Taiwan, but in the meantime moving Taiwan in China's direction at the expense of human rights and democracy in Taiwan.""

Yang added: ""During the past two years we have seen ample evidence that the Ma administration has a disregard for human rights and democracy: it has abused the judiciary to go after members of the former DPP government, it has abridged press freedom, and moved ahead with the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China with little transparency or checks and balances.""

Yang said that he hoped the people of Taiwan would see through the deliberate attempts by the Ma administration to prevent the people of the island nation to make a free and democratic decision on their future. He said that freedom and democracy will only prevail if the Taiwanese people support candidates and parties that really identify with the island, its unique history and vibrant, multi-faceted culture.

Yang added that during the 2008 election campaign, Ma gave the appearance of being ""Taiwanese"" and in favor of a free and democratic Taiwan. However, after his inauguration Ma has left no stone unturned in emphasizing his ""Chinese"" heritage and identity, and has worked ceaselessly to tighten Taiwan's links with China.

Yang concluded that he was particularly concerned about the fact that the Ma administration continued to drift in China's direction, while all other democratic nations in the region were aligning themselves more closely with the United States on issues such as the South China Sea and the tension surrounding the Korean Peninsula.

During the past weeks, the Ma administration has also given the appearance of siding with China on the conflict between Japan and China regarding the Senkakus/Diaoyutai, with the Taipei government coming to the astounding position that it did not have a disagreement with China ""because the ROC Constitution states that China is still a territory of the ROC.""

FAPA President Bob Yang stated that this position flies in the face of the reality that the PRC has been a separate country since 1949, and reflects the ossified thinking of the present rulers in Taipei.

",,"7","39","2010-10-26 16:11:31","2011-02-12 16:12:50" "52","Sixteen Taiwanese-American Organizations Write To Former President Bill Clinton","

November 11th 2010
Contact: Tel: 202.547.3686

Sixteen Taiwanese-American Organizations Write To Former President Bill Clinton

Urging him to remain neutral during his Taiwan visit

On November 8th 2010, sixteen Taiwanese-American organizations sent a joint letter to former President Bill Clinton, who will be visiting Taiwan in mid-November 2010.

The organizations include all major Taiwanese-American groups, such as the Taiwanese Association of America, the North American Taiwanese Professors' Association, the North American Taiwanese Women's Association, and the North American Taiwanese Medical Association. It also includes international umbrella organizations such as the World Taiwanese Congress (WTC) and the World Federation of Taiwanese Associations. See below for the full text of the letter and list of signatories.

In the letter, the organizations urge the former president to remain ""scrupulously neutral"" during his visit, expressing concern that his statements may be misrepresented as endorsing the policies of the KMT administration of president Ma Ying-jeou.

The organizations point out that voters in Taiwan will cast their ballots on November 27th in hotly contested elections for the five major municipalities. ""Many topics, such as the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement … have turned into sensitive campaign issues"" , wrote the organizations.

The letter also states that during the past months, Taipei has frequently used foreign visitors to give the impression that its policies of accommodation with China have ""reduced tension"" across the Taiwan Strait. The organizations write: ""In our view, this is a flawed and superficial argument. China lessened its threats only because the Ma administration has made Taiwan subservient. In fact, the number of missiles China targets at Taiwan has increased.""

The organization emphasize that they worked hard for Taiwan's democracy, but that ""…the Ma administration has drifted in China's direction and deviated from the status quo that the U.S. traditionally advocates. This is at the great expense of freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan.""

The organizations reiterate that freedom, democracy and human rights are core U.S. values and urge the former President to speak out openly and forcefully for them while in Taiwan.

They conclude by lauding former president Clinton for his 2000 statements that Taiwan's future must be resolved peacefully and with the assent of the people of Taiwan. They urge him to reiterate these remarks, saying this would contribute greatly to the right of the Taiwanese people to determine their own future, free from coercion by China.


* * * * * * * * * * *

Dear President Clinton,

From press reports we understand that you will visit Taiwan during your Asia tour in mid November, 2010. As leaders of Taiwanese-American and affiliated organizations, we are delighted that you will bestow on Taiwan the high-profile attention it deserves. At the same time, we want to take this opportunity to raise an issue of concern to our community here in the United States as well as to our relatives and friends in Taiwan.

We are apprehensive that unwittingly your visit may be used by the Ma administration to score political points. Voters in Taiwan will cast their ballots on November 27 in the hotly contested five-municipality mayoral elections. Many topics, such as the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement recently concluded with China by the Ma administration, have turned into sensitive campaign issues. We appeal to you to remain scrupulously neutral. If a meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou is entertained, we hope you will also grant an audience to Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party.

Many of us fear that statements you make in Taiwan may be misrepresented as endorsing the policies of the Ma administration. During the past months, Taipei has frequently used foreign visitors to give the impression that its policies of accommodation with China have ""reduced tension"" across the Taiwan Strait. In our view, this is a flawed and superficial argument. China lessened its threats only because Taiwan has become subservient. In fact, the number of missiles China targets at Taiwan has increased.

As individuals who have worked hard for Taiwan's democracy, we are distressed that the Ma administration has drifted in China's direction and deviated from the status quo that the U.S. traditionally advocates, all at the expense of freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan. Reports from Freedom House and Reporters Without Borders attest to this fact. Freedom, democracy and human rights are core U.S. values. We request that you speak out openly and forcefully for them while in Taiwan.

We recall fondly that on February 24, 2000, you proclaimed the U.S. would ""continue to make absolutely clear that the issues between Beijing and Taiwan must be resolved peacefully and with the assent of the people of Taiwan."" We implore you to reiterate that position. In so doing, you would contribute greatly to the right of the Taiwanese people to determine their own future, free from coercion by China. Thank you for your attention. We wish you Godspeed.

Sincerely yours,

  1. Kang-Hou Wang, President, Dr. Kang-Lu Wang Memorial Foundation
  2. Terri Giles, Executive Director, Formosa Foundation
  3. Linda Lin, President,Formosan Association for Human Rights
  4. Bob I. Yang, President,Formosan Association for Public Affairs
  5. John Hsu, President,Friends of Taiwan, Inc.
  6. Rev. Shang Nan Tsai, Chairman, National Taiwanese Presbyterian Council (U.S.A.)
  7. Shyu-tu Lee, President, North America Taiwanese Professors' Association
  8. Leanne Lian-Yuan Chiou, President, North America Taiwanese Women's Association
  9. James Tu, President, North American Taiwanese Engineers Association
  10. Norman Chiou, President, North American Taiwanese Medical Association
  11. Ben Liu, President, Professor Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation
  12. Chanchi Lee, President, Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America
  13. Chung-nan Shih, President, Taiwanese Association of America
  14. Susan Chang, President, World Federation of Taiwanese Associations
  15. Susan Chang, Coordinator, World Taiwanese Congress
  16. James S. Chen, Chairman, World United Formosans for Independence-U.S.A.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    ",,"7","39","2011-02-10 16:15:30","2011-02-14 21:20:28" "46","The official goals of FAPA","


    FAPA promotes the right of the people of Taiwan to determine their own future, and become a full and equal member of the international community.

    The official goals of FAPA:


    ",,"6","40","2011-01-18 18:00:29","2011-02-10 16:12:48" "47","LIBRARY HEADING","


    ",,"5","35","2011-01-18 18:05:50","2011-01-18 18:09:02" "48","U.S.- Taiwan - PRC Relationship","

    U.S.- Taiwan - PRC Relationship

    Commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act


    Cross-Strait Stalemate


    Separate Recognitions

    High-Level Visits

    Bush's Cross-Strait Policy

    Abian Claims Presidency

    Scrap the One-China Policy
    China's Threats & China's White Papers
    2008 Olympics in Beijing
    Most Favored Nation Status for China

    ","5","35","2011-01-20 04:19:59","2011-05-30 17:58:15" "49","Protesting Chinese President Hu Jintao","

    Protesting Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to the White House, January 19th 2011


    ",,"10","46","2011-02-08 19:55:18","2012-12-28 00:48:22" "50","What is FAPA","
    What is FAPA? - Who we are? What do we do?

    Established in 1982 in Los Angeles, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) is a world-wide, Washington headquartered, non-profit organization that is set up:

    (1) To promote international support for the right of the people of Taiwan to establish an independent and democratic country and to join the international community;

    (2) To promote relations and cooperation between Taiwan and the United States;

    (3) To protect the right of self-determination for the people of Taiwan;

    (4) To promote peace and security for Taiwan; and

    (5) To advance the rights and interests of Taiwanese communities throughout the world.

    FAPA's mission is educational. The organization provides US policy makers, the media, scholars and the general public with information on issues related to Taiwan. FAPA informs and updates Members of Congress and their staff on Taiwanese issues. FAPA seeks to articulate the point of view of the people of Taiwan.

    FAPA sees support for democratization as beneficial to American interests, since a more open society on Taiwan will help foster safety, security and peace in the Pacific Basin.

    Taiwan's presidential election in March 2000 was the culmination of Taiwan's path to democratization. Although Taiwan has become a full democracy, this does not guarantee the right of its 23 million people to enter into international organizations. As a proponent of democracy in Taiwan, FAPA believes that all residents of Taiwan must have equal rights and share equal responsibilities with the rest of the world. Taiwan is a democratic and prosperous de facto independent country. FAPA strongly believes and advocates that the future of Taiwan must be decided by the 23 million people in Taiwan and without any outside pressure and threats. The right of self-determination is a basic universal right. Nobody but the people of Taiwan has the right to determine the future of Taiwan!

    Join FAPA - Translate your passion for Taiwan into action!


    (1) Our 55 chapters nation-wide and growing

    (2) How to join FAPA?


    • Register as a Member
      Please download the membership/donation form (a PDF file), fill it out, and mail it to FAPA with membership dues and/or donations.


    • Receive E-mail Updates

    Fapa-info@egroups.com is a mailing list for disseminating information related to FAPA's work to promote US-Taiwan relationship.

    ",,"4","34","2011-02-08 22:13:48","2012-08-29 22:00:32" "123","Taiwanese-Americans in front of White House during Xi Jinping’s visit on February 14th 2012","

    Taiwanese-Americans in front of White House during Xi Jinping’s visit on February 14th 2012


    ",,"10","46","2012-10-01 17:17:31","2012-10-01 17:22:41" "51","Contact FAPA","
    FAPA Contact Information


    Mailing Address:

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs
    552 7th St. SE
    Washington, D.C. 20003

    Telephone Number: (202) 547-3686
    Fax Number: (202) 543-7891

    Email: home at fapa.org


    Mark L. Kao, PhD

    FAPA HQ Staff:

    Coen Blaauw
    Chiao-jung Wang
    Gerrit van der Wees, PhD.
    Jean Wu
    Eileen Lin, YPG-coordinator



    If you are north of the border, please contact FAPA Canada ~ www.fapacanada.org
    ",,"4","34","2011-02-08 22:17:08","2012-01-04 18:18:18" "63","U.S. Representatives Call for Sale of F-16’s to Taiwan","

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington DC -  April 7th  2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686


    U.S. Representatives Call for Sale of F-16’s to Taiwan


    “Future of Taiwan Should Be Determined Solely by the People of Taiwan”


    Washington, D.C.  -- On April 7, New Jersey Reps. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and Scott Garrett (R-NJ) introduced a resolution calling for the expeditious delivery of F16's to Taiwan and concluding that the future of Taiwan should be determined by the people of Taiwan.

    The resolution concludes that ""it is the sense of Congress that--

    (3) the future of Taiwan should be determined peacefully by the people of Taiwan and free from coercion by the Government of the People's Republic of China; and

    (4) the President should take immediate steps to redress the deteriorating balance of airpower noted by the 2010 DOD's annual report on China's military power, and move forward expeditiously with the sale to Taiwan of new F-16 C/D aircraft and upgrades of the existing F-16 A/B fleet.
    The resolution also refers to the Taiwan Relations Act as ""the cornerstone of United States-Taiwan relations...."" and states that ""in the near-term, China's armed forces are rapidly developing coercive capabilities for the purpose of deterring Taiwan's pursuit of de jure independence.""

    FAPA President Bob Yang state
    : ""The continuing deterioration of Taiwan's F-16's fleet stands in stark contrast to China's unending growth of its defense budget - 12.7 percent as announced by China's government last month.  Not only is Taiwan's national security interest at stake in this process, but the U.S. national interest and U.S. credibility and reputation in the region as well.""

    Dr. Yang conclude
    s: ""China's motives are clear. They want to annex Taiwan and if they do not succeed in doing so peacefully they will do it by force. It is therefore high time for Congress to affirm the democratic notion of self-determination emphasizing that the future of Taiwan should be determined peacefully and solely by the people of Taiwan; i.e. not by China.""

                                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the freedom, security, and stability of Taiwan


    Mr. Andrews and Mr. Garrett submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs

                                    CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

    Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the freedom, security, and stability of Taiwan

    Whereas for over half a century a close relationship has existed between the United States and Taiwan, and the relationship has been of enormous economic, cultural, and strategic advantage to both countries, the region and the world;

    Whereas the United States has vital security and strategic interests in the Taiwan Strait, with United States Armed Forces stationed in countries within the Taiwan Strait region;

    Whereas the security of the 23,000,000 people in Taiwan is threatened by the deployment by the Government of the People's Republic of China of over 1,400 short- and medium-range ballistic missiles targeted at Taiwan;

    Whereas the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China passed an anti-secession law on March 14, 2005, which was subsequently condemned by the United States House of Representatives in House Concurrent Resolution 98 (109th Congress), passed by the House of Representatives on March 16, 2005;

    Whereas House Concurrent Resolution 98 (109th Congress) states that the anti-secession law seeks ‘‘to create a legal framework for possible use of force against Taiwan'' and that it constitutes ‘‘a unilateral change to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait'';

    Whereas a 2009 Department of Defense report on the military power of the Government of the People's Republic of China states that ‘‘[t]he PLA's modernization vis-a-vis Taiwan has continued over the past year, including its build-up of short-range missiles opposite the island' ''', and that ‘‘[i]n the near-term, China's armed forces are rapidly developing coercive capabilities for the purpose of deterring Taiwan's pursuit of de jure independence'';

    Whereas the report also states that ‘‘[t]hese same capabilities could in the future be used to pressure Taiwan toward a settlement of the cross-Strait dispute on Beijing's terms while simultaneously attempting to deter, delay, or deny any possible U.S. support for the island in case of conflict'';

    Whereas the Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis Blair, in the 2009 Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community for the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, stated that ‘‘[p]reparations for a possible Taiwan conflict continue to drive the modernization goals of the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese defense-industrial complex'';

    Whereas, on January 21, 2010, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) completed a report on the current condition of the air force of the Government of Taiwan and concludes that, ‘‘although Taiwan has nearly 400 combat aircraft in service, far fewer of these are operationally capable'';

    Whereas, on August 16, 2010, the US Department of Defense issued a report titled ""Military and Security Developments involving the People's Republic of China"", in which it noted that in spite of the ongoing rapprochement, the PRC is continuing its military buildup and missile deployment aimed at Taiwan, leading to a further deterioration of the military balance across the Taiwan Strait;

    Whereas section 2(b)(4) of the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3301(b)(4)), which is the cornerstone of United States-Taiwan relations, declares that it is the policy of the United States ‘‘to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States''; and

    Whereas section 2(b)(6) of such Act (22 U.S.C. 3301(b)(6)) declares it the policy of the United States ‘‘to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan'':
    Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the Senate
    (the House of Representatives concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that—

    (1) grave concerns exist concerning the continued deployment by the Government of the People's Republic of China of over 1,400 ballistic missiles directed toward Taiwan, which threaten security and stability in the Taiwan Strait;

    (2) the President should seek a public and unequivocal renunciation from the leaders of the People's Republic of China of any threat or use of force against Taiwan and the region;

    (3) the future of Taiwan should be determined peacefully by the people of Taiwan and free from coercion by the Government of the People's Republic of China; and

    (4) the President should take immediate steps to redress the deteriorating balance of airpower noted by the 2010 DOD's annual report on China's military power, and move forward expeditiously with the sale to Taiwan of new F-16 C/D aircraft and upgrades of the existing F-16 A/B fleet.

    * * * * * * * * * * *




    紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Reps. Robert Andrews (D-NJ))及共和黨眾議員蓋瑞特(Scott Garrett (R-NJ))45日提出法案,呼籲美國政府儘速將F-16系列戰機軍售台灣,並表示台灣的未來應該僅由台灣人決定。


    (3) 台灣的未來應該由台灣人民以和平的方式決定,並不受來自中華人民共和國政府的干預;而且

    (4) 總統應該立即採取行動,來修正2010國防部中國軍事力量年度報告中所點出失衡的空軍戰力,並儘速軍售台灣新型F-16 C/D戰機及升級現有 F-16 A/B 機群。






    ",,"7","39","2011-04-07 13:47:19","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "64","Taiwanese-Americans disturbed by WHO memo","

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington DC -  May 11th  2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686


    Taiwanese-Americans disturbed by WHO memo


    Ma administration’s “international space” is illusory


    Washington, D.C.  – The disclosure in Taiwan of an internal World Health Organization memo instructing its agencies to refer to Taiwan as “province of China” has sent shockwaves through the overseas Taiwanese community.

    The memo, dated September 14th 2010, states that procedures used by the WHO to facilitate relations with Taiwan were subject to Chinese approval.  The memo further states that Taiwan “as a province of China, cannot be party to the International Health Regulations (IHR).”

    The information in the memo stands in stark contrast to the image presented by the Ma Ying-jeou administration, which emphasized that Taiwan’s observership – started in 2009 – amounted to “substantive participation” and had come about as a result of direct negotiations with the WHO, without Chinese involvement.

    FAPA President Bob Yang states in response to the revelation: ""The episode shows that the Ma administration has been deceptive, and given the Taiwan public an unwarranted rosy picture of the situation.  The fact of the matter is that Taiwan’s participation is an empty shell, without any substance. This memo shows clearly the failure of the Ma administration’s policies to gain international space.”

    Dr. Yang adds: “China continues to block real participation by Taiwan’s medical specialists in the WHO.  This is a severe infringement on the basic rights of the Taiwanese people and a threat to the important exchange of health information through the WHO. By agreeing to Chinese demands and conditions, the WHO has violated the principle of universality for which it should stand.”

    Dr. Yang concludes: ""China's motives are clear. It wants to absorb Taiwan and leave it no international space whatsoever.  We do urge the United States government and other leaders in the international community to reject the imposition of such conditions and accept Taiwan as a full and equal member of the international community.”

                                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *






    [華府訊] 海外的台灣人社區對世界衛生組織內部文件被揭發,內文指示其相關單位,以「中國省份」來稱呼台灣,感到震驚。














    ",,"7","39","2011-05-11 13:50:09","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "65","US Congressmen Lament Treatment of Taiwan by China and the W.H.O.","

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington DC -  May 13th  2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686


    US Congressmen Lament Treatment of Taiwan by China and the W.H.O.


    Call for ""Full Membership"" Instead of ""Meaningful Participation""


    On the eve of the opening of the annual World Health Organization assembly in Geneva next week, US Congressmen Scott Garrett (R-NJ) and Edolphus Towns (D-NY) inserted an extension of remarks in the Congressional Record calling for full membership for Taiwan in international organizations instead of ""meaningful participation.""


    Rep. Garrett stated: ""I believe that a sovereign state such as Taiwan, with a population of 23 million people, deserves full representation in United Nations and its affiliated organizations.  As such, Taiwan should be recognized as a full voting member of the WHO.""


    He continued: ""Taiwan is participating again this year as Chinese-Taipei'.  I would prefer to see Taiwan recognized under its name ""Taiwan"" rather than as a subsidiary of China.""


    The Congressman concluded: ""Rather than supporting ""meaningful participation,"" I believe the U.S. should promote Taiwan's full membership in international organizations such as the WHO. I therefore urge my colleagues to join me in supporting Taiwan's full and equal membership in the United Nations, the WHO, and other international organizations.""


    FAPA President Bob Yang, PhD says in a reaction: ""Earlier this week we found that in an internal memo on International Health Regulations, the WHO now refers to Taiwan as a ""Province of China."" This is clearly a result of the Faustian bargain that Taiwan's government made with China in 2009. It is unacceptable that the people of Taiwan become the victims today of irresponsible and naive deals the Ma Ying-jeou government made with China two years ago.""


    Dr. Yang continues: ""I am concerned that Taiwan attends international meetings only because Taiwan gets the nod from China will become a trend and an accepted norm. It will mark a slippery slope for Taiwan and for Taiwan's supporters who want to see Taiwan receive greater international recognition.""


    Dr. Yang concludes: ""The Chinese leadership cannot be trusted. It is high time that Taiwan's leadership recognize this as well.""

                                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *






    世界衛生組織大會下週將在日內瓦展開。紐澤西州共和黨眾議員蓋瑞特(Rep. Scott Garrett)及紐約州民主黨眾議員唐斯(Rep. Edolphus Towns)在開幕之夜,將在美國國會紀錄中發表延伸發言,要求台灣擁有「正式會員」資格,而不是「有意義的參與」。






    他的結論為: 「與其支持『有意義的參與』,我相信美國應該要支持台灣在國際組織,如世衛組織中的完整會員資格。因此,我呼籲我的同僚與我一齊支持台灣在聯合國、世衛組織及其他國際組織中,完整且平等的會員資格。」












    ",,"7","39","2011-05-13 13:51:46","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "66","Contact Us","

    Mailing Address:

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs
    552 7th St. SE
    Washington, D.C. 20003

    Telephone Number: (202) 547-3686
    Fax Number: (202) 543-7891

    Email: home@fapa.org


    Mark L. Kao, PhD

    FAPA HQ Staff:

    Coen Blaauw

    Chiao-jung Wang

    Gerrit van der Wees, PhD.

    Christopher D. Lin

    If you are north of the border, please contact FAPA Canada (www.fapacanada.org)

    ",,"4","34","2011-05-30 14:33:26","2013-03-04 20:23:58" "67","FAPA Video Collection","

    FAPA Video Collection

    {loadposition user5}


    Dr. Tsai Ing-wen Welcomed Warmly by Members of the U.S. Congress, September 14th 2011





    Dr. Tsai Ing-wen's Address to Members of the U.S. Congress




    Dr. Tsai Ing-wen’s speech at AEI in Washington, September 13th  2011


    June 16, 2011 - ""Why Taiwan Matters"" Webcast -- the House Hearing -Thursday, June 16, 2011 10:00 AM Room 2172 of the Rayburn House Office Building
    The House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs

    (Information at: http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing_notice.asp?id=1310)

    May 17, 2011 - VOA News: 時事大家談 台灣2012大選和美中台關係 - VOA interviewing Gerrit with call-in

    April 28, 2010 - Rep. Ros-Lehtinen discusses U.S.-Taiwan FTA and ECFA

    April 28, 2010 - NJ Rep. Robert Andrews discusses U.S.-Taiwan FTA and ECFA





    ",,"1","43","2011-05-30 14:44:50","2011-11-30 20:01:10" "68","45 US Senators send letter to President Obama urging F-16 sale to Taiwan","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs  

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  May 27th  2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686


    45 US Senators send letter to President Obama urging F-16 sale to Taiwan


    Expressing serious concern about military imbalance in the Taiwan Strait


    On Thursday May 26th 2011, a total of forty five members of the US Senate sent a letter to President Barack Obama (attached) urging him to “act swiftly and provide Taiwan with the F-16 C/D aircraft that are critical to meeting our obligations pursuant to the TRA and to preserving peace and security in the Taiwan Strait.”


    The Senators expressed their serious concern about the growing military imbalance in the Taiwan Strait and said “To maintain peace and stability in the Strait, it is critical that your administration accept Taiwan’s Letter of Request (LOR) and move quickly to notify Congress of the sale of 66 F-16 C/D aircraft that Taiwan needs in order to modernize its air force.”


    The Senators also emphasized that “The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) of 1979 directs both the Congress and the President to make decisions on arms sales to Taiwan based solely on the “judgment of the needs of Taiwan, …”


    FAPA President Bob Yang commented in a reaction: ""The F-16 sale is crucial for the defense of Taiwan.  China has built up its military force and missiles, and is trying to force Taiwan into an unwanted absorption by China. The United States needs to stand by the freedom-loving people of Taiwan, and help it resist Chinese pressure.


    Dr. Yang concluded: ""It is in the interest of the United States to stand by Taiwan, as the island nation is strategically located, is a powerhouse of technology, and a beacon for democracy in Asia.""

                                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *





    ",,"7","39","2011-05-27 16:07:22","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "69","Petition Letter - House Concurrent Resolution 39","

    Dear FAPA Members:

    We have work to do. FAPA is embarking on an all-out campaign to promote House Concurrent Resolution 39. All FAPA chapters, please carry out the following tasks:

    1. Distribute the attached petition letter (Click to download the Letter to Congress) widely, including at all gatherings of Taiwanese Americans, and collect the signed copies. Be sure to ask each signer to include his/her zip code. Periodically mail these copies to the FAPA headquarters at the following address:

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs
    552 7th St. SE
    Washington, D.C. 20003

    Our headquarters staff will deliver these copies, based on zip codes, to the appropriate members of Congress.

    2. Make appointments to visit the local offices of your member of Congress. Use the attached talking points to persuade him/her to cosponsor HCR39.

    Our headquarters staff are working feverishly to move HCR39 forward. This is high time we exercised our grassroots power of advocacy. Please act now. Please launch your chapter's letter campaign immediately. Thank you.

    Bob I. Yang, President

    ",,"3","31","2011-05-30 17:32:27","2012-08-13 20:29:58" "73","Important Documents Relating to Taiwan's Past and Present","

    Important Documents Relating to Taiwan's Past and Present

    1945 Charter of the United Nations
    1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty 1971 UN Resolution 2758

    1972 First Shanghai Communiqué

    1979 Second Shanghai Communique

    1979 Taiwan Relations Act
    1982 Third Shanghai Communiqué
    1982 The Six Assurances
    1994 Taiwan Policy Review

    U.S.- Taiwan- PRC Relationship

    Commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act

    Cross-Strait Stalemate

    Separate Recognitions

    High-Level Visits

    Bush's Cross-Strait Policy

    Abian Claims Presidency

    Scrap the One-China Policy
    China's Threats & China's White Papers
    2008 Olympics in Beijing
    Most Favored Nation Status for China

    A Beautiful Island nation - About Taiwan

    Facts at a Glance
    Table of Historical Events


    Letters to the Editor

    Gateway to other Taiwanese American Organization Websites

    ",,"5","35","2011-05-31 01:24:32","2011-05-31 01:34:01" "70","Main issues concerning U.S.-Taiwan relations","

    Main issues concerning U.S.-Taiwan relations

    FAPA events


    FAPA letters/statements on important issues

    ",,"6","40","2011-05-30 17:55:38","2011-05-30 18:02:30" "71","Petition Letter - House Concurrent Resolution 39","

    FAPA is embarking on an all-out campaign to promote House Concurrent Resolution 39. It concludes that ""it is the sense of Congress that—

    For further information, please click here.

    ",,"3","31","2011-05-30 22:49:35","2012-02-13 20:58:31" "72","Taiwan Communiqué no. 132 is off the press ","

    New issue no. 132 of Taiwan Communiqué: Gearing up for the presidential elections; The WHO and Taiwan; Who is missing 36,000 documents; Is the US abandoning Taiwan?


    ",,"3","31","2011-05-30 23:00:11","2012-02-13 20:58:44" "74","Taiwan Communiqué no. 132 is off the press ","

    New issue no. 132 of Taiwan Communiqué: Gearing up for the presidential elections; The WHO and Taiwan; Who is missing 36,000 documents; Is the US abandoning Taiwan?

    ",,"1","1","2011-05-31 03:06:53","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "76","Election Announcement of FAPA YEAR 2011 Board of Directors At-large","

    According to the FAPA By-laws, the Board of Directors consists of Directors At-Large and Regional Directors. Elections for Directors At-Large are held during the odd years. In the year 2011, we elect 19 Directors At-Large who will serve a 2-year term.  Candidates need to be nominated and registered by August 20th 2011.

    For download registration form: click here

    For further information in English: click here

    For further information in Hanji: click here

    ",,"1","1","2011-07-27 03:01:01","2012-02-13 20:58:07" "77","FAPA YEAR 2011 Board of Directors At-large","

    According to the FAPA By-laws, the Board of Directors consists of Directors At-Large and Regional Directors. Elections for Directors At-Large are held during the odd years. In the year 2011, we elect 19 Directors At-Large who will serve a 2-year term.


    FAPA Standing Committee (SC) has formed an Election Committee to execute the election of Directors At-Large. Three Committee members from Illinois chapter are nominated by the FAPA President and approved by the SC. They are: Sheldon H.D. Lee (Chair), Ming-Chung Chen and Michael Chen.


    Qualifications for candidacy for the Board of Directors are:

    1. Be a FAPA member for at least a year on the date of registration of the election.
    2. Pay membership dues on time.
    3. Be recommended by five members.
    4. Complete registration and pay for the registration fee on time.

    If people are qualified in above requirements and willing to run for the election, please e-mail or post mail your application with $200 registration fee check (Check made payable to FAPA) to:


    FAPA YEAR 2011 Election Committee of Directors At-large

    552 7TH St. S.E.,

    Washington, DC 20003


    Responsibilities of a member of the FAPA Board of Directors are:

    1. To act on behalf of chapters and members within the limits of the powers prescribed to them by the By-laws of FAPA
    2. To make, revise and interpret the By-laws of FAPA
    3. To elect and remove the President and Vice President of FAPA as well as approving the employment of the Executive Director
    4. To facilitate strategic planning and to make decisions on issues those are important to FAPA
    5. To approve budget and examine income and expenses of FAPA

    And, the minimum annual amount of fundraising is $500 for the Board Member.


    Timetable of Election:

    ·         August 20: Deadline for nomination and registration of the candidates

    ·         September 10: Candidates are announced and ballots are mailed out

    ·         September 30: All ballots are mailed to the election committee by postmark

    ·         October 09: All ballots are counted and election result announces

    FAPA member, who has not received the ballots by September 16, please report to his/her chapter president so he/she can inform the election committee.  Any questions about the election, please contact committee for explanation.

    Contact Committee:

    Chair:  Sheldon Lee (630) 325-7435, E-mail: fapaatlargeelection@yahoo.com

    ",,"3","45","2011-07-27 03:12:14","2011-07-27 03:17:19" "78","2011年FAPA全國性委員選舉通知","


    常務委員會決議由伊利諾分會(Illinois Chapter)執行2011年全國行委員選舉之事務,由李旭登(Sheldon H.D. Lee)擔任選舉委員會召集人,陳明正和陳嘉勇為選務委員。

    (1)       須加入FAPA超過一年(以候選登記截止8月20日計),且
    (2)       按期繳納會費者,且
    (3)       由五位有選舉權之會員推薦,且
    (4)       按期完成所有登記手續,並繳納登記費者(美金200元)。
    (1)       代表會員和分會,行使章程規定之權限;
    (2)       訂定、修改及解釋章程;
    (3)       選舉及罷免總會會長、副會長及核准執行長之聘任;
    (4)       議決重要決策及事項;
    (5)       執行預算審查權及開支審計權。
    08月20日           接受提名截止日期
    09月10日           寄出選票與候選人名單資料
    09月30日           投票信寄回選委會 (以郵戳為準)
    10月09日           開票和公佈選舉結果
    E-mail: fapaatlargeelection@yahoo.com
    Telephone: FAPA 總部 – (202)547-3686
                     選舉委員會 – (630)325-7435

    ",,"3","45","2011-07-27 03:19:18","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "79","blah","


    ",,"0","0","2011-07-27 20:55:19","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "80","FAPA全國不分區選舉結果公布","



    FAPA 2011年全國不分區委員選舉於八月二十日登記截止,共有十五名候選人登記參選。因需選十九名不分區委員,登記人數少於應選人數,為環保因素考量和避免資源浪費,選舉委員會會決定:







    同時,FAPA要感謝幾位位即將卸任委員的貢獻,他們包括:李雪玟、李學圖、張幸吉、李雲玉、黃東昇、黃根深、高健元、涂惠鈴、呂世興、黃邦男;並期待新任與續任委員繼續為 FAPA的目標打拼。

    ",,"3","45","2011-09-07 00:18:08","2011-09-08 01:05:09" "81","FAPA At-large Election","

    Election Committee releases registered candidates and their platforms, and announces the list of elected at-large board members. More details, please click here...

    ",,"3","45","2011-09-07 00:21:18","2012-02-13 20:56:59" "89","test","


    {article FAPA全國不分區選舉結果公布}{title} {text} {readmore}{/article}


    ","1","1","2011-09-29 14:57:09","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "82","Welcoming DPP Chairwoman Tsai","

    Welcoming DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen at Dulles Airport, September 12th 2011


    ",,"10","46","2011-09-13 13:39:49","2012-12-28 00:46:44" "83","U.S. Congressmen Express Support of Full Membership for Taiwan in United Nations","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - September 13th 2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Congressmen Express Support of Full Membership for Taiwan in United Nations

    Lawmakers Introduce the Resolution on the Same Day as the Opening of UN General Assembly

    WASHINGTON (Sep. 13, 2011) – As the annual session of the General Assembly of the United Nations kicked off in New York today, several congressmen including Reps. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Joe Barton (R-TX), Heath Shuler (D-NC), Mike Coffman (R-CO), Dan Burton (R-IN), Kenny Marchant (R-TX) and Sue Myrick (R-NC) and Billy Long (R-MO) introduced resolution HCR-77 calling for Taiwan’s full membership in the United Nations (text attached).

    Several resolutions in support of full UN membership for Taiwan have been introduced in and passed by the United States Congress in the past two decades.  In addition, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act states: ""Nothing in this Act may be construed as a basis for supporting the exclusion or expulsion of Taiwan from continued membership in any international financial institution or any other international organization.''

    Taiwan today continues to face obstacles in joining any international organizations even though it has proved to be a responsible member of the global community with a strong record on human rights, humanitarian aid and health care.

    “Taiwan continues to be excluded from the UN despite a vibrant democracy, a population of 23 million and significant contributions to the world,” says Bob Yang, the President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs.  “As a result, Taiwan is unable to fully participate in and contribute its vast resources to global institutions such as the World Health Organization and is forced to enter international competitions under the name ‘Chinese Taipei’ even though the vast majority of Taiwan’s citizens consider themselves Taiwanese.”

    “The fact that this resolution is introduced on the same day the UN General Assembly opens its annual session is very symbolic, and we want to remind the international community that Taiwan’s membership in the UN is not only beneficial to the people of Taiwan, but also to the rest of the world,"" Yang adds.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    (華府訊-2011913) 位於紐約的聯合國在今日召開了年度的會員大會,而數位美國眾議員,包括紐澤西州共和黨蓋瑞特議員(Scott Garrett (R-NJ))、德州共和黨巴頓議員(Joe Barton (R-TX))、北卡羅萊納州民主黨舒勒議員(Heath Shuler (D-NC))、科羅拉多州共和黨柯夫曼議員(Mike Coffman (R-CO))、印第安那州共和黨柏頓議員(Dan Burton (R-IN))、德州共和黨馬強特(Kenny Marchant (R-TX))、北卡羅萊納州共和黨邁里克議員(Myrick (R-NC)),及密蘇里州共和黨隆議員(Billy Long (R-MO))也在同一天,共同提案呼籲支持台灣加入聯合國。


    台灣人公共事務會楊英育會長表示:「擁有2,300萬人民的台灣,即便有著充滿活力的民主及對世界作出重要的貢獻,仍舊被聯合國排除在外。也因如此,台灣無法完全參與並貢獻其豐富的資源於全球性機構,如: 世界衛生組織。台灣也被迫使用『中華台北』這樣的名稱來參與國際性競賽,即使大部分的台灣民眾視自己為台灣人。」


    * * * * * * * * * * *


    ",,"7","39","2011-09-14 02:42:37","2011-09-14 12:32:58" "84","FAPA Image Galleries","


    Welcome Dr. Tsai Ing-wen to Washington DC, September 12th  2011

    ",,"10","46","2011-09-20 18:33:08","2011-09-20 18:51:17" "85","FAPA Image Galleries","


    ",,"10","46","2011-09-20 19:09:18","2012-02-24 18:06:49" "86","FAPA applauds introduction of Taiwan Policy Act","

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington DC - September 16th 2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA applauds introduction of Taiwan Policy Act

    WASHINGTON (Sep. 16, 2011)On Wednesday, September 14, the Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), introduced a landmark piece of legislation aimed at significantly enhancing the U.S.-Taiwan alliance.

    With five bipartisan co-sponsors including Robert Andrews (D-NJ), Dan Burton (R-IN), Edward Royce (R-CA), Steve Chabot (R-OH), and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), the Taiwan Policy Act of 2011 provides a comprehensive legal framework for the continuation and expansion of the longstanding bilateral relationship.

    Announcing the introduction of the bill at a reception hosted by FAPA in honor of Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, Chairwoman of the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, Rep. Ros-Lehtinen said that ""It is a particularly auspicious day for you to be here, for today I had the honor of introducing the Taiwan Policy Act.""

    The Congresswoman went on to elaborate that the bill ""calls for Taiwan to be provided as soon as possible with the next generation of F-16 fighters to defend the skies over the Taiwan Strait"" and ""looks forward to a free trade agreement between our two economies.""

    Highlighting yet another provision of the bill, Ros-Lehtinen said ""I am pleased to have the opportunity to present to you, Chairwoman Tsai, with this flag which flew over the Capitol.  The Taiwan Policy Act assures that both Taiwan's flag and the Stars and Stripes will proudly fly over our respective offices in Taipei and Washington for years and decades to come. And those proudly waving flags will serve to demonstrate the enduring ties of friendship that bind our two peoples.""

    In a separate statement, the Congresswoman said that ""Taiwan is one of our closest and most important allies, and it is time again for our foreign policy to reflect that. This legislation seeks to reverse the pattern of neglect and inattention by the Obama Administration toward critical U.S.-Taiwan issues.""

    ""China must not be allowed to dictate U.S. policy in the Pacific. The Taiwan Relations Act continues to be the bedrock of U.S. policy in the region and this bill will help to reinforce it, and strengthen the U.S.-Taiwan alliance,"" the statement continues.

    The newly introduced bill seeks to clarify the congressional intent behind the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 as well as reaffirm Reagan's Six Assurances by ""strengthen[ing] Congressional oversight of defense transfers to Taiwan."" It would also lift current restrictions on visits to the U.S. by high level Taiwanese officials and commit the U.S. administration to helping Taiwan gain meaningful participation in international organizations.

    Above all, the bill establishes that ""the future of Taiwan must be determined in a peaceful manner and with the assent of the people of Taiwan.""

    In reaction, FAPA President Bob Yang , PhD, said that ""This bill is one of the most significant piece of legislation to address U.S.-Taiwan relations over the past decades and, if passed, will greatly bolster Taiwan's ability to preserve its freedom of action in the international community.""

    Yang continued that ""We at FAPA will mobilize our members all over the United States to help make sure that Congress passes this important piece of legislation to help make sure that the bill becomes law at the earliest opportunity.""


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2011-09-21 00:44:48","2011-09-21 00:50:10" "87","Taiwanese-Americans deeply disappointed at U.S. decision on F-16 sale","

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington DC - September 16th 2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-Americans deeply disappointed at U.S. decision on F-16 sale


    Weakening Taiwan’s ability to defend itself and inviting more aggression from China

    WASHINGTON (Sep. 16, 2011) – Taiwanese-Americans expressed deep disappointment at the reported decision of the Obama administration to only agree to an upgrade of the existing F-16 A/B fleet in Taiwan’s air force, but deny the sale of 66 new F-16 C/Ds.

    Professor Bob Yang, President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs commented: “It is regrettable that the Obama administration is letting the PRC set the terms for US relations with a democratic Taiwan.  This severely undermines the safety and security of Taiwan, and is not in keeping with the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which specifically provides for the sale of defensive arms to Taiwan.”

    Professor Yang added: “This decision simply means that if push comes to shove in the Taiwan Strait, the US will have to bear a much heavier burden in keeping China at bay, as Taiwan will simply not have adequate means to defend itself.  It is well known that China has been engaging in a major military buildup, while aging F-5 aircraft in Taiwan’s air force are falling out of the sky.  Such an imbalance invites aggression.”

    Professor Yang concluded that the negative decision by the Obama administration on the F-16 C/Ds also reflects a major policy failure of the Nationalist Chinese Kuomintang government of President Ma Ying-jeou in Taipei.  He said: “President Ma has gone through the motions of requesting the new F-16 C/Ds, but has not been serious about Taiwan’s defense, allowing the defense budget to wither and Taiwan’s capabilities to deteriorate.”

    The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) is a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization with 54 chapters across the United States.  It works with the US Congress in support of a free and democratic Taiwan.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2011-09-21 00:50:43","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "132","Cong_Workshop","

    FAPA-30 Anniversary and Board meeting in San Jose, CA December 7th through 9th 2012

    Join the 2013 FAPA Congressional Workshop

    Learn about Taiwan History, Issues of Concern to Taiwan, the ABC of the US Congress, advocacy skills, and how to make friends in Congress and promote Taiwan

    Date:  Workshop on Sunday, March 31st, 2013

    Capitol Hill visit on Monday, April 1st 2013 (No joke!)

    Open to all FAPA members and YPG’ers.  Bonus: visit the famous Cherry Blossom Festival while you are here.

    Registration deadline: March 15th 2013.  Click here for more information.
    Note: The PDF viewer in Firefox apparently has problems with viewing some documents.  Please disable the Firefox viewer, so Adobe Acrobat Reader will kick in.

    ",,"3","31","2013-02-17 16:23:38","2013-03-07 14:02:37" "88","DPP Chairwoman speaking at AEI","

    DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen speaking at AEI and being welcomed at Congressional reception, September 13-14 2011.

    ",,"3","31","2011-09-21 16:06:40","2012-02-13 20:57:47" "92","Taiwanese-Americans in Hawaii to demonstrate at APEC","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - November 10th 2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-Americans in Hawaii to demonstrate for international recognition

    Keep Taiwan free and democratic and give it international space

    HONOLULU (Nov. 10 2011)The Taiwanese-American community in Hawaii announced today that during the upcoming APEC meeting in Hawaii, which starts on November 12th,  they will demonstrate in support of their homeland.

    Hawaii FAPA Chapter President Dr. Lin Yu-chong, stated that “Taiwan has been considered a second-class member of the international community for too long.  It is a member of APEC, but Taiwan’s level of representation is not on par with that of the other APEC members.  This is unfair and it needs to change. After all Taiwan is a sovereign, independent country; just like the other APEC members,” he said.

    Dr. Lin stated that the international community should not give in to the pressure from a repressive and undemocratic China, which wants to isolate Taiwan.  He said that the US and other democratic nations should stand by the principles of human rights and democracy, and work towards normal relations with Taiwan, which has achieved a vibrant democracy.

    He added that the Taiwanese-American community is also concerned about the erosion of democracy and justice in Taiwan.  He said this was due to the increasing shadow of China over the island, made possible by the drift to China precipitated by the present government of President Ma Ying-jeou.

    Dr. Lin concluded that the people of Taiwan have fought long and hard for their democracy, and said that the international community should embrace this democratic nation in their midst, and normalize relations with a free and democratic Taiwan instead of letting it dangle in international diplomatic isolation.

    The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) is a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization with 52 chapters across the United States.  It works with the US Congress in support of a free and democratic Taiwan.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    ",,"7","39","2011-11-17 19:01:43","2011-12-23 14:25:05" "93","House Committee on Foreign Affairs passes Taiwan Policy Act","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  November 17th 2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    House Committee on Foreign Affairs unanimously

    passes Taiwan Policy Act

    WASHINGTON (Nov. 17th 2011) -- On November 17, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation to strengthen the U.S. commitment to Taiwan's security.

    The passage of HR 2918, as introduced by Committee chair Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) on September 14, 2011 was a clear signal that House members on both sides of the aisle not only forcefully support Taiwan's self-defense capability, but also a list of over 20 other provisions that will broaden and deepen the bilateral relationship between the United States and Taiwan in various ways, including trade and commercial ties, participation in international organizations, and through the sale of defensive arms.

    Most importantly, the bill provides that the 1982 Six Assurances continue to be a core component of U.S. foreign policy and reaffirms the principle that the future of Taiwan must be determined in a peaceful manner and with the assent of the people of Taiwan. (See: excerpted bill highlights below)

    During the mark-up hearing, Committee Members stressed the importance of re-articulating America's commitment to Taiwan.

    Committee chair Ros-Lehtinen stated: ""The bill considered and adopted today will help ensure that Taiwan's peace, prosperity and security will be maintained for the next three decades and beyond.""

    She added ""Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's comments last month in Bali that we gave Beijing a ""heads up"" before the formal announcement on arms sales to Taiwan raises further concern about adherence to the Taiwan Relations Act and Ronald Reagan's Six Assurances.""

    Top Democrat on the Committee Rep. Howard Berman stated: ""I am a strong supporter of Taiwan, and both of these bills will bolster our bilateral relationship with an important friend and ally.""

    ""This is a powerful signal to the people of Taiwan, and the Taiwanese-American community in the U.S.,"" states Prof. Bob Yang, President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs. ""While the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) has been the cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan relations for over 30 years; the Taiwan Policy Act aligns the TRA with the developments in these past decades, and will go on to act as the firm foundation of this critical relationship for the next 30 years.""

    ""We commend the committee for its leadership in recognizing the importance of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship for peace and stability in the Asia Pacific, and in safeguarding that values of freedom and democracy that the people of Taiwan share with their American friends,"" Yang said, adding that ""FAPA will be devoting its full ranges of resources to ensure that this historic piece of legislation passes into law.""

    H.R. 2992, the Taiwan Airpower Modernization Act was also passed in the session.

    Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ros-Lehtinen’s prepared statement:

    Foreign Affairs Committee news release:

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    [華府訊] 1117日美國眾議院外交委員會,全體一致通過加強美國對台安全責任的法案。

    台灣政策法案 (HR 2918) 是在今年914日,由佛羅里達州共和黨籍眾議員羅絲雷緹南(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL))所提出,今天在委員會獲共和、民主黨兩方眾議院成員一致通過,清楚表明了對台灣的共識和支持。他們不僅強力支持台灣的自我防衛能力,也支持超過20項其他將深化及廣化美台雙邊關係的條文,包括商務來往、國際組織參與,及軍售防衛性武器。




    她並說明:「國防部長帕內塔(Leon Panetta)上月在峇里島作出評論,指出我們在正式宣布對台軍購前,提先知會(heads up)北京。這讓人不禁憂心我們是否仍遵守台灣關係法及雷根總統的『六項保證』。」

    委員會中最資深的民主黨眾議員柏曼(Rep. Howard Berman)指出:「我是台灣強力的支持者,而這些法案將會增進我們與重要盟友的雙邊關係。」

    台灣人公共事務會會長楊英育博士表示:「這對台灣人民及在美國的台美人社區來說,是個強而有力的信息。過去的30年以來,臺灣關係法(TRA)為美台關係的基石; 而台灣政策法案則是導入過去數十年的新發展,使其與台灣關係法齊行,並將成為未來30年兩國重要關係的基礎。」



    * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Sec. 2(3) - ""The future of Taiwan must be determined in a peaceful manner and with the assent of the people of Taiwan.""

    Sec. 2(14) - Asserts that the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) or any other cross-strait economic agreements ""shall not diminish in any degree the requirement contained in the Act to 'maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force....""

    Sec. 2(17) - Expands trade ties by including Taiwan in an ""expanded Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement or similar mechanism""

    Sec. 101(4) - TECRO ""and all other instrumentalities established by Taiwan, including the Twin Oaks Estate, may conduct official business activities, including activities which involve participation by Members of the United States Congress and other representatives of the Federal, State, and local governments, without any impediment from the United States Government or any foreign power.""

    Sec. 201 - Establishes policy of encouraging visits by cabinet-level officials between the U.S. and Taiwan.

    Sec. 103 - Removes current restrictions on high-level visits going both ways, and permit use of U.S. executive facilities to conduct meetings

    (4) - Support Taiwan's decision to change TECRO name to ""Taiwan Representative Office.""

    Sec. 104 - Requires Senate confirmation of the Director of the American Institute in Taiwan

    Sec. 105 - Directs the executive branch to negotiate and conclude a comprehensive Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance agreements with Taiwan.

    Sec. 106 - Reaffirms the Six Assurances of 1982.

    Sec. 108 - Requires detailed steps to assist Taiwan in moving toward meaningful participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

    Sec. 201(a) - Clarifies that the determining defense articles to be made available for sale to Taiwan based on factors other than Taiwan's defense needs violates the congressional intent of TRA Section 3(b).

    Sec. 301 - Includes Taiwan into the Visa Waiver Program upon satisfaction of the legal and procedural requirements..

    Sec. 302 - States the sense of Congress that USTR should ""seek to resume and successfully conclude negotiations of economic issues"" in TIFA.

    Sec. 303 - States the sense of Congress that the conclusion of an FTA is the ""ultimate goal of trade negotiations with Taiwan.""



    ",,"7","39","2011-11-17 19:03:41","2011-12-23 14:24:52" "90","test","


    this is a test article

    ",,"1","1","2011-09-29 18:50:38","2011-09-29 19:05:57" "95","More members of Congress urge US neutrality in Taiwan elections","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs
    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release
    Washington D C -  December 23rd    2011
    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    More members of Congress urge US neutrality in Taiwan elections

    WASHINGTON (Dec 23rd 2011) In recent letters to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) called on the U.S. administration to maintain political neutrality and to help ensure a fair and open electoral process in Taiwan’s upcoming presidential vote.

    Announcement of these two letters comes on the heels of a December 21st letter  by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), expressing similar concerns.

    The December 21st  2011 letter from Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) to Secretary Clinton stated: “We must send a strong signal that the U.S. is committed to seeing that Taiwan’s elections are free, fair, and transparent, and that the results are respected by all sides within Taiwan and by all of its neighbors.”

    McCaul continued: ""In keeping with our own founding principles of freedom and democracy, I urge the Administration to refrain from speaking or acting in any way that might be construed as favoring any one candidate over the others.""

    He concluded: ""Taiwan today is a free and independent country,"" and ""The United States must […] remain vigilant for possible attempts by the People's Republic of China to either undermine the integrity of the electoral process in Taiwan―whether by military or other means―or to interfere with the transfer of power after the election if the opposition party is victorious on January 14.""

    In a separate letter to Secretary of State Clinton dated November 21, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) also expressed his concerns.  He noted: ""The State Department has been clear about the U.S. position regarding Taiwan's elections. On September 15, 2011, State spokesman Mark Toner stated, ‘""We strongly support Taiwan's democracy and the will of the Taiwanese people to choose their leaders in the upcoming election. Our only interest is in a free, fair and open presidential election. We don't take any sides.""

    He emphasized: ""It is critical that our government continue to refrain from endorsing a particular political candidate or party  [….] I ask you to ensure that our government does not actively or inadvertently influence the outcome of the upcoming Taiwanese elections..""

    In response, FAPA President Dr. Bob Yang says: “We commend these gestures of bipartisan support in the U.S. House and Senate for free, fair, and transparent elections in Taiwan.”


    Prof. Yang concludes: “I am particularly pleased that members of Congress are so strongly supportive of real democracy in Taiwan, and that they emphasize that the United States will do what is within its powers to help preserve these hard-won freedoms against both internal threats in Taiwan as well as well as outside interference from the People’s Republic of China.

    * * * * * * * * * * *



    眾議員麥考(Michael McCaul, R-TX)及參議員布朗(Sherrod Brown, D-OH)在最近致函柯林頓國務卿的信件中,不約而同地呼籲美國政府就台灣大選保持政治中立,並協助確保台灣以公平及透明的方式舉行即將到來的總統大選。

    這兩封信是在眾議院外交委員會主席蘿絲蕾婷娜(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-FL)發表她的信函後隨之而來,內容皆表達了類似的憂慮。眾議員麥考(Michael McCaul, R-TX)1221日致函國務卿柯林頓信件中表示:「我們必須清楚表明美國強烈關注台灣的選舉以自由、公平、透明的方式舉行,且台灣內部的各方及其鄰國皆尊重其選舉結果。」



    參議員布朗(Sherrod Brown, D-OH)1121日致函柯林頓國務卿信件中表示:「國務院在美國對台灣選舉的立場上始終清楚。2011915日,美國國務院發言人托納(Mark Toner)表示:『我可以向你保證,我們強力支持台灣的民主以及台灣人民在選舉中選擇其總統的自主意願。對於台灣的大選,美國的唯一關心在於一個符合自由、公正且開放原則的選舉,我們不會偏袒任何一方。」』。」




    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Washington, DC 20510

    November 21, 2011

    The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
    Secretary of State
    U.S. Department of State
    Washington, DC 20520

    Dear Secretary Clinton:

    In less that two months, the people of Taiwan will hold national elections. This will be the fifth presidential elections since the country became a full-fledged democracy. It is critical that our government continue to refrain from endorsing a particular political candidate or party.

    Taiwan's contested, close, and comprehensive elections signify its successful transition to democracy. Just a generation ago, Taiwan was a police state under martial law. Now, the Taiwanese are a model for people everywhere who seek to live in freedom, and who aspire to peaceful transition to a democratic government.

    The State Department has been clear about the U.S. position regarding Taiwan's elections. On September 15, 2011, State spokesperson Mark Toner stated, "" I can just assure you that we strongly support Taiwan's democracy and the will of the Taiwanese people to choose their leaders in the upcoming election. Our only interest is in a free, fair, and open presidential election. We don't take any sides.""

    As members of the Administration continue to visit our close ally and fellow democracy, I ask that you work to ensure that our government does not actively or inadvertently influence the outcome of the upcoming Taiwanese elections.

    Thank you for you attention to this important matter.


    Sherrod Brown
    United States Senator

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    House of Representatives
    Washington, DC 20515-4310

    December 21, 2011

    Secretary Hillary Clinton                                                
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20520

    Dear Secretary Clinton:

    I write to you today about presidential and legislative elections that are set to take place in Taiwan on January 14, 2012.  As I am sure you are aware, this will be only the fifth direct presidential election in that country's history.

    Since Taiwan's peaceful transition from authoritarianism to liberal democracy less than two decades ago, the United States has supported the right of the Taiwanese people to freely elect their leaders.  In keeping with our own founding principles of freedom and democracy, I urge the Administration to refrain from speaking or acting in any way that might be construed as favoring any one candidate over the others in the closely-fought electoral campaign currently playing out in Taiwan.

    Moreover, as we continue to keep a close watch on the developments in Taiwan, the United States must also remain vigilant for possible attempts by the People's Republic of China to either undermine the integrity of the electoral process in Taiwan—whether by military or other means—or to interfere with the transfer of power after the election if the opposition party is victorious on January 14.  We must  send a strong signal that the U.S. is committed to seeing that Taiwan's elections are free, fair, and transparent, and that the results are respected by all sides within Taiwan and by all of its neighbors.

    Taiwan today is a free and independent country that stands as a model for other nations still aspiring to the basic rights and liberties that its citizens now enjoy.  The democratic spirit of the Taiwanese people persists in spite of the overwhelming military threat that the People's Republic of China has wielded over it for years, and the United States must do what is within its power to help preserve these hard-won freedoms.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.  I look forward to working with you to continue strengthening our cooperation with the people of Taiwan in the coming year.

    Sincerely yours,

    Member of Congress


    ",,"7","39","2011-12-23 20:37:02","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "94","Ros-Lehtinen calls for strict political neutrality in Taiwan’s elections","

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  December 22nd 2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Ros-Lehtinen calls for strict political neutrality

    in Taiwan’s elections

    WASHINGTON (Dec 22nd 2011) --   In a letter dated December 21, 2011 (attached), the powerful chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) called upon the Obama Administration to maintain strict political neutrality in Taiwan's January 14th elections, and to keep a close eye on China's intentions to disturb the democratic process.

    The chairman wrote: ""We must remain vigilant to cover any [..] signs of continued attempts by Beijing to bully Taiwan or to again interfere with its electoral process. Similarly, the Administration must refrain from speaking and acting in any way that can be identified as supporting any particular candidate.""

    Referencing the recent high-level visits to Taiwan by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar, by  USAID administrator Rajiv Shah and by Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman, the chairman wrote: ""While I welcome visits by high-ranking U.S. officials, I would add a word of caution. With the elections only weeks away, U.S. officials should be careful to conduct their activities on the island in a manner which projects strict political neutrality.""

    She added ""Deputy Secretary Poneman also indicated United States government support for Taiwan's participation in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In addition, committee staffers have unofficially been informed that an Administration announcement of Taiwan's nomination to participate in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) may be made before the end of the calendar year.""

    She concluded the letter stating: ""While I naturally endorse these actions to increase Taiwan's participation in international organizations and to strengthen its ties with the U.S. [...] the timing of these announcements again appear to be problematic with regard to the elections to be held in less than one month.” (NOTE: Taiwan's participation in the VWP program was announced on December 22.)

    FAPA President Bob Yang, Ph.D. reacts: ""The letter represents the wide support in Congress for a free and fair electoral process in the crucial upcoming elections in Taiwan, and for the reiteration of U.S. neutrality regarding the outcome of that process.""

    Dr. Yang concludes: ""The letter serves as a timely reminder that the successful continuation of Taiwan's democracy depends largely on the willingness of all parties, including neighboring countries, to respect the choice of Taiwan's voters.""

    * * * * * * * * * * *



    眾議院外交委員會主席,眾議員蘿絲蕾婷娜(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-FL)1221致函柯林頓國務卿,呼籲歐巴馬政府,在台灣114日的總統大選中,維持最高標準的政治中立,並仔細監看中國意圖攪擾台灣民主進程的動機


    在提到美國商務部助理部長庫瑪爾(Suresh Kumar)、美國國際開發署署長沙赫(Rajiv Shah)、美國能源部副部長伯納曼(Daniel Poneman)最近相偕訪台一事,主席寫道:「我一方面樂見這些高層級美國官員訪台,同時我也要表達些微警示。選舉不過只剩幾周,美國官員在台灣的一切活動都必須保持嚴謹的政治中立。」





    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    House of Representatives
    Committee on Foreign Affairs

    December 21, 2011

    Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20520

    Dear Secretary Clinton:

    Best wishes to you and your staff at the State Department during the coming holiday season.

    Om January 14, 2012, the people of Taiwan will go to the polls for both presidential and legislative elections. These elections will mark another important step forward in Taiwan's quarter century evolution from a garrison state under martial law to a democracy.

    Taiwan's young democracy is still fragile with the first popular election of a president only taking place in 1996. Beijing has not lessened its attempts to interfere with Taiwan's democratic institutions and electoral process in the years since that first eventful election. Earlier this year the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Chairman warned Taiwan's voters to ""choose the right person"" in the upcoming election. There are also recent press reports that Beijing plans to conduct a missile test in Pacific waters near Taiwan just days before Taiwan's voters go to the polls.

    We must remain vigilant to cover any other signs of continued attempts by Beijing to bully Taiwan or to again interfere with its electoral process. Similarly, the Administration must refrain from speaking and acting in any way that can be identified as supporting any particular candidate.

    In September, Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar visited Taiwan. Earlier this month, the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, Rajiv Shah, also made an official visit to Taiwan. On December 12, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman arrived in Taiwan making him the most senior US official to visit Taiwan in years.

    While I welcome visits by high-ranking U.S. officials, I would add a word of caution. With the elections only weeks away, U.S. officials should be careful to conduct their activities on the island in a manner which projects strict political neutrality. Official meetings with only one of the three presidential candidates could be misinterpreted by the Taiwanese electorate as an official endorsement.

    Deputy Secretary Poneman also indicated United States government support for Taiwan's participation in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In addition, committee staffers have unofficially been informed that an Administration announcement of Taiwan's nomination to participate in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) may be made before the end of the calendar year.

    While I naturally endorse these actions to increase Taiwan's participation in international organizations and to strengthen its ties with the U.S. -- VWP being an essential component of the Taiwan Policy Act which I introduced in the House in September – the timing of these announcements again appear problematic with regard to the elections to be held in less than one month. The Taiwanese electorate could interpret these as deliverables provided by the Administration to Taiwan's current President just before he faces the voters at the polls. It would seem more prudent to schedule any long-awaited announcement on the Visa Waiver Program after the January 14th elections.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. And I wish you a Happy New Year!

    Sincerely yours,




    ",,"7","39","2011-12-23 14:19:51","2012-01-26 21:34:04" "96","Support Democracy, Support Taiwan - Robert Andrews Letter ","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  December 26th 2011

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Yet another US Congressman calls for free and fair elections and peaceful transition of power

    WASHINGTON (Dec 26th 2011) --   In a recent letter to President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ), called for free, fair, and open elections in Taiwan on January 14th 2012, political neutrality by the U.S. Administration, and a peaceful transition following the election.

    On December 15th 2011, Rep. Robert Andrews wrote: ""As Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell has rightly articulated, no party in Taiwan has a monopoly on good relations with the U.S., and our government will work closely and cooperatively with whoever is elected.""

    Andrews added: ""As we look forward to congratulating the people of Taiwan on the successful completion of another election, I think it is also wise to remind ourselves that the true mark of a mature and consolidated democracy is its ability to carry out a peaceful transfer of power in the event of a victory by the opposition.""

    In response, FAPA President Dr. Bob Yang, Ph.D. states: ""These recent letters from Members of Congress demonstrate that there is genuine and widespread concern in Congress about the need to guard against potential attempts to undermine the integrity of the ongoing election campaign and the voting process, and to interfere with a peaceful transfer of power after the election in the event of a victory by the opposition party in Taiwan.""



    眾議員安德魯(Robert Andrews, D-NJ 在最近致函歐巴馬總統 及柯林頓國務 卿的信件中,呼籲台灣在114日以自由、公平及透明的方式舉行大選,政權和平轉移,及呼籲美國政府應在台灣大選保持中立。

    眾議員安德魯(Robert Andrews) 1215日致函歐巴馬總統的信件中表示: 「東亞副助卿坎貝爾 (Kurt Campbell) 正確地闡明: 台灣沒有任何一黨可 壟斷與美國的友好關係,而我們的政府將會與勝選的一方密切合作。」



    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    President Barack H. Obama                                                     December 15, 2011
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear President Obama:

    Next month, Taiwan will be conducting combined national elections. On January 14, 2012, the people of Taiwan will go to the polls to choose the next leader of their country.

    Remarkably, it was a mere 16 years ago that Taiwanese voters cast their ballots to directly elect a president for the first time.  Persevering through decades of martial law, the Taiwanese people have managed in one generation to transform a virtual police state into a vibrant and open society, governed by free institutions and the rule of law. This serves as a beacon of hope to people in every region of the world aspiring to break free from autocracy.

    The closely contested electoral campaign currently playing out in Taiwan speaks to the success of Taiwan's democratic transition.  As the United States continues engaging with our longtime friend and ally across many areas of mutual interest and cooperation, I hope you will work to ensure that the Administration projects the strictest degree of political neutrality with regard to Taiwan's upcoming election, so as not to inadvertently influence the outcome with its words or actions.  As Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell has rightly articulated: ""No party in Taiwan has a monopoly on good relations with the U.S., and our government will work closely and cooperatively with whoever is elected.""

    We in the United States Congress will also be watching closely to make sure that the elections are carried out in a manner that is free, fair, and transparent, and that there are no attempts by actors either within or outside of Taiwan to undermine the integrity of the democratic process. We strongly support the right of the Taiwanese people to choose their own leader free from coercion.

    Moreover, as we look forward to congratulating the people of Taiwan on the successful completion of another election, I think it is also wise to remind ourselves that the true mark of a mature and consolidated democracy is its ability to carry out a peaceful transfer of power in the event of a victory by the opposition.  We are confident that the Taiwanese people will continue finding ways to resolve differences of opinion within the established rules of democratic discourse.

    America is strengthened when the values of our founding fathers are more prevalent around the world. We commend the people of Taiwan for their democratic spirit, and we wish them the best as they prepare to take this next step on the path toward perfecting a democratic consensus about the future of their country.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Sincerely yours,

    Member of Congress

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *





    ",,"7","39","2012-01-04 18:49:30","2012-01-04 18:57:53" "97","Open letter to the members of FAPA","

    Open letter to the members of FAPA

    By FAPA-President Mark Kao, Ph.D.


    January 19, 2012

    Dear FAPA Members:

    I write you today having just returned to the U.S. after participating in the recently-concluded presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan.  The peaceful voting process that we witnessed unfolding this past Saturday demonstrated amply the maturity of the democracy that we have long worked to cultivate.  This is something for us as an organization to celebrate and take pride in, regardless of the result.

    Before we begin reflecting on the task ahead, let us first pause to recognize the significant gains accomplished by Taiwan’s opposition party since its devastating loss four years ago.  In this campaign, the DPP battled strong tides against its favor, facing an opponent whose resources vastly dwarfed its own, in addition to blatant lapses of administrative neutrality by the Taiwanese government agencies, a succession of business tycoons throwing their collective weight behind the incumbent candidate, and last but not least, several ill-timed policy announcements by the U.S. government.

    In spite of these many challenges, the DPP under the leadership of Dr. Tsai Ing-wen presented Taiwan’s voters with a genuinely viable alternative, embodying the keen political competition that is the hallmark of a healthy democratic culture.

    We should draw confidence from the faith that the DPP will continue to exercise the proper check and balance on future policies of the governing administration that is necessary in all democracies, and to prevent one-party dominance from again taking hold of Taiwanese society.

    The mere existence of a renewed and vibrant opposition will surely serve to restrain President Ma from advancing cross-strait negotiations beyond a point that would be unacceptable to the majority of Taiwanese citizens.

    In light of Saturday’s election results, however, it will be more critical than ever that FAPA continues its work to protect Taiwan’s security and freedom from abroad.  In the coming years, we will redouble our efforts to

    - Reiterate to the world that the re-election of Ma Ying-jeou does not equate to the desire of the Taiwanese people to give up their democratic freedoms in a political union with the PRC.

    - Remind the U.S. government of the common values shared by our two peoples, and hold U.S. officials to longstanding American responsibilities, both to the people of Taiwan under U.S. law as enshrined in the Taiwan Relations Act, and its broader responsibilities as a world leader to support and defend democracies around the globe.

    - Stand up for Taiwan's right to participate in the international community as an equal member, and without submitting to China's preconditions.

    - Point out that the source of so-called cross-Strait ""tensions"" is not the aspirations of the Taiwanese to live in peace and democracy, but China's continued military threat toward a people and a land over which it has no legitimate claim.

    - Shed light on the ways in which Taiwan’s recent authoritarian past continues to hobble the effectiveness of its present governing institutions, and sound the alarm whenever we perceive any further erosion of the rule of law or backsliding of democracy.

    - Advocate for inclusion of the principle of self-determination—that Taiwan's future must be determined solely by the people of Taiwan—as part of official U.S. policy.

    Most importantly, let us roll up our sleeves and resume work toward passage of the Taiwan Policy Act (TPA), which will immeasurably strengthen Taiwan’s security and freedom.

    The road of democracy and self-determination for Taiwan is a long and winding course.  We will keep marching forward, as we have over the past three decades, to ensure that the hard-won freedoms enjoyed by the people of Taiwan today are preserved and enhanced, regardless of who governs in Taipei.

    On behalf of the FAPA Headquarters staff, I wish all of our members a happy and prosperous Lunar New Year.

    Long live FAPA! Long live Taiwan!


    Mark Kao, Ph.D.

    FAPA President










    § 對世界重申馬英九的再次當選並不等於台灣人民就此放棄民主自由,有意跟中華人民共和國統一。

    § 提醒美國政府台灣與美國人民具有相同的價值觀,美國政府有義務執行「台灣關係法」,進一步支持台灣並維護世界民主。

    § 我們也將強力支持台灣和其他國家一樣有平等參加國際組織的權利,不必受到中國所設先決條件的限制。

    § 點出所謂造成兩岸關係「緊張」的因素,並不是因台灣人民想要追求和平與民主的願望,而是中國持續對其沒有合法統轄權的台灣人民及土地所做出的武力威脅。

    § 對剛脫離極權統治的台灣,只要發現有任何侵蝕法治或民主倒退的現象,或過去的專制遺毒持續阻礙現在政府機關的效能,我們將立即發聲。

    § 推動人民自決原則: 使「台灣的未來應只由台灣人民來決定」成為美國官方的政策。





    FAPA萬歲! 台灣萬歲!

    FAPA會長 高龍榮

    19 敬啟

    ",,"3","31","2012-01-26 19:53:13","2012-02-13 20:55:39" "98","Taiwanese-Americans protest US’ stance on Taiwan’s Presidential elections","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  February 10th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-Americans protest US’ stance on Taiwan’s Presidential elections

    The community urges the Administration to maintain political neutrality and give stronger support for self-determination

    WASHINGTON (Feb. 10th , 2012) – In a joint letter to President Obama, dated February 10th 2012, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, along with 11 other Taiwanese Americans organizations, expressed disappointment with recent statements and actions by the Obama Administration which displayed a lack of neutrality in Taiwan’s recent presidential elections.

    The joint letter listed a number of instances, including statements by an anonymous White House official to the Financial Times in September 2011, a series of high-level visits by US sub-cabinet officials to Taiwan in the period September through December 2011, and the announcement, less than one month before the Taiwan elections, that Taiwan would be a candidate for the US Visa Waiver Program.

    The letter stated that “[T]his series of statements and actions by your administration during a politically sensitive time led virtually all observers, American and Taiwanese alike, to reach the unavoidable conclusion that the U.S. government preferred the re-election of the incumbent administration in Taipei.”

    The signatories added that “[A]s Taiwan-born American citizens who learned to cherish liberty and civil rights after we came to this country as immigrants, our community has long looked up to the United States as a model for democratic self-governance.  It therefore pains us to see the U.S. act contrary to its own founding principles by choosing sides in another nation's democratic elections.”

    The signatories concluded the letter by stating: “We …. strongly appeal to you to protect the right of self-determination for the 23 million people of Taiwan, and to work toward a Taiwan policy that supports the right of the people of Taiwan to decide their own political future.”

    Commenting on the joint letter, FAPA president Dr. Mark Kao, states:  ""The U.S. government had clearly stated on multiple occasions that it would remain scrupulously neutral in these elections.  However, despite these assurances, the net effect of the actions of the Obama Administration during the period leading up to the elections conveyed a markedly different impression and constituted an external distortion of the political playing field.”

    Kao continues: ""As Taiwanese-American citizens of the US we feel deeply about democracy in our land of birth, and take the position that the United States needs to be more supportive of our hard-won democracy instead of undermining it.   By implicitly taking sides in the recent election, the Administration has done a disservice to Taiwan’s democracy.”

    Kao concludes: “If the US wants to support democracy in East Asia, it needs to ensure that the people of Taiwan have full freedom to choose their future, free from outside interference.  Stability in the region can only be achieved if China accepts Taiwan as a friendly neighbor, and stops its unjust territorial claims and military threats.”




    [華府二月十日訊] 台灣人公共事務會與其他11個台美人社團,在201229日聯名致函給歐巴馬總統的信件中,就歐巴馬政府最近的發言及動作,透露出對台總統大選沒有維持中立立場一事表達失望。






    他並指出: 「身為美國公民的台美人,我們深深關切我們出生之地的民主,並認為美國必須要更加支持我們得來不易的民主,而不是損害它。暗中在這次選舉選邊站的歐巴馬政府,已對台灣的民主造成傷害。」


    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    February 10, 2012

    President Barack H. Obama                                          
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington DC, 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    As the presidents of organizations representing American citizens deeply concerned about the state of democracy in Taiwan, we write to you to express our collective disappointment with recent statements and actions by your administration that we feel represented lapses in the political neutrality of the United States government with regard to the recently concluded national elections in Taiwan.

    On January 14, 2012, the people of Taiwan went to the polls in only the fifth presidential election in that country's history.  Despite multiple assurances from the State Department that the U.S. would work with whoever is elected through a fair and open democratic process, the actions of your administration in the weeks and months leading up to the election imparted a decidedly different impression.

    In mid-September of last year, only hours after the Taiwanese opposition candidate Dr. Tsai Ing-wen met with U.S. officials in Washington, D.C., a senior member of your administration saw fit to publicly pass judgment on her policy platform, anonymously telling the Financial Times: ""She left us with distinct doubts about whether she is both willing and able to continue the stability in cross-Strait relations the region has enjoyed in recent years."" Though the State Department quickly disavowed the statement, this unusual breach of confidence left the lingering suspicions that the sentiments expressed by the unnamed source indeed represented the views of the White House.

    Then, in a span of three short months, we saw a quick succession of more visits by high-level U.S. officials to Taipei than during any calendar year in recent memory.  In September, Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar visited Taiwan.  In December Rajiv Shah, the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, also made an official visit to Taiwan.  This was followed closely by the visit, also in December, by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman, who became the highest-ranking American official to go to Taiwan in nearly a decade.  The atypical pace and high profile of these visits, in the midst of an intensely competitive election campaign in Taiwan, only engendered further doubts about the U.S.'s professed neutrality.

    Finally, on December 21, 2011, less than one month before the January 14 election, the U.S. State Department announced Taiwan's candidacy for participation in the Visa Waiver Program.

    This series of statements and actions by your administration during a politically sensitive time led virtually all observers, American and Taiwanese alike, to reach the unavoidable conclusion that the U.S. government preferred the re-election of the incumbent administration in Taipei.

    As Taiwan-born American citizens who learned to cherish liberty and civil rights after we came to this country as immigrants, our community has long looked up to the United States as a model for democratic self-governance.  It therefore pains us to see the U.S. act contrary to its own founding principles by choosing sides in another nation's democratic elections.  It is even more distressing that the apparent rationale behind the American preference seems so neatly aligned with the ""instability"" discourse which has been central to the rhetoric of fear deployed by the People's Republic of China to undermine genuine open political competition in Taiwan.

    While it will be impossible to know whether these signals of U.S. partiality exerted decisive influence on the electoral outcome, they nevertheless constitute an external distortion of the political playing field in a still-young democracy that frustrated the opportunity of Taiwan's voters to exercise their democratic choice free from outside interference.

    In your address at the State Department on May 19, 2011 you said: ""There must be no doubt that the United States of America welcomes change that advances self-determination.""  We therefore strongly appeal to you to protect the right of self-determination for the 23 million people of Taiwan, and to work toward a Taiwan policy that supports the right of the people of Taiwan to decide their own political future.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Sincerely yours,

    Dr. Wang Kang-Lu Memorial Foundation

    Formosan Association for Human Rights

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    North America Taiwanese Professors' Association

    North America Taiwanese Women's Association

    North American Taiwanese Engineers’ Association

    Professor Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation

    Taiwan Hakka Association of Public Affairs in N. America

    Taiwanese Association of America

    World Federation of Taiwanese Associations

    World Taiwanese Congress

    World United Formosans for Independence - USA

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"6","40","2012-02-13 20:52:00","2012-03-20 19:51:35" "99","Texas Congressman urges Obama Administration to Sell F-16s to Taiwan","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  February 18th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Texas Congressman urges Obama Administration to Sell F-16s to Taiwan

    WASHINGTON (Febr. 18th 2012) --   In an extension of remarks, inserted into the Congressional Record on February 17, 2012, Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX) concluded: ""It is important that this [F-16's for Taiwan] deal not be further delayed.""

    Rep. Marchant whose Dallas/Fort Worth area district neighbors the district where the Lockheed Martin plant that manufactures the F-16's is situated, stated: ""We cannot continue to delay on this issue. As the production line of F-16's will only remain open for a limited additional amount of time.""

    He concluded his remarks with ""I believe that the best way forward to improving [our relations with Taiwan] and helping our North Texas economy, is to approve the sale of the F-16 C/D's to Taiwan.""

    Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) and others have issued similar statements over the past two years in support of the sale. Additionally, in November 2009, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) introduced House Resolution 927 encouraging the sale of American made F-16 C/D war fighters to Taiwan.

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. says: ""Yes, the sale of F16's was tabled last year, but Congress and the general public need to be reminded that the cross-Strait military imbalance has grown significantly worse due to the continued Chinese military buildup.  There is an urgent need to counteract this worrying trend.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""Moving forward with the F16s sale to Taiwan will help boost Taiwan's dwindling air force. In addition, the sale will help save a significant number of American jobs. It is a win-win situation.""


    2012217日,德州共和黨眾議員馬強特(Kenny Marchant (R-TX))在國會紀錄中發表的延伸發言指出:「軍售台灣F-16戰機一事,實不應再延遲。」



    眾議員馬強特及其他眾議員在過去的兩年,紛紛發表了支持軍售的聲明。除此之外,200911月,共和黨眾議員巴頓(Joe Barton (R-TX)) 曾提出法案(HR927),鼓勵出售台灣美製的F-16戰機。

    台灣人公共事務會會長高龍榮指出:「的確, F-16的軍售案去年被擱置,但國會及社會大眾必須被提醒,兩岸之間令人憂心的軍力失衡傾向,並沒有減緩的跡象,反而漸增。」



    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    SUPPORTING TAIWAN'S REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF F 16 C/Ds -- (Extensions of Remarks - February 17, 2012)

    [Page: E226]  GPO's PDF





    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2012

    • Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, as a long-time member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus and as a Member of Congress who has frequent interaction with the Taiwanese American constituents in my district, I rise today to bring an issue to your attention, which can no longer be delayed.
    • I would like to comment on how our relationship with Taiwan intermingles with the local economy of North Texas.
    • Taiwan seeks to procure more than five dozen F 16 C/Ds from the United States that are proudly built in North Texas. These negotiations have been underway since 2006. It is important that this deal not be further delayed. The Administration has resisted the sale and has rather suggested selling Taiwan upgrades for its older F 16 A/Bs. I find this to be a very inadequate position that jeopardizes Taiwan's future defensive capabilities and will result in a hit to the North Texas economy.
    • Taiwan seeks the F 16 C/Ds solely for defensive purposes. This is very apparent given the increasing number of short and medium-range ballistic missiles aimed at the island by its neighbor, the People's Republic of China. At current there are more than 1,400 missiles aimed at Taiwan from the other side of the TaiwanStrait. I am afraid that China continues to add to the number of missiles pointed at Taiwan and that this number is only expected to increase over time.
    • The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which has been the cornerstone of United States-Taiwan relations for decades, declares that it is the policy of the United States ``to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.'' We need to abide by our TRA commitments and support the defensive capabilities of Taiwan .
    • I would like to call attention to legislation introduced by my colleague, Congresswoman KAY GRANGER, which seeks to remedy this situation. I ask my fellow colleagues to join me in cosponsoring H.R. 2992, the Taiwan Airpower Modernization Act of 2011. Senator JOHN CORNYN has introduced a companion bill in the Senate. This bipartisan legislation will direct the President to authorize the sale of no fewer than 66 F 16 C/Ds to Taiwan . We cannot continue to delay on this issue, as the production line for F 16s will only remain open for a limited additional amount of time. Once the F 16 production line closes, then we will have missed this opportunity to increase the defensive capabilities of Taiwan and provide a significant economic boost to the North Texas economy.
    • I will continue to work towards increasing our already strong relations with the people of Taiwan . I believe that the best way forward for improving these relations and helping our North Texas economy is to approve the sale of the F 16 C/Ds to Taiwan .

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2012-02-22 18:39:18","2012-02-22 18:44:34" "100","Tsai Ing-wen Welcomed Warmly by Members of the U.S. Congress","

    Dr. Tsai Ing-wen Welcomed Warmly by Members of the U.S. Congress, September 14th 2011


    ",,"10","46","2012-02-24 18:22:43","2012-10-01 17:22:05" "101","Members of US Congress call for 65th Commemoration of Taiwan’s 2-28 Massacre","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  February 28th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686


    Members of US Congress call for 65th Commemoration of Taiwan’s 2-28 Massacre

    WASHINGTON (Febr. 28th 2012) -- In light of the 65nd commemoration of Taiwan's 2-28 Massacre of February 1947, Reps.  Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and Scott Garrett (R-NJ) issued  statements in the Congressional Record urging their colleagues to join them in commemorating this tragic chapter in Taiwan's history.

    The statements recount the history of the Massacre. Rep. Andrews concludes his remarks with: ""Mr. Speaker, I have said it before: ""Freedom is not negotiable."" May the lessons learned from the 2-28 Massacre continue to inspire the people of Taiwan in their struggle for freedom, full independence, international participation, and for the continued enhancement of the mutual relationship between Taiwan and the United States.""

    Rep. Scott Garrett concludes: ""Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the 65th commemoration of Taiwan's ""2-28 Massacre "" I urge other Members to join me in commemorating this important historical event.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao PhD, commented on the recent remarks by former Kuomintang Prime Minister Hau Pei-tsun, who in an editorial in the United Daily News questioned the number of people killed, saying that “only” some 500 people lost their lives.  A Taiwan government report published in the early 1990s concluded that the estimated number of people killed or missing went up to 28,000.

    Dr. Kao stated: “It is outrageous that a former high Kuomintang government official still denies that the 228 Massacre took place.  This is equivalent to a denial of the Holocaust in World War II.  President Ma needs to not only dismiss Hau’s remarks, but condemn them in the strongest possible terms.”

    Dr. Kao concluded: “For there to be a reconciliation in Taiwan, the Ma government needs to take steps to release the many documents that are still kept in the archives of the military and the secret police agencies.  It needs to come clean of the charge that the Kuomintang has engaged in a whitewash of the events in 1947.  Taiwan’s free and open society needs to squarely face the horrors of the atrocities committed 65 years ago.  The truth and reconciliation process has just begun.”


    * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    2012年2月28日,時值台灣228大屠殺65周年紀念,眾議員蓋瑞(Scott Garrett, (R-NJ)) 與眾議員安德魯斯(Reps. Robert Andrews (D-NJ)),不約而同發表聲明至國會紀錄,敦促其他同僚與他們一齊紀念,台灣歷史中悲劇性的一個章節。






    COMMEMORATION OF TAIWAN'S 2-28 MASSACRE -- (Extension of Remarks - February 28, 2012)



    * Mr. ANDREWS Mr. Speaker, I rise today to observe the 65th commemoration of Taiwan's ""2-28 Massacre."" The massacre was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan that began on February 28, 1947 and was violently suppressed by General Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) government during the following weeks. Estimates of the number of deaths vary from ten thousand to thirty thousand.

    In the fall of 1945, 50 years of Japanese occupation of Taiwan ended after Japan had lost World War II. In October of that year, the United Nations handed administrative control of Taiwan to the KMT-administered Republic of China (ROC). 16 months of KMT administration on Taiwan led to the widespread impression among the people of Taiwan that the party was plagued by nepotism, corruption, and economic failure.

    Tensions increased between the Taiwanese people and the ROC administration. The flashpoint came on February 28, 1947 when in Taipei a dispute between a female cigarette vendor and an officer of the Government's Office of Monopoly triggered civil disorder and open rebellion by the native Taiwanese against KMT repression.

    During the following weeks, Chiang's government sent troops from China to Taiwan. The Chinese soldiers started to round up and execute a whole generation of a Taiwanese elite of lawyers, doctors, students, professors etc...

    It is estimated that up to 30,000 people lost their lives during the turmoil. During the following four decades, the Chinese Nationalists continued to rule Taiwan with an iron fist under a Martial Law that would not be lifted until 1987.

    Mr. Speaker, the Massacre had far reaching implications. Over the next half century, the Taiwanese democracy movement that grew out of the event helped pave the way for Taiwan's momentous transformation from a dictatorship under the Chinese Nationalists to a thriving and pluralistic democracy.

    In some ways, the 228 massacre was Taiwan's ""Boston Massacre"" for both events functioned as the cradle of a move by both peoples to full democracy and helped galvanize the strive to independence.

    Mr. Speaker, I have said it before: ""Freedom is not negotiable."" May the lessons learned from the 2-28 Massacre continue to inspire the people of Taiwan in their struggle for freedom, full independence, international participation, and for the continued enhancement of the mutual relationship between Taiwan and the United States.

    I urge my colleagues to join me in commemorating this sad but important historical event.

    * * *

    RECOGNIZING THE 65TH COMMEMORATION OF TAIWAN'S ”2 28 MASSACRE” -- (Extensions of Remarks - February 27, 2012)

    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2012

    Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the 65th commemoration of Taiwan's ``2 28 Massacre.''

    On February 28, 1947, the brutal arrest of a female civilian in Taipei led to large-scale protests by the native Taiwanese against the repression of Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalists, who occupied Taiwan on behalf of the Allied Forces after Japan's defeat in 1945.

    During the following days, Chiang's government sent troops from mainland China to the island. The Chinese soldiers began capturing and executing leading Taiwanese lawyers, doctors, students, and other citizens.

    It is estimated that at least 18,000 people lost their lives during the turmoil. During the following four decades, the Chinese Nationalists continued to rule Taiwan under a martial law system that lasted until 1987.

    The 2 28 Massacre has had far-reaching implications. Over the next half-century, the Taiwanese democracy movement that grew out of the incident helped pave the way for Taiwan's momentous transformation from a dictatorship under the Chinese Nationalists to a thriving and pluralistic democracy.

    I urge other Members to join me in commemorating this important historical event.

    * * * *

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2012-02-29 02:26:17","2012-04-12 02:36:54" "102","Chen Shui-bian petition campaign","

    Dear friends :

    As you will know from press reports in Taiwan, the medical condition of former President Chen Shui-bian has seriously deteriorated recently.  He was treated in a hospital for a week, but was then returned to prison.  We decided to do a petition campaign to get him released on medical bail.  Click the following links to download two petition letters.



    Please print them out as follows: Print the one addressed ""Dear Member of Congress"" out ONCE for your House member and print the one addressed ""Dear Senator"" out TWICE for your two Senators. Then fill out all three petitions.

    Indeed, we encourage you to make copies and have them signed by your friends, family and fellow Taiwanese Americans.  So, f you plan to ask 50 friends in church to sign the petition, you prepare 50 copies of the ""Dear Member of Congress"" petition and 100 of the ""Dear Senator"" petition. 

    After you have collected all filled-out petitions, put them in an envelope and send them to:

    Chen Shui-bian petition campaign
    552 7th Street S.E.
    Washington DC 20003


    Mark Kao, President FAPA

    ",,"3","31","2012-03-20 19:51:53","2012-08-13 20:28:05" "103","FAPA Urges President Obama to Call for Medical Parole for Former President Chen","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  March 22nd 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Urges US Government to Call for Medical Parole for Former President Chen

    WASHINGTON (March 22nd 2012) -- On behalf of the Taiwanese-American community, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama on March 20, 2012, expressing concerns about the deteriorating health and physical condition of former president Chen Shui-bian, who is currently serving 19 years of several concurrent prison sentences. The former head of state has been incarcerated for over 1200 days.

    In the letter to President Obama, FAPA stated that Chen had been sentenced on corruption charges that are widely believed by international observers and legal scholars to be politically motivated.

    The letter describes the recent hospitalization of the former President, during which Chen was diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome, significantly reduced blood flow and a prostate tumor.  It was also discovered that for more than 14 months, he had been prescribed an anti-anxiety medication without his knowledge or consent.

    Chen's doctors attributed the cause of his degraded physical condition to an inactive life style and long-term deprivation of sunlight inside the prison.  Noting that ""[U]nlike other inmates, who are able to work eight hours a day in prison factories, the former President is only permitted 30 minutes of outdoor exercise each day,"" the letter calls these conditions ""demeaning,"" and ""a clear violation of the principles established in the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners.""

    Invoking Section 2(c) of the Taiwan Relations Act which establishes ""the preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan"" as objectives of the United States, FAPA calls on the Obama administration to urge Taiwan's government to grant Chen medical parole in order to receive necessary medical treatment.

    FAPA President Dr. Mark Kao comments: ""We decided to appeal to US President Obama, since we believe that the US highly values human rights.  As citizens of the United States, we feel strongly about democracy in Taiwan, for which we fought so hard for so many years.”

    He adds: “Such demeaning conditions as currently being endured by President Chen are unprecedented in the treatment of a former head of state of a democratic country.  The fact that he is held in a damp, undersized cell of 50 sq ft, which he has to share with a cellmate is an obvious attempt by the Ma administration to humiliate the former President.  The fact that he is not even allowed a bed, a chair or a desk, so he has to sit and write on the floor, is a violation of basic human rights.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""The treatment of a former head of state in this manner is not only demeaning to him as a person, but also undermines the quality of the democracy in our homeland.  It is more reminiscent of the ways the old Chinese emperors dealt with their predecessors. This has no place in this modern day and age, and is certainly not in keeping with the high standards of human rights and democracy for which Taiwan should stand.”


    [華府訊] 台灣人公共事務會於2012320日,代表台美人社區,致函歐巴馬總統,表達對台灣政府侵犯台灣前任總統陳水扁獄中人權的憂慮。陳現在正於獄中服19年的刑期,並已待超過1200天。
















    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    President Barack H. Obama                             March 20th , 2012

    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington DC, 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    As Americans of Taiwanese descent, who are concerned about the state of democracy and human rights in Taiwan, we write you to call your attention to disturbing reports about the deteriorating health and physical condition of former President Chen Shui-bian, who is in detention.

    The former Head of State of Taiwan is currently serving 19 years on two concurrent sentences related to corruption charges that are widely believed by international observers and legal scholars to be politically motivated. He has been incarcerated for over three years now.

    Our renewed concern about his case stems from the fact that on March 7, he was taken to Taoyuan General Hospital and diagnosed with a prostate tumor, an acute coronary syndrome and significantly reduced blood flow to the heart, the last of which is potentially fatal.  It was also discovered that for the past 14 months, Chen had been prescribed an anti-anxiety medication without his knowledge or consent.  He was returned to prison a few days later, after undergoing an urgent cardiac catheterization procedure.

    The doctors at Taoyuan General Hospital attribute his poor health to long-term deprivation of sunlight, lack of exercise and an inactive life style inside the prison, where he is confined 24 hours a day to a damp, undersized cell measuring approximately 50 square feet.  The cell has no bed, chair or desk, forcing the former President to sit and sleep on the floor.

    Unlike other inmates, who are able to work eight hours a day in prison factories, the former President is only permitted 30 minutes of outdoor exercise each day.  These conditions are demeaning and a clear violation of the principles established in the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners.

    Mr. President, we recall that Section 2(c) of the Taiwan Relations Act passed by Congress on April 10th 1979 states, ""The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.""

    On behalf of our community we respectfully request that you strongly urge the government of Taiwan to grant former president Chen medical parole in order to receive adequate medical treatment in a timely manner. 


    (Was signed)

    Mark Kao Ph.D.

    President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    cc: Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2012-03-22 18:21:41","2012-04-12 02:35:53" "104","Taiwanese-Americans voice strong opposition to “one country, two areas”","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 10th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-Americans voice strong opposition to “one country, two areas”

    WASHINGTON (April 10th 2012) -- Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization based in Washington DC,  issued the following statement.

    * * * * * * * * *

    WASHINGTON (April 10th 2012) --  As an organization of Taiwanese-Americans we express our strong opposition to a statement by former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Wu Poh-hsiung, who suggested in a meeting with PRC president Hu Jin-tao on March 22nd  2012 that relations between Taiwan and the PRC would be dealt with under the “one country, two areas” heading.  It was later confirmed that this proposal was authorized by Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou.

    The concept of “one country, two areas” puts Taiwan on a slippery slope towards the “one country, two systems” concept of the PRC.  This severely undermines Taiwan’s sovereignty and freedom to choose its own future.  We, together with our friends and relatives in Taiwan, have worked hard for a free and democratic Taiwan, and do not want to see those achievements swept away by an authoritarian China.

    “One country, two areas” also stands in stark contrast with reality: to the international community, “China” is synonymous with the People’s Republic of China.  If the Ma government now agrees that Taiwan is an area under “one country” then it is implicitly saying that Taiwan is part of the PRC.

    We firmly believe that Taiwan is a free and democratic country unto itself – an independent and autonomous nation with its own democratically elected government.  Wu’s actions in Beijing dangerously undermine Taiwan’s already-shrinking international space.

    The subsequent defense by the Ma government that “one country, two areas” is consistent with the “ROC constitution” is simply outlandish.  Under that formulation the People’s Republic of China is considered an “area” of the Chinese Nationalist Party’s anachronistic “Republic of China.”  No one believes that, least of all the government in Beijing.

    The Ma government’s new formulation is also inconsistent with the views held by the vast majority of Taiwanese:  A poll in early April 2012 by TVBS in Taiwan showed that only 19% of those polled agree with the “one country two areas” concept.  Scholars and policy makers have long emphasized that the “one country, two systems” formula that is applied to Hong Kong is a complete non-starter when it comes to Taiwan.

    As citizens who deeply value democracy, we also believe that the way the idea was raised was a basic violation of democratic principles.  This occurred in a party-to-party forum between the CCP-KMT, two parties that are known for their disregard of democracy.  Such a mechanism lacks any transparency, accountability or legislative oversight, and is thus contrary to the basic values for which we stand.

    The future of Taiwan should be determined by the Taiwanese people themselves through democratic mechanisms, and not negotiated away over their heads in shady backroom deals.

    Mark Kao PhD

    President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs







    「一國兩區」同時也背離現實: 對於國際社會來說,中國等同於中華人民共和國。如果馬政府現在承認台灣是「一國」之下的一個區域,就等於暗喻台灣是中華人民共和國的一部分。




    對於吳的說法,馬政府辯稱,「一國兩區」與中華民國憲法相符,此說更是離譜。根據此一論述,中華人民共和國即是中國國民黨時空錯亂的「中華民國」之下的一個 「區域」。除了馬總統之外沒人相信這樣的說法,北京就更不用說了。


    馬政府的新論述也不符合台灣的多數民意: TVBS20124月初所作的民調顯示,僅有19%的受訪者同意「一國兩區」的概念。而學者及立法委員長久以來皆強調在香港實施的「一國兩制」,對台灣來說完全不適用。








    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    ",,"7","39","2012-04-11 19:28:28","2012-04-12 02:35:01" "105","Members of Congress Commemorate 33rd Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 3rd 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Members of Congress Commemorate 33rd Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act

    WASHINGTON (April 3rd 2012) -- In anticipation of the 33rd anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), United States Congressmen Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Edolphus Towns (D-NY) last week inserted remarks into the Congressional Record to commemorate the law’s enactment on April 10, 1979, and to underscore the centrality of the TRA in the longstanding strategic partnership between the U.S. and Taiwan.

    Reps. McCaul and Towns issued statements on March 29 and March 30, respectively, each citing the TRA as an enduring model of congressional leadership in U.S. foreign policy.

    Rep. McCaul said that the TRA, together with the 1982 'Six Assurances,' remains “the cornerstone of a very mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan,"" He pointed out that: “Through three decades marked by momentous social, economic, and political transformations, Taiwan has remained a trusted ally of the United States that now shares with us the ideals of freedom, democracy and self-determination.”

    Highlighting the “ominous shadow” of 1400 Chinese missiles under which Taiwan practices its democracy, Rep. Towns emphasized: ""The TRA affirmed that the United States' decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China was based on the expectation that the future of Taiwan would be determined by peaceful means.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD. welcomes the congressional comments, saying:  ""The Taiwan Relations Act, along with the President Reagan’s Six Assurances a few years later, has for over 30 years enabled the U.S. to cultivate its strategic relationship with Taiwan and to demonstrate our support for Taiwanese people's right to self-determination.""

    Dr. Kao continues: “However, the manner in which the TRA has been implemented in recent years does not adequately reflect the remarkable political transformation that Taiwan has undergone, or the exponentially increased level of military aggression demonstrated by the People ‘s Republic of China since 1979.”

    Dr. Kao concludes:  “We therefore welcome the introduction by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) of the Taiwan Policy Act (H.R. 2918).  This bill will strengthen and upgrade our U.S. policy within the TRA framework by ensuring that the Six Assurances continues to be a core component of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship, and reaffirming the principle that the future of Taiwan must be determined with the assent of the people of Taiwan.""

    The Taiwan Policy Act was passed by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs in November 2011. It is expected to go to the House floor for a vote in the near future.


    值台灣關係法(Taiwan Relations Act)頒布33週年前夕,美國國會德州共和黨眾議員麥考(Michael McCaul, R-TX)及紐約州民主黨眾議員唐斯(Edolphus Towns, D-NY)於上週在國會紀錄中發表延伸發言,紀念1979410日設立的台灣關係法,並強調該法在台美長期策略關係中的中心地位。



    除了指出台灣必須在1400枚中國飛彈威脅陰影下實行其民主, 眾議員唐斯強調:「台灣關係法重申美國與中華人民共和國建交的決定,是立基於台灣的未來必須以和平方式解決的期望之上。」



    他最後指出:「因此,我們歡迎由佛羅里達州共和黨眾議員羅絲雷緹南(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL))所提出的台灣政策法案(H.R. 2918)。該法案將加強並增進台灣關係法框架下的美國外交政策,確保六項保證仍為美台關係中的核心要素,並再次重申台灣的未來必須由台灣人民一致決定的原則。」


    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Friday, March 30, 2012

    Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act.

    Since the end of World War II, the United States and Taiwan have fostered a close relationship that has been of enormous strategic and economic benefit to both countries. When the United States shifted diplomatic relations from Taiwan to the People's Republic of China in January 1979, Congress moved quickly to pass the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to ensure that the United States would continue its robust engagement with Taiwan in the areas of commerce, culture, and security cooperation. With President Carter's signature on April 10, 1979, this  important and lasting piece of legislation became the Law of the Land and served as the statutory basis for U.S.-Taiwan relations going forward.

    After 33 years, the TRA still stands as a model of congressional leadership in the history of our foreign relation, and, together with the 1982 ``Six Assurances,'' it remains the cornerstone of a very mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan .

    Through three decades marked by momentous social, economic, and political transformations, Taiwan has remained a trusted ally of the United States that now shares with us the ideals of freedom, democracy and self-determination. The foresight of the TRA's drafters in providing that ``the United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services . . . to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability,'' and affirming ``the preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan'' as explicit objectives of the United States, has contributed in large measure to make Taiwan what it is today--a vibrant, open society governed by democratic institutions.

    Though the people of Taiwan now enjoy fundamental human rights and civil liberties, they continue to live day after day under the ominous shadow cast by over 1400 short and medium-range ballistic missiles that the People's Republic of China (PRC) has aimed at them. The PRC persists in claiming Taiwan as a `renegade province,' refusing to renounce the use of force to prevent formal de jure independence, even codifying its right to military action via passage of the so-called ``Anti-Secession Law'' on March 14, 2005. The United States Congress strongly condemned the ``Anti-Secession Law'' in House Concurrent Resolution 98, passed on March 16, 2005.

    The TRA affirmed that the United States' decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China was based on the expectation that the future of Taiwan would be determined by peaceful means. Furthermore, it stipulates that it is the policy of the United States ``to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means . . . a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.''

    The unambiguous and principled stance contained in these provisions has been instrumental to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait for more than thirty years, in spite of the growing military threat posed by the PRC.

    I therefore invite my colleagues to join me in commemorating the 33rd anniversary of the TRA, to further underline our unwavering commitment to the TRA and our support for the strong and deepening relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan .

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Thursday, March 29, 2012

    Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act.

    Since the end of World War II, the United States and Taiwan have fostered a close relationship that has been of enormous strategic and economic benefit to both countries. When the United States shifted diplomatic relations from Taiwan to the People's Republic of China in January 1979, Congress moved quickly to pass the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to ensure that the United States would continue its robust engagement with Taiwan in the areas of commerce, culture, and security cooperation. With President Carter's signature on April 10, 1979, this important and lasting piece of legislation became the Law of the Land and served as the statutory basis for U.S.-Taiwan relations going forward.

    After 33 years, the TRA still stands as a model of congressional leadership in the history of our foreign relations and remains the cornerstone of a very mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan . Through three decades marked by momentous social, economic, and political transformations, Taiwan has remained a trusted ally of the United States that now shares with us the ideals of freedom and democracy. The foresight of the TRA's drafters in providing that ``the United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services ..... to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability,'' and affirming ``the preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan'' as explicit objectives of the United States, has contributed in large measure to make Taiwan what it is today--a vibrant, open society governed by democratic institutions.

    Though the people of Taiwan now enjoy fundamental human rights and civil liberties, they continue to live day after day under the ominous shadow cast by over 1400 short and medium-range ballistic missiles that the People's Republic of China (PRC) has aimed at them. The PRC persists in claiming Taiwan as a ``renegade province,'' refusing to renounce the use of force to prevent formal de jure independence, even codifying its right to military action via passage of the so-called ``Anti-Secession Law'' on March 14, 2005. The United States Congress strongly condemned the ``Anti-Secession Law'' in House Concurrent Resolution 98, passed on March 16, 2005.

    The TRA affirmed that the United States' decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China was based on the expectation that the future of Taiwan would be determined by peaceful means. Furthermore, it stipulates that it is the policy of the United States ``to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means ..... a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.'' The unambiguous and principled stance contained in these provisions has been instrumental to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait for more than thirty years.

    I therefore invite my colleagues to join me in commemorating the 33rd anniversary of the TRA, to further underline our unwavering commitment to the TRA and our support for the strong and deepening relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2012-04-18 16:37:45","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "106","Members of Congress highlight Taiwan Relations Act and Congressional Taiwan Caucus Anniversaries","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 17th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Members of Congress highlight Taiwan Relations Act and Congressional Taiwan Caucus Anniversaries

    WASHINGTON (April 17th 2012) -- In commemoration of the 33rd anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), U.S. Representatives Shelley Berkley (D-NV) and Robert Andrews (D-NJ) inserted remarks into the Congressional Record underscoring the importance of the TRA to the longstanding strategic partnership between the U.S. and Taiwan.

    In their ""Extensions of Remarks"", the representatives reinforced the notion that both the 1979 TRA and the 1982 Six Assurances to Taiwan form ""the cornerstone of our relationship with the people of Taiwan.""

    Rep. Andrews added: ""The PRC persists in claiming Taiwan as a ‘renegade province,' refusing to renounce the use of force to prevent formal de jure independence. ... The TRA affirmed that the United States' decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China was based on the expectation that the future of Taiwan would be determined by peaceful means.""

    Additionally, Rep. Berkley called attention to the 10th anniversary of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus (CTC). The caucus was founded on April 9, 2001 to act as ""a forum to educate members of Congress on issues affecting U.S.-Taiwan Relations, and to provide a platform for exploring ways to positively enhance and strengthen U.S. relations and cooperation with the government and people of Taiwan in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act.""

    Berkley serves as co-chair of the CTC, which is currently the second largest Congressional country caucus in the House of Representatives.

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD welcomes the congressional comments, saying: ""The TRA and the Six Assurances together enabled Taiwan to develop into a vibrant democracy and making Taiwan a trusted ally for the U.S. in East Asia.""

    Dr. Kao continues: ""Nevertheless, compared to the vision set out by the original drafters of the TRA, there is significant room for improvement in the way that the law has been implemented by recent U.S. administrations, particularly in light of both Taiwan’s remarkable democratic transition, and the greatly increased military threat that it now faces from China.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""Taiwanese Americans are therefore eagerly anticipating the adoption by Congress of the Taiwan Policy Act in order to strengthen the provisions of the TRA.""

    The Taiwan Policy Act, H.R. 2918, was passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee last November, and is expected to go for a floor vote in the House in the coming weeks.


    [2012 年4月17日華府訊] 為紀念台灣關係法通過33周年,內華達州民主黨眾議員柏克萊(Shelley Berkley, D-NV)及紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯(Robert Andrews, D-NJ)在國會記錄發表了延伸發言,強調台灣關係法在美台長期策略夥伴關係中的重要性。


    眾議員安德魯補充: 「中華人民共和國堅持稱台灣為其『背離的一省』,並拒絕放棄以武力犯台,以避免真正台獨的到來。 ...台灣關係法重申美國與中華人民共和國建交的決定,是基於期待台灣的未來將以和平方式決定。」





    他最後指出: 「因此,台美人十分期待眾議院通過台灣政策法案,來強化台灣關係法的條例。台灣政策法案(H.R. 2918),是在去年11月於外交委員會通過,並可能在未來幾周內進行全院表決。」


    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act.

    Since the end of World War II, the United States and Taiwan have fostered a close relationship that has been of enormous strategic and economic benefit to both countries. When the United States shifted diplomatic relations from Taiwan to the People's Republic of China in January 1979, Congress moved quickly to pass the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to ensure that the United States would continue its robust engagement with Taiwan in the areas of commerce, culture, and security cooperation.  With President Carter's signature on April 10, 1979, this important and lasting piece of legislation became the Law of the Land and served as the statutory basis for U.S.-Taiwan relations going forward.

    After 33 years, the TRA still stands as a model of congressional leadership in the history of our foreign relation, and, together with the 1982 ""Six Assurances,"" it remains the cornerstone of a very mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan.  Through three decades marked by momentous social, economic, and political transformations, Taiwan has remained a trusted ally of the United States that now shares with us the ideals of freedom, democracy and self-determination.

    The foresight of the TRA's drafters in providing that ``the United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services…to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability,"" and affirming ""the preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan"" as explicit objectives of the United States, has contributed in large measure to make Taiwan what it is today—a vibrant, open society governed by democratic institutions.

    Though the people of Taiwan now enjoy fundamental human rights and civil liberties, they continue to live day after day under the ominous shadow cast by over 1400 short and medium-range ballistic missiles that the People's Republic of China (PRC) has aimed at them.  The PRC persists in claiming Taiwan as a ‘renegade province,' refusing to renounce the use of force to prevent formal de jure independence, even codifying its right to military action via passage of the so-called ""Anti-Secession Law"" on March 14, 2005.  The United States Congress strongly condemned the ""Anti-Secession Law"" in House Concurrent Resolution 98, passed on March 16, 2005.

    The TRA affirmed that the United States' decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China was based on the expectation that the future of Taiwan would be determined by peaceful means.  Furthermore, it stipulates that it is the policy of the United States ""to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means…a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.""  The unambiguous and principled stance contained in these provisions has been instrumental to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait for more than thirty years, in spite of the growing military threat posed by the PRC.

    I therefore invite my colleagues to join me in commemorating the 33rd anniversary of the TRA, to further underline our unwavering commitment to the TRA and our support for the strong and deepening relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan.

    Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

    * * * *


    Mrs. BERKLEY: Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus.

    Founded on April 9, 2001, the caucus was intended to serve as a forum to educate members of Congress on issues affecting U.S.-Taiwan Relations, and to provide a platform for exploring ways to positively enhance and strengthen U.S. relations and cooperation with the government and people of Taiwan in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act.  It has grown from 85 members at the time of its establishment to the current roster of 155, making it the second largest country caucus in the House of Representatives.

    In the past 10 years, its membership has remained solidly bipartisan, reflecting the broad and stable consensus in the U.S. Congress regarding the importance of Taiwan.  Through the issuance of various joint letters, its agenda has focused first and foremost on maintaining faithful adherence to legal obligations and policy principles of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, as well as the 1982 ""Six Assurances"" to Taiwan.  Together, these two documents form the cornerstone of our relationship with the people of Taiwan and have contributed immeasurably to the maintenance of peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region, while allowing Taiwan to blossom into a vibrant, open society, eager to engage with the rest of the world.

    Today, Taiwan is well on the path to becoming a mature and fully consolidated democracy, and our shared values now form an ever stronger foundation of trust for cooperation across our many areas of mutual interest.  At the same time, the military threat posed by the People's Republic of China to Taiwan's democratic way of life only continues to grow with each passing day.

    In the coming 10 years, we hope to forge a stronger consultative role for Congress in the formulation of Taiwan policy.  We look forward to working closely with our allies – both abroad and at home - to find solutions for ensuring Taiwan's long-term security, and to deepen our dialogue with the people of Taiwan.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2012-04-18 16:40:05","2012-04-18 16:42:40" "107","Member of Congress urges human rights commission to investigate continued incarceration of former President Chen Shui-bian","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 20th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Member of Congress urges human rights commission to investigate continued incarceration of former President Chen Shui-bian

    WASHINGTON (April 20th 2012) -- Today Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA) released a letter addressed to Reps. Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Jim McGovern (D-MA), co-chairs of the United States Congress Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, strongly urging them to investigate the continued incarceration of Taiwan’s former president Chen Shui-bian.

    Lungren is a member of the Lantos Commission, which is a bipartisan congressional caucus of 79 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, with a mission to “promote, defend and advocate internationally recognized human rights norms in a nonpartisan manner, both within and outside of Congress, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant human rights instruments.”

    In the letter to the Commission co-chairs, Lungren called attention to “disturbing reports that have emerged in recent weeks about the deterioration in the health and physical condition of the former President of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bian.”

    Lungren referenced reports by Taiwanese media that Chen had been diagnosed with a prostate tumor, acute coronary syndrome, and potentially fatal reduced blood flow to the heart, during a comprehensive medical exam in March.  The former president’s doctors attribute his poor health to deprivation of sunlight and confinement to a small cramped cell inside Taoyuan County prison, where he is permitted only 30 minutes of exercise per day, contrary to established international human rights norms.

    The letter cites Section 2(c) of the Taiwan Relations Act, which states, “The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States,” as the statutory basis for the U.S. Congress to investigate Chen’s case, and requests that the Commission “strongly urge the government of Taiwan to grant former president Chen medical parole in order to receive adequate medical treatment.”

    FAPA and the Taiwanese American community welcomed Lungren’s initiative.  Dr. Joseph Lin, a member of FAPA’s Sacramento chapter, hailed the letter, saying “After the many years of hard work and sacrifice that Taiwanese Americans and the people of Taiwan have devoted to turning Taiwan into a genuine democracy, it is deplorable to witness the blatant violation of established international human rights norms by the current government in Taiwan in its treatment of its predecessor.”

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD, also applauds Rep. Lungren’s letter, saying: “The people and the government of Taiwan look to the United States as the standard bearer for democracy and human rights around the world, and it is encouraging to see that these recent alarming developments in president Chen’s situation have not gone unnoticed.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “We commend Congressman Lungren for his leadership in shedding light on the rapidly declining condition of the former president of Taiwan, and hope that the Commission will take immediate steps to investigate the case.”


    加州共和黨朗格倫眾議員(Dan Lungren, R-CA)於2012418日(三)致函美國眾議院「湯姆‧蘭托斯人權委員會」共同主席維吉尼亞州共和黨沃爾夫議員(Frank Wolf)與麻薩諸塞州民主黨麥高文議員(Jim McGovern強烈呼籲調查台灣前總統陳水扁的監禁案。








    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    April 19, 2012

    The Honorable Frank R. Wolf, Co-Chairman
    The Honorable James P. McGovern, Co-Chairman
    Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission
    2170 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515

    Dear Chairman Wolf and Chairman McGovern:

    As a member of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission and an advocate of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law around the world, I write to bring to your attention some disturbing reports that have emerged in recent weeks about the deterioration in the health and physical condition of the former president of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bian, in detention.

    Chen is currently serving a 19-year sentence on corruption charges that are widely believed by international observers and legal scholars to be politically motivated.  He has been incarcerated for over 1,200 days thus far.  On March 6, he was taken to a hospital and diagnosed with a prostate tumor, acute coronary syndrome and significantly reduced blood flow to the heart, the last of which is potentially fatal.  During a comprehensive medical exam, it was also discovered that for the last 14 months, Chen had been ingesting an anti-anxiety medication with potential side effects such as depression and memory loss.  The medicine was given to him without his knowledge or consent.  He was returned to prison a few days after undergoing an urgent cardiac catheterization procedure in Taoyuan General Hospital.

    Chen's doctors attribute his poor health to long-term deprivation of sunlight, lack of exercise and an inactive lifestyle inside a Taoyuan County prison, where he is confined with a cellmate to a damp, undersized cell measuring approximately 60 square feet virtually 24 hours a day.  Unlike other inmates who are able to work eight hours a day in prison factories, the former president is only permitted 30 minutes of outdoor exercise each day and no interaction with other prisoners.  These conditions are contrary to principles established by Article 21 (1) of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, which establishes that ""every prisoner who is not employed in outdoor work shall have at least one hour of suitable exercise in the open air daily if the weather permits.""

    Section 2(c) of the Taiwan Relations Act states: ""The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.""  I therefore respectfully request that you strongly urge the government of Taiwan to grant former president Chen medical parole in order to receive adequate medical care, and that you investigate the facts surrounding Chen's treatment to ensure that it has been in conformance at all times with internationally recognized standards of human rights.


    Daniel F. Lungren
    Member of Congress

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2012-04-21 22:21:59","2012-04-21 22:30:06" "108","Congressman Howard Berman Urges California Secretary of State to drop “Province of China” Reference","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 30th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Congressman Howard Berman Urges California Secretary of State to drop “Province of China” Reference

    WASHINGTON (April 30th 2012) -- In a letter dated April 30, 2012, ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs committee Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA) called on the California Secretary of State to correct an error in its online voter registration system that forces Taiwan-born California residents to list their place of birth as “Taiwan, Province of China.”

    In the past weeks, numerous Taiwanese Americans in California tried to register to vote online, but were unable to enter their country of birth as ""Taiwan"", because the drop down menu for the internet-based voter registration system in California does not allow for such an option. Instead, the system refers to Taiwan as ""Taiwan, Province of China.""

    Rep. Howard Berman caught wind of this and wrote today to California Secretary of State Debra L. Bowen that: “With the May 15 registration deadline quickly approaching for California voters, Taiwan-born U.S. citizens in California will be unable to register to vote without signing their name under an inaccurate statement in an official government document.”

    Berman continued: “It has been long-standing U.S. policy that the U.S. government refers to Taiwan as ‘Taiwan.’  Federal and quasi-federal agencies such as Amtrak, the U.S. Postal Service, and the U.S. State Department, all refer to Taiwan simply as “Taiwan.” He concluded: “I would respectfully request that your office, as a government agency, adopt the same terminology in reference to Taiwan.”

    In 1994, Rep. Berman was the primary force behind US legislation allowing for Taiwanese Americans to list ""Taiwan"" as their place of birth in their American passports instead of ""China.""

    In response, FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD states: ""Taiwanese Americans are very grateful to Congressman Berman for his continued leadership in ensuring that Taiwan's sovereignty is not an issue with which one can play politics.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""It is incontestable reality that Taiwan is NOT a province of China. Taiwan is a sovereign independent country with its own elected president, its own military, legislature, stock exchange etc... If American citizens travel to Taiwan, the Chinese embassy is unable to issue a visa to Taiwan. And vice versa: if American citizens travel to China, the Taiwan representative in the United States is unable to issue a visa for China.""


    四月三十日,美國眾議院外交委員會副主席加州民主黨議員豪爾德˙柏曼 (Howard Berman, D-CA) 寄信呼籲加州州務卿修正該州選民線上註冊系統中的錯誤。該錯誤迫使台裔加州居民必須將其出生地填寫為「中國台灣省」。


    柏曼眾議員獲知此事後於今日稍早寫信給加州州務卿黛博拉˙包雯 (Debra Bowen),信中寫道:「加州州民的選舉登記期限將屆(五月十五日),台裔美籍的加州公民若想要登記投票,勢必要在載有錯誤資訊的官方文件上簽署方能登記投票。」






    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Berman Writes California Secretary of State to Allow Taiwanese-Born Voters to Register Taiwan as Birthplace, Not Taiwan, Province of China

    Berman: “The Taiwanese-American community in California is proud of their heritage and birthplace.  It is unfair to force members of this community to list ‘Taiwan, Province of China’ as their country of birth when they register to vote online, when their true birthplace is Taiwan.  Our federal government uses the term Taiwan and the state of California should do the same.”

    Valley Village, CA - U.S. Rep. Howard L. Berman wrote California Secretary of State Debra Bowen today, asking that California residents born in Taiwan registering to vote online be allowed to list their country of birth as Taiwan, rather than Taiwan, Province of China as the system currently allows.

    “The Taiwanese-American community in California is proud of their heritage and birthplace,” said U.S. Rep. Howard Berman. “It is unfair to force members of this community to list ‘Taiwan, Province of China’ as their country of birth when they register to vote online, when their birthplace is Taiwan. Our federal government uses the term Taiwan and the state of California should do the same.”

    A longtime champion on this issue, Rep. Berman passed legislation allowing Taiwanese-Americans to have “Taiwan” recorded as their birthplace on their American passports.  Berman authored H.R. 5034 along with then Rep. Olympia Snow (R-ME) in September 1994 providing the U.S. Secretary of State the authority to write Taiwan as the place of birth in a passport when requested by the applicant who was born there.  The bill passed and was signed into law.  Until then, “China” had been listed as the birthplace for Taiwanese Americans.

    In the letter to Secretary of State Bowen, Berman writes: “It has been long-standing U.S. policy that the U.S. government refers to Taiwan as ‘Taiwan.’ Federal and quasi-federal agencies such as Amtrak, the U.S. Postal Service, and the U.S. State Department, all refer to Taiwan simply as “Taiwan.” I would respectfully request that your office, as a government agency, adopt the same terminology in reference to Taiwan.”

    The Berman letter appears here.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Translated Text of April 30, 2012 Letter from Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA) to California Secretary of State Debra L. Bowen:


    此信是為表達我對一件選民註冊的問題以及對於「台灣」一詞使用方法的關切。近日得知加州州民於線上登記投票時,無法將其出生地輸入為「台灣」(Taiwan),因為註冊系統並未提供「台灣」這個選項,而是將台灣列為「中國台灣省」(Taiwan, Province of China)。




    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2012-05-01 17:07:54","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "109","Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Taiwanese-Americans to hold joint rally on Valentine’s Day","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  February 10th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Taiwanese-Americans to hold joint rally on Valentine’s Day

    Protesting the repression in Tibet and East Turkestan, and the threats against Taiwan

    WASHINGTON (Feb. 10th , 2012) – On Tuesday, February 14th 2012, Taiwanese Americans, Uyghurs and Tibetans will converge at Lafayette Square in front of the White House on February 14 to voice protest against the visit of Chinese Vice President Xi Jin-ping’s visit to Washington.   

    President Obama is scheduled to meet that day with Mr. Xi, who is expected to be China's next President and the chair of the National People's Congress.

    The organizations want to jointly express their deep concern about the repressive measures by the Beijing government against the people of Tibet and East Turkestan, and about the continuing refusal of the PRC to renounce the use of force against Taiwan.

    Date: Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012
    Time: 10AM~1PM EST
    Place: Lafayette Square (H & 16th St. NW)
    Contact: Chiao-jung Wang (Cell: 202-210-0436)

    Meanwhile, FAPA President Mark Kao has sent the following letter to President Obama dated February 10, 2012.

    In the letter, President Kao stated: “We understand that the United States needs to engage China. However, such engagement should not come at the expense of America's core values-freedom, democracy and human rights, as embodied in the country of our birth, Taiwan.”

    He asked President Obama “… to remind Mr. Xi that it is a core interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.”

    The full text of the letter is given below.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    February 10, 2012

    President Barack H. Obama
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear President Obama:

    As the president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), a Taiwanese-American non-profit organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan, I write to you today about an issue of grave concern to our members.

    As you prepare to welcome China's Vice President Xi Jin-ping to the White House, we appeal to you to reaffirm America's support for freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan.

    We understand that the United States needs to engage China. However, such engagement should not come at the expense of America's core values-freedom, democracy and human rights, as embodied in the country of our birth, Taiwan.

    When you visited Beijing in November 2009, Chinese leaders asserted that Taiwan was one of China's so-called ""core interests."" We ask that you remind Mr. Xi that it is a core interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.  We also request that you refrain from proffering U.S. respect for China's ""sovereignty and territorial integrity"" as China lays specious claim over Taiwan.

    We ask that you impress upon Mr. Xi that China dismantle its 1,600 missiles targeted at Taiwan and renounce the use of force against Taiwan. To safeguard Taiwan is to embrace freedom, democracy and human rights. This is the best way to maintain peace and stability in Asia and is consistent with the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act.

    Lastly, it is essential that China end Taiwan's international political isolation. Taiwan is a peace-loving country that is able and willing to carry out United Nations Charter obligations. Taiwan deserves an equal place in the international family of nations, and its people should be fully represented in international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization and others.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Sincerely yours,

    Mark Kao, PhD
    President, Formosan
    Association for Public Affairs

    ",,"7","39","2012-02-09 05:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "110","Taiwanese-Americans protest US’ stance on Taiwan’s Presidential elections","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - February 10th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-Americans protest US’ stance on Taiwan’s Presidential elections

    The community urges the Administration to maintain political neutrality and give stronger support for self-determination

    WASHINGTON (Feb. 10th , 2012) – In a joint letter to President Obama, dated February 10th 2012, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, along with 11 other Taiwanese Americans organizations, expressed disappointment with recent statements and actions by the Obama Administration which displayed a lack of neutrality in Taiwan’s recent presidential elections.

    The joint letter listed a number of instances, including statements by an anonymous White House official to the Financial Times in September 2011, a series of high-level visits by US sub-cabinet officials to Taiwan in the period September through December 2011, and the announcement, less than one month before the Taiwan elections, that Taiwan would be a candidate for the US Visa Waiver Program.

    The letter stated that “[T]his series of statements and actions by your administration during a politically sensitive time led virtually all observers, American and Taiwanese alike, to reach the unavoidable conclusion that the U.S. government preferred the re-election of the incumbent administration in Taipei.”

    The signatories added that “[A]s Taiwan-born American citizens who learned to cherish liberty and civil rights after we came to this country as immigrants, our community has long looked up to the United States as a model for democratic self-governance.  It therefore pains us to see the U.S. act contrary to its own founding principles by choosing sides in another nation's democratic elections.”

    The signatories concluded the letter by stating: “We …. strongly appeal to you to protect the right of self-determination for the 23 million people of Taiwan, and to work toward a Taiwan policy that supports the right of the people of Taiwan to decide their own political future.”

    Commenting on the joint letter, FAPA president Dr. Mark Kao, states:  ""The U.S. government had clearly stated on multiple occasions that it would remain scrupulously neutral in these elections.  However, despite these assurances, the net effect of the actions of the Obama Administration during the period leading up to the elections conveyed a markedly different impression and constituted an external distortion of the political playing field.”

    Kao continues: ""As Taiwanese-American citizens of the US we feel deeply about democracy in our land of birth, and take the position that the United States needs to be more supportive of our hard-won democracy instead of undermining it.   By implicitly taking sides in the recent election, the Administration has done a disservice to Taiwan’s democracy.”

    Kao concludes: “If the US wants to support democracy in East Asia, it needs to ensure that the people of Taiwan have full freedom to choose their future, free from outside interference.  Stability in the region can only be achieved if China accepts Taiwan as a friendly neighbor, and stops its unjust territorial claims and military threats.”




    [華府二月十日訊] 台灣人公共事務會與其他11個台美人社團,在201229日聯名致函給歐巴馬總統的信件中,就歐巴馬政府最近的發言及動作,透露出對台總統大選沒有維持中立立場一事表達失望。






    他並指出: 「身為美國公民的台美人,我們深深關切我們出生之地的民主,並認為美國必須要更加支持我們得來不易的民主,而不是損害它。暗中在這次選舉選邊站的歐巴馬政府,已對台灣的民主造成傷害。」


    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    February 10, 2012

    President Barack H. Obama                                          
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington DC, 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    As the presidents of organizations representing American citizens deeply concerned about the state of democracy in Taiwan, we write to you to express our collective disappointment with recent statements and actions by your administration that we feel represented lapses in the political neutrality of the United States government with regard to the recently concluded national elections in Taiwan.

    On January 14, 2012, the people of Taiwan went to the polls in only the fifth presidential election in that country's history.  Despite multiple assurances from the State Department that the U.S. would work with whoever is elected through a fair and open democratic process, the actions of your administration in the weeks and months leading up to the election imparted a decidedly different impression.

    In mid-September of last year, only hours after the Taiwanese opposition candidate Dr. Tsai Ing-wen met with U.S. officials in Washington, D.C., a senior member of your administration saw fit to publicly pass judgment on her policy platform, anonymously telling the Financial Times: ""She left us with distinct doubts about whether she is both willing and able to continue the stability in cross-Strait relations the region has enjoyed in recent years."" Though the State Department quickly disavowed the statement, this unusual breach of confidence left the lingering suspicions that the sentiments expressed by the unnamed source indeed represented the views of the White House.

    Then, in a span of three short months, we saw a quick succession of more visits by high-level U.S. officials to Taipei than during any calendar year in recent memory.  In September, Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar visited Taiwan.  In December Rajiv Shah, the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, also made an official visit to Taiwan.  This was followed closely by the visit, also in December, by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman, who became the highest-ranking American official to go to Taiwan in nearly a decade.  The atypical pace and high profile of these visits, in the midst of an intensely competitive election campaign in Taiwan, only engendered further doubts about the U.S.'s professed neutrality.

    Finally, on December 21, 2011, less than one month before the January 14 election, the U.S. State Department announced Taiwan's candidacy for participation in the Visa Waiver Program.

    This series of statements and actions by your administration during a politically sensitive time led virtually all observers, American and Taiwanese alike, to reach the unavoidable conclusion that the U.S. government preferred the re-election of the incumbent administration in Taipei.

    As Taiwan-born American citizens who learned to cherish liberty and civil rights after we came to this country as immigrants, our community has long looked up to the United States as a model for democratic self-governance.  It therefore pains us to see the U.S. act contrary to its own founding principles by choosing sides in another nation's democratic elections.  It is even more distressing that the apparent rationale behind the American preference seems so neatly aligned with the ""instability"" discourse which has been central to the rhetoric of fear deployed by the People's Republic of China to undermine genuine open political competition in Taiwan.

    While it will be impossible to know whether these signals of U.S. partiality exerted decisive influence on the electoral outcome, they nevertheless constitute an external distortion of the political playing field in a still-young democracy that frustrated the opportunity of Taiwan's voters to exercise their democratic choice free from outside interference.

    In your address at the State Department on May 19, 2011 you said: ""There must be no doubt that the United States of America welcomes change that advances self-determination.""  We therefore strongly appeal to you to protect the right of self-determination for the 23 million people of Taiwan, and to work toward a Taiwan policy that supports the right of the people of Taiwan to decide their own political future.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Sincerely yours,

    Dr. Wang Kang-Lu Memorial Foundation

    Formosan Association for Human Rights

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    North America Taiwanese Professors' Association

    North America Taiwanese Women's Association

    North American Taiwanese Engineers’ Association

    Professor Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation

    Taiwan Hakka Association of Public Affairs in N. America

    Taiwanese Association of America

    World Federation of Taiwanese Associations

    World Taiwanese Congress

    World United Formosans for Independence - USA

    ",,"7","39","2012-02-10 05:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "111","FAPA Officially Granted Ownership of ‘Taiwanese American Heritage Week’ Trademark ","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  May 11th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Officially Granted Ownership of ‘Taiwanese American Heritage Week’ Trademark

    WASHINGTON (May 11h 2012) -- This Sunday - Mother's Day - will also kick off the annual weeklong celebration of Taiwanese American Heritage Week (TAHW).

    The TAHW was initiated by FAPA in 1999, and for the past 13 years FAPA  chapters -- in cooperation with other like-minded Taiwanese-American  organizations -- have actively organized local celebrations from Oregon to Miami and from San Diego to Boston.

    According to FAPA President Mark Kao: ""This annual observance of TAHW offers us Taiwanese Americans an excellent opportunity to share our unique and proud heritage with the American public in general, and to express our gratitude to our adopted country.""

    In 2000, then President Bill Clinton congratulated Taiwanese Americans with their annual celebration stating: ""The people and culture of Taiwan have made invaluable contributions to every sector of our society... In celebrating your unique heritage, you provide our country with a needed source of strength and inspiration, helping to  forge a brighter future for us all.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao states: ""To make sure that the TAHW remains an annual celebration solely for Taiwanese Americans, FAPA decided last year to trademark the ‘Taiwanese American Heritage Week’ name.”

    On April 13, 2012, the US Patent and Trademark Office officially granted FAPA the TAHW trademark.

    FAPA President Mark Kao continues: ""Taiwanese Americans having their own Heritage Week will reinforce the understanding amongst the American public that Taiwan is not a province of China, but a free, democratic and independent nation-state, separate from China.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao concludes: ""In the spirit of Taiwanese determination and American volunteerism, we urge all to explore the significance of both Taiwan and being Taiwanese during this important week.""

    台灣人公共事務會 獲「台美人傳統週」商標權利

    [2012511日華府訊] 本週日,適逢母親節, 也是一年一度台美人傳統週 (Taiwanese American Heritage Week)慶祝活動的開始。

    台美人傳統週於1999年由台灣人公共事務會 所發起。過去13年以來,台灣人公 共事 務會各分會與其他有志一同的台美人團體,積極地籌辦當地的慶祝活動,從奧勒岡到邁 阿密,聖地牙哥至波士頓。

    據台灣人公共事務會會 長高龍榮表示:「這個一年一度的台美 人傳統週慶典, 提供給身為台美人的我們一個 佳的機會,與美國大眾分享我們獨特及使我們 引以為傲的傳統,並對接納我們的美國表 示感謝。」

    柯林頓總統在2000年恭祝台美人一年一度 的慶祝活動時表示:「台灣的人民及文 化對 我們的社會多方地帶來了無價的貢獻...當你們慶祝你們獨特的 傳統時, 你們也提供了我們國家一個亟需的力量並成為激勵人心的來源,協助我們大家 一起共創美好將來。」

    台灣人公共事務會會長 高龍榮指出:「為確保一年一度的台 美人傳統週為僅屬 台美人的慶典,台灣人公共事務會於去年決定將『台美人傳統週』註 冊商標。」

    2012413日,美國專利商標局正 式核發台灣人公共事務會「台美人傳統週」 的商標。

    高會長並補充:「台美人擁有自己的傳 統週,將會加強美國大眾對台灣不是中國 的一省,而是一個自由、民主及獨立的國家, 與中國大不相同的認知。」

    他最後表示:「本著台灣人的意志及 美國人的志工主義,我們敦促所有人一齊在 這重要的一週當中,來體認台灣及身為台灣 人的重要性。」

    ",,"7","39","2012-05-14 15:17:34","2012-05-14 15:33:42" "112","U.S. Congressmen Introduce Bi-partisan Resolution Calling for U.S.-Taiwan Diplomatic Relations","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  May 8th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Congressmen Introduce Bi-partisan Resolution Calling for U.S.-Taiwan Diplomatic Relations

    WASHINGTON (May 8th 2012)
    -- On Monday, May 7, United States Congressmen Michael McCaul (R-TX), Robert Andrews (D-NJ), and Sam Johnson (R-TX) introduced a new resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives, calling on the United States government to resume diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

    H. Con. Res. 122 urges the President to: (1) abandon the fundamentally flawed ‘One China Policy' in favor of a more realistic ‘Once China, One Taiwan Policy' that recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign and independent country, (2) begin the process of resuming normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan; and (3) aggressively support Taiwan's full participation in the United Nations ""and any other international organization of…for which statehood is a requirement for membership.""

    Of the five countries in the world that the United States government currently does not diplomatically recognize (Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Bhutan and Taiwan), Taiwan is the only full-fledged democracy

    Similar resolutions were introduced in 2005 and 2007 by former Congressman and outspoken Taiwan supporter Tom Tancredo (R-CO), and again in 2009 by former Congressman John Linder (R-GA), another staunch Taiwan advocate in the U.S. House of Representatives prior to his retirement.

    Furthermore, the resolution affirms that the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances form the cornerstone of United States-Taiwan relations and establishes ""the reality that Taiwan has functioned as an independent and sovereign country for over half a century.""

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs' President Mark Kao, Ph.D. applauds introduction of the resolution, saying that: ""The new resolution reflects the growing sense within the U.S. Congress that the United States' ‘One China Policy' is more and more untenable, as it is clearly out of touch with the unmistakable reality that Taiwan is a free and democratic nation that deserves to be accepted as a full and equal member in the international community.""

    Dr. Kao continues: ""The reluctance of the United States government to reassess this obsolete element in its foreign policy emboldens an authoritarian People's Republic of China in its attempts to politically isolate a democratic Taiwan.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “The Taiwanese people brought about their momentous transition to democracy some twenty years ago, but US policy never adapted to that new reality. By moving to a more realistic and practical ‘One China, One Taiwan' policy, and by normalizing relations with Taiwan the United States would set a shining example for other countries to follow.""


    [華府五月八日訊] 德州共和黨麥考眾議員(Michael McCaul, R-TX)、紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews, D-NJ)與德州共和黨強生眾議員(Sam Johnson, R-TX)57日星期一提出一決議案,呼籲美國政府與台灣恢復外交關係。

    提案促使美國總統:(1)揚棄大有瑕疵的一中政策,改採符合現狀的「一中一 台」政策以承認台灣 為一主權獨立國家;(2) 開始有關與台灣復交的相關程序; (3)積極支持台灣完全參與聯合國「及要求有國家身份以入會的任何國際組 織。」

    美國政府目前在外交關係上,不承認五個國家: 伊朗、北韓、古巴、不丹及台灣。 其中只有台灣是發展完全的民主國家。

    長期支持台灣的前任科羅拉多州共和黨唐克多眾議員(Tom Tancredo, R-CO)曾在 2005年與2007年中兩度提出相似的決議案。亦為台灣強力支持者的喬治亞州共和黨 林德 眾議員(John Linder, R-GA),也於2009年未退休前提出類似提案。


    台灣人公共事務會會長高龍榮讚許該提案,並表示:「此新提案反映了美 國國會 中,越來越多人認同『一中政策』已漸不合時宜,並背離台灣為自由民主國家,應 被國際社會接受 為其平等及完整的一員的不爭事實。」

    他補充:「美國政府不願重新評估其外交政策中過時的條例,變相鼓勵了中華人民 共和國在政治上孤立民主台灣的意圖。」

    他最後表示:「台灣人民在20 多年前經歷重大民主轉型,但美國的政策從未因應 該時勢而調整。美國如 能採納較反應現況且實際的『一個中國、一個台灣』政 策,並將對台灣關係正常化,將為其他國家樹立良 好的典範。」

    * * * * * * *

    McCaul, Andrews Call for Normalized Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan

    As U.S. and China Hold Strategic Talks, McCaul-Andrews Call for Normalized Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan


    McCaul-Andrews Legislation States that Taiwan is Separate from China


    WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) opens in Beijing this week, Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ) call on President Obama to begin the process of resuming normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan and aggressively support Taiwan’s full participation in the United Nations and other international organizations.


    “Taiwan is a vibrant democracy and has been a steadfast ally of the United States and a compassionate member of the international community,” said Congressman McCaul, a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  “The people of Taiwan have never been under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China, which continues to illegitimately claim sovereignty over Taiwan.  President Obama should recognize this and support a ‘One China, One Taiwan’ policy that gives legitimacy to our Taiwanese friends and partners.”


    “It is time the US government acknowledged Taiwan as the sovereign and independent state that it is, with the full diplomatic recognition that comes with that sovereignty and independence,” said Congressman Andrews.  “Throughout our history we have supported the right to self determination for sovereign peoples throughout the world; in the case of Taiwan, it is time to stand on that principle once again.”

    On Monday, May 7th, Congressman McCaul and Congressman Andrews will introduce legislation that calls on the U.S. government to resume normal diplom

    ",,"7","39","2012-05-14 15:22:34","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "113","US Representative calls for establishment of Congressional Taiwan Commission","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  June 7th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    US Representative calls for establishment of Congressional Taiwan Commission

    WASHINGTON (June 7th 2012) --  On June 6, United States Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ) introduced HR 5902 legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives to establish a ""Congressional Advisory Commission on the Implementation of United States Policy under the Taiwan Relations Act."" (See: attachment)

    The bill calls for the appointment of a five-member commission to be named by the President and leaders of the House and Senate, for the purpose of producing an official report, within one year of convening its first meeting, on the implementation of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) by the U.S. government since 2000.

    Hewing closely to the language of the TRA, the legislation outlines the areas for review by the Commission, including:

    -  The sufficiency of defense articles made available to Taiwan by the United States

    -  Current and potential threats to the security, social, or economic system of the people on Taiwan, and the extent to which the United States retains the capability to resist any resort to force…that would jeopardize the above

    -  Measures taken by the U.S. government toward the preservation and enhancement of the human rights of the people of Taiwan

    -  Policy options for the United States to advance toward a normalization of the relationship with Taiwan

    The concept of a Congressional Taiwan commission follows from the testimony of Mr. Randall Schriver, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Project 2049 Institute, before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on June 16, 2011 in a hearing titled ""Why Taiwan Matters.""  On that occasion Schriver highlighted the tendency of successive U.S. administrations to relegate relations with Taiwan to a ""sub-issue in U.S.-China bilateral ties.""

    Schriver added: ""Objective analysis is important because it remains the legal obligation of this administration to make weapons for self-defense available to our democratic friend Taiwan.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. says: ""The Taiwan Relations Act today stands as a model of legislative leadership in the history of U.S. foreign policy, yet Congress has yet to undertake a comprehensive review of TRA's implementation in the 33 years since its initial passage.""

    Dr. Kao continues: ""There is increasing concern about whether the United States government is faithfully executing its obligations under the TRA, which after all is the Law of the Land.  The establishment of an objective advisory commission, whose sole purpose is to examine the actual implementation of all of the provisions of the TRA, will contribute greatly to addressing this gap.""


    [201267日華府訊] 美國國會安德魯斯眾議員(Robert Andrews, D-NJ)66日星期三,提出H.R 5902法案,於眾議院成立「國會監督委員會」,將在台灣關係法之下,審核美國政策執行效能(詳附件)



    - 美國提供台灣足夠的國防軍備

    - 台灣人民在安全、社會及經濟制度上目前及潛在的威脅,及評估美國對上述威脅及武力行動的儲備力

    - 美國政府協助維持並加強台灣人權的措施

    - 提供美國與台灣關係邁向正常化的政策選項






    ",,"7","39","2012-06-12 14:16:34","2012-06-12 14:23:14" "114","Rep. Berman Urges DHS to Rectify ""China (Taiwan)"" Reference on I94's","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  June 19th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686


    WASHINGTON (June 19th 2012) --  In a letter dated June 19, 2012, ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA) urged Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to stop referring to Taiwan as ""China (Taiwan)"" on the I-94 immigration document.

    The issue was brought to the attention of FAPA by one of its New York members whose Taiwanese family crossed the border into the US from Canada at Niagara Falls, and was shocked to receive an I-94 card referring to Taiwan as ""China (Taiwan).""

    Earlier, in a letter dated April 30, 2012, Rep. Howard Berman had written to California Secretary of State Debra L. Bowen, urging her to correct the voter registration system in California which referred to Taiwan as ""Taiwan, Province of China."" Within a week the state of California fixed the problem enabling Taiwanese Americans to list their country of birth as ""Taiwan"".

    Before that, in 1994, Rep. Berman was the primary force behind legislation allowing for Taiwanese Americans to list ""Taiwan"" in their American passports instead of ""China.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao says: ""We Taiwanese Americans are very grateful to Congressman Berman for carrying the flag with respect to Taiwan's name rectification. Taiwan is Taiwan. And Taiwan's sovereignty is not an issue with which one can play politics.""

    Kao continues: ""Certain departments within DHS indeed refer to Taiwan as 'Taiwan' - others don't.  We urge the DHS to be consistent and refer to Taiwan simply as 'Taiwan' in all their systems. After all, this is in line with the DHS's own guidelines.""

    美國眾議院外交事務委員會副主席加州民主黨眾議員柏曼議員(Howard Berman, D-CA)於619日致函國土安全部部長拿波莉塔諾(Janet Napolitano)呼籲該部更改I-94入境卡上將台灣列為「中國台灣」之錯誤名稱。






    * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    Tuesday, June 19, 2012


    Berman Urges Change to I-94 Customs Document to Reflect Taiwan as Country of Citizenship, Not China (Taiwan)

    Berman to Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano: “Many Taiwanese citizens travel across our borders every day. These individuals should not be required to sign their name under an inaccurate statement in an official government document”

    Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Howard L. Berman wrote U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, asking that I-94 documents issued by Customs and Border Protection to Taiwanese citizens entering the United States list their country of citizenship as Taiwan, rather than China (Taiwan).

    In the letter to Secretary Napolitano, Rep. Berman writes: “It has been a long-standing U.S. policy that the U.S. government refers to Taiwan as ‘Taiwan’… Many Taiwanese citizens travel across our borders every day. These individuals should not be required to sign their name under an inaccurate statement in an official government document.”

    A longtime champion on this issue, Rep. Berman passed legislation allowing Taiwanese-Americans to have “Taiwan” recorded as their birthplace on their American passports.  Berman authored H.R. 5034 along with then Rep. Olympia Snow (R-ME) in September 1994 providing the U.S. Secretary of State the authority to write Taiwan as the place of birth in a passport when requested by the applicant who was born there.  The bill passed and was signed into law.  Until then, “China” had been listed as the birthplace for Taiwanese Americans.

    Last month, Rep. Berman wrote to California Secretary of State Debra Bowen requesting that the California state government change its online voter registration system to allow Taiwanese-Americans to list “Taiwan” as their country of birth, rather than “Taiwan, Province of China.” Less than a week after Rep. Berman sent the letter, the California state government changed its online voter registration system.

    Below is a copy of an I-94 form that lists China (Taiwan) as the lone option for Taiwanese citizens entering the United States to list their country of citizenship.

    The Berman letter appears here and follows:

    The Honorable Janet Napolitano
    Secretary of Homeland Security
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    Washington, DC 20528

    Dear Secretary Napolitano,

    I am writing to express my concern regarding the characterization of Taiwan on the I-94 nonimmigrant arrival-departure form and in the Global Entry Program.

    It has recently come to my attention that when Taiwanese citizens enter the United States, the I-94 documents they are issued by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) lists their country of citizenship as “China (Taiwan).”  Similarly, in the application process for CBP’s Global Entry Program, the CBP system refers to Taiwan as “Taiwan, Province of China.”

    It has been a long-standing U.S. policy that the U.S. government refers to Taiwan as “Taiwan.”  This designation is employed by the Department of State, the Department of Defense and other federal agencies.  I would respectfully request that the Department of Homeland Security, and all of its constituent agencies, adopt the same terminology.

    Many Taiwanese citizens travel across our borders every day. These individuals should not be required to sign their name under an inaccurate statement in an official government document.  I appreciate your timely consideration of this matter and for your prompt efforts to correct this error.



    Ranking Member

    CC: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
    ",,"7","39","2012-06-25 03:36:21","2012-06-25 12:49:08" "115","U.S. Representatives Submit Report Calling for Medical Parole for Chen Shui-bian to Lantos Commission","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs 
    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release
    Washington D C -  July 13th  2012
    Contact: (202) 547-3686


    WASHINGTON (July 13th 2012)  --  On July 12, U.S. Representatives Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and Dan Lungren (R-CA) submitted a report titled: ""The Effects of Incarceration On the Mental and Physical Health of Former President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan"" to the co-chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, Reps. Frank Wolf (R-VA) and James McGovern (D-MA). (For text cover note. See: Appendix 1)

    Rep. Andrews is also submitting the full report for insertion into the Congressional Record of the U.S. House of Representatives.  (For text cover note. See: Appendix 2)

    The report was drafted by an American medical team of private citizens consisting of Joseph Lin, Ph.D., Ken Yoneda, M.D., and Charles Whitcomb, M.D., which traveled to Taiwan to visit President Chen in jail on June 11.

    The medical team's report concluded that: ""Because it is not easily predictable how much CSB's incarceration conditions need to improve to prevent further serious physical and mental damage such as adjustment disorder or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)...medical parole is the most appropriate effective treatment intervention.""

    The team further recommended: ""That former president Chen Shui-bian be released from confinement on medical parole based on the above assessments, conclusion and recommendations, and on compelling humanitarian grounds.""

    Team leader Dr. Joe Lin, states: ""We went to Taiwan as private neutral American citizens, concerned about reports on the medical condition of President Chen, and we came back convinced that the conditions of his confinement are utterly unacceptable having caused extreme mental stress and serious medical symptoms, some potentially life threatening.  His mental state is particularly worrisome.""

    Lin further emphasizes that: ""as a beacon of human rights around the world, the United States should promptly intercede to help put an end to this humanitarian injustice"".

    In their report, the doctors express the hope that ""by presenting this report to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission a hearing will be convened, and at the same time the Commission will strongly urge President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan to grant medical parole to his predecessor on humanitarian grounds.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: ""Not only Taiwanese Americans are outraged about the treatment of former president Chen, but it is clear that the deterioration in his physical and mental health is becoming disturbing to more and more members of Congress.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""Our bottom line is that in order to safeguard the welfare of the former president, prevent the deepening of social conflict in Taiwan, and preserve Taiwan's status as a democratic, rights-respecting country, the Ma administration must act immediately to grant medical parole to president Chen""

    Recently, commenting on Chen's continued incarceration, former co-chair of the Taiwan Caucus Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) declared during a Congressional hearing on March 28, 2012: ""I think for an administration to come in and essentially jail the previous administration is a tragedy.""  Chabot said that the charges against Chen was tantamount to a ""criminalization of politics,"" and compared Taiwan to a ""banana republic


    紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews)議員及加州共和黨議員朗格倫(Dan Lungren)議員於七月十二日提出一份標題為「長期囚禁對台灣前總統陳水扁身心狀況的影響」的報告給國會「湯姆•蘭托斯人權委員會」的共同主席維州共和黨眾議員沃爾夫(Frank Wolf)議員及麻州民主黨議員麥高文(James McGovern)議員。(報告全文詳「附件一」)


    該報告係由林文約博士、日裔的米田謙(Ken Yoneda,音譯)醫師及查爾斯•威康(Charles Whitcomb)醫師所組成的民間私人醫療團,於六月十一日赴台並於台北監獄中面會陳前總統後所草擬。



    醫 療團領隊林博士表示:「我們幾位美國公民組成的私人醫療團,秉持著公正立場,此行訪台是因對陳前總統健康情形的擔憂。訪後我們更加肯定,他受監禁的環境導 致了他極度的心理壓力及嚴重的生理症狀,有些症狀甚至有致命的危險,而他的心理情形更是令人擔憂;這樣的環境是難以被接受的。」





    國會台灣連線前共同主席,俄亥俄州共和黨眾議員夏波(Steve Chabot)議員於三月二十八日的一場聽證會上,針對陳前總統持續受到囚禁的情事評論道:「我認為政權輪替後,將前朝執政者下監實在是一件悲劇。」他表示當局對於陳前總統的起訴是「政治犯罪化」,並將台灣比喻為「香蕉共和國」。

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Appendix 1.


    July 12, 2012

    Dear Chairman Wolf and Chairman McGovern:

    As advocates for human rights, freedom, democracy and the rule of law around the world, we hereby submit to you the attached report which was delivered to our offices, ""The Effects of Incarceration On the Mental and Physical Health of Former President Chen Shui-Bian of Taiwan.""  The report was drafted by a medical team led by former professor, Joseph Lin, Ph.D., and professors of the University of California Davis Medical Center, Ken Yoneda, M.D., and Charles Whitcomb, M.D., who visited the former President in their capacity as private citizens.

    As you will recall, a letter requesting the Tom Lantos Human Right Commission investigate the facts surrounding the nature of former President Chen Shui-Bian's treatment while incarcerated was sent to the Commission in April of 2012 by Mr. Lungren.  This report should be added to the discussion as the Commission reviews that request.

    ROBERT ANDREWS                       DANIEL LUNGREN

    * * * * *

    Appendix 2.


    Representative Robert E. Andrews

    Submitting ""The Effects of Incarceration on the Mental and Physical Health of Former President Chen Shui-Bian of Taiwan"" to the Congressional Record

    Mr. Speaker, as a strong supporter of Taiwan and a founding member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, I would like to bring to your attention an issue of concern to Taiwanese Americans and the people of Taiwan.

    The former President of Taiwan, Mr. Chen Shui-Bian, is currently serving a 19-year prison sentence for corruption charges. He has been incarcerated for over 1,200 days thus far. Today, I am inserting into the Congressional Record a report drafted by a three-man medical team led by former professor, Joseph Lin, Ph.D., and professors of the University of California at Davis Medical Center, Ken Yoneda, M.D., and Charles Whitcomb, M.D., who visited Mr. Chen Shui-Bian in jail in Taiwan last month in their capacity as private citizens.  The report is titled, ""The Effects of Incarceration on the Mental and Physical Health of Former President Chen Shui-Bian of Taiwan.""

    These medical professionals traveled to Taiwan in June 2012 to assess President Chen's physical and mental condition, and to inquire into reports of inhumane living conditions and confinement.  The physicians concluded that President Chen's imprisonment conditions are contributing to President Chen's health problems. In their recommendations the report concludes: ""Former President Chen Shui-Bian [should] be released from confinement on medical parole based on the above assessments, conclusion and recommendations, and on compelling humanitarian grounds.""

    I am entering this report into the Congressional Record and, in light of the conclusions, ask that the distinguished Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission investigate this important case at its earliest convenience.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ",,"7","39","2012-07-15 02:28:52","2012-07-15 02:35:12" "116","U.S. Reps. Commemorate July 14 Anniversaries of Six Assurances and End of Martial Law","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs 
    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA
    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release
    For more information: 202-547-3686
    Date: July 13, 2012


    On July 13, 2012, members of the U.S. House of Representatives inserted Extensions of Remarks into the Congressional Record calling upon their colleagues in Congress to join them in commemorating the 30th anniversary of President Reagan's ""Six Assurances"" and the 25th anniversary of the lifting of martial law in Taiwan.

    Reps. Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Shelley Berkley (D-NV) issued statements commemorating these two critical junctures on Taiwan's road to democracy.

    On July 14, 1982, as the U.S. was on the verge of concluding a third Joint Communique with the People's Republic of China, President Reagan issued the ""Six Assurances"" to Taiwan's government to reaffirm U.S. policy toward Taiwan at the time, particularly with regard to the sale of arms to Taiwan, American commitment to Taiwan's security under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, and the existing U.S. position on Taiwan's sovereignty. The Assurances also stipulated that the U.S. would not pressure Taiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC.

    On the same date five years later, President Chiang Ching-kuo lifted martial law in Taiwan on July 14, 1987.  Martial law had been promulgated in Taiwan on May 19, 1949 by Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalist government; by the time it was terminated 38 years later it was the longest period of rule by martial law by any regime in the world.  Even after the end of martial law, tight restrictions on the freedom of assembly, speech and the press remained in place in Taiwan however.

    Mark Kao, PhD., President of FAPA states: ""The coincidence in dates of these two critical junctures in Taiwan's history, five years apart, highlights the indispensable role that the United States and the Taiwan Relations Act each played in Taiwan's democratization.  Taiwanese Americans are grateful to the U.S. for continuing to safeguard Taiwan's security.""

    Dr. Kao continues: ""The recognition of the ""Six Assurances"" as the second cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan relations, alongside the TRA, is essential to the integrity of the American policy that has allowed Taiwan to become the free and vibrant society today. Beijing does not believe in the legitimacy of either document, because they fly in the face of its aspirations to annex Taiwan by force.   For this reason alone, the Taiwanese American community applauds the U.S.'s enduring adherence and commitment to both pillars of the bilateral relationship.""

    * * *


    [Page: E1247]  GPO's PDF

    Thursday, July 12, 2012

    Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate two important anniversaries that are coming up this July 14th in relation to our close friend and ally: the country of Taiwan .

    Since the end of World War II, the United States and Taiwan have fostered a close relationship that has been of enormous strategic and economic benefit to both countries. When the United States shifted diplomatic relations from Taiwan to the People's Republic of China in January 1979, Congress moved quickly to pass the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to ensure that the United States would continue its robust engagement with Taiwan in the areas of commerce, culture, and security cooperation. On April 10, 1979, this important and lasting piece of legislation became the ``Law of the Land'' and has since served as the statutory basis for U.S.-Taiwan relations going forward.

    After 33 years, the TRA still stands as a model of Congressional leadership in the history of our foreign relations, and, together with the 1982 ``Six Assurances ,'' it remains the cornerstone of a very mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan .

    These ``Six Assurances'' were designed by President Reagan to further clarify U.S. policy toward Taiwan (in particular to the sale of arms to Taiwan ,) to reiterate our commitment to Taiwan's security under the TRA and to reaffirm our position on Taiwan's sovereignty. It also stipulated that we would not pressure Taiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC.

    This coming July 14 marks the 30th anniversary of President Reagan issuing said Six Assurances in 1982. It also marks the 25th anniversary of the lifting of martial law in Taiwan in 1987.

    Martial law was promulgated in Taiwan on May 19, 1949 by Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalist government. Its end 38 years later marked the longest imposition of martial law by a regime anywhere in the world. Even after the end of martial law, tight restrictions on the people of Taiwan's freedom of assembly, speech and the press remained in place. Nevertheless, July 14, 1987 set the stage for a momentous process of democratization in Taiwan that continues to this day.

    Over the past three decades, Taiwan has remained a trusted ally of the United States that shares with us the ideals of freedom and democracy. However, the people of Taiwan continue to live day after day under the ominous shadow cast by over 1400 short and medium-range ballistic missiles that the People's Republic of China (PRC) has aimed at them. The PRC persists in claiming Taiwan as a ``renegade province,'' refusing to renounce the use of force to prevent Taiwan's formal de jure independence.

    Mr. Speaker, I invite my colleagues to join me in commemorating this July 14 the 30th anniversary of the Six Assurances and the 25th anniversary of the lifting of martial law in Taiwan, to further underline our unwavering commitment to the people of Taiwan and to affirm our support for the strong and deepening relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan.

    * * *

    Ms. BERKLEY: Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate two important anniversaries that are coming up this July 14th in relation to our close friends in the Taiwan.

    Since the end of World War Two, the United States and Taiwan have fostered a close relationship that has been of enormous strategic and economic benefit to both countries. When the United States shifted diplomatic relations from Taiwan to the People's Republic of China (PRC) in January 1979, Congress moved quickly to pass the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to ensure that the United States would continue its robust engagement with Taiwan in the areas of commerce, culture, and security cooperation. On April 10, 1979, President Jimmy Carter signed this important and lasting piece of legislation into law and it has since served as the statutory basis for U.S.-Taiwan relations going forward.

    After 33 years, the TRA still stands as a model of Congressional leadership in the history of our foreign relations, and, together with the 1982 ""Six Assurances,"" it remains the cornerstone of a mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan.  These ""Six Assurances"" – issued by President Ronald Reagan on July 14, 1982 – further clarified U.S. policy toward Taiwan, particularly regarding arms sales, while reiterating our commitment to Taiwan's security under the TRA and reaffirming our position on Taiwan's sovereignty. It also stipulated that we would not pressure Taiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC.

    On that same day five years later, martial law was lifted in Taiwan, setting the stage for a momentous process of democratization in Taiwan that continues to this day.  Taiwan now has a robust, boisterous parliament, and has seen several peaceful transitions of presidential power between parties, based on repeated free and fair elections.  They have truly joined the world's community of democracies, which has only strengthened the friendship between our two peoples.

    Unfortunately, though, Taiwan continues to live day after day under the ominous shadow cast by over 1400 short and medium-range ballistic missiles that the PRC has aimed at them. The PRC persists in claiming Taiwan as a ""renegade province,"" refusing to renounce the use of force to prevent Taiwan's formal de jure independence.

    Mr. Speaker, I invite my colleagues to join me in commemorating this July 14 the 30th anniversary of the Six Assurances and the 25th anniversary of the lifting of martial law in Taiwan, to further underline our unwavering commitment to the people of Taiwan and to affirm our support for the strong and deepening relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan.



    德州共和黨眾議員麥考(Michael McCaul)議員及內華達州民主黨眾議員柏克萊(Shelley Berkley)議員共同發表聲明,紀念這兩個台灣邁向民主之路的重要階段。

    一 九八二年七月十四日,當美國即將與中國簽署第三個中美聯合公報時,雷根總統宣佈對台灣政府的「六項保證」,重新確立美國當時的對台政策,特別是關於對台軍 售、「台灣關係法」中美國對台灣安全的保護,以及美國對台灣主權的立場。「六項保證」中並聲明美國不會施壓台灣與中國展開談判。



    高 博士並表示:「美國承認『六項保證』為『台灣關係法』之外的第二個台美關係基石,對其協助台灣成為自由社會和對台政策是至關重要的。這兩份文件公開反對中 國以武力併吞台灣的野心,因此北京不願承認任何一份文件的正當性。單就這個原因,台美人就要讚賞美國持續地堅守及保障這兩份台美雙方關係的棟樑。」

    ",,"7","39","2012-07-15 02:45:05","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "117","DHS Agrees to Drop ""China (Taiwan)"" Reference from I-94 Documents and Global Entry Program at Urging of Rep. Howard Berman","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street.. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan


    For Immediate Release

    Washington, D.C. — July 20, 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686




    WASHINGTON (July 20, 2012) — Responding to a recent letter from Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA), ranking member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) this week announced its decision to correct references to Taiwan on Form I-94 documents issued to Taiwanese visitors entering the United States, and during the application process of the Global Entry Program.

    On June 19, 2012 Berman wrote to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano asking that I-94 documents issued by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to Taiwanese visitors entering the United States list their country of citizenship as Taiwan, rather than “China (Taiwan).”  The letter noted: “It has been a long-standing U.S. policy that the U.S. government refers to Taiwan as ‘Taiwan.’  This designation is employed by the Department of State, the Department of Defense and other federal agencies.”

    In a letter to Berman dated July 17, 2012, Assistant Commissioner Michael Yeager of CBP’s Office of Congressional Affairs stated:  “CBP has looked into and corrected this matter. Henceforth, persons presenting Taiwanese passports will have their country of citizenship listed and recorded as ""Taiwan"" on their respective Form I-94 and the Global Entry Program application process will refer to ""Taiwan.""

    The issue was brought to FAPA’s attention by members in New York who discovered that their Taiwanese relatives were issued Form I-94 documents that referred to their country of citizenship as “China (Taiwan)” when crossing over the Canadian border into the United States at Niagara Falls.  Other FAPA members found their country of birth listed as “Taiwan (Province of China)” when applying to CBP’s Global Entry Program in Orlando, FL.

    In a press release, Berman thanked CBP for recognizing that a correction needed to be made, saying: “This is about fairness and today is a victory for the entire Taiwanese community.”  He added: “It is an indignity to force Taiwanese citizens to list anything other than Taiwan on their U.S. entry documents, and together we righted this unfortunate wrong.”

    On April 30, 2012, Rep. Howard Berman also wrote to California Secretary of State Debra L. Bowen, urging her to correct the reference to Taiwan as ""Taiwan, Province of China” in the state’s online voter registration system.  The state of California fixed the problem within the week, enabling Taiwanese Americans in California to list their country of birth as ""Taiwan"" when registering to vote.

    In 1994, Rep. Berman was the primary force behind legislation allowing for Taiwanese Americans to list ""Taiwan"" in their American passports instead of ""China.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD states: “We are very grateful for Congressman Berman’s steadfast efforts over the past 20 years to ensure that the official U.S. policy regarding Taiwan’s name is faithfully applied by all U.S. government agencies.”  Dr. Kao concludes: “He has safeguarded the dignity and identity of Taiwanese Americans and of the people of Taiwan.”





    華府訊─美國國土安全局於本週宣佈決議修改發給入境美國之台灣旅客的I-94入境卡及「全球自動通關計畫」中對台灣的錯誤稱謂,以回應日前眾議院外交事務委員會副主席─加州共和黨眾議員柏曼(Howard Berman)日前之要求信函。

    柏曼議員於六月十九日致函國土安全部部長拿坡莉塔諾(Janet Napolitano),要求該部轄下「海關及邊境保衛局」(CBP)發給入境美國之台灣旅客的I-94入境卡上需將其國籍列為「台灣」而非「中國台灣」。該信函中表示:「美國政府長久以來的政策一直將台灣稱之為『台灣』。美國國務院、國防部,及其他聯邦機構皆沿用此稱謂原則。」

    該局「國會事務處」助理處長葉格(Michael Yeager)於七月十七日回函柏曼議員:「本局已調查並修正台灣國籍。此後,簽發予持台灣護照人士之I-94入境卡上所註明之國籍將列為『台灣』。『全球自動通關計畫』之申請手續中亦會將其註明為『台灣』。」



    柏曼議員曾於今年四月三十日致函加州州務卿包雯(Debra L. Bowen),呼籲其更正加州選舉註冊系統上將台灣列為「中國台灣省」之錯誤。加州當局於一週內即修正該錯誤,讓當地台美人得以將其出生地列為「台灣」。




    *          *          *



    July 20, 2012


    CONTACT: Adam Sharon




    Homeland Security Department Agrees to Berman Request Changing I-94 Customs Document Reflecting Taiwan as Country of Citizenship, Not China (Taiwan)

    Berman: “This is about fairness and today is a victory for the entire Taiwanese community.”

    On June 19, Berman wrote U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, asking that I-94 documents issued by Customs and Border Protection to Taiwanese citizens entering the United States list their country of citizenship as Taiwan, rather than China (Taiwan).

    Washington, DC – Congressman Howard L. Berman, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, welcomed the decision by the Department of Homeland Security allowing Taiwanese citizens entering the United States to list Taiwan as their country of citizenship rather than China (Taiwan) on their Form I-94 and in the Global Entry Program.

    Rep. Berman (D-CA) thanked Secretary Napolitano, her staff, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection for their dedicated effort on this issue, and for recognizing that a correction needed to be made.

    “This is about fairness and today is a victory for the entire Taiwanese community,” said Berman. “It is an indignity to force Taiwanese citizens to list anything other than Taiwan on their U.S. entry documents, and together we righted this unfortunate wrong.”

    On June 19, Berman wrote U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, and asked: “It has been a long-standing U.S. policy that the U.S. government refers to Taiwan as ‘Taiwan’… Many Taiwanese citizens travel across our borders every day. These individuals should not be required to sign their name under an inaccurate statement in an official government document.”

    A longtime champion on this issue, Rep. Berman passed legislation allowing Taiwanese-Americans to have “Taiwan” recorded as their birthplace on their American passports. Berman authored H.R. 5034 along with then Rep. Olympia Snow (R-ME) in September 1994 providing the U.S. Secretary of State the authority to write Taiwan as the place of birth in a passport when requested by the applicant who was born there. The bill passed and was signed into law. Until then, “China” had been listed as the birthplace for Taiwanese Americans.

    In May, Rep. Berman wrote to California Secretary of State Debra Bowen requesting that the California state government change its online voter registration system to allow Taiwanese-Americans to list “Taiwan” as their country of birth, rather than “Taiwan, Province of China.” Less than a week after Rep. Berman sent the letter, the California state government changed its online voter registration system.

    *          *          *


    ",,"7","39","2012-07-21 01:27:50","2012-07-21 01:32:24" "118","Fapa at 30","

    FAPA at 30

    This year FAPA is celebrating its 30th Anniversary

    Happy Birthday FAPA!

    We are celebrating this in conjunction with the Annual Board Meeting

    December 7-9, 2012 in San Jose, California

    Check out our flyer for more details

    Sign up to register

    Write us about your personal reflections as a FAPA member: “FAPA and Me”

    ",,"3","31","2012-08-02 17:35:52","2012-12-27 22:00:45" "124","U.S. Representative urges USIP to set up Center for Taiwan Security Analysis","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan


    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  October 1st 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Representative urges USIP to set up Center for Taiwan Security Analysis

    WASHINGTON (October 1st 2012) --  In a letter dated September 28, 2012 to John Marshall, incoming president of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), a non-partisan center for the study of conflict prevention created by the U.S. Congress in 1984. Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) asked Marshall to establish new Center for Taiwan Security Analysis within the USIP.

    Rep. Andrews wrote to Marshall that: ""Even though Taiwan is a sovereign independent country today, its citizens live in the shadow of over 1,600 short- and medium-range ballistic missiles aimed by the PRC.  The PRC still refuses to renounce the use of force against Taiwan, continues to claim Taiwan as a renegade province, and in 2005 passed an 'Anti-Secession Law' mandating military action if Taiwan moves toward formal de jure independence.""

    The letter continued: ""In light of the growing military imbalance across the Taiwan Strait and the continuing threat posed by the PRC, it is imperative that the United States seeks ways to reduce the probability of armed conflict in the Taiwan Strait, which remains a major global flashpoint.""

    Andrews concluded: ""As you assume your new position at the helm of the USIP, I encourage you to establishment of a ""Center for Taiwan Security Analysis"" within the Institute with the goal of conducting in-depth analysis on the U.S.-China-Taiwan relationship from a conflict-prevention lens.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: ""The USIP is world-renowned for its work to prevent or end violent conflict around the world, and there are few places where its insights and analyses are needed more than in the Taiwan Strait.""

    Dr. Kao adds: ""As recent events in East Asia have underscored the fragility of peace and stability in the waters surrounding Taiwan, it becomes clear that the protection of U.S. interests requires a better understanding of the complex sources of potential conflict in the Asian Pacific region.""


    紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews) 於九月二十八日致函即將上任的 「美國和平研究所」 (USIP)所長馬歇爾(John Marshall), 籲其於所內設置一 「台灣安全分析中心」。 USIP為一超黨派機構, 於一九八四年由美國國會所成立, 專責衝突預防研究。






    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The Hon. Jim Marshall, President                             September 28, 2012
    United States Institute of Peace
    2301 Constitution Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20037

    Dear President Marshall:

    First, I want to congratulate you for your recent appointment as president of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP).  I look forward to working with you again in that new capacity.

    As you know, the people of Taiwan have established a vibrant and pluralistic democracy in their country. They have conducted five successful presidential elections, successive elections for members of their national legislature, numerous local elections, and two national referendums.

    As Americans. We have reason to take pride in the democratic achievements of the Taiwanese people. Only sixty-three years ago, President Truman deployed the US Navy's 7th Fleet to the Taiwan Strait to protect Taiwan against the possibility of an invasion by the People's Republic of China (PRC).  Our enduring commitment to the preservation of Taiwan's safety and security is now enshrined in the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which has served as the cornerstone of United-States Taiwan relations for more than 30 years and been instrumental in the maintenance of peace and stability in the Western Pacific region throughout that time.

    Even though Taiwan is a sovereign independent country today, its citizens live under the shadow of over 1,600 short- and medium-range ballistic missiles aimed by the PRC. The PRC still refuses to renounce the use of force against Taiwan, continues to claim Taiwan as a renegade province, and in 2005 passed an ""Anti-Secession Law"" mandating military action if Taiwan moves toward formal de jure independence.

    In its 2011 report on Chinese military and security developments, the Department of Defense emphasized that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) remains focused on strengthening its capacity to take over Taiwan by force, while Taiwan has been unable to keep pace with the steady modernization of the PLA and the ""ambitious military developments"" of the PRC.

    America cannot afford to lose a democracy in the region, and the people of Taiwan cannot afford to lose their safety, security, freedom and independence.  In light of the growing military imbalance across the Taiwan Strait, it is imperative that the United States seeks ways to reduce the probability of armed conflict in the region, which remains a major global flashpoint.

    I have long admired the work of the USIP. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I greatly value the role that the institute plays in enhancing our national security and informing the national foreign policy making process.

    As you assume your new position at the helm of the USIP, I encourage you to establish a ""Center for Taiwan Security Analysis"" within the Institute with the goal of conducting in-depth analysis on the U.S.-China-Taiwan relationship through a conflict-prevention lens.  Given PRC's unyielding military aggression toward Taiwan, this work would represent a critical addition to the Institute's current programming, in line with its mission to prevent and mitigate international conflict.

    I thank you for your attention to this important matter and look forward to hearing from you.

    Sincerely yours,

    Member of Congress

    ",,"7","39","2012-10-03 15:37:08","2012-10-03 16:05:53" "125","Taiwanese Americans Protest OCAC Name Change","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA


    Urge President Ma to Change Name to OTAC (""Overseas Taiwanese Affairs Council"")

    Urge President Ma to Change Name to OTAC (""Overseas Taiwanese Affairs Council"")

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a joint letter to Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou dated October 4, 2012, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs along with 31 other Taiwanese American Organizations expressing their deep concern about the Ma administration's decision to change the name of the ""Overseas Compatriots Affairs Commission"" to the ""Overseas Chinese Affairs Council,"" effective September 1.

    The government's decision was uncovered by lawmakers from the Democratic Progressive Party during a question-and-answer session with OCAC Minister Wu Ying-jih on September 26 in the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan.

    The joint letter stated: ""We strongly object to the use of the word ""Chinese"" in the title of a government agency whose main mission is to maintain contacts with members of the overseas community from Taiwan...The term ""Chinese"" is confusing, as it gives outsiders the impression that this is an organization under the control of the People's Republic of China and its Communist government.

    The organizations also criticized ""the secretive way in which the Ma government implemented this change: without any democratic procedures, without any advice and consent by Taiwan's Legislative Yuan, and most importantly, without communication with the overseas Taiwanese community. ""

    They letter concluded: ""We urge the Taiwan authorities to retain the present title of the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council, or even move forward and rename the agency as the Overseas Taiwanese Affairs Council, to more fully represent the spirit of a free and democratic Taiwan.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD. who initiated the letter, states: ""As a branch of the Executive Yuan the whole OCAC institution is a redundant old KMT to begin with and should be abolished.""

    Dr. Kao continues: ""Until then, however, we need to call it what it is: an organization for cultural, education, economic, and informational exchanges between Taiwan and overseas Taiwanese, which has nothing to do with China or with Chinese.""

    要求馬總統將其改為「Overseas Taiwanese Affairs Council」(台灣僑務委員會)

    台灣人公共事務會聯合其他31個台美人組織,於十月四日共同致信馬英九總統,表達對馬政府將「Overseas Compatriots Affairs Commission」(同胞)改為「Overseas Chinese Affairs Council」(中國的)此事的強烈關切。僑委會之更名自九月一日起生效。





















    His Excellency Ma Ying-jeou October 4, 2012
    Presidential Palace
    No. 122, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd.
    Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10048

    Dear President Ma:

    We, the undersigned overseas Taiwanese organizations, representing a broad section of the overseas Taiwanese community in the United States, write to you today to express our strong objection to the recent decision by your administration to change the name of the ""Overseas Compatriots Affairs Commission"" to the ""Overseas Chinese Affairs Council.""

    We object not only to the substance of the change, but also to the undemocratic manner in which it was made.

    We strongly object to the use of the word ""Chinese"" in the title of a government agency whose main mission is to maintain contacts with members of the overseas community from Taiwan.

    We consider ourselves Taiwanese, and we are proud of our identity and heritage. The term ""Chinese"" is confusing, as it gives outsiders the impression that this is an organization under the control of the People's Republic of China and its Communist government.

    Aside from serving no discernible function or benefit, the reversal to an old title dating back to the period of the repressive Kuomintang regime also brings back memories of a one-party totalitarian system under martial law. This represents a setback for democracy and human rights in Taiwan, and is an insult to those courageous individuals who helped to bring about the country's momentous democratic transition less than two decades ago.

    Our objection also relates to the secretive way in which the Ma government implemented this change: without any democratic procedures, without any advice and consent by Taiwan's Legislative Yuan, and most importantly, without communication with the overseas Taiwanese community.

    Regrettably, this episode is but the most recent incident pointing to the erosion of democratic governance in Taiwan under the Ma government since 2008. Time and again, we see that this administration undermines the foundations of a young democracy that was established only 20 years ago through the sacrifice and unwavering determination of the people in Taiwan, together with us in the overseas Taiwanese community.

    We urge the Taiwan authorities to retain the present title of the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council, or even move forward and rename the agency as the Overseas Taiwanese Affairs Council, to more fully represent the spirit of a free and democratic Taiwan.

    We will also express these concerns in our communications with the US Congress and the Obama administration.

    Sincerely yours,

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs
    Dr. Wang Kang-Lu Memorial Foundation
    Greater Vancouver Taiwanese Canadian Association
    Greater Washington Taiwan Culture Center
    New York Taiwan Center
    North America Taiwanese Engineering & Science Association
    North American Taiwanese Professors Association
    North America Taiwanese Women's Association
    Professor Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation
    San Diego Taiwanese Culture Association
    Seifu Garden Seattle
    Taiwanese American Center of Northern California
    Taiwanese American Community Center of San Diego
    Taiwanese Association of America
    Ann Arbor Taiwanese Association
    Orange County Taiwanese Association
    Taiwanese Association of America-Boston
    Taiwanese American Association of Central Kentucky
    Taiwanese Association of America-Cincinnati
    Taiwanese Association of America-Chicago
    Taiwanese Association of America-Greater Orlando
    Taiwanese Association of Greater Seattle
    Taiwanese Association of America-Greater Washington D.C.
    Taiwanese Association of America- Houston Chapter
    Taiwanese American Association - North New Jersey
    Taiwanese Association of America-North Carolina
    Taiwan Center of Greater Los Angeles
    Taiwanese Hakka Association of America
    Taiwan Hakka Association of Public Affairs in North America
    The Formosan Association for Human Rights
    World Taiwanese Congress
    World Federation of Taiwanese Associations

    ",,"7","39","2012-10-05 16:11:32","2012-10-09 19:16:25" "126","U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown urges AIT Director Marut to visit former President Chen Shui-bian","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  October 24th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown urges AIT Director Marut to visit former President Chen Shui-bian

    WASHINGTON (October 24th 2012) --  In a letter dated October 23rd 2012, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) called upon the Taipei-based director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chris Marut to visit former President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan in jail or hospital.

    The Senator writes: “As you know, former President Chen Shui-bian is suffering from severe depression and is under psychiatric treatment at a Taipei Veterans General Hospital.  The recent report entitled ‘The Effects of Incarceration On the Mental and Physical Health of Former President Chen Shui-Bian of Taiwan’ was drafted by a medical team [...] who visited the former President in their capacity as private citizens.”

    The Senator concludes: “Recent media reports from Taiwan indicate that you have expressed a willingness to visit the former President. I ask that you review the report and visit the former president at the appropriate time.”

    The cited report was drafted by a medical team led by former professor Joseph Lin, Ph.D., and professors Ken Yoneda, M.D. and Charles Whitcomb, M.D., of the University of California Davis Medical Center.  It was presented on July 12 to Reps. Frank Wolf (R-VA) and James McGovern (D-MA), co-chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission by Reps. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and Dan Lungren (R-CA). The full report was also inserted in the Congressional Record.

    In their report, the doctors express the hope that “by presenting this report to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission a hearing will be convened, and at the same time the Commission will strongly urge President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan to grant medical parole to his predecessor on humanitarian grounds.”

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: “In addition to the medical problems president Chen has been facing, there are now severe psychiatric problems. Chen even has a speech impediment that is likely caused by major depression. In any democracy this would be sufficient cause for an immediate medical parole on humanitarian grounds.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “Senator Brown is a friend of President Chen, whom he has met on multiple occasions in Taiwan over the past decade. It is touching to see a U.S. Senator, despite the hectic election season, reach out across the globe to a friend in need.”


    俄亥俄州民主黨參議員布朗(Sherrod Brown)於十月二十三日致函設於台北的「美國在台協會」處長馬啟思,呼籲其前往台北監獄或榮總醫院探視陳前總統。



    該報告係由前加州大學戴維斯分校教授林文約博士,及該校醫學中心的兩位教授日裔的米田謙(Ken Yoneda,音譯)醫師及查爾斯威康(Charles Whitcomb)醫師所組成的醫療團撰寫,並於七月十二日由紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews)及加州共和黨眾議員朗格倫(Dan Lungren)聯手提交給「湯姆˙藍托斯人權委員會」共同主席維州共和黨眾議員沃爾夫(Frank Wolf)及麻州民主黨眾議員麥高文(James McGovern)。報告全文也被納入國會紀錄。




    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    October 23, 2012

    Christopher Marut
    American Institute in Taiwan
    No. 7, Lane 134
    Hsin Yi Road Section 3 Taipei 106 Taiwan

    Dear Mr. Marut:

    Congratulations on becoming the Director of the American Institute of Taiwan.   The Director is a vital link between the United States and Taiwan.  As Taiwan continues to grow as a market-based, democratic society, America's relationship with Taiwan is now more important than ever.

    Earlier this year, the people of Taiwan held national elections, another sign of the nation's successful transition to democratic self-governance. As advocates for human rights, freedom, democracy, and the rule of law around the world, it is critical that we continue to support Taiwan as it builds a society on the ideals of freedom we hold so dear.

    As you know, former President Chen Shui-bian is suffering from severe depression and is under psychiatric treatment at a Taipei Veterans General Hospital.  The recent report entitled The Effects of Incarceration On the Mental and Physical Health of Former President Chen Shui-Bian of Taiwan was drafted by a medical team led by former professor Joseph Lin, Ph.D., and professors of the University of California Davis Medical Center, Ken Yoneda, M.D. and Charles Whitcomb, M.D., who visited the former President in their capacity as private citizens.

    Recent media reports from Taiwan indicate that you have expressed a willingness to visit the former President.

    I ask that you review the report and visit the former president at the appropriate time.


    Sherrod Brown
    United States Senator

    ",,"7","39","2012-10-26 20:56:38","2012-10-26 21:03:49" "127","International observers decry Ma government refusal to grant medical parole to former President Chen","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - November 21st 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    International observers decry Ma government refusal to grant medical parole to former President Chen

    (Washington, D.C. -- November 21st 2012) – A number of individuals and foreign observers who have spoken out over the past several months to express their concerns over the failing health of Taiwan’s incarcerated former president, Chen Shui-bian, today strongly rebutted recent statements from Taiwanese government officials that Chen did not qualify for medical parole.

    According to press reports, representatives of Taiwan’s foreign and justice ministries stated at a joint press conference in Taipei on Friday, November 16, 2012 that as a former president, “Chen Shui-bian has been provided the best living conditions and healthcare to the extent permissible by law and by the prison’s current facilities,” and that Chen “does not meet the conditions required for medical parole.”

    Ma administration officials also characterized the repeated calls for medical parole for Chen by foreign officials and international organizations as resulting from a “misunderstanding” of the case.

    Former U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo, who saw the former President in Taipei on November 9 2012, categorically rejected the ministries’ claims that Chen’s health condition had improved, saying: ""I hardly recognized President Chen when I met with him in the hospital.  There is no 'misunderstanding' about it.""  Tancredo continued: ""President Ma should resist the partisan demands of a few people on the fringe of his party, and grant President Chen medical parole.  Taiwan's democracy should be above this kind of political score settling.""

    An American medical team that examined the former president in Taiwan in June called the government’s latest assertion regarding the adequacy of Chen’s treatment a ludicrous exaggeration,” adding that “the limitations imposed on Chen in prison were in clear violation of the United Nations Minimum Standards for treatment of prisoners.”  The team—which included Dr. Ken Yoneda and Dr. Charles Whitcomb, both professors of medicine at the University of California, Davis—reiterated their first-hand assessment that Chen’s “substandard and inhumane” imprisonment conditions were “a major contributing factor, if not the cause of his current physical and mental problems.

    The leader of the medical team, Joseph Lin, Ph.D., further indicated that the Ma administration’s “complete disregard and rejection of conclusions and recommendations of professional medical experts regarding the physical and mental condition of the former president” was “disturbing.”  Dr. Lin pointed out: “To justify this gross miscarriage of justice and human rights, they had to be dismissive of conclusions reached by many, including former U.S. government officials, various international organizations and a member of the European Parliament.”

    Mr. Hans van Baalen, leader of the Dutch Liberals in the European Parliament and President of Liberal International, also refuted the government’s contention that medical parole was not appropriate, emphasizing: “I visited former President Chen in Taipei, and I am convinced that he deserves better treatment.  A medical parole is warranted, not only for the physical and mental health of President Chen himself, but also to help Taiwan on the path towards political reconciliation.”  Van Baalen saw Chen in person during a trip to Taiwan in early November 2012.

    Mark Kao, PhD, President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, expressed his frustration with the Ma administration’s intransigence on this issue: “It is patently clear that there is now a broad consensus, both within Taiwan and overseas, about the need for medical parole for the former President Chen.  It is inexcusable for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Justice Ministry to hide behind legalisms while blaming the press for the widespread criticism of the government’s handling of Chen’s health.

    Dr. Kao concluded: “As the Ma administration continues to drag its feet on doing the right thing and granting parole, the political divide in Taiwan will only continue to deepen, which will have a disastrous effect on Taiwan’s future as a free and democratic nation.





    前美國眾議員譚奎多(Tom Tancredo)於十一月九日赴台北會見陳前總統,並駁斥法務部聲稱陳前總統的健康狀況已經改善的說法。他表示:「我去醫院見陳前總統時幾乎認不出他,這其中根本沒有任何『誤解』。馬總統應該要制衡少數黨內人士的要求,並准予陳前總統保外就醫。台灣的民主應凌駕於政治鬥爭之上。」

    今年六月曾赴台北會見陳前總統的醫療團成員,對於台灣政府宣稱陳前總統獲得妥適的醫療照護表示其「荒唐又誇大」。他們表示監獄中的情況已經違反「聯合國囚犯待遇最低限度標準規則」。該團成員加州大學戴維斯分校醫學教授米田謙(Ken Yoneda,音譯)醫師及查爾斯˙威康(Charles Whitcomb)醫師表示他們的第一手評估認為陳前總統不合標準且不人道的監進條件間接或直接造成其身心問題。


    歐洲議會中的荷蘭自由派領袖及國自由聯盟主席漢斯˙凡巴倫(Hans van Baalen)議員也駁斥馬政府宣稱陳前總統不適合保外就醫的說詞。他強調:「我曾在台北見過陳前總統,而我堅信他應該獲得更好的待遇。准予保外就醫,不只是為了陳前總統的身心健康,更是促進台灣的政治和諧。」凡巴倫議員曾於本月稍早赴台灣會見陳前總統。




    ",,"7","39","2012-11-27 15:21:26","2012-11-27 15:54:16" "120","US Senators introduce resolution calling for support for democracy and human rights in Taiwan","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  August 2nd 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    US Senators introduce resolution calling for support for democracy and human rights in Taiwan

    WASHINGTON (August 2nd 2012) --  Today, Alaska Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Mark Begich (D-AK) jointly introduced a resolution “Expressing the Sense of Senate that the United States Government should continue to support democracy and human rights in Taiwan following the January 2012 presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan.”

    S.Res. 542 cites the summarized conclusions of a recently released report by the International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) to the International Committee for Fair Elections in Taiwan (ICFET) that the national elections held in Taiwan on January 14, 2012, were “mostly free but only partly fair.”  The full report is available at the ICFET website at: http://www.taiwanelections.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Taiwan-2012-Elections-IEOM-Final-Report.pdf

    The report by the IEOM, which was made up of 19 observers from 8 countries, identified several diverse elements, including vote buying, violations of administrative neutrality, and attempts by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to influence the elections as worrying factors which may have affected the election outcome.  The report also stated that some actions and statements by the US government revealed a lack of neutrality on its part.

    Further stating that “Taiwan’s free and open society plays a stabilizing role in the Asia Pacific region and is thus conducive to the interests of states in the region, including the United States, in furthering peace, prosperity and stability, “  the resolution outlines several recommendations in support of its stated goal of continuing U.S. support for democracy and human rights in Taiwan, including:

    · encouraging the people and the Government of Taiwan to take steps to continue to strengthen protection of democratic values and human rights in their country, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press;

    · encouraging the people and government of Taiwan to take into consideration the conclusions and recommendations of international election monitoring missions, including the final International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) report, as they seek to strengthen their democratic practices and human rights protections;

    · affirming that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully, in accordance with democratic principles, and with the assent of the people of Taiwan.

    Former governor Frank Murkowski, who led the IEOM mission, states: “I am pleased to see the work of our mission culminating in the insertion of the report into the Congressional Record.  It is a recognition of the hard work of the Taiwanese people achieving their democracy during the past two decades, but it is also a signal that much work still remains to be done in terms of fairness of the elections and establishing a level playing field.”

    Professor Peng Ming-min, the chairman of the International Committee for Fair Elections in Taiwan (ICFET), who invited the mission to observe the elections, states: “We are grateful to governor Murkowski, Dr. Woodrow Clark (the lead author of the report), and the members of the observation mission for their work.  It helps us in Taiwan in our fight to protect the values of democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech, assembly and the press.  There has been an erosion of these values during the past four years. We want to ensure that Taiwan remains a free democracy.”

    Dr. Mark Kao, president of the Washington-based Formosan Association for Public Affairs, also hails the introduction of the resolution, saying that “Each election in Taiwan’s young democracy represents a precious opportunity to improve its capacity for democratic practice.” Dr. Kao concludes: “Senator Murkowski’s resolution not only recognizes the value of hard-fought democratic freedoms in Taiwan, but will provide an enduring framework for the United States government to continue considering the lessons of the January 2012 election.”


    201282日,華府訊)阿拉斯加州共和黨參議員穆考斯基(Lisa Murkowski)與民主黨參議員貝吉奇(Mark Begich)於今日共同提出標題為「參議院敦促美國政府應於20121月台灣總統立法委員選舉後,繼續支持台灣民主及人權」之決議案。

    該決議文擷取「國際選舉觀察團」(International Election Observation MissionIEOM)呈交給「台灣公正選舉國際委員會」(International Committee for Fair Elections in TaiwanICFET)的報告中之結論:「台灣於2012114日所舉行之選舉雖屬自由開放,但其部分仍屬不公」。



    · 鼓勵台灣政府及人民繼續強化民主及人權價,包括言論自由、集會自由,以及媒體自由;

    · 鼓勵台灣政府及人民在致力於強化民主及人權時,也應審慎檢視國際選舉監督團的建議,包括IEOM最終的報告,

    · 確立台灣的未來必須由台灣人民同意,以民主和平的方式解決。

    IEOM領隊,前阿拉斯加州長穆考斯基(Frank Murkowski道:「我很高興見到我們此行所提出的報告被納入國會紀錄中。這是對台灣人民過去二十年致力於民主的認同,但也同時代表著要達到公平選舉的境地仍有許多需要努力的。」

    邀請該觀察團訪台的ICFET主席彭明敏教授表示:「我們很感謝穆考斯基州長、克拉克(Woodrow Clark,該報告主筆)博士,及觀察團團員的努力。他們幫助我們在台灣為民主人權及言論、集會,和媒體自由奮鬥。過去四年這些重要價有退化的現象。我們要確保台灣維持著自由和民主。」


    ",,"7","39","2012-08-03 17:59:24","2012-08-26 02:07:20" "119","Previous Petition Letters","

    {article Petition letter: Senate Resolution 542 }{title} {text:200} {readmore:more}{/article}


    {article Chen Shui-bian petition campaign}{title} {text:200} {readmore:more}{/article}

    {article Petition Letter - House Concurrent Resolution 77}{title} {text:100} {readmore:more}{/article}

    {article Petition Letter - House Concurrent Resolution 39}{title} {text:100} {readmore:more}{/article}


    ",,"8","41","2012-08-02 18:44:11","2013-03-04 20:53:10" "133","TPA_Petition_0228","

    Membership of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus

    You may click on above link to view the members of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus.

    ",,"8","41","2013-03-04 20:38:24","2015-10-04 03:31:22" "182","2015 FAPA Young Professional Group National Advocacy Conference","



    2015 FAPA Young Professional Group National Advocacy Conference

    Date: August 29th - 31st (August 31st will be the Congressional visiting day)

    Workshop Location: Hotel near Washington National  airport (TBA)

    Admission Fee: Free if you are a FAPA member! (a program fee of $60 will be applied for non-members)


    Register here before August 14th!

    ",,"3","31","2015-07-09 01:40:30","2015-08-09 19:40:02" "121","Petition letter: Senate Resolution 542","

    Dear FAPA Members,

    We hereby urge you to send a letter to the two senators in your state, urging them to support S.Res. 542, introduced by Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Mark Begich (D-AK) on August 2nd 2012.  See our [recent press release] for more information on this resolution.

    Below we have a basic form letter.  Please cut and paste it, insert the name of the senator of your state, give your own name and address at the bottom, print it out, sign it and send it to your senators.

    If  you don’t know the name of the senators, please go to the Senate directory on our FAPA website, and look under your state:

    http://fapa.org/new/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56&Itemid=73  The Senate website to which it links also gives you the senator’s office addresses.

    We look forward to an active response from all our members.  It takes only a few minutes to do this letter, but it makes a lot of difference here in Washington.  It shows that FAPA is a grassroots organization!



    The Honorable xx

    United States Senator

    Washington DC 20510

    Dear Senator,

    As a Taiwanese-American constituent of yours, I feel strongly about the preservation of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.

    I am therefore very pleased that on August 2nd 2012, Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich of Alaska introduced S. Res. 542, “Expressing the Sense of Senate that the United States Government should continue to support democracy and human rights in Taiwan following the January 2012 presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan.”

    The Murkowski-Begich resolution states among its findings that “Taiwan’s free and open society plays a stabilizing role in the Asia Pacific region and is thus conducive to the interests of states in the region, including the United States, in furthering peace, prosperity and stability,” and outlines several recommendations in support of the stated goal of continuing U.S. support for democracy and human rights in Taiwan, including:

    ·         encouraging the people and the government of Taiwan to take steps to continue to strengthen protection of democratic values and human rights in their country, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press;

    ·         encouraging the people and government of Taiwan to take into consideration the conclusions and recommendations of international election monitoring missions as they seek to strengthen their democratic practices and human rights protections;

    ·         affirming that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully, in accordance with democratic principles, and with the assent of the people of Taiwan.

    Throughout the past two decades the United States Congress has played an especially pivotal role in the process of Taiwan’s democratization by consistently voicing its concern for the human rights of the people of Taiwan. We therefore hope that your Senator will consider lending a show of support for Taiwan’s continued democratization by co-sponsoring S. Res. 542.

    To co-sponsor, please contact Isaac Edwards at isaac_edwards@energy.senate.gov.

    If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact the Formosan Association for Public Affairs in DC at (202) 547-3686 or by emailing us.  Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Best regards,

    [Your name and address]

    ",,"8","41","2012-08-13 18:40:38","2012-08-13 19:12:26" "122","Petition letter: Senate Resolution 542 ","

    Dear FAPA Members,

    We hereby urge you to send a letter to the two senators in your state, urging
    them to support S.Res. 542, introduced by Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Mark Begich (D-AK) on August 2nd 2012.  See our recent press
    for more information on this resolution.

    Below we have a basic form letter.  Please cut and paste it, insert the name
    of the senator of your state, give your own name and address at the bottom,
    print it out, sign it and send it to your senators.

    If you don’t know the name of the senators, please go to the Senate directory on our FAPA website, and look under your state:The Senate website to which it links also gives you the senator’s office addresses.

    We look forward to an active response from all our members.  It takes only a
    few minutes to do this letter, but it makes a lot of difference here in
    Washington, It shows that FAPA is a grassroots organization!




    The Honorable XX                                                                                                                       [DATE]
    United States Senator
    Washington DC 20510

    Dear Senator,

    As a Taiwanese-American constituent of yours, I feel strongly about the preservation of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.

    I am therefore very pleased that on August 2nd 2012, Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich of Alaska introduced S. Res. 542, “Expressing the Sense of Senate that the United States Government should continue to support democracy and human rights in Taiwan following the January 2012 presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan.”

    The Murkowski-Begich resolution states among its findings that “Taiwan’s free and open society plays a stabilizing role in the Asia Pacific region and is thus conducive to the interests of states in the region, including the United States, in furthering peace, prosperity and stability,” and outlines several recommendations in support of the stated goal of continuing U.S. support for democracy and human rights in Taiwan, including:

    •         encouraging the people and the government of Taiwan to take steps to continue to strengthen protection of democratic values and human rights in their country, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press;

    •         encouraging the people and government of Taiwan to take into consideration the conclusions and recommendations of international election monitoring missions as they seek to strengthen their democratic practices and human rights protections;

    •         affirming that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully, in accordance with democratic principles, and with the assent of the people of Taiwan.

    Throughout the past two decades the United States Congress has played an especially pivotal role in the process of Taiwan’s democratization by consistently voicing its concern for the human rights of the people of Taiwan. We therefore hope that your Senator will consider lending a show of support for Taiwan’s continued democratization by co-sponsoring S. Res. 542.

    To co-sponsor, please contact Isaac Edwards at the office of Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) at (202) 224-6665.

    If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact the Formosan Association for Public Affairs in DC at (202) 547-3686 or by emailing us.  Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Best regards,

    [Your name, address, and phone number]

    ",,"3","31","2012-08-13 19:19:44","2013-03-04 20:49:57" "128","FAPA expresses deep concern about erosion of press freedom in Taiwan","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - November 30th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA expresses deep concern about erosion of press freedom in Taiwan

    Next Media sale leading to virtual Want Want China Times monopoly

    (Washington, D.C. -- November 30th 2012) -- The Washington, D.C.-based Formosan Association for Public Affairs today expresses its deep concern about the erosion of press freedom in Taiwan caused by the takeover of the Next Media (Taiwan) group by a consortium in which pro-PRC magnate Tsai Eng-men has a controlling interest.

    Tsai, the Chairman of Want Want Group, is well known for his dismissive towards the 1989 Tiananmen Incident, mostly recently telling the Washington Post in February of 2012 that “not that many people could really have died” during the famous pro-democracy protests in Beijing.  Following his 2008 purchase of China Times, many editors and reporters at the Taiwanese daily were reportedly asked to leave their posts—particularly ones who had written stories critical of the PRC government.

    In mid-October 2012 Hong Kong-based Next Media announced a preliminary agreement to sell its four Taiwan media outlets—the Apple Daily, the Sharp Daily, Next Magazine and Next TV—to a consortium headed by Chinatrust Charity Foundation chairman Jeffrey Koo Jr.  However, Taiwan’s Wealth Magazine reported on 7 November 2012 that in fact over half of the purchase money would be coming from Tsai’s Want Want Group, causing a public uproar in Taiwan and prompting legislators, press freedom organizations, and the Democratic Progressive Party to urge the National Communications Commission to block the sale.

    In a formal complaint filed on 19 November 2012 to the Executive Yuan (Taiwan’s Cabinet), the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), the Fair Trade Commission, the National Communications Commission (NCC) and the Council for Labor Affairs, the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) together with the associated Taiwan News Media Industrial Union raised concerns that the sale could potentially violate laws relating to the separation of finance and industry.

    The acquisition of Next Media (Taiwan) by Want Want / China Times would tip the Group’s control over the print news industry to nearly 50%, a degree of concentration that could violate the anti-monopoly and fair competition stipulations of the Fair Trade Law, as well as the three laws regulating wireless television, cable and satellite and the broadcasting and radio industries, according to ATJ’s formal complaint.

    In spite of broad public opposition, the deal was finalized on 28 November 2012 for approximately US$ 600 million.  The transaction now awaits official approval by Next Media’s shareholders and Taiwan’s media regulators, the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) and the National Communications Commission (NCC).

    In response to the sale, FAPA President Dr. Mark Kao states that “regrettably this development is part of a wider pattern of eroding press freedoms that we have observed, beginning in 2008 when President Ma Ying-jeou came to power.  The KMT government’s tendency to accommodate the PRC, at the expense of protecting free expression in Taiwan, is deeply troubling.”

    He adds: “The sale puts some 50% of Taiwan’s media outlets in the hands of one single owner, one who has shown a total disregard for editorial independence.  Mr. Tsai Eng-men’s Want Want China Times has also been the main vehicle for the creeping influence of pro-PRC interests and opinions in Taiwan, which became very obvious during the January 2012 presidential elections.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “We call on Taiwan’s government and media regulators to disallow the sale, and find a solution that respects media diversity in Taiwan, in keeping with the values of freedom and democracy that we have worked so hard to achieve.  We, as Taiwanese-Americans in the United States, will certainly bring this issue to the attention of Congress and the US government.”



    針對親中派財團大亨蔡衍明持有控股權益收購壹傳媒,導致台灣新聞自由受到侵蝕,台灣人公共事務會(Formosan Association for Public Affairs, 簡稱FAPA)今日表示深度關切。


    201210月中旬,香港壹傳媒發佈初步協定,售出旗下的蘋果日報、爽報、壹週刊 、壹電視等台灣四家媒體予中國信託慈善基金會董事長辜仲諒,然而2012117日台灣財訊報導指出,有一半以上的收購金事實上來自蔡衍明的旺旺集團,此消息造成台灣輿論界一片嘩然,同時促使許多立委、新聞自由組織、民進黨等團體催促國家通訊傳播委員會力阻併購案。

    20121119日,台灣新聞記者協會(ATJ)與相關台灣新聞媒體產業聯盟聯手正式控訴行政院、金融監督管理委員會(FSC)、公平交易委員會(FTC)、國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)與勞工委員會,並提出此併購案可能因 產金分離 政策而違法的擔憂。

    根據台灣新聞記者協會的正式控訴,旺中集團收購台灣壹傳媒後,將掌控近50%的平面媒體,這個過度掌控媒體可能違背公平交易法與廣電三法(有線廣播電視法、衛星廣播電視法及廣播電視法 )的反壟斷與公平競爭原則。


    針對此併購案,台灣人公共事務會(FAPA)會長高龍榮博士指出:「 自從2008年總統馬英九上任以來,我們很遺憾地觀察到大規模的新聞自由腐蝕針對國民黨順應中國,損害台灣言論自由的保障,我們甚感不安。」


    高博士總結:「 我們呼籲台灣的政府和媒體監管單位駁回此併購案,並找出解決方案尊重台灣多元媒體、保障我們努力實現的自由和民主的價值。身為台美人的我們,絕對會使美國國會和政府關注台灣的媒體自由

    ",,"7","39","2012-12-02 06:21:28","2012-12-02 06:24:55" "129","FAPA Expresses Concern Over Ma Administration's Position and Actions Regarding Senkaku / Diaoyutai","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  December 12th 2012

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Expresses Concern Over Ma Administration's Position and Actions Regarding Senkaku / Diaoyutai

    (Washington, D.C. -- December 12th 2012) -- At its annual Board of Directors meeting on Saturday, December 8, 2012, the Washington-based Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) issued an official statement expressing its concerns about the recent positions and actions taken by Taiwan’s government with regard to the territorial sovereignty dispute with Japan over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, known as the Diaoyutai Islands in Taiwan.

    The statement declares: “The administration of President Ma Ying-jeou has by its actions and statements increased tension in the region, endangered long-term stability, and damaged Taiwan’s interests, particularly those of the fishermen from Ilan County.”

    The statement continues: “As Taiwanese Americans, we believe that Taiwan needs…to refrain from taking positions and actions that could increase tension and estrange our home country from its most important security allies in the region, Japan and the United States.”

    FAPA further urges the Taiwanese government to: acknowledge that the islands have historically been administered by Japan; signal its support for the U.S.-Japan mutual defense treaty “as a guarantor of peace, security and stability in the western Pacific;” and “distance itself from the aggressive moves from the People’s Republic of China…and clearly state that it will not facilitate any incursion by Chinese fishermen or other groups into the disputed waters.”

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD stated: “Taiwanese Americans are concerned first and foremost about preserving the safety and security of Taiwan.  Considering the enormous magnitude of the Chinese military threat that Taiwan faces, it is completely counterproductive to risk alienating its most essential security allies, the United States and Japan.”

    Dr. Kao concluded: “Moreover, the Ma government’s insistence on continuing to assert these territorial claims, on the basis of rationale that overlaps so significantly with those used by the PRC to justify its provocative actions, is inflicting serious further damage to Taiwan’s ability to be recognized internationally as a separate and independent state.”








    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    FAPA Position on the Senkakus/Diaoyutai

    Adopted by the FAPA-Board

    San Jose CA, December 2012

    As Taiwanese-Americans we have followed the developments surrounding Taiwan closely, and are deeply concerned by the positions and actions taken by the KMT government of President Ma Ing-jeou.


    While proposing an “East China Sea Peace Initiative”, the Ma government has by its actions and positions increased tension in the region, endangering long-term stability, and damaging Taiwan’s interests, particularly those of the fishermen from Ilan County.


    The Ma government has time and again harshly criticized Taiwan’s most important security partner in the region, Japan, while taking positions that are very similar to that of the People’s Republic of China, which has aggressively sought to expand its territorial claims in the region, at the expense of its neighbors.


    As Taiwanese Americans, we believe that Taiwan needs to contribute to peace and stability in the region, and refrain from positions and actions that increase tension and estrange our home country from its most important security allies in the region, Japan and the United States.


    We therefore propose that Taiwan support the following positions and actions:


    1) That – like the United States -- Taiwan does not take a position on sovereignty over the Senkakus/Diaoyutai, but acknowledges that historically they have been administered by Japan.

    2) That Taiwan engages in good faith negotiations with Japan on fishing rights for Taiwanese fishermen in the vicinity of the Senkakus/Diaoyutai.

    3) That Taiwan supports the mutual defense treaty between Japan and the U.S. as a guarantor of peace, security and stability in the Western Pacific.

    4) That Taiwan distances itself from the aggressive moves by the People’s Republic of China; that it disassociates itself from the unfounded historic or political claims made by the PRC; and clearly states it will not facilitate any incursions by Chinese fishermen or other groups into disputed waters.

    5) That Taiwan support moves towards binding arbitration on the status of the Senkaku/Diaoyutai islands at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

    6) That Taiwan strengthens its historic, economic and social ties with its main security allies, The United States and Japan.

    ",,"7","39","2012-12-12 20:22:32","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "130","FAPA at 30+","

    FAPA at 30+

    From December 7 through 9 2012, FAPA celebrated its 30th Anniversary in San Jose, California

    Thanks to all members and dignitaries who joined us for the festive Dinner Banquet with speakers such as former Alaska governor Frank Murkowski, Ambassador Joseph Wu, and others.  Here are the Youtube video links:

    Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ8c2QTCxJA
    Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oLYieA6ODg
    Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3HdO346aSI

    You can leaf through the Commemorative Program Book, which includes the program, a welcome by FAPA president Mark Kao, and a gallery of former presidents as well as an overview of our history. And here are three additional letters with congratulations.

    You can also visit the following Picasa Picture Albums of the Board meeting,

    FAPA Board Meeting: https://picasaweb.google.com/hq.calendar/20121207_FAPAAnnualBoardMeetingAwards

    FAPA Reunion: https://picasaweb.google.com/hq.calendar/20121208_FAPA30thReunion

    FAPA 30th Dinner Banquet: https://picasaweb.google.com/hq.calendar/20121208_FAPA30thDinnerBanquet

    FAPA Panel Discussion: https://picasaweb.google.com/hq.calendar/20121209_FAPA30thPanelDiscussion

    Happy Birthday FAPA!
    All previous sign-in documents can be found here

    ",,"3","31","2012-12-27 21:49:59","2013-04-07 03:25:51" "131","Taiwanese-Americans rally for UN membership in New York","

    Taiwanese-Americans rally for UN membership in New York, September 22nd 2012


    ",,"10","46","2012-12-27 22:23:58","2012-12-27 22:28:20" "134","U.S. Representative Calls Upon Secretary of State Kerry to Take Stance on Continued Incarceration of Chen Shui-bian","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  March 12, 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Representative Calls Upon Secretary of State Kerry to Take Stance on Continued Incarceration of Chen Shui-bian

    In a letter dated March 1 to United States Secretary of State John Kerry, member of the United States House of Representatives Robert Andrews (D-NJ), wrote: “I strongly urge the State Department to take a stance on the treatment of former Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian.”

    Rep. Andrews concluded: “I believe it is the duty of the State Department, on behalf of the United States, to address Mr. Chen's plight.”

    Rep. Andrews has been a long-time and active advocate of granting medical parole to former President Chen.

    For instance, in July 2012, Andrews submitted a medical report on the effects of incarceration on the mental and physical health of Chen to the co-chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, asking “that the distinguished Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission investigate this important case at its earliest convenience.”

    He subsequently inserted the full report into the Congressional Record of the U.S. House of Representatives.

    FAPA President Mark Kao Ph.D. states: “The outrage among Taiwanese Americans about the treatment of former president Chen continues to grow. It is therefore encouraging to see that our plight for medical parole for Chen is now expanding beyond the sphere of members of Congress to the United States administration.”

    Current chairman of the House Asian Subcommittee former Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) stated during a Congressional hearing last year: “I think for an administration to come in and essentially jail the previous administration is a tragedy.”  Chabot said that the charges against Chen were tantamount to a “criminalization of politics,” and compared Taiwan to a ""Banana Republic.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: “The chorus of proponents of medical parole for President Chen continues to grow. The Ma administration must therefore act immediately and grant such medical parole to President Chen now!”

    * * * * * *


    紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews)於三月一日致函國務卿凱瑞道:「我強烈呼籲國務院,針對前台灣總統陳水扁所遭受待遇表達立場。」






    俄亥俄州共和黨眾議員、現任眾院「亞太事務小組委員會」主席夏波(Steve Chabot)在去年的一場聽證會中表示:「我認為政權輪替後,將前朝執政者下監實在是一件悲劇。」他說當局對於陳前總統的起訴是「政治犯罪化」,並將台灣比喻為「香蕉共和國」。



    WASHINGTON DC 20515-3001

    Mr. John Kerry
    Secretary of State
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    March 1, 2013

    Dear Mr. Secretary:

    I strongly urge the State Department to take a stance on the treatment of former Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian. As you are aware, since November 2008, Mr. Chen was imprisoned under corruption charges and sentenced to over 17 years at Taipei Prison. While human rights activists have continually pointed out the deplorable conditions present in many of Taiwan's prisons, there is reason to believe that Mr. Chen is receiving more severe treatment than the other prisoners. As the first elected leader from outside the Kuomintang (KMT), Mr. Chen and his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) broke the 50 year power stronghold and served as a major obstacle in the KMT's unification efforts. At the age of 61, Mr. Chen shared a tiny, damp, and sometimes ant-ridden cell without a bed or furniture of any kind. He has had several trips to the prison hospital, and was diagnosed with several critical ailments including heart problems; gastric distress; severe depression; and vascular dementia. After much hesitation, Mr. Chen was finally approved for medical parole to receive treatment at the Taipei Veterans Hospital. It is my understanding that as soon as the doctors have cleared Mr. Chen, he will be released back to prison and subject to the same conditions which caused his many ailments.

    I believe it is the duty of the State Department, on behalf of the United States, to address Mr. Chen's plight. Thank you for your consideration on this important matter; and I look forward to hearing back from you.


    Robert E. Andrews
    Member of Congress

    ",,"7","39","2013-03-25 20:05:01","2013-03-25 20:21:25" "135","FAPA Chapter information and activities","

    FAPA Chapter Information and Activities

    FAPA Local Chapters

    Become a Member


    2015 YEAR FAPA Board of Directors At-large elections:

    On October 1st 2015, FAPA announced that for the period Nov. 2015 – October 2017, the following members have been elected as new At-large board members:
    Jong Chen, Nei Cheng, Cherry Chi, Chia-Chun Chung, Thomas Hwang, Connie Jeng, Eric Lee, Rebecca Lee, Henry Lin, Chiao-Jung Wang, Bob Yang, and Kim Yang


    Further background is given in the attached document.



    FAPA 2015年全國不分區委員選舉於八月二十八日登記截止,共有十二名候選人登記參選。但因需選出十六名不分區委員,登記人數少於應選人數,為環保因素考量和避免資源浪費,選舉委員會會決定:

    一、將十二位候選人政見和資歷在FAPA網站登出 (see pdf file)






    同時,FAPA要感謝幾位即將卸任委員,包括:張幸吉、程韻如、陳少明、迪惠蘭、林郁子、黃慶鍾、高龍榮、李雪玟等人,在過去二年任期內對FAPA的貢獻和付出;也期待新任和續任委員繼續為 FAPA的目標打拼。

    今年新當選之全國性委員,連同分會長和區域性委員,將於十一月一日正式上任行使職權,並得參加124-6日在華府舉行的年度委員大會,會中將選舉出FAPA 2016-2017年總會新會長及副會長。



    2013 YEAR FAPA Board of Directors At-large elections:

    · Announcement (click to view/download)

    · Registration form (click to download)

    · Election Bulletin – 01 July 26th 2013 (click to download)

    · Election Results – August 31st  2013 (click to download)


    Dear FAPA members,

    At the August 20th 2013 deadline for members registering in the election of board at-large, we had received 12 registrations.
    The election committee did review all candidates qualification and confirmed their candidacies.

    As we have 12 registrations for a total of 18 board at-large to be elected, the election committee decided as follows:

    1. Publish the platforms of the 12 qualified candidates on FAPA website;
    2. Announced election result without going through ballots and votes.

    The decision was confirmed and approved by the FAPA Standing Committee, and is hereby announced on the FAPA website.

    We express our appreciation to those members willing to serve on the FAPA board as members-at-large.

    All elected at-large members are invited to join the chapter presidents and regional board members to attend the annual board meeting in Washington, DC on Dec 6-8, 2013 and elect in FAPA president for the years 2014-2015.

    Thank you so much.

    FAPA Headquarters
    Washington DC, August 31st 2013


    FAPA previous activities:


    ",,"4","34","2013-04-04 18:57:58","2015-10-05 02:01:04" "136","FAPA urges US government to protest China’s continued restriction of Taiwan’s international space","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - March 29th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA urges US government to protest China’s continued restriction of Taiwan’s international space

    President Ma’s ‘diplomatic truce’ not working

    (Washington, D.C. – March 29th 2013) -- Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) – a Washington-based Taiwanese-American grassroots advocacy organization – expressed its concern about two recent events showing that China is still attempting to deny Taiwan international space.

    The two events were the Chinese reaction to President Ma’s trip to Rome to attend the inauguration of Pope Francis, and the decision by the Indonesian government in Jakarta to deny a delegation from Taiwan access to an international defense conference after objections from China.

    In the case of Taiwan President Ma’s trip to Rome, the Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized both Taiwan and the Vatican over the visit.  In a press briefing on March 18th 2013, PRC spokeswoman Hua Chun-ying urged the Vatican to “dissolve ties with Taiwan.”

    In the case of the Jakarta International Defense Dialogue (JIDD), a four-person Taiwanese delegation was forced to withdraw from attending the conference, when the Indonesian authorities disinvited the delegation after China raised objections to Taiwan’s presence at the conference.

    In response to the developments, FAPA President Mark Kao states: “China’s continued efforts to undermine Taiwan’s presence at such international events do clearly show that President Ma’s “diplomatic truce” is not working. Worse, it shows that promises of a “rapprochement” across the Taiwan Strait is leading to diminished international space for Taiwan.”

    Dr. Kao adds: “China’s moves are also in clear contradiction to stated US policy, which says that the US supports meaningful participation by Taiwan in international organizations.  We call on the US government to protest China’s attempts to restrict Taiwan’s international space.  Taiwan should be a full and equal member in the international family of nations.”









    ",,"7","39","2013-04-08 17:41:18","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "137","US Representatives call for 66th Commemoration of Taiwan’s 2-28 Massacre","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - February 28th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    US Representatives call for 66th Commemoration of Taiwan’s 2-28 Massacre

    (Washington, D.C. – February 28th 2013) -- In light of the 66th commemoration of Taiwan's 2-28 Massacre on February 28, 2013, Reps.  Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and Scott Garrett (R-NJ) issued  statements in the Congressional Record urging their colleagues to join them in commemorating this tragic chapter in Taiwan's history.

    The statements recount the history of the Massacre. Rep. Andrews states: ""Mr. Speaker, the Massacre had far reaching implications. Over the next half century, the Taiwanese democracy movement that grew out of the event helped pave the way for Taiwan's momentous transformation from a dictatorship under the Chinese Nationalists to a democracy. In some ways, the 228 incident was Taiwan's ""Boston Massacre"" for both events functioned as the cradle of a move by both peoples to full democracy and helped galvanize the strive to independence.

    Rep. Andrews concludes his remarks with: ""Mr. Speaker, I have said it before: ""Freedom is not negotiable. May the lessons learned from the 2-28 Massacre continue to inspire the people of Taiwan in their struggle for freedom, full independence, international participation, and for the continued enhancement of the mutual relationship between Taiwan and the United States.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD says: ""228 is a day that lives in infamy. The 2-28 massacre must never be forgotten. Moreover,  president Ma owes the victims and their families an apology. The Kuomintang Nationalist party must make complete amends for the crimes it committed during the massacre and its protracted aftermath of White Terror. The Ma Administration's efforts to distort the history of the 2-28 need to be stopped immediately.""

    Dr. Kao adds: ""It is heart-warming and encouraging that members of the United States Congress continue to pay due respect and attention to this horrific episode in Taiwan's history.""


    Mr. ANDREWS:   Mr. Speaker, I rise today to observe the 66th commemoration of Taiwan's ""2-28 Massacre."" The Massacre was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan that began on February 28, 1947 and was violently suppressed by General Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) government during the following weeks. Estimates of the number of deaths are around 28,000.

    In the fall of 1945, 50 years of Japanese occupation of Taiwan ended after Japan had lost World War II. In October of that year, the KMT-administered Republic of China (ROC) received administrative control of Taiwan. 16 months of KMT administration on Taiwan led to the widespread impression among the people of Taiwan that the party was plagued by nepotism, corruption, and economic failure.

    Tensions increased between the Taiwanese people and the ROC administration. The flashpoint came on February 28, 1947 when in Taipei a dispute between a female cigarette vendor and an officer of the Government's Office of Monopoly triggered civil disorder and open rebellion by the native Taiwanese against the KMT repression.

    During the following weeks, Chiang's government sent troops from China to the island. The Chinese soldiers started to round up and execute a whole generation of an elite of Taiwanese lawyers, doctors, students, professors etc...

    It is estimated that up to 30,000 people lost their lives during the turmoil. During the following four decades, the Chinese Nationalists continued to rule Taiwan with an iron fist under a Martial Law that would not be lifted until 1987.

    Mr. Speaker, the Massacre had far reaching implications. Over the next half century, the Taiwanese democracy movement that grew out of the event helped pave the way for Taiwan's momentous transformation from a dictatorship under the Chinese Nationalists to a democracy.

    In some ways, the 228 incident was Taiwan's ""Boston Massacre"" for both events functioned as the cradle of a move by both peoples to full democracy and helped galvanize the strive to independence.

    Mr. Speaker, I have said it before: Freedom is not negotiable. May the lessons learned from the 2-28 Massacre continue to inspire the people of Taiwan in their struggle for freedom, full independence, international participation, and for the continued enhancement of the mutual relationship between Taiwan and the United States.

    Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join me today in commemorating this important historical event.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    February 28, 2013

    Dear Friend,

    On February 28, 1947, the brutal arrest of an elderly woman in Taipei led to large protests against the government of the Republic of China.  In the days that followed, under government orders, soldiers began capturing and viciously murdering thousands of native Taiwanese. An estimated 18,000 people lost their lives during the mayhem. Today, we remember this tragic loss of life and honor those who fought and died for the freedom of Taiwan's people.

    As you know, freedom and democracy ultimately triumphed over martial law in Taiwan. History has since marked the ""2-28 Massacre"" as a major turning point in Taiwan's transformation from a dictatorship to a vibrant and thriving democracy.  Now, as the beacon of democracy in the region, Taiwan remains a close friend and a strong ally of the United States.  As your Congressman, I will continue to be a staunch advocate for Taiwan and our shared interests.


    Scott Garrett

    ",,"7","39","2013-04-08 18:35:12","2013-04-08 18:37:18" "138","FAPA urges US government to protest China’s continued restriction of Taiwan’s international space","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - March 29th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA urges US government to protest China’s continued restriction of Taiwan’s international space

    President Ma’s ‘diplomatic truce’ not working

    (Washington, D.C. – March 29th 2013) -- Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) – a Washington-based Taiwanese-American grassroots advocacy organization – expressed its concern about two recent events showing that China is still attempting to deny Taiwan international space.

    The two events were the Chinese reaction to President Ma’s trip to Rome to attend the inauguration of Pope Francis, and the decision by the Indonesian government in Jakarta to deny a delegation from Taiwan access to an international defense conference after objections from China.

    In the case of Taiwan President Ma’s trip to Rome, the Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized both Taiwan and the Vatican over the visit.  In a press briefing on March 18th 2013, PRC spokeswoman Hua Chun-ying urged the Vatican to “dissolve ties with Taiwan.”

    In the case of the Jakarta International Defense Dialogue (JIDD), a four-person Taiwanese delegation was forced to withdraw from attending the conference, when the Indonesian authorities disinvited the delegation after China raised objections to Taiwan’s presence at the conference.

    In response to the developments, FAPA President Mark Kao states: “China’s continued efforts to undermine Taiwan’s presence at such international events do clearly show that President Ma’s “diplomatic truce” is not working. Worse, it shows that promises of a “rapprochement” across the Taiwan Strait is leading to diminished international space for Taiwan.”

    Dr. Kao adds: “China’s moves are also in clear contradiction to stated US policy, which says that the US supports meaningful participation by Taiwan in international organizations.  We call on the US government to protest China’s attempts to restrict Taiwan’s international space.  Taiwan should be a full and equal member in the international family of nations.”









    ",,"7","39","2013-04-09 17:35:21","2013-04-09 17:42:22" "139","FAPA urges Secretary Kerry to stand up for Taiwan's interests during Beijing visit","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - April 8th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA urges Secretary Kerry to stand up for Taiwan's interests during Beijing visit

    (Washington, D.C. – April 8th 2013) -- In a letter dated April 5, 2013, the president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), Dr. Mark Kao, urged United States Secretary of State John Kerry to “reaffirm America’s support for freedom and democracy in Taiwan” when Kerry meets with the Chinese leadership this coming weekend.

    In his letter, Dr. Kao called for U.S. support for Taiwan’s membership in international organizations such as the UN and the WHO, for the U.S. to rethink the U.S. One China policy and replace it with a U.S. “One China, One Taiwan policy,” for Secretary Kerry to impress upon the Chinese to “renounce the use of force against Taiwan in general, and to dismantle the 1,600-plus missiles it presently has deployed against Taiwan in particular.”

    Dr. Kao wrote: “I urge you to remind the Chinese leadership that it is a core interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.”

    He also commented: “Yes, we understand that in order to resolve many of the world’s major problems the United States needs to “engage” China.  But the experience of previous US governments under Presidents Nixon, Carter, Clinton and Bush shows that all too often this was done at the expense of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.”

    And “We therefore appeal to you that you insist, in your negotiations with the Chinese leaders, that China renounce the use of military force against Taiwan and that the offensive weapons directed at Taiwan be dismantled, so that the people of Taiwan can make a free and fully democratic decision on their future.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “The U.S. One China Policy is a remnant of the Cold War. It dates from the time when Taiwan was still under Martial Law and its government claimed to rule China. Today’s Taiwan is a democracy. It is therefore time that this obsolete policy be replaced by a One China, One Taiwan Policy that affirms the present-day reality that Taiwan is a free and democratic nation. With the 34th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act on April 10, 2013 imminent, I understand that the U.S. Congress will call for similar action soon as well.”








    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Mr. John F. Kerry                                                April 5, 2013
    Secretary of State
    Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Dear Mr. Secretary:

    As you prepare your visit to China, I, as the president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), appeal to you to reaffirm America's support for freedom and democracy in Taiwan, when you meet with the Chinese leadership.           

    As Taiwanese Americans, we feel strongly about the preservation and advancement of democracy in Taiwan, which was achieved only two decades ago through the hard work and sacrifice of the courageous pro-democracy activists in Taiwan, with support from the overseas Taiwanese community and friends in the US Congress, such as Senators Ted Kennedy and Claiborne Pell.  It is in the interest of the United States that the democracy in Taiwan continues to succeed, so that it can serve as a beacon for other countries in Asia aspiring to liberalize their political systems.

    I therefore urge you to remind the Chinese leadership that it is a core interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.

    As Taiwanese Americans we want our country of birth to be able to defend its sovereignty, freedom and democracy. We want the people of Taiwan to live their lives free from outside coercion and free from fear.  We therefore want China to renounce the use of military force against Taiwan in general, and to dismantle the 1,600-plus missiles it presently has deployed against Taiwan in particular.

    Furthermore, Taiwan wishes to be a full and equal member of the international community.  Taiwan is a peace-loving nation that is willing and able to make significant contributions to multilateral organizations such as the United Nations and the WHO.  Recent reports about the re-emergence of the H7N9 virus in China illustrate the necessity that Taiwan be given full membership in the latter organization. Infectious diseases know no boundaries, and Taiwan's exclusion from these important international bodies not only deprives the world of the benefit of Taiwan's considerable expertise, but also creates a gap in the global public health system with potentially dangerous consequences.

    We therefore urge you to be proactive and creative in your support for Taiwan's democracy and security, conform with the provisions of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which is the law of the land and which, together with the 1982 ""Six Assurances"" to Taiwan, has served as the cornerstone of United States-Taiwan relations for over 30 years.

    Finally, for the past three decades, the US has clung to an outdated ""One China"" policy which has left Taiwan dangling in an increasingly isolated international position.

    I therefore implore you to move towards a new US ""One China, One Taiwan"" policy which is based on our core beliefs of freedom and democracy, and which emphasizes that the Taiwanese people have the right to determine their own future.

    As Taiwanese-Americans we have come to appreciate, and firmly believe in, the basic principles for which the United States stands and the values it supports. We also realize that our relatives and friends in Taiwan look to the United States for leadership and support on these issues.

    Yes, we understand that in order to resolve many of the world's major problems the United States needs to ""engage"" China.  But the experience of previous US governments under Presidents Nixon, Carter, Clinton and Bush shows that all too often this was done at the expense of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.

    We therefore appeal to you that you insist, in your negotiations with the Chinese leaders, that China renounce the use of military force against Taiwan and that the offensive weapons directed at Taiwan be dismantled, so that the people of Taiwan can make a free and fully democratic decision on their future.

    Thank you very much.

    Sincerely yours,

    Mark Kao, President, Formosan
    Association for Public Affairs

    ",,"7","39","2013-04-09 17:39:06","2013-04-09 17:40:15" "140","U.S. Representatives introduce Resolution Calling for U.S.-Taiwan Diplomatic Relations and End to U.S. “One China” Policy","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 10th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Representatives introduce Resolution Calling for U.S.-Taiwan Diplomatic Relations and

    End to U.S. “One China” Policy

    (Washington, D.C. – April 10th 2013) -- U.S. Representatives Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Robert Andrews (D-NJ) today introduced a resolution calling upon the United States government to resume diplomatic relations with Taiwan and to end the U.S. One China Policy.

    Of the five countries in the world that the United States government currently does not diplomatically recognize (Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Bhutan and Taiwan), Taiwan is the only democracy.  The resolution underscores that Taiwan ""has been a steadfast ally of the United States and a responsible and compassionate member of the world community.""

    Similar resolutions were introduced in previous Congresses by former Reps. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), John Linder (R-GA), and by Rep. McCaul himself – all staunch Taiwan supporters in the U.S. House of Representatives.

    The McCaul/Andrews resolution urges that: (1) the President should abandon the fundamentally flawed `One China Policy' in favor of a more realistic `One China, One Taiwan Policy' that recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign and independent country, separate from the Communist regime in Beijing; (2) the President should begin the process of resuming normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan; and (3) the President, the Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, and other relevant United States officials should aggressively support Taiwan's full participation in the United Nations and any other international organization of which the United States is a member, and for which statehood is a requirement for membership.

    FAPA President Mark Kao Ph.D. states: ""China's Communist Government continues to force nations around the world to choose between Taipei or Beijing.  However, maintaining separate recognition with both China AND Taiwan would be an excellent model for those nations which seek to have diplomatic ties with both governments in a mutually beneficial relationship.""

    Dr. Kao, adds: ""Introduction of the resolution reflects the sense within the U.S. Congress that the U.S. ‘One China Policy' is increasingly untenable, as it is clearly outdated, and out of touch with the unmistakable reality that Taiwan is a free, democratic, independent and sovereign nation. By adopting a more realistic and pragmatic ‘One China, One Taiwan' policy, the United States can set an example for other countries in the world to establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan as well.""


    華府訊(2013410日)美國德州共和黨眾議員麥考(Michael McCaul)與紐澤西州民主黨共議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews)於今天提案,呼籲美國政府重建與台灣之外交關係,並廢除一中政策。


    前科羅拉多州共和黨眾議員唐克多(Tom Tancredo)、前喬治亞州共和黨眾議員林德爾(John Linder)與麥考議員等美國眾院中的台灣支持者,都曾於過去的院會中提出過相似的決議案。

    今 次提出的決議案中呼籲:(一)美國總統應揚棄大有瑕疵的一中政策,改採符合現狀的「一中一台」政策以承認台灣為一主權獨立國家;(二)美國總統應展開與台 灣復交的相關程序;(三)美國總統、美國常駐聯合國代表,以及其他相關之美國官員,應積極支持台灣完全參與聯合國及其他需以國家身份入會的國際組織。



    * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    Mr. McCAUL (And Mr. ANDREWS) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


    Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should resume normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and for other purposes.

    Whereas the people of Taiwan have established a vibrant and pluralistic democracy;

    Whereas the people of Taiwan have conducted five successful presidential elections, successive elections for members of their national legislature, numerous local elections, and two national referendums;

    Whereas Taiwan has never been under the jurisdiction of the Communist government in Beijing, which continues to illegitimately claim sovereignty over Taiwan and its 23,000,000 citizens;

    Whereas the Shanghai Communique, which maintains that there is `One China' and that `Taiwan is part of China', was established without the consultation of Congress or the people of Taiwan;

    Whereas Communist China has since used the `One China Policy' to block Taiwan's membership and full participation in international organizations and events, ranging from the United Nations and the World Health Organization to the Olympics;

    Whereas the `One China Policy' is effectively obsolete, and does not reflect the obvious reality that Taiwan has been an independent and sovereign country for over half a century;

    Whereas Taiwan maintains diplomatic, cultural, and economic relations with several countries around the world;

    Whereas Taiwan and the United States maintained formal diplomatic relations until 1979;

    Whereas former President Jimmy Carter severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979 and terminated the Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States and Taiwan without consulting or seeking the approval of Congress;

    Whereas Congress responded later that year by adopting the Taiwan Relations Act, codifying into law the basis for continued friendly relations between the United States and Taiwan;

    Whereas former President Ronald Reagan issued the `Six Assurances' to Taiwan in July 1982, including the assurance that `[t]he United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan.';

    Whereas both the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances form the cornerstone of United States -Taiwan relations; and

    Whereas Taiwan has been a steadfast ally of the United States and a responsible and compassionate member of the world community: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that--

    (1) the President should abandon the fundamentally flawed `One China Policy' in favor of a more realistic `One China, One Taiwan Policy' that recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign and independent country, separate from the Communist regime in Beijing;

    (2) the President should begin the process of resuming normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan; and

    (3) the President, the Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, and other relevant United States officials should aggressively support Taiwan's full participation in the United Nations and any other international organization of which the United States is a member, and for which statehood is a requirement for membership.

    ",,"7","39","2013-04-12 17:43:19","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "141","Massachusetts State Senate introduces legislation supporting media freedom in Taiwan","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 16th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Massachusetts State Senate introduces legislation supporting media freedom in Taiwan

    (Washington, D.C. – April 16th 2013) -- Massachusetts State Senator Anthony W. Petruccelli (R) introduced a bill expressing concern about the erosion of press freedom in Taiwan. On April 9, the bill was sent to the Joint Rules Committee of the Massachusetts Senate and will be officially assigned to the Veterans and Federal Affairs Committee within the next few days.

    The bill determines that the sale by Next Media of Next TV will jeopardize the freedom of media in Taiwan, and must not be allowed by Taiwan's media regulators.

    The bill reads: “RESOLVED by the Massachusetts State Senate, the House concurring, that it is the sense of the Senate that Taiwan’s media regulators must disallow the sale, and find a solution that respects media diversity in Taiwan, in keeping with the values of freedom and democracy.”

    Crediting FAPA member Joseph McHugh for leading this campaign effort, Herbert Chang, president of the FAPA Massachusetts Chapter says: “This is an important campaign that has garnered the support of citizens at the grassroots level, as is evident by the timely introduction of this piece of legislation.”

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. adds: “Taiwanese Americans are encouraged by the fact that Next Media’s plan to sell its print business in Taiwan has fallen through. However, they feel that the laws that Taiwan's media regulator - the National Communications Commission (NCC) - have submitted to the Legislative Yuan are not strict enough. Especially since the NCC version defines its “red line” by ratings rather than market share. We believe this standard is insufficient.”

    “Winston Churchill already said: “A free press is the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men prize; it is the most dangerous foe of tyranny.” We urge Taiwan’s government to heed Churchill’s words.”


    麻州州參議員培竹西里(Anthony W. Petruccelli)於州參議院中提案表達對於台灣媒體自由倒退的憂心。該議案於49日送交麻州參議院聯合程序委員會審理,並將於近日轉交退伍軍人與聯邦事務委員會。



    台灣人公共事務會麻州分會長張皓博,讚揚會員Joseph McHugh在此事上的努力,並表示:「努力促成這項法案能適時被提出,證明了這個行動有著基層公民的支持。」



    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    SENATE  DOCKET, NO. 1799         FILED ON: 3/28/2013
    SENATE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No.       

    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    PRESENTED BY: Anthony W. Petruccelli

    To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled:

    Resolutions expressing concern about the erosion of press freedom in Taiwan.

    WHEREAS in mid-October 2012 Hong Kong-based Next Media announced a preliminary agreement to sell its four Taiwan media outlets
    the Apple Daily, the Sharp Daily, Next Magazine and Next TVto a consortium headed by Chinatrust Charity Foundation chairman Jeffrey Koo Jr;

    WHEREAS Taiwan's Wealth Magazine reported on November 7, 2012 that half of the purchase money would be coming from the Want Want Group;

    WHEREAS this caused a public uproar in Taiwan and prompted legislators, press freedom organizations, and the Democratic Progressive Party to urge the National Communications Commission to block the sale;

    WHEREAS in a formal complaint filed on 19 November 2012 to Taiwan's Executive Yuan, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), the Fair Trade Commission, the National Communications Commission (NCC) and the Council for Labor Affairs, the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) with the Taiwan News Media Industrial Union raised concerns that the sale could potentially violate laws relating to the separation of finance and industry.

    WHEREAS the acquisition of Next Media by Want Want / China Times would tip the Group's control over the print news industry to nearly 50%, a degree of concentration that could violate the anti-monopoly and fair competition stipulations of the Fair Trade Law, as well as the three laws regulating wireless television, cable and satellite and the broadcasting and radio industries;

    WHEREAS in spite of broad public opposition, the deal was finalized on 28 November 2012 for approximately US$ 600 million.

    WHEREAS the transaction now awaits official approval by Next Media's shareholders and Taiwan's media regulators, the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) and the National Communications Commission (NCC);

    WHEREAS during the past months Taiwanese grassroots groups consisting of students, scholars, and activists held major public rallies to oppose the take-over;

    WHEREAS on December 18, 2012, the Committee To Project Journalists (CPJ) called upon the Taiwan regulators to reject the sale to prove that Taiwan still has the safeguards to withstand influence from China;

    WHEREAS the CPJ concluded that ""Letting it pass unchecked could mark the beginning of the end for Taiwan's freewheeling media culture.

    RESOLVED by the Massachusetts State Senate, the House concurring, that it is the sense of the Senate that Taiwan's media regulators must disallow the sale, and find a solution that respects media diversity in Taiwan, in keeping with the values of freedom and democracy.

    ",,"7","39","2013-04-17 13:15:10","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "142","FAPA 2013 Congressional Workshop","

    FAPA 2013 Congressional Workshop in Washington DC

    2013 FAPA Congressional Workshop

    On March 31st and April 1st 2013 we held an exciting Congressional workshop in Washington DC

    Some two dozen FAPA members descended on Washington and learned about Taiwan History, Issues of Concern to Taiwan, the ABC of the US Congress, advocacy skills, and how to make friends in Congress and promote a free and democratic Taiwan

    And on Monday, April 1st, we put everything into practice and visited our Congressmen and Senators.  Exciting and a great success!  In addition: everybody got to see some cherry blossom!


    ",,"3","31","2013-04-17 13:18:19","2013-04-22 01:57:20" "143","FAPA-30 Anniversary and Board meeting in San Jose","

    FAPA-30 Anniversary and Board meeting in San Jose, CA December 7th through 9th 2012


    ",,"10","46","2013-04-17 14:25:22","2013-04-17 14:44:46" "144"," FAPA Statement on the Transfer of former President Chen Shui-bian to a prison hospital in Taichung","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 19th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Statement on the transfer of former President Chen Shui-bian to a prison hospital in Taichung

    (Washington, D.C. – April 19th 2013) --  The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) – a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization based in Washington DC – today expressed dismay and its deepest concern about the transfer of former Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian  from the Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) in the North of Taipei to the Pei-de Prison Hospital in Taichung.

    The way the transfer was implemented by the Taiwan Ministry of Justice flies in the face of norms and standards in a democratic country: it was done before dawn on April 19th, 2013, without any prior notification to the family or to the doctors treating Chen at the TVGH.  According to one of the doctors, Dr. Ko Wen-tze, the former President was not even given an opportunity to bring his medical prescriptions, and the prison authorities later had to return to the TVGH to pick up the prescriptions.

    Additionally, according to press reports from Taiwan, the Pei-de Prison Hospital in Taichung is a poorly equipped prison clinic, and certainly does not have adequate psychiatric facilities needed for treatment of the former President.

    FAPA strongly urges the Obama Administration and the US Congress to express their deepest concerns to President Ma Ying-jeou and urge him to release President Chen on medical parole.  This would be in keeping with the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, which stipulates that “The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.” (Sec. 2.3).

    In Taiwan some 17 out of 23 city and county councils have adopted resolutions in support of medical parole, while many members of US Congress have also spoken out on the issue.  Indeed, just today, US Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ) wrote a letter to Secretary of State Kerry (attached) saying that the United States “must clearly express [itself] in favor of a medical parole on humanitarian grounds as well.”

    The argument by the Ministry of Justice in Taipei that the former President “doesn’t qualify” for medical parole is groundless and lays bare its strong political bias.  Taiwan’s Prison Act does contain clear provisions regarding medical parole, and legal specialists in Taiwan such as Taipei District Judge Hung Yin-hua have stated that former President Chen clearly qualifies under the law.

    On Wednesday April 17th 2013, US Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH), who serves as the Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Subcommittee in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, raised the issue of former President Chen’s incarceration in a hearing with Secretary of State Kerry, referring to the imprisonment as “criminalization of politics.”

    Secretary Kerry responded that he would follow up on the issue.  FAPA urges Secretary Kerry to stand up for the principles of freedom and democracy, and make it clear to the Taiwan authorities that continued imprisonment of former President Chen is severely damaging to the international image of Taiwan as a free and democratic nation, and that release on medical parole is the only humanitarian and responsible solution.

    Since early 2012, FAPA has called the attention of the US government to the deteriorating physical and mental condition of the former President on a number of occasions, including a March 20th 2012 letter to President Obama, and some 5,500 petitions to members of the US Congress in the Summer of 2012.






    目前台灣的23個縣市議會中已有17個通過議案,要求政府准予陳前總統保外就醫。在美國,亦有許多國會議員針對此事表示關切。紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews)今天致函美國國務卿凱瑞,說道:「美國也必須表達自己支持台灣政府應基於人道因素,准予陳前總統保外就醫的立場」(詳附件)。


    美國眾議院外交事務委員會亞太事務小組委員會主席、俄亥俄州共和黨眾議員夏波(Steve Chabot),於週三一場聽證會中,對凱瑞國務卿提及陳前總統持續受到監禁一事,並表示此為「政治犯罪化」。



    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    April 19, 2013

    The Honorable John F. Kerry                           
    Secretary of State
    Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Dear Mr. Secretary:

    Thank you for the letter from your Legislative Affairs Office dated March 14th 2013, which was in response to my letter dated March 1st 2013, concerning the prison conditions and medical care for former Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian.

    Unfortunately, said letter displays a rather stand-offish wait-and-see attitude on behalf of the US institutions representing our country in our relations with the Taiwan authorities.

    As is clear from the many reports regarding former President Chen's health, his poor physical and mental condition have been caused by the deplorable prison conditions under which he was held for the past years until September 12, 2012, when he was transferred to his present location at the Taipei Veterans General Hospital.

    That a former head of state is treated in such a manner is clearly in violation of the values of democracy and human rights, that we as a nation hold high.  I believe that as a human rights respecting nation, we, i.e. our government and the institutions that represent us abroad, need not only maintain our human rights standards here but also express our concern when we deem these standards violated or trampled upon elsewhere.

    In the case of former President Chen there have been widespread calls for medical parole, including by the ruling party's mayor of Taipei as well as by some 17 of the 23 city and county councils in Taiwan itself.  I therefore believe that we must clearly express ourselves in favor of a medical parole on humanitarian grounds as well. 

    I also understand that US legal experts such as Prof. Jerome Cohen of New York University, an expert on Taiwan law, considers the trial proceedings against the former President flawed at best.  I request that the AIT and the State Department take a closer look at the legal case against the former president, and determine whether the procedures followed by the prosecution were above board, and whether the trial and judgment can be considered fair, objective and politically neutral.

    I look forward to hearing from you on this important matter. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, please contact Benjamin Culver of my legislative staff.


    Robert E. Andrews
    Member of Congress

    ",,"7","39","2013-04-19 20:21:52","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "145","FAPA Statement on the transfer of former President Chen Shui-bian","

    FAPA Statement on the transfer of former President Chen Shui-bian to a prison hospital in Taichung

    The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) – a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization based in Washington DC – today expressed dismay and its deepest concern about the transfer of former Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian  from the Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) in the North of Taipei to the Pei-de Prison Hospital in Taichung.

    The way the transfer was implemented by the Taiwan Ministry of Justice flies in the face of norms and standards in a democratic country: it was done before dawn on April 19th, 2013, without any prior notification to the family or to the doctors treating Chen at the TVGH.  According to one of the doctors, Dr. Ko Wen-tze, the former President was not even given an opportunity to bring his medical prescriptions, and the prison authorities later had to return to the TVGH to pick up the prescriptions.

    Additionally, according to press reports from Taiwan, the Pei-de Prison Hospital in Taichung is a poorly equipped prison clinic, and certainly does not have adequate psychiatric facilities needed for treatment of the former President.

    FAPA strongly urges the Obama Administration and the US Congress to express their deepest concerns to President Ma Ying-jeou and urge him to release President Chen on medical parole.  This would be in keeping with the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, which stipulates that “The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people on Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.” (Sec. 2.3).

    In Taiwan some 17 out of 23 city and county councils have adopted resolutions in support of medical parole, while many members of US Congress have also spoken out on the issue.  Indeed, just today, US Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ) wrote a letter to Secretary of State Kerry (attached) saying that the United States “must clearly express [itself] in favor of a medical parole on humanitarian grounds as well.”

    The argument by the Ministry of Justice in Taipei that the former President “doesn’t qualify” for medical parole is groundless and lays bare its strong political bias.  Taiwan’s Prison Act does contain clear provisions regarding medical parole, and legal specialists in Taiwan such as Taipei District Judge Hung Yin-hua have stated that former President Chen clearly qualifies under the law.

    On Wednesday April 17th 2013, US Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH), who serves as the Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Subcommittee in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, raised the issue of former President Chen’s incarceration in a hearing with Secretary of State Kerry, referring to the imprisonment as “criminalization of politics.”

    Secretary Kerry responded that he would follow up on the issue.  FAPA urges Secretary Kerry to stand up for the principles of freedom and democracy, and make it clear to the Taiwan authorities that continued imprisonment of former President Chen is severely damaging to the international image of Taiwan as a free and democratic nation, and that release on medical parole is the only humanitarian and responsible solution.

    Since early 2012, FAPA has called the attention of the US government to the deteriorating physical and mental condition of the former President on a number of occasions, including a March 20th 2012 letter to President Obama, and some 5,500 petitions to members of the US Congress in the Summer of 2012. 

    ",,"7","39","2013-04-22 01:53:15","2013-11-15 02:48:31" "146","FAPA Applauds Unanimous Passage of Taiwan Policy Act (TPA) in House Subcommittee","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 25th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Applauds Unanimous Passage of Taiwan Policy Act (TPA) in House Subcommittee

    (Washington, D.C. – April 25th 2013) -- Today the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the United States House of Representatives unanimously passed HR419, aka the Taiwan Policy Act (TPA).

    The TPA was introduced on January 25, 2013 by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Gerald Connolly (D-VA), John Carter (R-TX) and Albio Sires (D-NJ) ""to strengthen and clarify the commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan.""

    It is a comprehensive bill that addresses over a dozen different aspects of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship, and updates the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to reflect the new realities in this U.S.-Taiwan relationship.  The TPA builds on the TRA (which has functioned effectively as the cornerstone of US-Taiwan relations over the past three decades). It does not amend or supersede the TRA.

    The TPA had been introduced during the previous 112th Congress, was passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee but did not make it to the floor by the time Congress adjourned for the year in the fall of 2012.

    During the April 25 markup hearing, the following 8 Representatives attended the hearing: Steve Chabot (R-OH), Eni Faleomavaega (D-SA), Ileana Ros Lehtinen (R-FL), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Doug Collins (R-GA), Scott Perry (R-PA), Ami Bera (D-CA).

    Chairman Chabot stated: ""This bill strengthens the relations of our two nations.  And I want to emphasize ""Two Nations"" for Taiwan is a democracy, an old friend and ally, and it deserves to be treated as such by the U.S. government."" Rep. Faleomavaega said: ""Reason why we pass this Act, is that we want to achieve that the leaders of Taiwan can continue to practice their democracy.""

    Rep. Rohrabacher emphasized that Taiwan is a free and independent country. Rep.  Perry: ""I believe we should break through the barrier of conventional wisdom in our relations with Taiwan and work towards the normalization of relations."" Rep. Ros-Lehtinen concluded: ""Taiwan continues to be such an essential alley to the United States. This bill reiterates our support, and tells the Taiwanese people just how deeply we value that friendship.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. says: ""This bill is one of the most significant pieces of legislation to address U.S.-Taiwan relations over the past decade and, if passed, will greatly bolster Taiwan's ability to preserve its freedom of action in the international community.""

    Dr. Kao concluded: ""Next, the bill has to pass the House Foreign Affairs Committee, then the floor of the House to be followed by introduction in the Senate where the bill has to follow a similar path. We at FAPA will mobilize all our members all over the United States on the grassroots level to help ensure that this critically important bill becomes law at the earliest opportunity.""


    美國眾議院亞太事務小組委員會於425日無異議通過編號H.R.419的「台灣政策法」(Taiwan Policy Act, TPA)。

    台灣政策法於125日由佛州共和黨眾議員羅斯雷提能(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)及眾院台灣連線四位共同主席:佛州共和黨議員迪亞茲巴拉特(Mario Diaz-Balart)、維州民主黨議員康納利(Gerald Connolly)、德州共和黨議員卡特(John Carter),以及紐澤西州民主黨議員席瑞斯(Albio Sires),共同提出。

    該法案包括台美關係中十幾項不同的議題,並更新1979年的「台灣關係法」(Taiwan Relations Act, TRA),使其更能反映台美關係的真實現況。台灣政策法是建基於過去三十年來台美關係的重要基石台灣關係法上,但並未修改,也不會凌駕於其上。


    俄亥俄州共和黨議員夏波(Steve Chabot)、美屬薩摩亞民主黨代表法里歐馬維加(Eni Faleomavaega)、羅斯雷提能議員(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)、阿拉巴馬州共和黨議員布魯克斯(Mo Brooks)、加州共和黨議員羅拉巴克(Dana Rohracacher)、喬治亞州共和黨議員柯林斯(Doug Collins),以及賓州共和黨議員裴瑞(Scott Perry)等八位眾議員出席425日的審議聽證會。

    小 組委員會主席夏波議員說道:「此法案將強化我等兩國的關係,而在此我要特別強調『兩國』,因為台灣是一個民主國家及一個長期的美國盟友,而它也應該受到美 國政府如是的對待。」法里歐馬維加代表說:「我們通過這項法案的原因,是因為我們要讓台灣可以持續保有其民主。」羅拉巴克議員強調台灣是一個民主自由之 邦,而裴瑞議員則說:「我認為我們需要突破現有台美關係的框架,進而將台美關係正常化。」羅斯雷提能議員總結道:「台灣是美國重要的友邦,通過這項法案代 表著我們的支持,也向台灣人重申我們是多麼重視台美友誼。」



    ",,"7","39","2013-04-30 14:36:43","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "147","U.S. Senator calls for Taiwan’s full WHO membership after discovery of first H7N9 case in Taiwan","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 26th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Senator calls for Taiwan’s full WHO membership after discovery of first H7N9 case in Taiwan

    (Washington, D.C. – April 26th 2013) -- In light of the discovery last week of the first H7N9 case in Taiwan, long-time friend of Taiwan Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry dated April 26, 2013 calling for full WHO membership for Taiwan.

    Senator Brown wrote: ""Taiwan's exclusion not only creates a dangerous gap in the exchange of information between countries, but puts global health monitoring and security at risk due to Taiwan's proximity to China during this time of virulent outbreak.""

    He added: ""In April 2002, President Bush signed Public Law No. 107-10, which included a clause mandating the Secretary of State to endorse ""meaningful participation"" for Taiwan in the World Health Assembly (WHA). Regrettably, very little progress has been made since that time.""

    The Senator concluded: ""I urge the Administration to make a concerted effort to build a coalition of like-minded nations – in particular the member states of the European Union – in support of Taiwan's membership.  As global health threats emerge, the public health of our nation increasingly depends on cooperation and communications between every nation. It is in America's best interest to ensure that Taiwan is a full member of the WHO.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: ""Taiwan's participation in the annual weeklong WHA meeting is a charade. The truth is that China continues to play politics with the lives of the people of Taiwan by blocking Taiwan's real participation in - and full access to the WHO. This is a severe infringement on the basic rights of the Taiwanese people.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""Taiwan's membership in the WHO is not only in the interest of the people of Taiwan, it is of critical importance to the rest of the world as well. What if someone carrying the H7N9 virus gets on a plane in Taiwan and disembarks in any other country? The world can no longer afford to let Taiwan be the missing health link in the chain of Pacific Rim countries.""

    Meanwhile, on April 26, Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI) introduced H Res 158 (aka the ""Taiwan Travel Act"") calling for the lifting of all restrictions on hi-level visits between the United States and Taiwan. The bill, which would have the force of law when passed by the House, Senate and signed by the president declares ""that it should be the policy of the United States to encourage visits between the United States and Taiwan at all levels.""


    上週台灣爆發首例H7N9禽流感個案後,長期友台的俄亥俄州民主黨參議員布朗(Sherrod Brown)於426日致函美國國務卿凱瑞,呼籲支持台灣加入世界衛生組織。






    另外,密西根州共和黨眾議員班迪福留(Kerry Bentivolio)於426日提出編號H.RES.158的「台美官員旅行法」。該議案呼籲取消台美雙方高階官員互訪旅行的限制,並提道:「美國的政策應該鼓勵台美各級官員互相拜訪。」該法案若通過參眾兩院,並經由總統簽署,將具行政法律效力。

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    April 26, 2013

    The Honorable John Kerry
    Secretary of State
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Dear Secretary Kerry:

    I am writing to encourage the Administration to honor the US commitment to Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Public health threats like the recent outbreak of the H7N9 virus are not constrained by national boundaries. The WHO has already declared that the H7N9 outbreak in China is believed to be more lethal than the 2004 and 2007 outbreak of H5N1.

    Since May 2009, Taiwan has been limited to an observer status in the WHO. Taiwan's exclusion not only creates a dangerous gap in the exchange of information between countries, but puts global health monitoring and security at risk due to Taiwan's proximity to China during this time of virulent outbreak.

    In April 2002, President Bush signed Public Law No. 107-10, which included a clause mandating the Secretary of State to endorse ""meaningful participation"" for Taiwan in the World Health Assembly (WHA). Regrettably, very little progress has been made since that time, and, most recently, and seen in the observer status.

    I urge the Administration to make a concerted effort to build a coalition of like-minded nations – in particular the member states of the European Union – in support of Taiwan's membership.  As global health threats emerge, the public health of our nation increasingly depends on cooperation and communications between every nation.  It is in America's best interest to ensure that Taiwan is a full member of the WHO.

    I look forward to working with you on this important issue.


    Sherrod Brown
    United States Senator



    ",,"7","39","2013-05-01 14:05:03","2013-05-01 14:13:27" "148","former President Chen’s suicide bid due to inadequate medical treatment","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - June 4th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA: former President Chen’s suicide bid due to inadequate medical treatment

    (Washington, D.C. – June 4th 2013) -- In the evening of Sunday June 2nd, former President Chen Shui-bian reportedly tried to hang himself in Pei-teh Prison in Taichung.  This is apparently the third or fourth time that the former President has attempted to take his own life.

    The Formosan Association for Public Affairs – a Washington DC-based Taiwanese-American grassroots organization – expresses its deep concern about this further downturn in the former President’s health. According to FAPA, this serious deterioration is primarily due to the fact that the former President has received inadequate medical care since he was moved to Pei-teh Prison in Taichung on April 19th.

    Until April 19th the former President was held at the Taipei Veterans General Hospital where he received treatment for his medical and psychiatric ailments from an expert team at TVGH, headed by a top psychiatrist, Dr. Chou Yuan-hwa.

    However, at Pei-teh Prison, there is no medical team.  Medical staff from surrounding hospitals are called in on a case-by-case basis. In fact, his medical records were not even transferred from TVGH to Pei-teh Prison.   Reportedly, since April 19th, there have not been any treatment sessions to deal with his mental depression, just one weekly brief visit from a doctor at the Taichung Veterans General Hospital.

    In addition, at TVGH, members of his volunteer medical team could visit him whenever needed.  However, at Pei-teh Prison in Taichung they need to apply for permission to visit Chen through a legislator, and the legislator needs to accompany them on the visit.  The volunteer medical team is also not allowed to write anything down during their visit, making it difficult for them to keep a record.

    A number of key members of the US Congress, including Congressmen Steve Chabot (who traveled to Taiwan to visit Chen last month) and Robert Andrews, and Senators Sherrod Brown and Lisa Murkowski have urged the government of President Ma Ying-jeou to grant a medical parole that allows former President Chen to either go home and receive treatment there, or be transferred to a real hospital where specialized medical and psychiatric care is available.  This was also the recommendation from the top psychiatric specialist at TVGH.

    FAPA will continue to work with the US Congress and the Obama Administration to make it  clear to the Taiwan authorities that continued imprisonment of former President Chen is severely damaging the international image of Taiwan as a free and democratic nation, and that release on medical parole is the only humanitarian and responsible solution.

    台灣人公共事務會: 不當醫療照護成陳前總統自殺未遂肇因



    四 月十九日前,陳前總統被安置在台北榮總醫院,接受由周元華醫師領導的專業醫療團隊照護及心理治療。然而,培德醫院並無設置醫療團隊,而是採取有需要時,求 助鄰近醫院派遣醫療人員的方式。事實上,陳前總統的診療紀錄並未從台北榮總轉送至培德醫院。據報,從四月十九日起,院方從未有任何針對陳前總統憂鬱症的治 療行為,只有一位台中榮總醫院的醫師每週赴院短暫看診。


    多位美國國會議員,包括眾議員夏波(Steve Chabot)、安德魯斯(Robert Andrews),以及參議員布朗(Sherrod Brown)及穆考斯基(Lisa Murkowski)皆曾公開呼籲馬政府准予陳前總統保外就醫,接受居家治療,或是轉送至真正的醫院並由專業醫療團隊照護,而周元華醫師也表示這是最適當的做法。


    ",,"7","39","2013-06-05 15:15:08","2013-06-05 15:20:34" "149","U.S. Congressman Urges U.S. Secretary of Defense to Sell Submarines to Taiwan","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  June 13th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Congressman Urges U.S. Secretary of Defense to Sell Submarines to Taiwan

    (Washington, D.C. – June 13th 2013) -- In a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel dated June 4, 2013, U.S. Representative Robert Andrews (D-NJ) called for the sale of submarines to Taiwan. Rep. Andrews wrote: ""I would like to know how the U.S. can support Taiwan's acquisition of diesel electric submarines, including export control considerations for technical assistance and other export licensing in a support of a Taiwan submarine program.""

    The Congressman concluded: ""I also urge the Department of Defense (DOD) to permit and encourage American companies with expertise in areas related to the development of submarines to support Taiwan's establishment of an indigenous submarine program. To this end, the DOD should convene such integrated product teams as may be necessary to determine the technologies that Taiwan will require, and which are releasable, to facilitate a successful program.""

    In April 2001, then-President George W Bush approved the sale of eight conventional submarines as part of Washington's most comprehensive arms package for the country since 1992. Since then, however, there has been little progress in filling the order.

    Over the years, many members of the U.S. Congress have on multiple occasions called for the sale of submarines to Taiwan. Most recently, in January 2013, a US congressional delegation led by current chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Ed Royce, paid a visit to a Taiwan naval base adding momentum to the Congressional push for the sale of submarines.

    Taiwan's navy currently has four submarines, but only two of them – “Swordfish class” diesel submarines built in the Netherlands in the early 80's -- could be deployed in the event of war. The other two are World War II vintage “Guppy Class” submarines that were built by the United States in the 1940s.

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: ""For Taiwan to possess its own submarine fleet is not only in the immediate interest of Taiwan, it is also in the direct interest of the security of the United States. How? In case of a conflict with China, the Taiwanese submarines would be able defend the waters around Taiwan against intrusions by the Chinese Navy.  This would help deter the PLA Navy, and be very helpful to the US forces in maintaining peace and security in the region.”


    201364日,紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯 (Robert Andrews) 發出給美國國防部長海格 (Chuck Hagel) 信中敦促對台出售潛水艇。安德魯斯議員在信中寫道:我想知道的是,美國可以如何支持台灣取得柴電潛艇,包括出口台灣潛艇計畫的相關技術控管和支援



    近年來,許多美國國會議員紛紛呼求對台軍售。最近在2013年1月,由現任眾議院外交委員會主席洛伊斯議員 (Ed Royce) 率領的國會代表團造訪了台灣海軍基地,更加強化了美國國會對台出售潛水艇的推動



    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Congress of the United States

    House of Representatives

    Washington, DC 20515-3001

    June 4, 2013

    The Hon Chuck Hagel

    Secretary of Defense

    1400 Defense Pentagon

    Washington, DC 20301

    Dear Secretary Hagel:

    As long-time friend of Taiwan and a founding member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, I write to you today about an issue of concern to me and to my Taiwanese American constituents.

    Even though Taiwan is sovereign independent country today, it continues to face a daunting military threat from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The PRC still refuses to renounce the use of force against Taiwan, and in 2005 passed an “Anti-Secession Law” mandating military action if Taiwan takes any actions that China deems to be a move toward de jure independence.

    The Pentagon’s 2011 Annual Report to Congress on the Military and Security Development Involving the PRC concluded that China’s continued military modernization remained focused on the development of capabilities to “deter, delay, or deny possible US support” to Taiwan in the event of conflict. As part of its long term military expansion documented by numerous official U.S. government sources, China has added dozens of attach submarines to its fleet since 1995 with the objective of limiting the U.S.’s ability to intervene in a Taiwan contingency.

    Under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, the United States must make available to Taiwan “such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability” U.S. assessments if Taiwan’s naval defense needs dating back to the Clinton administration have determined that there is an operational requirement for Taiwan to possess diesel electric submarines as part of an integrated Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) architecture. Small submarines in particular would provide a credible, survivable deterrent, while playing a potentially critical role in defending against an amphibious invasion. Taiwan currently operates only two submarines that are deployable in a combat scenario.

    As you know, in 2001 President George W. Bush approved Taiwan’s request for the sale of eight diesel electric submarines as part of a $12 billion arms sales package to Taiwan. However the sale remains pending to this day due to a combination of technical and budgetary challenges. President Bush nevertheless committed the U.S. to assisting Taiwan in its acquisition of diesel electric submarines.

    Taiwan must maintain a sufficient self-defense force in order to engage with the PRC from a position of strength.  In the face of an adversary with seemingly endless resources, a modest number of additional, updated submarines would form an indispensable part of the Taiwan Navy’s credible deterrence capability by significantly enhancing its capability for sea control and denial.

    I would like to know how the U.S. can support Taiwan’s acquisition of diesel electric submarines, including export control considerations for technical assistance and other export licensing in support of a Taiwan submarine program.

    I also urge the Department of Defense (DOD) to permit and encourage American companies with expertise in areas related to the development of submarines to support Taiwan’s establishment of an indigenous submarine program. To this end, the DOD should convene such integrated product teams as may be necessary to determine the technologies that Taiwan will require, and which are releasable, to facilitate a successful program.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Benjamin Culver of my staff at Benjamin.Culver@mail.house.gov or (202) 225-6501 Thank you very much for your attention to this important matter.


    Robert E. Andrews

    Member of Congress

    ",,"7","39","2013-06-14 14:59:40","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "150","2013 Young Professionals Group National Conference","

    · Main

    Taiwan needs your support! Although Taiwan maintains and serves as a vibrant democracy in East Asia, most countries, as well as the United Nations continues to ignore the 23 million people of Taiwan and their pursuit to safeguard their democracy and future. Join us for a 3-day conference where you will:

    1. Learn from leading experts on U.S.-Taiwan issues
    2. Master the “ABCs” of grassroots advocacy
    3. Network with a diverse group of individuals who all support Taiwan’s right to self-determination and Taiwan’s democracy

    This conference culminates with you applying all that you have learned and going to Capitol Hill and speaking with your elected officials to advocate for Taiwan’s cause!

    Whether you are a Taiwanese national, a Taiwanese-American, a non-Taiwanese American, or even of another nationality, your advocacy for Taiwan is all important. The greatest achievements in civil rights were ultimately a collective effort by a diverse group of supporters. As such, we encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to translate your love and passion for Taiwan into action!

    FAPA will cover most of your lodging and meals (see the application form for more details). So the main cost to you will be the transportation to and from DC.

    To see the application form and/or apply: [click here for the application]

    If you have any questions, please email fapalee@gmail.com

    · Application

    Instructions (Please read carefully before you proceed to fill out the application form)

    1. Admission: Applications will be reviewed and approved on a rolling basis, admissions priority will be given to those that will stay on Monday for the congressional visits. The last day to submit applications is Thursday, August 8th, 2013. Those that are accepted will receive an email with follow-up payment info.
    2. Registration fee: Applicants that receive an acceptance email will need to submit a non-refundable registration fee within a week after acceptance to reserve his or her spot. If you are a paid FAPA member this year, you are exempt from paying the registration fee. Please consider becoming an official FAPA member as a way to demonstrate your dedication to promoting our cause to help Taiwan get recognized.
    3. Costs: FAPA will be paying for participants’ lodging except those who live in the Washington DC metropolitan area. You are responsible for your own transportation to Washington, DC. FAPA will cover all your meals on Sunday and breakfast on Monday. If you are staying for the Monday Congressional Visits, FAPA will cover your two-night lodging from Saturday to Sunday with a checkout on Monday afternoon. If you are not staying to visit Capitol Hill on Monday, FAPA will only cover your Saturday night lodging with a checkout on Sunday Evening.
    4. Payment method: FAPA accepts paypal, credit card, and personal check. Payment method will be explained in the acceptance email.
    5. Financial assistance: If you need financial sponsorship, FAPA headquarters will put you in touch with your local FAPA chapter, provided that there is one in your area. It will be solely up to the local chapter to decide whether they have the financial ability to sponsor your transportation costs to attend the conference.  Please contact fapalee@gmail.com if you have any questions.
    6. Dress Code & Photo ID: Remember that you must bring a valid photo ID such a state drivers license or passport. Be prepared to wear business casual throughout the event, with business formal required for the Congressional Visits on Monday, August 26th. Ladies, please prepare comfortable shoes because we will be walking a lot on Capitol Hill.
    7. Location & Time: Please arrive on the early morning of Saturday, August 24th. Registration starts at 12pm and the conference will start promptly at 12:30pm. The closest airport is Reagan National Airport (DCA) and there will be a free hotel shuttle service available to and from Reagan National Airport (DCA).
    8. Cancellations: Since FAPA is a small non-profit organization with a tight budget, we have no choice but to ask participants whom cancel their conference registration after August 8th for the full price of the hotel rooms. August 8th is the hotels’ cut-off date for us to submit the final rooming list. FAPA is contractually bound to pay for all hotel rooms that we reserve.
    9. Making congressional appointments: We will provide information on this item in a series of emails following your acceptance. Rest assured, it is not as intimidating as it sounds, hundreds people have done it, so can you. FAPA will teach you how to make appointments, even hold your hands through the process if necessary.
    10. Personal Conduct: If accepted, each participant agrees to attend all activities in a timely manner. If the participant must miss an activity, the participant shall inform the organizers of the conference. Visiting with friends and family and sightseeing are not part of the conference curriculum. Please schedule all personal business outside of the conference dates.
    11. Privacy: Your information is kept private, we will never share your information with any third parties.
    12. Questions or comments: If you have any questions or comments please send an e-mail to fapalee@gmail.com

    · Missions, Location, Fees

    In 2003, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs established an affiliate organization designed for young adults. This organization, whose goals parallel those of FAPA’s, is known as the Young Professionals Group.


    Four goals comprise our mission:

    Saturday August 24th to Monday August 26th
    Saturday and Sunday will be informational sessions where you will acquire knowledge about U.S.-Taiwan-China issues and learn how to advocate for Taiwan.  On Monday, we will visit Capitol Hill where you will apply what you learned over the weekend in challenging but fun congressional visits!

    To Be Announced.

    Program Fees:
    $60 for non-members
    Free for paid members – you may opt to become a member by paying before the deadline. Paid members are $50 for single, $70 for couple, $25 for collegiate undergrads or lower.  Membership form can be found

    Application Deadline:
    Thursday,  August 8th, 2013 11:59 PST

    No meals will be provided on Saturday except for snacks and coffee.  This year the banquet will be on Sunday night.  All three meals on Sunday as well as Monday breakfast will be covered by FAPA.

    ",,"3","31","2013-06-25 18:44:03","2013-06-25 19:21:03" "151","FAPA Calls upon Taiwan to Speed up Acquisition Process of Submarines","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - July 27th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Calls upon Taiwan to Speed up Acquisition Process of Submarines

    (Washington, D.C. – July 27th 2013) -- On June 23, James Miller, Under Secretary of Defense at DOD, responded to Congressman Andrews' letter of June 4 in which Andrews wrote: ""I would like to know how the U.S. can support Taiwan's acquisition of diesel electric submarines, including export control considerations for technical assistance and other export licensing in a support of a Taiwan submarine program.""

    In 2001, then President George W. Bush authorized the sale of eight diesel submarines to Taiwan. Taiwan reviewed this proposal for seven years then submitted a request for a diesel submarine design and feasibility study in January 2008.

    The letter states that “this request is still under review and no decision has been made.”

    Taiwan’s navy currently has four submarines, but only two of them could be deployed in the event of war. Two of them were built by the United States in the 1940s.

    Over the years, multiple members of the U.S. Congress have called for the sale of submarines to Taiwan. In January 2013, a US congressional delegation led by current chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Ed Royce, paid a visit to a Taiwan naval base adding momentum to the Congressional push for the sale of submarines.

    The letter concludes: “The Department of Defense will continue to consider carefully any Taiwan requests for defense articles and services.  To date, Taiwan has not submitted any requests for technical assistance or export licensing support pertaining to a submarine program.  All requests, if submitted, will be considered by the Transfer Security Assistance Review Board.”

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. reacts: “If anything, the urgency to transfer modern diesel-electric submarines to Taiwan has intensified since President Bush first approved the transfer in 2001. As the United States requested, Taiwan’s government approved full funding of an American diesel submarine feasibility study in January 2008.  But in over five years since then, the Pentagon still has not yet made a decision whether even to conduct the study.”

    Dr. Kao adds: “At a time when the United States needs to make tough defense decisions, Pentagon approval for this feasibility study, funded by Taiwan, certainly would help keep America’s vital naval engineering infrastructure healthy. FAPA, representing Taiwanese Americans, believes it is in America’s own direct interest for Taiwan, as a reliable security partner, to help ease the pressures on the U.S. Navy to balance China's rapid naval modernization and its growing aggressiveness in the Taiwan Strait.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “In the meantime, we request that our friends in the Legislative Yuan inquire immediately with the government about current plans for the acquisition of a modern defensive submarine fleet, and urge them to sit down with the U.S. to work out an arrangement.”


    美國國防部副部長米勒(James Miller)於623日回函紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews),答覆其於64日寫給國防部的信中所道:「我想知道的是,美國可以如何支持台灣取得柴電潛艇,包括出口台灣潛艇計畫的相關技術控管和支援?」




    多年來,許多位美國國會議員都曾公開呼籲潛艇售台。現任眾院外交事務委員會主席洛伊斯(Ed Royce)於20131月率領美國國會代表團訪問台灣海軍基地,更加強化了美國國會對台出售潛艇的推動



    高 博士補充:「在美國必須做出重要國防決策的時間點上,五角大廈若批准這項由台灣出資的研究,將會有效幫助美國海軍保持其架構的完整。代表台美人台灣人公共 事務會認為,由台灣-此一美國重要的安全伙伴-協助美國海軍平衡中國海軍的積極擴張,以及其在台灣海峽與日俱增的侵略性,最符合美國的直接利益。」



    June 23, 2013

    The Honorable Robert E. Andrews
    2265 Rayburn House Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Dear Representative Andrews:

    Thank you for your June 4 letter to Secretary of Defense Hagel.  I am responding on behalf of the Secretary.

    As you noted in your letter, the Taiwan Relations Act states that ""the United Sates will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense service in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability.""  The Department of Defense takes this obligation seriously and continues to work with Taiwan's Military of Defense to determine what defense articles best support its ability to deter aggression from the People's Republic of China.

    President George W. Bush authorized the sale of eight diesel submarines to Taiwan in 2001.  Taiwan reviewed this proposal for seven years then submitted a request for a diesel submarine design and feasibility study in January 2008; this request is still under review and no decision has been made.

    The Department of Defense will continue to consider carefully any Taiwan requests for defense articles and services.  To date, Taiwan has not submitted any requests for technical assistance or export licensing support pertaining to a submarine program.  All requests, if submitted, will be considered by the Transfer Security Assistance Review Board.

    I am committed to consulting with Congress on these issues, as well as on our overall strategy for assisting Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability, and would like to offer that my staff provide a briefing to you on the details.

    Again, thank you for your correspondence concerning this important matter.


    James N. Miller

    ",,"7","39","2013-07-31 14:44:52","2013-07-31 18:50:00" "152","U.S. Representative Andrews Introduces Legislation Calling For Medical Parole For Former President Chen Shui-bian","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  July 31st 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Representative Andrews Introduces Legislation Calling For Medical Parole For Former President Chen Shui-bian

    (Washington, D.C. – July 31st 2013) -- On July 30, 2013, Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) introduced legislation concluding that ""Congress urges the Government of Taiwan to grant former President Chen Shui-bian medical parole to ensure that he receives the highest level of medical attention, effective immediately.""

    The bill, HCR-46, states: ""Whereas since the administration of the Kuomintang Nationalists came to office in 2008, a large number of investigations and prosecutions have been brought against officials from the previous administration, led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), including former President Chen Shui-bian;""

    It continues: ""Whereas most of these prosecutions were politically motivated, in an apparent pattern of political score-settling.""

    The bill concludes: ""Whereas former President Chen has not been able to receive adequate medical treatment in accordance with his wishes, such as selecting either doctors or hospitals, and has not been able to have complete access to his medical records.""

    The bill also invokes a clause from the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which is the cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan relations: ""The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people of Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: ""For Taiwanese Americans and for members of the U.S. Congress, Chen's suicide attempt last month was more than a desperate act by a severely depressed victim of humanitarian injustice, it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. As the chairman of the House Asian Subcommittee Steve Chabot has said on multiple occasions: ""Enough is Enough!""

    Dr. Kao adds: ""Not only does Chen need to be allowed to immediately pick a psychiatrist or neurologist of his own choice, the process of granting medical parole to Chen needs to start right away as well. Taiwan's judicial system allows for such medical parole.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""Chen's continued physical and psychological deterioration is an ongoing human rights nightmare for Chen and for Taiwan as a country. The Taiwan authorities need understand that Chen's imprisonment is severely damaging the international image of Taiwan as a free and democratic nation.""

    In a related development, the New York Times published a quarter page article on Monday July 22, titled: ""Taiwan Debates Medical Parole for Ex-Leader."" The article also refers to the June 2, suicide attempt when Chen attempted to hang himself with a towel in a shower in prison.


    722日,紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews)提交決議案希望「美國眾議院呼籲台灣政府立即讓前總統陳水扁保外就醫,並確保他享有最好的醫療照護。」




    此決議案同時呼應了向來被認作是台美關係基礎的「台灣關係法」1979年所簽署的「台灣關係法」其中一項 : 玆此重申維護及促進所有台灣人民的人權是美國的目標。」

    台灣人公共事務會會長高龍榮博士表示,「對台裔美國人以及許多美國國會議員來說,上個月陳前總統自殺未遂的事實除了是一位因司法人權不公導致嚴重憂鬱症的受害者所做出的絕望舉動,更是國會終於決定發起行動的導因。就像眾院亞太事務小組委員會主席夏波(Steve Chabot)在多次場合中所說的一樣: 『(對陳前總統的懲罰)已經夠了!


    另外,紐約時報在722日星期一刊登了一篇長達四分之一版面的文章,文章標題: 台灣輿論-陳水扁保外就醫。這篇文章同時也提到了在今年62日陳前總統在監獄浴室中試圖用毛巾上吊自殺。


    HCON 46 IH

    113th CONGRESS

    1st Session

    H. CON. RES. 46

    Urging the Government of Taiwan to grant former President Chen Shui-bian medical parole to ensure that he receives the highest level of medical attention.


    July 30, 2013

    Mr. ANDREWS submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


    Urging the Government of Taiwan to grant former President Chen Shui-bian medical parole to ensure that he receives the highest level of medical attention.

    Whereas Taiwan's democratic development is of tremendous significance globally and to the Pacific region;

    Whereas over the past two decades, the people of Taiwan have worked hard to establish a vibrant and pluralistic democracy in their country and conducted five successful presidential elections, successive elections for members of their national legislature, numerous local elections, and two national referendums;

    Whereas since the administration of the Kuomintang Nationalists came to office in 2008, a large number of investigations and prosecutions led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have been brought against officials from the previous administration, including former President Chen Shui-bian;

    Whereas most of these prosecutions were politically motivated, in an apparent pattern of political score-settling;

    Whereas the health of former President Chen, who is serving a 19-year prison sentence, has deteriorated markedly in the past two years;

    Whereas concerned foreign dignitaries and human rights activists from the United States and Europe have visited former President Chen in jail since the summer of 2012;

    Whereas former President Chen has not been able to receive adequate medical treatment in accordance with his wishes, such as selecting either doctors or hospitals, and has not been able to have complete access to his medical records; and

    Whereas section 2(c) of the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3301(c)) declares that `[t]he preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people of Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.': Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress urges the Government of Taiwan to grant former President Chen Shui-bian medical parole to ensure that he receives the highest level of medical attention, effective immediately.

    ",,"7","39","2013-07-31 18:42:55","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "153","FAPA applauds Unanimous Passage of Taiwan Policy Act in House Foreign Affairs Committee","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - August 1st 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA applauds Unanimous Passage of Taiwan Policy Act in House Foreign Affairs Committee

    (Washington, D.C. – August 1st 2013) -- On August 1, 2013 the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives unanimously passed HR419 aka the Taiwan Policy Act (TPA).

    The TPA was introduced on January 25, 2013 by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Gerald Connolly (D-VA), John Carter (R-TX) and Albio Sires (D-NJ) ""to strengthen and clarify the commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan.""

    The TPA was then passed unanimously on April 25 2013 by the House Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.

    It is a comprehensive bill that addresses over a dozen different aspects of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship, and updates the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to reflect the new realities in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. The TPA builds on the TRA (which has functioned effectively as the cornerstone of US-Taiwan relations over the past three decades). It does not amend or supersede the TRA.

    The TPA had been introduced during the previous 112th Congress, and was subsequently passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, but had not made it to the floor by the time Congress adjourned for the year in the fall of 2012.

    At the hearing, Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) lauded the close U.S.-Taiwan relationship and emphasized the Free Trade Agreement provision in the bill.

    Introducer of the bill, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) said: ""Taiwan is an important friend and ally of the United States, and should be treated as such.""

    Taiwan Caucus co-chair Gerry Connolly (D-VA) emphasized that ""The U.S. needs to be clear in the actions it takes in Taiwan's defense, and make it known that the future of Taiwan needs to be resolved peacefully.""

    Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) who was a missionary in the Taiwan in the mid-seventies said that, after Israel, he considered Taiwan the strongest ally of the US and that ""Taiwan is such a strong democracy that the U.S. should preserve such a strong ally.""

    Asian Subcommittee Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) repeated his plea that the ""Chen Shui-bian issue will be resolved soon.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. says: ""With the ever-expanding territorial ambitions of China, the U.S.-Taiwan alliance becomes more and more important. The TPA addresses that concern. Overall, the TPA is one of the most significant Taiwan bills over the past decades and, if enacted into law, will greatly bolster Taiwan's ability to preserve its freedom and independence.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""The next hurdle for the bill is passage on the floor of the House to be followed by introduction in the Senate where the bill has to follow a similar path. We at FAPA will mobilize all our members all over the United States to help ensure that this critically important bill becomes law at the earliest opportunity.""


    美國眾議院外交事務委員會於81日無異議通過編號H.R.419的「台灣政策法」(Taiwan Policy Act, TPA)。

    台灣政策法於125日由佛州共和黨眾議員羅斯雷提能(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)及眾院台灣連線四位共同主席:佛州共和黨議員迪亞茲巴拉特(Mario Diaz-Balart)、維州民主黨議員康納利(Gerald Connolly)、德州共和黨議員卡特(John Carter),以及紐澤西州民主黨議員席瑞斯(Albio Sires),共同提出。


    該法案包括台美關係中十幾項不同的議題,並更新1979年的「台灣關係法」(Taiwan Relations Act, TRA),使其更能反映台美關係的真實現況。台灣政策法是建基於過去三十年來台美關係的重要基石「台灣關係法」上,但並未修改,也不會凌駕於其上。


    聽證會中,外交事務委員會主席、加州共和黨眾議員羅伊斯(Ed Royce)讚揚台灣與美國深厚的關係,並強調了TPA中關於自由貿易協定的部分。

    提案人、佛州共和黨眾議員羅斯雷提能(Illeana Ros-Lehtinen)表示:「台灣是美國重要的盟友,也應該被如是對待。」

    眾院台灣連線共同主席、維州民主黨眾議員康納利(Gerry Connolly)強調:「美國必須對台灣的防禦有明確的作為,並清楚表達台灣的未來必須要和平解決。」

    70年代中期,曾以傳教士身分赴台的亞歷桑納州共和黨眾議員邵建隆(Matt Salmon)表示他認為台灣是美國僅次於以色列的盟友。邵建隆並說:「台灣是一個民主國家,而美國必須要持續維護這樣一個盟友。」

    亞太事務小組委員會主席,俄亥俄州共和黨眾議員夏波(Steven Chabot)則再次重申他的請求:「讓陳水扁總統的議題早日獲得解決。」



    FINAL BILL Text:


    Members of Congress that attended the TPA mark up hearing:

    Ron Desantis (R-FL), Scott Perry (R-PA), George Holding  (R-NC),   Luke Messer  (R-IN),   Ted Yoho (R-FL),  Matt Salmon (R-AZ),  Steve Chabot  (R-OH),   Dana Rohrabacher  (R-CA),  Chris Smith  (R-NJ),   Jeff Duncan  (R-SC),   Ed Royce  (D-CA), Steve Stockman (R-TX), Ted Poe (R-TX), Tom Cotton (R-AR) 

    Elliot Engel (D-NY),    Eni Faleomavaega (D-SA),   Gregory Meeks (D-NY  Albio Sires (D-NJ),   Gerry Connolly (D-VA),   Ted Deutch (D-FL),   Brad Schneider (D-IL),   Joe Kennedy (D-MA),   Grace Meng (D-NY),   Karen Bass (D-CA),   William Keating (D-MA),   Alan Lowenthal (D-CA),   Juan Vargas (D-CA), Lois Frankel (D-FL), Tutsi Gabbard (D-HI), Brad Sherman (D-CA), David Cicilline (D-RI), Joaquin Castro (D-TX)

    ",,"7","39","2013-08-02 12:40:25","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "157","Rep. McCaul seeks affirmation from Pentagon on “No restraint” policy on arms sales to Taiwan ","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington DC -  September 6, 2013
    Contact: 202-547-3686

    Rep. McCaul seeks affirmation from Pentagon on “No restraint” policy on arms sales to Taiwan

    In a letter to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel dated September 5, 2013, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) asks Secretary Hagel to affirm that the United States does not have a policy of self-restraint on weapons sales to Taiwan.

    Rep. McCaul continues: ""I ask that you confirm that the U.S. is fully committed to the defense of Taiwan and does not consult with China about sales of weapons to Taiwan.""

    The following incident had prompted Rep. McCaul to send the letter to Secretary Hagel: On August 19, PRC's Defense Minister General Chang Wanquan net with Secretary Hagel at the Pentagon. A day later, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the PRC's Ministry of National Defense Guan Youfei told reporters that General Chang had suggested to Secretary Hagel that the US and the PRC set up a joint task force on the issue of arms sales to Taiwan, and, according to General Chang Wanquan, Secretary Hagel, had responded that setting up a joint task force was a good suggestion.

    In his letter, Rep. McCaul spells out President Ronald Reagan's Six Assurances of July 14, 1982 and states that together with the Taiwan Relations Act these Six Assurances form the cornerstone of U.S. Taiwan relations. The Congressman adds: ""I believe it is always a bad idea for the United States to invite aggressive powers into consultations on the security of America's treaty allies or partners for whom the United States has statutory security commitments.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D., states: ""This letter is the result of discomfort felt among members of Congress since the infamous August 19 meeting between Secretary Hagel and General Chang. Chinese misinterpretation of what transpired during the meeting provided Chairman McCaul with an opportunity to seek reaffirmation from the Pentagon that, contrary to Chinese claims, there is no change in US policy re. arms sales to Taiwan.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""Recognition of the ""Six Assurances"" as the second cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan relations, alongside the TRA, is essential to American policy which has allowed Taiwan to become the free society it is today. Beijing does not believe in the legitimacy of either document, because they fly in the face of its aspirations to annex Taiwan by force. For this reason alone, the Taiwanese American community applauds the U.S.'s enduring adherence and commitment to both pillars of the bilateral relationship.""



    201395日,美國眾院國土安全委員會主席,德州共和黨眾議員麥考(Michael McCaul)致函美國國防部長黑格爾(Chuck Hagel),要求黑格爾部長重申美國不會在對台軍售一事上自我限制。


    819日, 中國國防部長常萬全將軍在五角大廈與黑格爾部長會面。翌日,中國國防部外事辦主任關友飛將軍向媒體表示,常將軍席間曾向黑格爾部長提議,雙方應組成一個工作小組以處理對台軍售的「問題」,而據常將軍表示,黑格爾部長回應說這是一個不錯的建議。因為這個消息,促使麥考議員寫信給黑格爾部長要求查證並重申美國 立場。



    高博士總結道:「認同『六項保證』與『台灣關係法』同為台美關係的兩大基石,對於美國對台政策非常重要,因為就是這個政策幫助台灣成為今日的自由社會。中國 並不認同這兩份文件的正當性,因為與其侵略台灣的野心正面衝突。因此,台美人社團要讚許美國政府對於這兩份重要的台美關係文件長期的堅持及執行。」


    The Honorable Chuck Hagel                                                       September 5, 2013
    Secretary of Defense
    1600 Army Pentagon
    Washington, DC 20310

    Dear Secretary Hagel:

    As a friend and supporter of Taiwan, I would like to thank you for continuing the long-standing partnership between the United States and our democratic ally, Taiwan.

    I was concerned to hear that director Guan Youfei, director of the PRC's Ministry of Defense Office of Foreign Affairs, stated that at a meeting between you and PRC Defense Ministry general Chang Wanquan at the Pentagon on August 19, you had agreed with general Chang's proposal that the U.S. and the PRC establish a joint task force on the issue of arms sales.

    As you know, our relationship with Taiwan is governed by the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) of 1979, which directs both Congress and the President to make defense articles available to Taiwan, based solely on the ""judgment of the needs of Taiwan."" Another cornerstone of the U.S. policy toward Taiwan is the ""Six Assurances"" that president Reagan conveyed to Taiwan President Chiang Ching-kuo on July 14, 1982. At the time, President Reagan made clear that the United States:

    (1)   has not agreed to set a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan;
    (2)   has not agreed to hold prior consultations with the People's Republic of China on arms sales to Taiwan;
    (3)   will not play any mediation role between Taipei and Beijing;
    (4)   has not agreed to revise the Taiwan Relations Act;
    (5)   has not altered its position regarding sovereignty over Taiwan; and
    (6)   will not exert pressure on Taiwan to negotiate with the People's Republic of China.

    Along with the TRA, these Six Assurances form the basis of the overall policy approach that the United States has taken toward Taiwan for over 30 years.  It is a policy that has successfully maintained peace in the Taiwan Strait while providing for Taiwan's economic prosperity and political transformation, both of which are to the enormous benefit of the United States.

    I believe it is always a bad idea for the United States to invite aggressive powers into consultations on the security of America's treaty allies or partners for whom the United States has statutory security commitments. President Regan made this clear both publicly and confidentially at the conclusion of the so-called ‘August 17, 1982 Communique' with China, and all his successors have repeated that commitment.

    I ask that you confirm that the U.S. is fully committed to the defense of Taiwan and does not consult with China about sales of weapons to Taiwan, and that you affirm that we don't have a policy of self-restraint on weapons sales to Taiwan

    Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to continuing to work with you as we strengthen the long-standing friendship and cooperation between the United States and Taiwan, based on the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances.


    Member of Congress

    ",,"7","39","2013-09-11 12:58:53","2013-09-11 13:06:42" "154","FAPA Expresses Support for Taiwan Protests","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - August 6th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Expresses Support for Taiwan Protests

    (Washington, D.C. – August 6th 2013) -- The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) – a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization based in Washington DC – today expressed its support for the recent mass protests in Taiwan organized by civic organizations against the heavy-handed policies of the Ma administration.

    FAPA believes that freedom and democracy are served by open and transparent policies, and that the recent actions and decisions by the government of President Ma Ying-jeou are detrimental to Taiwan’s future as a free and democratic nation.

    The main issues prompting the protests in Taiwan were, amongst others:

    1. The death of conscript Hung Chung-chiu on July 4th 2013 while undergoing excessive disciplinary measures in military detention.  Anger about the handling of the case by the Kuomintang and military authorities brought out some 30,000 people on July 20th and more than 200,000 people on August 3rd.

    2. The signing of the Services Trade Agreement with China on June 21st 2013.   The lack of transparency and the pressure by the Kuomintang government on the Legislative Yuan to pass the agreement without much discussion led to a series of protests on Taipei.  This eventually prompted the legislature to suspend its review of the agreement on August 1st 2013.

    3. The plans by the Kuomintang government to push through completion of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant at Kungliao.  This is a long-simmering issue that already prompted major demonstrations in March 2013.  Recently, the Ma administration had proposed a “referendum”, which – because of the tricky nature of Taiwan’s referendum Law – would have signaled “approval” of completion of the plant.  These referendum proposals also became the topic of large-scale demonstrations.

    4. Forced demolition of homes in Taipei and Miaoli.  In the Wenlin Yuan urban renewal project in Taipei’s Shilin District confrontations took place between police and owners of the homes and their supporters. Also in Taipei, a series of confrontations took place in the past month over the demolition of the Huaguang Community.   And in the Dapu Borough of Miaoli four homes were demolished on July 18th to make way for a controversial extension of a science park.  The heavy-handed measures by police and authorities in all these cases cumulated in anger by the general public.

    FAPA expresses its deep concern about the erosion of democracy and freedom under the government of Ma Ying-jeou, and urges the Kuomintang government to listen to the voice of the people.  It is no coincidence that the protesters adapted the theme song “Do You Hear the People Sing?” From Les Miserables as their theme song.

    FAPA will relay the concerns expressed at the protests in Taiwan to the US Congress and US Government, so they will be aware of these developments and pursue policies in support of a truly free and democratic Taiwan.



















    ",,"7","39","2013-08-08 17:50:20","2013-08-08 17:52:05" "155","Taiwanese-American organizations urge President Ma to listen to the voice of the Taiwanese people","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - August 19th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-American organizations urge President Ma to listen to the voice of the Taiwanese people

    (Washington, D.C. – August 19th 2013) -- Today a group of twenty-one  major Taiwanese-American organizations published an Open Letter to President Ma Ying-jeou, who is stopping in Los Angeles on his way back from a visit to several countries in the Caribbean.

    In the letter they expressed concern about recent actions and decisions by the Ma government, and voiced support for the recent mass protests in Taiwan organized by civic organizations.

    The groups applauded the fact that Taiwan had made a momentous transition to democracy only some 25 years ago, and stated that their hopes for Taiwan were high ""… when under former Presidents Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan moved towards a vibrant democracy, and gained acceptance in the international community as a free and democratic nation.""

    However, the groups said, during the past five years, under the rule of President Ma, ""…Taiwan has increasingly drifted in the direction of a repressive China, at the expense of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.""

    The twenty-one  organizations applauded the fact that at the present time ""… the people in Taiwan – from all sides of the political spectrum -- are not accepting this, and are now taking to the streets to express their opposition to the wrong-headed policies and heavy-handed practices of your administration.""

    The organizations referred to the massive demonstrations which have taken place in Taiwan over the past few months, covering a wide range of issues, such as the death of conscript Hung Chung-chiu on July 4th 2013 while undergoing excessive disciplinary measures in military detention; The signing of the Services Trade Agreement with China on June 21st 2013, and the plans by the Ma government to push through completion of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant at Kungliao.

    The organizations stated that ""Taken together, these demonstrations show that the people of Taiwan are angry and upset about the incompetence in your government, the gradual drift into the shadow of China, and the increase in heavy-handed policies and practices reminiscent of the days of the repressive Martial Law, which remained in effect from the time the Kuomintang came over from China after World War II until 1987.""

    The organizations urged the Ma government ""… to listen to the voice of the Taiwanese, and move towards policies that are in the interest of Taiwan itself."" They also appealed to the United States government and Congress to pay close attention to the developments in Taiwan, and to support those who fight for freedom and democracy.

    The organizations concluded: ""A stable, free, and democratic Taiwan can only be ensured if the people have a fully free choice in running their own lives, and if they have a free choice on their future.  This is only served if Taiwan has open and transparent policies that serve the interest of the people in the country.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao adds: ""We will relay the concerns expressed at the protests in Taiwan to the US Congress and US Government, so they will be aware of these developments and pursue policies in support of a truly free and democratic Taiwan.""














    President Ma Ying-jeou

    Office of the President

    Taipei, Taiwan                                                 Washington, August 19th 2013


    President Ma,

    The undersigned Taiwanese-American organizations hereby want to express concern about recent actions and decisions by your government, and support for the recent mass protests in Taiwan organized by civic organizations.

    As Taiwanese-Americans we cherish the freedom and democracy we enjoy in the United States, and applaud the fact that the country of our birth, Taiwan, made a momentous transition to democracy only some 25 years ago.

    Our hopes were high when under former Presidents Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan moved towards a vibrant democracy, and gained acceptance in the international community as a free and democratic nation.

    However, during the past five years, under your rule, Taiwan has increasingly drifted in the direction of a repressive China, at the expense of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.

    Fortunately, the people in Taiwan – from all sides of the political spectrum -- are not accepting this, and are now taking to the streets to express their opposition to the wrong-headed policies and heavy-handed practices of your administration.  Over the past few months, we have seen massive demonstrations in Taiwan on a wide range of issues: 1) The death of conscript Hung Chung-chiu on July 4th 2013 while undergoing excessive disciplinary measures in military detention; 2) The signing of the Services Trade Agreement with China on June 21st 2013; 3) The plans by your government to push through completion of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant at Kungliao; and 4) The forced demolition of homes in Taipei and Miaoli.

    Taken together, these demonstrations show that the people of Taiwan are angry and upset about the incompetence in your government, the gradual drift into the shadow of China, and the increase in heavy-handed policies and practices reminiscent of the days of the repressive Martial Law, which remained in effect from the time the Kuomintang came over from China after World War II until 1987.

    We urge our friends and families in Taiwan to continue the pressure for justice, freedom and democracy;

    We urge your government in Taiwan to listen to the voice of the Taiwanese, and move towards policies that are in the interest of Taiwan itself;

    We appeal to the United States government and Congress to pay close attention to the developments in Taiwan, and to support those who fight for freedom and democracy.

    A stable, free, and democratic Taiwan can only be ensured if the people have a fully free choice in running their own lives, and if they have a free choice on their future.  This is only served if Taiwan has open and transparent policies that serve the interest of the people in the country.

    Sincerely yours,

    1. Dr. Wang Kang-Lu Memorial Foundation

    2. Formosan Association for Human Rights

    3. Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    4. Friends For Taiwan

    5. North America Taiwanese Professors' Association

    6. North America Taiwanese Women's Association

    7. North America Taiwanese Women's Association - St. Louis Chapter

    8. North American Taiwanese Engineers' Association

    9. Professor Chen Wen-Chen's Memorial Foundation

    10. Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America

    11. Taiwanese American Center - Northern California

    12. Taiwanese Association of America

    13. Taiwanese Association of America – Cincinnati

    14. Taiwanese Association of America - Eastern Tennessee

    15. Taiwanese Association of America - Las Vegas

    16. Taiwanese Association of America - Northern New Jersey

    17. Taiwanese Association of America - Greater Orlando

    18. Taiwanese Association of America – Richmond

    19. Taiwanese Association of America – Richmond

    20. World Taiwanese Congress

    21. World United Formosans for Independence - USA








    一、 201374日,陸軍下士洪仲丘於禁閉室中,遭過度操練致死案;

    二、 2013621日,「兩岸服務業貿易協議」的簽署;

    三、 政府欲強行通過核四續建案;

    四、 台北市及苗栗縣民宅遭強行拆除案。






    敬請 鈞安

    ",,"7","39","2013-08-19 17:16:31","2013-08-19 17:20:59" "156","2013 YPG National Conf","

    The 2013 Young Professionals Group National Conference, August 24-26


    YPG Advocacy Conference announcement (view the announcement)

    Detailed information & application (click here)

    ",,"3","31","2013-09-03 17:50:10","2014-04-16 03:03:45" "158","U.S. REPRESENTATIVES INTRODUCE ""UN FOR TAIWAN"" LEGISLATION","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  September 18, 2013
    Contact: 202-547-3686

    U.S. Representatives Introduce “UN for Taiwan” Legislation

    On, September 17, 2013, the very day that the United Nations opened its annual General Assembly session in New York, Representatives Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Joe Barton (R-TX) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) introduced a resolution (HCR55) concluding ""That it is the sense of Congress that Taiwan and its 23,000,000 people deserve membership in the United Nations.""  

    The resolution quotes from the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act stating: ""Nothing in this Act may be construed as a basis for supporting the exclusion or expulsion of Taiwan from continued membership in any international financial institution or any other international organization.""

    It also lauds the ""close relationship that has existed for the past 50 years between the United States and Taiwan, which has been of major economic, cultural, and strategic advantage to both countries"" and emphasizes Taiwan's long time desire to join the United Nations.

    FAPA President Mark. Kao, Ph.D. states: ""This legislation sends a clear signal to the United Nations and its member states that the UN should open its doors for Taiwan right here and right now. Simultaneously, they send a signal to the U.S. Government that U.S. support for Taiwan's full and equal membership in international organizations such as the UN should be based on how Taiwan can contribute to and benefit from international organizations - not on Chinese attempts to annex Taiwan.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""The Chinese leadership should stop obstructing Taiwan from playing its natural and necessary role in meeting global challenges by joining international organizations. When an international outcry in support of UN membership for Taiwan is strong enough, Beijing will back down. Such pressure needs to and will continue.""

    * * * * *


    於二零一三年九月十七日,在紐約的聯合國年度大會所召開的日子,紐澤西州共和黨眾議員蓋瑞(Scott Garret)、德州共和黨眾議員巴頓(Joe Barton)及強森(Eddie Bernice Johnson)提出了第55號決議案指出「國會認為台灣以及其兩千三百萬人民應成為聯合國的會員。」





    September 17, 2013

    Expressing the sense of Congress that Taiwan and its 23,000,000 people deserve membership in the United Nations.


    Mr. GARRETT (for himself and Ms. JOHNSON, Mr. BARTON) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


    Expressing the sense of Congress that Taiwan and its 23,000,000 people deserve membership in the United Nations.

    Whereas for more than 50 years a close relationship has existed between the United States and Taiwan, which has been of major economic, cultural, and strategic advantage to both countries;

    Whereas the 23,000,000 people in Taiwan are not represented in the United Nations;

    Whereas Taiwan has over the years repeatedly expressed its strong desire to participate in the United Nations;

    Whereas Taiwan has much to contribute to the work and funding of the United Nations;

    Whereas the world community has reacted positively to Taiwan's desire for international participation, as shown by Taiwan's membership in the Asian Development Bank, Taiwan's admission to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group as a full member, and Taiwan's membership in the World Trade Organization, and Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization; and

    Whereas section 4(d) of the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3303(d)) declares, `Nothing in this Act may be construed as a basis for supporting the exclusion or expulsion of Taiwan from continued membership in any international financial institution or any other international organization.': Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that Taiwan and its 23,000,000 people deserve membership in the United Nations.

    ",,"7","39","2013-09-18 14:57:23","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "159","Congressman Robert Andrews urges colleagues to support medical parole for Chen resolution","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  September 20, 2013
    Contact: 202-547-3686

    Congressman Robert Andrews urges colleagues to support medical parole for Chen resolution

    On September 20, 2013 Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) sent a so-called ""Dear Colleague"" letter to all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives urging them to co-sponsor HCR46 that concludes that: ""Congress urges the Government of Taiwan to grant former President Chen Shui-bian medical parole to ensure that he receives the highest level of medical attention, effective immediately.""

    HCR46 was introduced by Rep. Andrews on July 30, 2013,

    The ""Dear Colleague"" letter titled: ""Granting Former President Chen of Taiwan Medical Parole"" reads: ""Mr. Chen has languished in jail since December 2008 on corruption charges that Taiwan observers claim are politically motivated. Because of Mr. Chen's present poor physical and mental health, it is time that the former President is granted medical parole on humanitarian grounds so he can receive the treatment he needs.""

    It quotes from the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act: """"The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people of Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.""

    It continues: ""The fact that a former head of state is treated in such a deplorable manner is clearly in violation of the values of democracy and human rights that we as a nation hold high. Congress cannot be silent when we believe these standards are not being met.""

    It concludes: ""Mr. Chen should be allowed to pick a care provider of his own choice and the process of granting medical parole needs to start right away. In Taiwan, the judicial system allows for medical parole and it is time for the government to allow Mr. Chen this right.""

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: ""The treatment of former President Chen is a clear violation of human rights. Any prisoner in a democracy should be allowed full access to adequate medical resources in order to treat physical conditions; let alone a former head of state.""

    Dr. Kao continues: ""Taiwanese Americans are disturbed about the way the Ma government treats Chen. It is a disgrace that a former president is deprived of his basic human rights. We therefore urge the Ma government to also recognize the damage Chen's treatment continues to cause towards Taiwan's international image and grant President Chen full medical parole immediately.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""Earlier his week, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays are ""spent with families and friends treasuring our many blessings."" We hope that on this auspicious day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mr. Chen would have a chance to come a step closer to spending time with HIS family and friends as well.""





    此封標題為「應允台灣陳前總統的保外就醫」的「致親愛同仁函」 提到:「陳先生自二零零八年十二月以來,便因為許多台灣觀察家聲稱是出於政治動機的貪污罪而在獄中日益憔悴。而考量到陳先生目前極為衰弱的身心健康,應於此時就人道立場,准許陳前總統的保外就醫,以接受必需的醫療照護。」






    高博士總結道:「本周稍早,美國國務卿凱瑞提到中秋節 「是一段與家人和朋友共同珍惜的歡樂時光」,我們也誠摯地希望陳前總統能早日保外就醫,並與家人團聚」

    Co-Sponsor H.Con.Res. 46: Granting Former President Chen of Taiwan Medical Parole
    From: The Honorable Robert E. Andrews
    Bill: H.Con.Res. 46
    Date: 9/19/2013

    Co-Sponsor H.Con.Res. 46:
    Granting Former President Chen of Taiwan Medical Parole

    September 19, 2013

    Dear Colleague:

    On July 30, 2013, I introduced House Concurrent Resolution 46, which concluded: ""It is the sense of Congress that the government of Taiwan should grant former President Chen medical parole to ensure that he receives the highest level of medical attention, effective immediately.""

    Mr. Chen has languished in jail since December 2008 on corruption charges that Taiwan observers claim are politically motivated. Because of Mr. Chen's present poor physical and mental health, it is time that the former President is granted medical parole on humanitarian grounds so he can receive the treatment he needs.

    The cornerstone of US-Taiwan Relations, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (The ""Law of the Land""), reads: ""The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people of Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.""  The fact that a former head of state is treated in such a deplorable manner is clearly in violation of the values of democracy and human rights that we as a nation hold high. Congress cannot be silent when we believe these standards are not being met.

    Mr. Chen should be allowed to pick a care provider of his own choice and the process of granting medical parole needs to start right away. In Taiwan, the judicial system allows for medical parole and it is time for the government to allow Mr. Chen this right.

    I hope that you will join me in this important resolution in support of human rights. To co-sponsor H.Con.Res 46, please e-mail Ben Culver of my staff at Benjamin.Culver@mail.house.gov.



    ",,"7","39","2013-09-20 18:08:12","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "160","49 Overseas Taiwanese organizations express concern about backsliding of democracy in Taiwan","

    FAPA Announcement: US Workshop for Emerging Taiwanese Leaders


    華府看民主 宏觀看台灣



    Proposal (招生簡章)(word file) (pdf file)

    Download application form (下載報名表)https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11eessf-5zTmvogDVTUOHebHeN5OuhQsDOwZ17_vmffI/viewform

    Overseas Taiwanese organizations express concern about backsliding of democracy in Taiwan

    (Washington, D.C. – November 8th 2013) -- The undersigned overseas Taiwanese organizations hereby express our deep concern about recent developments in Taiwan.  First, we wish to emphasize our roots in Taiwan, the land of our birth.  We do live in Canada, Europe, Japan, Latin America and the United States, but we feel strongly about our homeland.  Many of us worked hard to help Taiwan make the transition to democracy in the 1980s and 1990s.

    Especially since Taiwan made such major progress towards a fully democratic system during the past 25 years, it is regrettable that the current administration of President Ma Ying-jeou has eroded Taiwan’s democracy and freedoms with his pro-China policies. On the surface these policies may appear to bring about a reduction of tension, but in reality they are setting Taiwan up for a larger conflict when China’s repressive designs for “unification” collide with the reality of Taiwan’s democracy.

    While this backsliding of freedom, democracy and human rights has been going on since the beginning of the Ma administration, we are particularly incensed about recent moves by the Ma government that show a distinct lack of  respect for democracy, and a fundamental breach of the basic principles of separation of powers and checks and balances in a democracy.

    These basic principles are enshrined in the current (ROC) Constitution in Taiwan.  While we strongly believe that the Constitution needs to be amended to reflect the new reality that Taiwan is now a free, democratic and independent country, it is essential that the government abides by the Constitution that is presently in force.  The actions of President Ma and his administration in attempting to remove Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng clearly violated those principles.

    In addition, the extensive abuse of power and the rampant wiretapping by the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office also constitute a violation of the Constitution, in particular Article 12, which guarantees the individual’s freedom of privacy of correspondence.

    It is time for the Ma government to listen to the Taiwanese people, and to move towards policies and decisions that reflect the views of ordinary people, the men and women in the street. In particular this means:

    1. An end to the extraordinary powers vested in the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.  The Legislative Yuan    should immediately pass legislation abolishing the SID,
    2. Taiwan needs judicial reform, completely removing political influence from the judiciary.  The judicial branch needs to be completely independent from both the executive and legislative branch of government, so Taiwan can enjoy clear separation of powers, and
    3. Taiwan needs legislative reform so that legislators can truly represent their constituencies, and the legislature becomes an effective and efficient part of the system of governance.  The legislative process needs to become a true give-and-take of political negotiations; all political opinions are shown respect and decisions are made on the basis of rational discussion.

    As overseas Taiwanese we also fully endorse the joint statement issued by the 29 international scholars and writers, who expressed their concerns in a statement titled ""Human rights, democracy threatened"", published in the Taipei Times on October 14th 2013 and in Hanji in the Liberty Times on October 16th 2014.


    United States

    1. Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA)
    2. Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation (CWCMF)
    3. Formosan Association for Human Rights (FAHR)
    4. Friends of Taiwan – Los Angeles, California
    5. Institute for Taiwanese Studies (ITS) – Cerritos, California
    6. North American Taiwanese Engineering and Science Association (NATEA)
    7. North American Taiwanese Professors’ Association
    8. North American Taiwanese Women’s Association
    9. Southern California Taiwanese Club – Los Angeles, California
    10. Taiwanese American Center of Northern California
    11. Taiwanese Association of America (TAA)
    12. Taiwanese Association of America, Chicago Chapter
    13. Taiwanese Association of America, Cincinnati Chapter
    14. Taiwanese Association of America, Columbus Chapter
    15. Taiwanese Association of America, Greater Baltimore Chapter
    16. Taiwanese Association of America, Greater Washington Chapter
    17. Taiwanese Association of America, Northern New Jersey Chapter
    18. Taiwanese Alliance of Interculture (TAI) – San Jose, California
    19. Taiwanese Americans Perspectives (TAP) – Los Angeles, California
    20. Taiwan Christian Church Council in North America (TCCCNA)
    21. Taiwan Center – New York
    22. Taiwan Culture Center – Greater Washington
    23. Taiwan Hakka Association For Public Affairs In North America
    24. World United Formosans for Independence United States
    25. World Taiwanese Congress


    26. Formosan Association for Public Affairs Canada
    27. Greater Vancouver Taiwanese Senior Association
    28. Society  of Taiwanese Canadian History in British Columbia
    29. Taiwanese Canadian Association
    30. Taiwanese Canadian Association – Greater Vancouver Chapter
    31. Taiwanese Canadian Association –Toronto Chapter
    32. Taiwanese Canadian Church Association of Toronto
    33. Taiwanese Canadian Heritage Association
    34. Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada (THRAC)
    35. Taiwanese Senior Association of Toronto
    36. Taiwanese Women’s Association of Toronto
    37. World Federation of Taiwanese Associations (WFTA)
    38. World United Formosans for Independence Canada

    Latin America

    39. Taiwanese Association of Ecuador


    40. European Federation of Taiwanese Associations -- London, United Kingdom
    41. European Federation of Taiwanese Women Associations, Hamburg, Germany
    42. Formosan Association for Public Affairs United Kingdom
    43. Taiwanese Association in the United Kingdom
    44. Taiwanese Student Association in the United Kingdom
    45. World United Formosans for Independence Europe


    46. Japan Taiwanese Medical Union
    47. Taiwanese Association in Japan
    48. Taiwanese Women’s Association in Japan
    49. World United Formosans for Independence Japan

    ",,"3","31","2013-11-15 02:40:37","2014-03-24 18:11:11" "162","Trong Chai - a Pioneer in Taiwan’s Democracy Movement and a Founding Father of FAPA Passes Away","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  January10th 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Trong Chai - a Pioneer in Taiwan’s Democracy Movement and a Founding Father of FAPA Passes Away

    (Washington, D.C. – January 10th 2014) -- “It’s a sad day for all of us at FAPA and a sad day for Taiwan’s democracy and independence movement,” said FAPA President Dr. Mark Kao today upon the passing of Dr. Trong Chai.

    “A great Taiwanese life has come to an end. Trong Chai won Taiwan’s respect with his pioneering initiatives, and the respect of the United States Congress in particular and of the American public in general for his determination and conviction to make Taiwan a better place. That is his greatest legacy.”

    Born in 1935, Chai came to the United States to study, and received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. He subsequently became a professor of political science at the City University of New York.

    Together with Professor Peng Ming-min and Dr. Mark Chen, Dr. Trong Chai was one of the founding fathers of FAPA and became its first president in 1982.

    After returning to Taiwan in 1990, he became a member of the Legislative Yuan for the DPP between 1993 and 2008 representing his hometown of Chiayi.

    He founded the Association for a Plebiscite and Formosa TV.

    “To many of us at FAPA he was a personal friend and a role model,” Dr. Kao continues. “We campaigned for him during his LY races. We handed out leaflets. And we made phone calls on his behalf.”

    “Dr. Chai would visit FAPA HQ every time he was in Washington. We at FAPA fondly remember stories told to us by Congressional aides that Chai would challenge in a push-up contest whenever they would visit Formosa TV in Taipei.”

    “Now, his stay on earth has ended, a long and eventful journey that helped shape Taiwan’s democracy,” Dr. Kao concludes.


    Former chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) reacted as follows:

    “As a lifelong friend of the people of Taiwan, a friend of Taiwanese Americans, and a founding member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, it saddens me deeply to hear about the passing of Dr. Trong Chai today.

    Dr. Chai was a patriot and true leader of the people of Taiwan and a familiar face to many of us on Capitol Hill, where he would often meet with Members of Congress to discuss the importance of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.

    My thoughts today are with his family and with the many Taiwanese Americans and Taiwanese who, like me, considered him a friend. We will all miss his talent and dedication to fighting for a free and democratic society on behalf of the people of his beloved Taiwan.”












    ",,"7","39","2014-01-11 03:22:37","2014-01-11 03:29:30" "161","Overseas Taiwanese organizations express concern about backsliding of democracy in Taiwan ","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - November 8th 2013

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Overseas Taiwanese organizations express concern about backsliding of democracy in Taiwan

    (Washington, D.C. – November 8th 2013) -- Today, a coalition of overseas Taiwanese organizations issued a joint statement, expressing concern about the erosion of democracy and freedoms in Taiwan due to the pro-China policies of the current Kuomintang administration of President Ma Ying-jeou in Taiwan.

    The statement is endorsed by 49 overseas Taiwanese organizations in the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America and Japan.  The organizations emphasize that their roots are in Taiwan, “the land of our birth”, and that they feel strongly about Taiwan, as many of them “…worked hard to help Taiwan make the transition to democracy in the 1980s and 1990s. “

    The organizations state that the pro-China policies the current administration of President Ma Ying-jeou “…may on the surface appear to bring about a reduction of tension, but in reality they are setting Taiwan up for a larger conflict when China’s repressive designs for ‘unification’ collide with the reality of Taiwan’s democracy.”

    The organizations also state that they “…are particularly incensed about recent moves by the Ma government that show a distinct lack of  respect for democracy, and a fundamental breach of the basic principles of separation of powers and checks and balances in a democracy.”

    The organizations state that the recent actions of President Ma and his administration in attempting to remove Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng clearly violate the basic principles enshrined in the current (ROC) Constitution in Taiwan.

    The organizations add that the extensive abuse of power and the rampant wiretapping by the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office also constitute a violation of the Constitution, in particular Article 12, which guarantees the individual’s freedom of privacy of correspondence.

    The organizations urge President Ma to listen to the Taiwanese people, “and to move towards policies and decisions that reflect the views of ordinary people, the men and women in the street.”

    They conclude with three specific recommendations:

    1. An end to the extraordinary powers vested in the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.  The Legislative Yuan should immediately pass legislation abolishing the SID,
    2. Taiwan needs judicial reform, completely removing political influence from the judiciary.  The judicial branch needs to be completely independent from both the executive and legislative branch of government, so Taiwan can enjoy clear separation of powers, and
    3. Taiwan needs legislative reform so that legislators can truly represent their constituencies, and the legislature becomes an effective and efficient part of the system of governance.  The legislative process needs to become a true give-and-take of political negotiations; all political opinions are shown respect and decisions are made on the basis of rational discussion.










    1. 終止最高法院檢察署特偵組所用有的非常權力,立法院應立即立法廢除特偵組。
    2. 台灣需要進行司法改革,以杜絕政治對司法的影響。司法機關須獨立於行政與立法機關之外,唯有如此台灣才能真正享有三權分立。
    3. 台灣的立法部門需要進行改革,以真切的反映民意,並成為效率及效用兼具之政府的一環。立法程序必須是一套真正能彼此互惠的政治體制。


    Overseas Taiwanese organizations concerned about backsliding of democracy in Taiwan

    The undersigned overseas Taiwanese organizations hereby express our deep concern about recent developments in Taiwan.  First, we wish to emphasize our roots in Taiwan, the land of our birth.  We do live in Canada, Europe, Japan, Latin America and the United States, but we feel strongly about our homeland.  Many of us worked hard to help Taiwan make the transition to democracy in the 1980s and 1990s.

    Especially since Taiwan made such major progress towards a fully democratic system during the past 25 years, it is regrettable that the current administration of President Ma Ying-jeou has eroded Taiwan’s democracy and freedoms with his pro-China policies. On the surface these policies may appear to bring about a reduction of tension, but in reality they are setting Taiwan up for a larger conflict when China’s repressive designs for “unification” collide with the reality of Taiwan’s democracy.

    While this backsliding of freedom, democracy and human rights has been going on since the beginning of the Ma administration, we are particularly incensed about recent moves by the Ma government that show a distinct lack of  respect for democracy, and a fundamental breach of the basic principles of separation of powers and checks and balances in a democracy.

    These basic principles are enshrined in the current (ROC) Constitution in Taiwan.  While we strongly believe that the Constitution needs to be amended to reflect the new reality that Taiwan is now a free, democratic and independent country, it is essential that the government abides by the Constitution that is presently in force.  The actions of President Ma and his administration in attempting to remove Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng clearly violated those principles.

    In addition, the extensive abuse of power and the rampant wiretapping by the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office also constitute a violation of the Constitution, in particular Article 12, which guarantees the individual’s freedom of privacy of correspondence.

    It is time for the Ma government to listen to the Taiwanese people, and to move towards policies and decisions that reflect the views of ordinary people, the men and women in the street. In particular this means:

    4. An end to the extraordinary powers vested in the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.  The Legislative Yuan  should immediately pass legislation abolishing the SID,
    5. Taiwan needs judicial reform, completely removing political influence from the judiciary.  The judicial branch needs to be completely independent from both the executive and legislative branch of government, so Taiwan can enjoy clear separation of powers, and
    6. Taiwan needs legislative reform so that legislators can truly represent their constituencies, and the legislature becomes an effective and efficient part of the system of governance.  The legislative process needs to become a true give-and-take of political negotiations; all political opinions are shown respect and decisions are made on the basis of rational discussion.

    As overseas Taiwanese we also fully endorse the joint statement issued by the 29 international scholars and writers, who expressed their concerns in a statement titled ""Human rights, democracy threatened"", published in the Taipei Times on October 14th 2013 and in Hanji in the Liberty Times on October 16th 2014.


    United States

    1. Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA)

    2. Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation (CWCMF)

    3. Formosan Association for Human Rights (FAHR)

    4. Friends of Taiwan – Los Angeles, California

    5. Institute for Taiwanese Studies (ITS) – Cerritos, California

    6. North American Taiwanese Engineering and Science Association (NATEA)

    7. North American Taiwanese Professors’ Association

    8. North American Taiwanese Women’s Association

    9. Southern California Taiwanese Club – Los Angeles, California

    10. Taiwanese American Center of Northern California

    11. Taiwanese Association of America (TAA)

    12. Taiwanese Association of America, Chicago Chapter

    13. Taiwanese Association of America, Cincinnati Chapter

    14. Taiwanese Association of America, Columbus Chapter

    15. Taiwanese Association of America, Greater Baltimore Chapter

    16. Taiwanese Association of America, Greater Washington Chapter

    17. Taiwanese Association of America, Northern New Jersey Chapter

    18. Taiwanese Alliance of Interculture (TAI) – San Jose, California

    19. Taiwanese Americans Perspectives (TAP) – Los Angeles, California

    20. Taiwan Christian Church Council in North America (TCCCNA)

    21. Taiwan Center – New York

    22. Taiwan Culture Center – Greater Washington

    23. Taiwan Hakka Association For Public Affairs In North America

    24. World United Formosans for Independence United States

    25. World Taiwanese Congress


    26. Formosan Association for Public Affairs Canada

    27. Greater Vancouver Taiwanese Senior Association

    28. Society  of Taiwanese Canadian History in British Columbia

    29. Taiwanese Canadian Association

    30. Taiwanese Canadian Association – Greater Vancouver Chapter

    31. Taiwanese Canadian Association –Toronto Chapter

    32. Taiwanese Canadian Church Association of Toronto

    33. Taiwanese Canadian Heritage Association

    34. Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada (THRAC)

    35. Taiwanese Senior Association of Toronto

    36. Taiwanese Women’s Association of Toronto

    37. World Federation of Taiwanese Associations (WFTA)

    38. World United Formosans for Independence Canada

    Latin America

    39. Taiwanese Association of Ecuador


    40. European Federation of Taiwanese Associations -- London, United Kingdom

    41. European Federation of Taiwanese Women Associations, Hamburg, Germany

    42. Formosan Association for Public Affairs United Kingdom

    43. Taiwanese Association in the United Kingdom

    44. Taiwanese Student Association in the United Kingdom

    45. World United Formosans for Independence Europe


    46. Japan Taiwanese Medical Union

    47. Taiwanese Association in Japan

    48. Taiwanese Women’s Association in Japan

    49. World United Formosans for Independence Japan









    1. 終止最高法院檢察署特偵組所用有的非常權力,立法院應立即通過並廢除特偵組。
    2. 台灣需要進行司法改革,以杜政治對司法的影響。司法機關須獨立於行政與立法機關之外,唯有如此台灣才能真正享有權力的分立。
    3. 台灣的立法部門需要進行改革,以真切的反映民意,並成為效率及效用兼具之行政系統的一環。立法程序必須是一套真正能彼此互惠的政治磋商機制,尊重所有政見,並以理性討論的結果做為依歸。




    1. 台灣人公共事務會

    2. 陳文成教授基金會

    3. 全美台灣人權協會

    4. 台灣之友會

    5. 全美台灣研究院

    6. 北美台灣工程師協會

    7. 北美洲台灣人教授協會

    8. 北美洲台灣婦女協會

    9. 南加卅台灣會舘

    10. 北加州台灣會館









    19. Taiwanese Americans Perspectives




    23. 北美臺灣客家公共事務協會


    25. 世界台灣人大會


    26. 加拿大台灣人公共事務會


    28. BC台裔歷史協會






    34. 加拿大台灣人權協會

    35. 多倫多台灣青籐會









    43. 英國台灣同學會



    45. 日本台湾医師連合

    46. 台湾同郷会

    47. 在日台湾婦女会

    48. 台灣獨立建國聯盟日本本部


    49. 厄瓜多爾台灣同

    ",,"7","39","2013-11-15 14:31:30","2013-11-15 17:10:54" "166","2014 emerging leaders workshop","




    華府看民主 宏觀看台灣



    【培訓營時間】:2014622 – 27

    【培訓營地點】:美國首都華盛頓 (Washington, DC, U.S.A.)



    ",,"3","31","2014-04-16 03:04:09","2014-06-17 21:28:10" "163","Senator Sherrod Brown Calls for Taiwan’s Full WHO Membership after H7N9 Deaths in Hong Kong","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  February12th 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Senator Sherrod Brown Calls for Taiwan’s Full WHO Membership after H7N9 Deaths in Hong Kong

    (Washington, D.C. – February 12th 2014) -- In light of the recent deaths of two Hong Kong citizens who were infected with the H7N9 bird flu virus after visiting Shenzhen, long-time friend of Taiwan Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry dated February 6, 2014 calling for full WHO membership for Taiwan.

    Senator Brown wrote: “Taiwan’s exclusion not only creates a dangerous gap in the exchange of information between countries, but puts global health monitoring and security at risk due to Taiwan's proximity to China during this time of virulent outbreak.”

    He added: “In April 2002, President Bush signed Public Law No. 107-10, which included a clause mandating the Secretary of State to endorse “meaningful participation” for Taiwan in the World Health Assembly (WHA). Regrettably, very little progress has been made since that time, and seen in the observer status.”

    The Senator concluded: “As global health threats emerge, the public health of our nation increasingly depends on cooperation and communication between every nation. It is in America’s best interest to ensure that Taiwan is a full member of the WHO.”

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: “Taiwan’s participation in the annual weeklong WHA meeting as an observer, and not a WHO full member, is a pyrrhic victory with limited benefits. The bottom line is that China continues to play politics with the lives of the people of Taiwan by blocking Taiwan’s full access to the WHO.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “Taiwan’s membership in the WHO is not only in the interest of the people of Taiwan, it is of critical importance to the rest of the world as well. What if someone carrying the H7N9 virus gets on a plane in Taiwan and disembarks in any other country? The world can no longer afford to let Taiwan be the missing health link in the chain of Pacific Rim countries.”


    February 6, 2014

    The Honorable John Kerry
    Secretary of State
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Dear Secretary Kerry: 

    I am writing to encourage the Administration to honor our nation's commitment to Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Public health threats, like the recent outbreak of the H7N9 virus in Hong Kong, are not constrained by national boundaries. WHO has already declared that H7N9 outbreak in China is believed to be more lethal than previous outbreaks of H5N1.  Hong Kong has started to cull more than 20,000 chickens and China has halted its poultry trade and the Chinese government has confirmed the first human death from a new bird flu virus.

    Taiwan continues to be relegated to an observer status in the WHO.  Taiwan's exclusion not only creates a dangerous gap in the exchange of information between countries, but puts global health monitoring and security at risk due to Taiwan's proximity to China during this time of virulent outbreak.  Because of this misguided policy, Taiwanese expertise in medical and biological threats are not available for the global good.

    In April 2002, President Bush signed Public Law No. 107-10, which included a clause mandating the Secretary of State to endorse ""meaningful participation"" for Taiwan in the World Health Assembly (WHA). Regrettably, very little progress has been made since that time, and seen in the observer status.

    As global health threats emerge, the public health of our nation increasingly depends on cooperation and communication between every nation.  It is in America's best interest to ensure that Taiwan is a full member of the WHO.

    I look forward to working with you on this important issue.


    Sherrod Brown
    United States Senator


    香港爆發兩民眾行訪深圳感染H7N9禽流感死亡案例後,長期友台的俄亥俄州民主黨參議員布朗(Sherrod Brown)於26日致函美國國務卿凱瑞,呼籲支持台灣加入世界衛生組織成為正式會員。






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    ",,"7","39","2014-02-28 23:27:03","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "164","FAPA deeply disturbed by KMT government’s lack of democratic procedures in forcing Service Trade Agreement through Legislative Yuan","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  March 18th 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA deeply disturbed by KMT government’s lack of democratic procedures in forcing Service Trade Agreement through Legislative Yuan

    (Washington, D.C. – March 18th 2014) – The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization based in Washington DC, today expresses its deep concern about the undemocratic procedures used by the KMT government of President Ma Ying-jeou in Taiwan to force its Service Trade Agreement with China through the Legislative Yuan.

    FAPA refers in particular to decision on Monday, March 17th 2014 by legislator Chang Ching-chung, the KMT chairman of a joint meeting of eight legislative committees reviewing the pact, to declare the review completed without any deliberation, and send it to the plenary session of the legislature for a final vote.

    The agreement had been controversial from the start, and led to a stalemate in the legislature in the Summer of 2013, which only ended when the KMT and DPP caucuses in the legislature agreed to holding some 20 hearings on the effect of the pact, to be followed by  a clause-by-clause review in a joint session of the eight committees of the Legislative Yuan.

    The review formally started on Wednesday, March 12th in a session chaired by DPP legislator Chen Chi-mai, but the meeting was not able to proceed due to obstruction by KMT legislators.  Mr. Chen tried again on Thursday March 13th, but to no avail.

    On Monday, March 17th it was KMT legislator Chang Ching-chung’s turn to chair the meeting, but again it descended into chaos due to pushing and shoving, and even fistfights, between the two camps.  Then, instead of simply adjourning the meeting, legislator Chang (who was not even on the podium chairing the meeting, but standing in a corner with a roving microphone) declared the review completed and sent it on to the plenary session of the legislature.

    This move infuriated students and civic organizations opposed to the pact, and in the evening of Tuesday, March 18th 2014, several hundred supporters pushed their way into the building and occupied the legislative chambers.

    The Formosan Association for Public Affairs takes the following position:

    1. The Service Trade Agreement in its present form is detrimental to Taiwan and the wellbeing of its people;

    2. The KMT government and the Legislative Yuan urgently need to come to an agreement to have an orderly clause-by-clause process to review the agreement.  The present heavy-handed approach is harmful to the country’s democracy;

    3. As this trade agreement is an international legal instrument, it should be treated as such, and receive a formal approval by the legislature.  It cannot in any way be termed an “executive order”, and then be pushed through via the back door.

    FAPA will raise this issue with its contacts in the United States Congress and the US Government, and urge both to convey their strong concerns to the Taiwan authorities about these undemocratic procedures.









    (一)、 「兩岸服務貿易協議」的協議內容對台灣及台灣人民是有害的;

    (二)、 國民黨政府與立法院必須馬上達成逐條審查的共識。強行通過指會傷害台灣的民主;

    (三)、 由於這項協議是國際協議,其簽署需經過完整立法程序,而不能以「行政命令」強行通過。



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    ",,"7","39","2014-03-20 15:43:24","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "165","Joint Statement of Support Taiwan","





    一、  呼籲馬英九總統正視人民訴求,及七成五台灣人民反對「服貿」的事實,出面道歉並撤回「服貿」;

    二、  呼籲立法院長王金平及立法院國民黨團對於踐踏民主程序的錯誤示範出面道歉;

    三、  呼籲駐守立院警察單位不可對和平抗爭的學生及群眾使用暴力驅散的手段。


    ",,"1","1","2014-03-24 17:59:21","2014-04-16 04:01:00" "167","Wei Yang and Huang Yu-fen’s visit in the U.S.","

    4/9 to 4/12- Wei Yang & Huang Yu-fen’s visit in the U.S.

    Wednesday, April 09
    Washington, DC

    08:15 AM  Skype Interview with VOA

    02:00 PM Press Conference

    05:30 PM  Public Forum in George Washington University
    “Occupy Congress: Why Taiwan’s Youth Are Mobilizing to Save Their Country’s Democracy.”

    Thursday, April 10
    Washington, DC

    10:00 AM  VOA Studio Interview for “Cross Strait” Show

    11:30 AM  FAPA Congressional Briefing

    Saturday, April 12
    New York City

    10:00 AM  Public Forum in CUNY “From New York to Taiwan: Occupy Movement and Anti-Globalization”

    ",,"1","1","2014-04-16 04:01:06","2014-04-16 05:01:24" "168","FAPA Statement on the Nuclear Four Debate in Taiwan","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  April 25th 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Statement on the Nuclear Four debate in Taiwan

    (Washington, D.C. – April 25thth 2014) For more than two decades, a heated debate has been raging on and off in Taiwan about the desirability of a Fourth Nuclear Power Plant at Kungliao, only 26 miles from Taipei.  Plans were made as early as the 1980s, funds were allocated in the early 1990s, and actual construction was started in 1999.

    TaiPower, the state-owned enterprise responsible for construction and operation of the plant did not follow the normal “turnkey” procedure, but managed the construction itself, and contracted General Electric of the United States to build the reactors, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan to supply the turbines and generators, while many local companies received lucrative subcontracts.  This led to major delays and cost-overruns: similar power plants in other countries generally take 4 years to build.  Nuclear Four is now in its 15th year of construction.

    However, since the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disaster in Japan, opposition against the completion of the power plant has significantly increased.  The major reasons are that the Kungliao plant is of similar design as the Fukushima reactors, is also located on a seismic fault line, and is close to the sea, where it would be subject to being struck by a tsunami.  In addition, the fact that the plant is only 26 miles from Taipei means that in case of a disaster, a major metropolitan area of nearly seven million people would have to be evacuated, a sheer impossible task.

    During the past years, there have been numerous efforts through the regular political system to stop construction of the plant and to decide that it should not go into operation.  These efforts included introduction of a referendum.  Under normal circumstances such a referendum would easily pass, as opinion polls show that an overwhelming majority opposes Nuclear Four.

    However, Taiwan has an archaic referendum law, which stipulates that a referendum only passes if more than 50% of the eligible voters express themselves in favor of such a referendum.  This threshold is unreasonably high and in practical terms impossible to reach. Not a single referendum in the United States would pass if these rules were applied.

    What has now added urgency to the discussion is that on Tuesday April 22nd 2014, veteran Taiwan democracy leader Lin Yi-hsiung, who served as DPP party chairman between 1998 and 2000, went on an indefinite hunger strike at his former home, now a Presbyterian Church, where on February 28th 1980 his mother and twin-daughters were knifed to death in what was widely believed to be a political murder.  The case was never resolved.  Lin has vowed to fast to the end if the government does not agree to halting construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant.

    FAPA believes

    1. That an immediate moratorium on the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant is called for;

    2. That the Ma Ying-jeou Administration  needs to agree to a fair and equitable referendum at the earliest possible time so the people in Taiwan can decide whether they want the plant to go into operation or not, and

    3. That the existing clause in the Referendum Act, which requires 50% of the eligible voters to express themselves in favor, needs to be dropped immediately.

    As concerned Taiwanese-Americans we care deeply about Taiwan and its future as a free and democratic nation.  We express our strong support for Mr. Lin Yi-hsiung and his goals, and urge the Taiwan government of President Ma Ying-jeou to respond in accordance with the principles of true democracy.



    (2014/4/25美國華府) 位於貢寮的第四個核能發電廠(核四),是否該繼續興建的議題已經在台灣被熱烈的討論長達20年之久。而貢寮位在離台北約41公里處。核四計畫早在1980年代便開始,預算則在1990年代早期就已編列,然後1999年正式開始建造。


    然而,自從20113月,日 本發生了空前的福島第一核電廠輻射大量外露的事件,對於是否完成核四興建的這個政策,台灣內部的反對聲浪顯著的增加。最主要的原因是,貢寮的核電廠採用類 似於福島核能反應爐的設計,並且核四也將落址於靠近海邊的地震斷層線上。那樣的地理位置,有可能會使得核電廠受到海嘯的破壞。此外,核四距離台北只有41公里的這個事實,意味了一旦有什麼天災發生,在一個擁有將近七百萬人口的大都會,必須要能夠緊急撤離所有居民,根本純粹是個不可能的任務。



    而如今,關乎這個議題的討論,因為 林義雄在422日星期二開始了無限期的絕食運動,更增加了急迫性。這位受到台灣人敬仰的,且長期為台灣民主化運動盡心盡力,曾擔任19982000年的民進黨黨主席的 林義雄,他絕食的地點位於長老教會,該教會是由他的舊宅改建,也正是他的母親和他的一對雙胞胎女兒,於1980228日遭到謀殺而命喪黃泉的地方。這關乎三條人命且被視為政治謀殺的命案,至今未破案。如果政府不同意停止核四的施工,林義雄發誓要絕食到底。


    1. 呼籲核四發電廠立即暫停施工

    2. 馬英九政府需要儘快地同意去採取一個公平且公正的公民投票,這樣台灣人民可以決定是否希望發電廠進行作業。

    3. 目前公民投票法的第30條條文,規定百分之五十以上有選舉投票權的人投票贊成,才可通過,應當被即刻移除。

    我們台美人深切地關心台灣人民的自由,以及台灣作為一個民主國家的未來。我們向 林義雄,與他正在奮鬥目標,表達我們台美人對其堅定的支持。我們也向馬英九總統敦促,政府應當依循民主原則對 林義雄和社會大眾做出回應。

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    ",,"7","39","2014-04-29 16:32:47","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "169"," Sunflower movement Invitation","

    Click The Sunflower to view the latest News and Events

    You are cordially invited to the following seminar:  

    Taiwan's Sunflower Movement: A New Political Landscape

    Friday, June 27, 2014 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM

    University of California Washington Center (next to CSIS)

    1608 Rhode Island Ave. NWWashington, DC 20036

    From March 18th through April 10th 2014, several hundred students from universities around Taiwan entered the country's Legislative Yuan, and occupied the main chamber in protest against passage of legislation on a Trade Service Agreement with China.

    The protest gained broad support among the island's population, and prompted a rally by some 500,000 in front of the Presidential Office on March 30th.  The occupation ended after Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng agreed to send the legislation back to the Legislative Yuan committee for a clause-by-clause review.

    What were the underlying reasons for the protest? What are the implications for Taiwan's domestic politics, with local elections coming up in late 2014 and presidential and legislative elections in early 2016?  What are the implications for cross-Strait relations, foreign policy, and regional security? Join us for a discussion on these topics.

    9:30 am Registration, coffee and refreshments

    10:00 am Opening: Mark Kao, President Formosan  Association for Public Affairs

    10:05 am      Panel I: Motivating Factors and Domestic Political Implications

    Panelists:     Chun-ta Lee

    Sunflower movement student leader

    Don Rodgers

    Prof. of Political Science, Austin College, Texas

    Vincent Wang

    Prof. of Political Science, University of Richmond, Virginia

    Moderator:    Gerrit van der Wees

    Editor, Taiwan Communiqué

    11:15 am     Panel II: Implications for Cross-Strait  Relations and Regional Security

    Panelists:     Randall Schriver

    President and CEO, Project 2049 Institute

    Patrick Cronin

    Senior Director, Asia-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security

    Moderator:    Joanna Yu Taylor

    Director, China and the Pacific Program, Center for the National Interest

    12:15 pm Concluding remarks


    This Seminar is jointly co-sponsored by the Project 2049 Institute and the Formosan Association for Public Affairs.

    ",,"3","31","2014-06-17 20:36:19","2014-09-23 04:53:50" "172","Taiwan’s Elections and U.S. Interests","

    FAPA 2013 Congressional Workshop in Washington DC

    FAPA Statement on Taiwan’s Elections and U.S. Interests

    (Washington, D.C. – September 18th 2014) –  On Friday, September 12th  2014, at a conference on “Relations across the Taiwan Strait”, organized by the Brookings Institution, former Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan Richard Bush discussed how the United States government would approach the 2016 Taiwan presidential elections.

    Mr. Bush indicated that “the US government, at some time and in some way will express itself on the implications of the 2016 elections for US interests.”  He then described the dilemma that the US has a general principle of remaining neutral in elections of friendly democracies, but “… On the other hand, the US does have interests in the policies of any elected leadership…”

    Mr. Bush then described a number of examples from the past, when the US expressed itself, covering the period 1996 through 2012.  He in particular mentioned the December 2003 episode, when President George Bush – seated next to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao – wagged his finger as if pointing at Taiwan’s president Chen Shui-bian, telling him “not to change the status quo” by pushing for a referendum.  In doing so, the US sided with a repressive and authoritarian China against a vibrant democracy intending to chart its own course through a democratic referendum.

    Mr. Richard Bush ended his list of examples by referring to the September 2011 Financial Times episode, when – after a closed-door meeting of the US National Security Council with DPP Presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen – an NSC official called the Financial Times and expressed doubts about the China policies of Dr. Tsai. The call represented a serious violation of diplomatic protocol, and was also an unacceptable intrusion in Taiwan’s domestic politics, since it favored one side over the other.  Mr. Bush’s statement that .. this is something we do, implies that he endorses the way it was done.  This is totally unacceptable.

    In response to Mr. Bush’s statement, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs wishes to state the following:

    We have no objections to a constructive dialogue between the US and Taiwan on policy issues such as relations with China, but the way this is done is important.  The US needs to realize that for the people of Taiwan, China’s threatening policies and presence are an existential threat: the Beijing authorities want to incorporate Taiwan and stifle its democracy, period.

    In such a situation it would be highly desirable if the United States would strongly support policies that are truly consonant with US national interests, namely encourage and enhance Taiwan’s democracy, and create the space for people of Taiwan to decide their own future, instead of restricting and diminishing that space, as implied in the situations Mr. Bush mentioned.  The latter approach runs counter to the values and principles of democracy and self-determination for which we in the United States should stand.

    We therefore urge the US government to:

    ·   Support policies that encourage and enhance Taiwan’s democracy, and thereby help create space for the people of Taiwan to decide their own future;
    ·   Engage candidates and future leaders in a constructive two-way dialogue on important issues, and not resort to one-way dictates.
    ·   Make it clear that the US will work closely with whatever leadership emerges from Taiwan’s free and fair elections to build on the enduring US commitment to Taiwan’s people, its prosperity, and peace.

    Mark Kao, PhD, President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs



    ",,"3","31","2014-09-23 04:54:00","2014-09-23 05:02:14" "170","FAPA Statement on Taiwan’s Elections and U.S. Interests","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  September 18th 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Statement on Taiwan’s Elections and U.S. Interests

    (Washington, D.C. – September 18th 2014) On Friday, September 12th 2014, at a conference on “Relations across the Taiwan Strait”, organized by the Brookings Institution, former Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan Richard Bush discussed how the United States government would approach the 2016 Taiwan presidential elections.

    Mr. Bush indicated that “the US government, at some time and in some way will express itself on the implications of the 2016 elections for US interests.” He then described the dilemma that the US has a general principle of remaining neutral in elections of friendly democracies, but “… On the other hand, the US does have interests in the policies of any elected leadership…”

    Mr. Bush then described a number of examples from the past, when the US expressed itself, covering the period 1996 through 2012.  He in particular mentioned the December 2003 episode, when President George Bush – seated next to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao – wagged his finger as if pointing at Taiwan’s president Chen Shui-bian, telling him “not to change the status quo” by pushing for a referendum.  In doing so, the US sided with a repressive and authoritarian China against a vibrant democracy intending to chart its own course through a democratic referendum.

    Mr. Richard Bush ended his list of examples by referring to the September 2011 Financial Times episode, when – after a closed-door meeting of the US National Security Council with DPP Presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen – an NSC official called the Financial Times and expressed doubts about the China policies of Dr. Tsai. The call represented a serious violation of diplomatic protocol, and was also an unacceptable intrusion in Taiwan’s domestic politics, since it favored one side over the other.  Mr. Bush’s statement that .. this is something we do, implies that he endorses the way it was done.  This is totally unacceptable.

    In response to Mr. Bush’s statement, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs wishes to state the following:

    We have no objections to a constructive dialogue between the US and Taiwan on policy issues such as relations with China, but the way this is done is important.  The US needs to realize that for the people of Taiwan, China’s threatening policies and presence are an existential threat: the Beijing authorities want to incorporate Taiwan and stifle its democracy, period.

    In such a situation it would be highly desirable if the United States would strongly support policies that are truly consonant with US national interests, namely encourage and enhance Taiwan’s democracy, and create the space for people of Taiwan to decide their own future, instead of restricting and diminishing that space, as implied in the situations Mr. Bush mentioned.  The latter approach runs counter to the values and principles of democracy and self-determination for which we in the United States should stand.

    We therefore urge the US government to:

    · Support policies that encourage and enhance Taiwan’s democracy, and thereby help create space for the people of Taiwan to decide their own future;

    · Engage candidates and future leaders in a constructive two-way dialogue on important issues, and not resort to one-way dictates.

    · Make it clear that the US will work closely with whatever leadership emerges from Taiwan’s free and fair elections to build on the enduring US commitment to Taiwan’s people, its prosperity, and peace.

    Mark Kao, PhD, President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs






    卜睿哲提到的最後一個例證是20119月發生的金融時報事件。就在美國國家安全委員會與民進黨總統候選人蔡英文閉門會議結束之後, 一位國家安全委員會官員以電話聯繫金融時報,表達美國對於蔡英文的中國政策充滿疑慮。這通電話不僅嚴重違反了外交禮節,同時,此舉明顯偏好特定陣營,對於台灣的國內政治更是造成難以接受的侵害。卜睿哲提到"這是我們(美方)經常在做的事",意味著他贊同此舉,這是完全無法被接受的作法。





    - 支持有助於鼓勵並強化台灣民主的政策以創造台灣人決定自己未來的空間;

    - 與候選人以及未來的領導人針對重大議題進行建設性的雙向對話,而非單向式的對話;

    - 清楚表態美國將會與任何經過台灣自由與公平選舉所產生的領導人保持密切合作,落實美國長久以來保衛台灣人民繁榮與和平的承諾

    高龍榮博士, 台灣人公共事務會會長


    ",,"7","39","2014-09-19 02:33:26","2014-09-19 02:54:43" "171","FAPA Statement on Scottish referendum on Independence","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  September 19th 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Statement on Scottish referendum on Independence

    (Washington, D.C. – September 19th 2014) As a grassroots organization promoting freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs applauds the way the Scottish referendum was held on September 18. It marked a milestone in the exercise of democracy and set a standard and example for other countries and peoples around the world to emulate.

    This independence referendum presented the world with a perfect example to exercise the principles of direct democracy, and the people's rights of self-determination. The British and Scottish people are to be commended for the mature, reasonable and rational way the referendum was conducted by both sides.

    Many ask in what way the Scottish referendum has implications for Taiwan.  We do want to highlight two aspects: the process of the referendum, and economic (over)dependence.

    The Scottish referendum process was fair and equitable: it required a simple majority of the votes cast and the question posed to the electorate was straightforward.  In contrast, Taiwan's current Referendum Act limits the people's right to hold a fair and effective referendum. The unreasonably high thresholds, complicated manipulation of the questions, and many other restrictions prevent the Taiwanese people from exercising their democracy through a referendum.

    The Taiwanese people are also prevented from exercising a free choice on their future by an aggressive and expansionist neighbor, China. Although Taiwan is a de facto sovereign and independent country, China has continued to push Taiwan into diplomatic isolation and forced other nations to only have “unofficial” ties with Taiwan by its claims to sovereignty over Taiwan and its threat of the use of force.

    A second aspect relates to economic overdependence: An important reason the Scottish vote came out in favor of remaining within the United Kingdom was Scottish overdependence on England: it has no industrial base to speak of, and its service sector (banking, insurance etc). is totally dominated by the British.  This fact carries a warning for Taiwan not to let its economy become overdependent on China.

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. comments: ""The example of Scotland's referendum shows that if contentious disagreements can be solved by democratic means, a society can enjoy peace, stability, and prosperity in a sustainable way.

    In terms of the process, we hereby call upon the Taiwan government to amend the current Referendum Act and remove the restrictions and thresholds of people's rights to a referendum. We also call upon the international community to join us in safeguarding the right of self-determination of Taiwanese people.

    In terms of economic overdependence, we seriously caution the people and government of Taiwan against letting Taiwan’s economy drift too close to China, so in due time there would be little possibility to make a free choice on the country’s future.

    Some people say that the Scots were torn between wanting to vote YES with their hearts (enabling to move towards independence) but NO with their heads (concerned about the economic consequences of the vote).

    We are wholeheartedly convinced that the people of Taiwan would want to vote YES with their heads and their hearts!  The people of Taiwan are entitled to decide their own future. The international community needs to provide the people of Taiwan the space to do so, without outside coercion.""




















    ",,"7","39","2014-09-22 04:38:03","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "173","Congress Urges Secretary Kerry to Start 2014 Taiwan Policy Review Process","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  September 25th 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Congress Urges Secretary Kerry to Start 2014 Taiwan Policy Review Process

    (Washington, D.C. – September 25th 2014) In a letter dated September 23, 2014, 29 members of the House of Representatives led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Edward Royce (R-CA) called up Secretary of State John Kerry to start the process of conducting a 2014 Taiwan Policy Review. The members write: “[W]e feel strongly that there is a need today to undertake a new and thorough Taiwan Policy Review, laying the basis for further expanding relations with Taiwan and thereby enhancing continued peace and stability in the region.”

    The following Representatives signed the letter: Ed Royce (R-CA), Steve Chabot (R-OH), Pete Sessions (R-TX), Michael McCaul (R-TX), Richard Hanna (R-NY), Randy Weber (R-TX), Paul Cook (R-CA), Ted Yoho (R-FL), Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), Steve Stivers (R-OH), Collin Peterson (D-MN), Leonard Lance (R-NJ), Bill Johnson (R-OH), Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Kenny Marchant (R-TX), Luke Messer (R-IN), James Lankford (R-OK), Howard Coble (R-NC), George Holding (R-NC), Todd Rokita (R-IN), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Ted Poe (R-TX) and Matt Cartwright (D-PA), David Schweikert (R-AZ), Steve Stockman (R-TX) ,Blake Farenthold (R-TX), Marsha Backburn (R-TN), J. Randy Forbes (R-VA), and Doug LaMalfa (R-CA).

    The letter continues: “In 1979, when we shifted diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing, Taiwan was ruled by a government claiming to represent China. When the United States conducted its last Taiwan Policy Review in 1994, Taiwan was just starting to emerge as a full democracy. [...] Over these past two decades, the people of Taiwan have consolidated their democracy, and established a vibrant and pluralistic democracy in their country...”

    It concludes: “We thank you for your leadership and look forward to working with you on this important and timely project which will enhance our relationship with an important democratic ally.”

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD states: “With the geopolitical shifts that have taken place in the Pacific during the past years, and with the 2013 U.S. rebalancing commitment to Asia, a second Taiwan Policy Review is overdue. Such a review should include a U.S. commitment: - to the principle that the future of Taiwan should be determined peacefully and by the people of Taiwan, - to U.S. support for Taiwan's membership in all international organizations, - to the lifting of all restrictions on high-level visits from and to Taiwan, and to the sale of advanced weapons to Taiwan.”


    以眾議院外交事務委員會主席、加州共和黨議員羅伊斯為首的29名眾議員,於923日共同連署致函美國國務卿凱瑞(John Kerry),要求凱瑞著手進行2014年台灣政策檢討報告。該信函寫道:「我們強烈地認為現在必須重新詳細地檢視我們當前的台灣政策,並為越趨密切的台美關係立下新的根基,以持續提升區域和平與穩定。」

    簽署該信的眾議員除羅伊斯議員外,尚有以下28位議員:Steve Chabot (R-OH)Pete Sessions (R-TX)Michael McCaul (R-TX)Richard Hanna (R-NY)Randy Weber (R-TX)Paul Cook (R-CA)Ted Yoho (R-FL)Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)Steve Stivers (R-OH)Collin Peterson (D-MN)Leonard Lance (R-NJ)Bill Johnson (R-OH)Scott Garrett (R-NJ)Kenny Marchant (R-TX)Luke Messer (R-IN)James Lankford (R-OK)Howard Coble (R-NC)George Holding (R-NC)Todd Rokita (R-IN)Chris Smith (R-NJ)Ted Poe (R-TX)Matt Cartwright (D-PA)David Schweikert (R-AZ)Steve Stockman (R-TX)Blake Farenthold (R-TX)Marsha Backburn (R-TN)J. Randy Forbes (R-VA)Doug LaMalfa (R-CA)




    ",,"7","39","2014-09-26 01:21:01","2014-09-26 01:23:21" "174","Taiwanese-Americans express solidarity with Hong Kong protesters","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  October 2nd 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-Americans express solidarity with Hong Kong protesters

    (Washington, D.C. – October 2nd 2014) - Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs – a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization with 54 chapters across the United States -- expressed its strong support for the demonstrators in Hong Kong in their struggle for democracy.

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: ""As a nation-wide Taiwanese American organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan, FAPA extends a hand in solidarity to our friends in Hong Kong during their protests calling for more freedom,  human rights and democracy for the people of Hong Kong.""

    ""It is clear that the Beijing’s promises of a ""One Country, Two Systems"" model for Hong Kong were merely empty promises, and that Beijing is not honoring the commitments made in the 1984 Joint Declaration or the Basic Law.”

    Dr. Kao continues: ""The recent decisions by Beijing -- the June 10th White Paper and the August 31st announcement that the candidates for Hong Kong’s chief executive election in 2017 must be approved by Beijing – show a total disregard for the basic principles of freedom and democracy.  Even worse, when the people of Hong Kong took to the streets to peacefully express their views on these issues, they were met with riot police using tear gas and pepper spray.  This is unconscionable!”

    Dr. Kao adds: “These developments serve as a reminder to the people of Taiwan that they should not allow themselves to be pulled into a closer economic and political embrace by China.  We therefore urge the people of Taiwan to resist the attempts by the current Kuomintang government of President Ma Ying-jeou to move further with his rapprochement with China.  The Chinese actions on Hong Kong show that this would be detrimental for Taiwan’s future as a free, democratic and independent nation.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""Let me finish by echoing the words of Steve Cabot, the chairman of the Asian Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives: I think that we have to be very wary when it comes to trusting some of China's promises. We are seeing it now in Hong Kong. And I think that Taiwan has to be very careful that they don't get attracted into a situation that might seem like it is a good thing upfront, but once you get involved with China you may find that you can't get yourself out of their clutches.""







    高博士總結道:「讓我引用美國眾議院亞太事務小組委員會主席、夏波議員(Steve Chabot)的話做總結:『我認為我們在相信中國所做的某些承諾時必須十分小心。香港就是一個直接的例子。我認為台灣也要十分注意,不應該因為表面上的益處就被中國吸引。一旦你陷進去之後,你可能會發現已經無法脫離中國的掌控。』」

    ",,"7","39","2014-10-05 02:56:57","2014-10-05 02:58:31" "175","FAPA calls on President Obama to stand up for Taiwan during visit to China","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - November 3rd 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA calls on President Obama to stand up for Taiwan during visit to China

    (Washington, D.C. – November 3rd 2014) - In a letter dated November 3, 2014, Mark Kao, the President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) appealed to President Obama to ""reaffirm America's support for freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan"" during his upcoming visit to China at the end of this week when he attends the APEC summit in Beijing.  

    Dr. Kao states, ""We understand that in order to resolve many of the world's major problems, the United States needs to engage China, but the fact is that China has not acted as a ‘responsible stakeholder"", and is causing increasing tension in the region, in particular in the South China Sea, East China Sea, and through its mishandling of the democratic developments in Hong Kong. Against this background, we emphasize that ""engagement"" should not be done at the expense of America's core values: freedom, democracy and human rights, as exemplified in the nation and people of Taiwan.""

    Dr. Kao concludes: ""In the meantime, Taiwan has transformed itself into a vibrant democracy, and as we saw with the Sunflower Movement this Spring, the people of Taiwan don't want to be pushed into an unwelcome embrace with China.

    We firmly believe it is a core US interest to help protect and nurture this young democracy. We therefore urge you to move towards a ""One Taiwan, One China"" policy that warmly welcomes Taiwan as a full and equal member of the international community. That would indeed be a change the American people can believe in.""









    President Barack H. Obama                                         November 3, 2014
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    As you prepare to visit China, we, as a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization with 54 chapters across the United States, appeal to you to reaffirm America's support for freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan.

    During the past years, the Beijing government has called on the United States and other international partners to respect China's so-called ""territorial integrity"" and ""core interests."" We strongly urge you to remind the Chinese leaders, in response, that it is a core interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.

    We understand that in order to resolve many of the world's major problems, the United States needs to engage China, but the fact is that China has not acted as a ‘responsible stakeholder"", and is causing increasing tension in the region, in particular in the South China Sea, East China Sea, and through its mishandling of the
    democratic developments in Hong Kong. Against this background, we emphasize that ""engagement"" should not be done at the expense of America's core values: freedom, democracy and human rights, as exemplified in the nation and people of Taiwan.

    We appeal to you that, in your meetings with the Chinese leaders, you insist that they dismantle the 1,600 missiles targeted at Taiwan and renounce the threat of use of force against Taiwan. To safeguard Taiwan and its future, we need to more fully embrace freedom, democracy and human rights in that country. We believe this is the best way to maintain peace and stability in East Asia and is in the best interests of the United States.

    Mr. President, in your 2008 election campaign you promised us ""change we can believe in."" In your acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention in Denver, you stated: ""Enough to the politics of the past."" We hope this applies to US policies towards Taiwan. For the past four decades, the US has clung to an outdated ""One China"" policy which has left Taiwan dangling in international isolation.

    In the meantime, Taiwan has transformed itself into a vibrant democracy, and as we saw with the Sunflower Movement this Spring, the people of Taiwan don't want to be pushed into an unwelcome embrace with China. We firmly believe it is a core US interest to help protect and nurture this young democracy. We therefore urge you to move towards a ""One Taiwan, One China"" policy that warmly welcomes Taiwan as a full and equal member of the international community. That would indeed be a change the American people can believe in.

    Thank you for your attention. We wish you a safe journey.

    Sincerely yours,

    ",,"7","39","2014-11-04 01:46:57","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "176","Important recent news and commentary","

    Important recent news and commentary

    President Mark Kao’s editorial in the Taipei Times: Bringing about real cross-Strait stability


    FAPA: Obama must insist China dismantle missiles


    Ambassador Nat Bellocchi: Obama’s China trip must reaffirm democracy


    ",,"1","1","2014-11-12 02:29:23","2015-01-12 03:08:28" "177","Taiwanese-American organizations call for Medical Parole for Former President Chen Shui-bian","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - November 10th 2014

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-American organizations call for Medical Parole for Former President Chen Shui-bian

    (Washington, D.C. – November 10th 2014) - In a letter dated 11 November 2014, ten Taiwanese American organizations sent a letter to Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou calling for the release on medical parole of former president Chen Shui-bian.


    The organizations write: “While the Republic of China just celebrated the 103rd anniversary of its founding in China in 1911, the democratically elected former president of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bian, is languishing in a Taichung jail. As a matter of fact, today, on November 11 it has been 6 years since Chen was sent to jail.”

    They add: “Chen’s physical and psychological health has declined steadily over the years culminating in several suicide attempts due to severe depression. Attending doctors from Veterans Hospital in Taichung and medical experts at the Academia Sinica therefore recommended this past summer that Chen be released from jail on medical parole.”

    “Concerns over President Chen’s incarceration have been raised on a number of occasions over the past years by members of Congress (U.S. Congressman Steve Chabot has repeatedly said it best: “Enough is enough.”) as well as by international scholars. However, your administration has been totally unresponsive to these international calls.”

    “Additionally, over the years, the accusations against Chen of having violated the law have been found to have no merit. Case in point: as recent as this past August, the ROC Special Investigation Division said it had found no evidence in the “Palau Affair”, in which Chen was accused of money-laundering.”

    “Chen was also found not guilty recently of misusing the State Affairs Fund and embezzling funds used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct diplomacy.”

    They conclude: “[T]he joint Taiwanese American organizations urge you to grant medical parole to Chen, so that he can receive adequate treatment at home for his medical conditions.”

    Mark Kao, Ph.D. the President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), which initiated the joint statement, states: “That a democratically elected former head of state is treated in such a deplorable manner by a sitting government is clearly in violation of the values of democracy and human rights that we in the U.S. hold high.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “Chen’s continued physical and psychological deterioration is an ongoing human rights nightmare for Chen and for Taiwan as a country. The Taiwan authorities need to understand that Chen’s imprisonment is severely damaging the international image of Taiwan as a free and democratic nation.”






    「過去幾年中,許多美國國會議員及國際級的學者都曾針對陳前總統被關押的情形表達關切,俄亥俄州共和黨眾議員夏波(Steven Chabot)更曾多次表示『(對陳前總統的關押)已經夠了!』然而,您對這些國際聲音並未予以理會。」







    President Ma Ying-jeou                November 11, 2014
    Office of the President
    Taipei, Taiwan

    Dear President Ma:

    While the Republic of China just celebrated the 103rd anniversary of its founding in China in 1911, the democratically elected former president of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bian, is languishing in a Taichung jail. As a matter of fact, today, onNovember 11 it has been 6 years since Chen was sent to jail.

    Because Chen's dire situation is of grave concern to us Taiwanese Americans, we hereby urge you to grant Chen medical parole allowing him to recuperate at home amongst his family members.

    After Chen's imprisonment in November 2008, international observers, including former Harvard Law Professor Jerome Cohen, identified multiple lapses in due process and other serious procedural flaws by the prosecution during Chen's trial in 2009 and in 2010.

    Meanwhile, Chen was confined  virtually 24 hours a day to a damp, undersized prison cell in the Taoyuan County jail of about 50 square ft, with no bed, desk or chair but with a cellmate. After an international outcry, Chen was transferred to a new prison in Taichung in 2013.

    Chen's physical and psychological health has declined steadily over the years culminating in several suicide attempts due to severe depression.  Attending doctors from Veterans Hospital in Taichung and medical experts at the Academia Sinica therefore recommended this past summer that Chen be released from jail on medical parole.

    Concerns over President Chen's incarceration have been raised on a number of occasions over the past years by members of Congress (U.S. Congressman Steve Chabot has repeatedly said it best: ""Enough is Enough."") as well as by international scholars. However, your administration has been totally unresponsive to these international calls.

    Additionally, over the years, the accusations against Chen of having violated the law have been found to have no merit. Case in point: as recent as this past August, the ROC Special Investigation Division said it had found no evidence in the ""Palau Affair"", in which Chen was accused of money-laundering.

    Chen was also found not guilty recently of misusing the State Affairs Fund and embezzling funds used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct diplomacy.

    Finally, more than 60 percent of respondents in a poll held last week in Taiwan, support the idea of allowing Chen to receive medical treatment at home and many find it unacceptable that your government refuses to grant this.

    Therefore, again, the joint Taiwanese American organizations urge you to grant medical parole to Chen, so that he can receive adequate treatment at home for his medical conditions.


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    Formosan Association for Human Rights

    Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater Washington

    North America Taiwanese Women's Association

    Professor Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation

    San Diego Taiwan Center

    Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego

    Taiwanese Association of America

    World Federation of Taiwanese Associations

    World Taiwanese Congress

    ",,"7","39","2014-11-13 18:08:51","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "178","Third ""Taiwanese Emerging Leadership"" workshop","


    Third ""Taiwanese Emerging Leadership"" workshop to be held in Washington, DC from June 21-26th  2015.

    FAPA invites interested young Taiwanese leaders to register below.

    Learn how Washington works in one week!

    For further information, take a look at the attached PDF document




    培訓營活動為期一週(2015年6月21-26日),在美國首都華盛頓舉行,有意參加的年青朋友請藉由以下的聯結報名 (goo.gl/JRkWeA) ,並繳交個人英文信及推薦信各一封。參加者需自行負責台北華府的機票,活動期間的食宿為主辦單位負責。報名截止日為4月15日。


    PDF 檔:

    On-line rsvp: goo.gl/JRkWeA



    ",,"3","31","2015-01-12 03:08:35","2015-07-09 01:45:57" "179","FAPA Pleased with Release of Former President Chen","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  January 5th 2015

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA Pleased with Release of Former President Chen,

    but Critical of the Bureaucratic Delays and Unreasonable Conditions

    (Washington, D.C. – January 5th 2015) - Today, former President of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bian was released on medical parole enabling him to receive adequate treatment for his medical conditions in a home environment.

    President Chen, who served as Taiwan's president between 2000 and 2008, was imprisoned on charges of corruption only months after leaving office. However, many international observers, including former Harvard Law Professor Jerome Cohen, identified multiple lapses in due process and other serious procedural flaws by the prosecution, raising questions about whether the judicial proceedings against Chen were politically motivated.

    Initially, Mr. Chen was serving out his 19-year sentence in Taoyuan County prison, where he was confined virtually 24 hours a day to an undersized cell of about 50 square ft, which he shared with one other cellmate.  The cell had a toilet, but no bed, desk or chair. After an international outcry, he was transferred to Taipei Veterans General Hospital in September 2012, where his health condition started to improve.

    However, in April 2013 he was suddenly transferred to Pei-teh Prison in Taichung in Central Taiwan, prompting several suicide attempts.  Since then, Mr. Chen's physical and psychological health further declined.

    Over the past years, numerous prominent international figures and organizations have appealed for the release of the former President, including Freedom House, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, Liberal International, former Alaska senator and governor Frank Murkowski, former AIT Chairman of the Board Nat Bellocchi, US Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and a number of US Congressmen, including Repr. Robert Andrews (D-NJ), Steve Chabot (R-OH), Ed Royce (R-CA) and others.

    The appeals for his release became stronger in mid-November 2014, on the occasion of the sixth “anniversary” of his arrest, and intensified after the political landslide won by the democratic opposition of the DPP in the November 29th local elections.

    However, during the month of December 2014 Taiwan’s Ministry of Justice, the Agency of Corrections, the prosecutors, and the court system threw the hot potato as to who would be responsible for his release back and forth, delaying his release time and again.

    The most flagrant excuse was that Pei-teh Prison could not process the required documents on December 31st, as the report from the government-appointed medical team “had been delayed due to a traffic jam.”  As a result of this foot-dragging and these delays, former President Chen was forced to spend Christmas and the New Year in his jail, instead of at home with his family.

    In addition, the Ministry of Justice attached a number of demeaning conditions to the parole: that it  is only for an initial period of one month, and can be extended only to a total of four months.  The Ministry also added that none of the parole time will be counted as part of his sentence.

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: “The conditions
    imposed by the Ministry of Justice are totally outrageous in view of the fact that the former President suffers from a number of severe, chronic physical and mental ailments.  Attaching these conditions is akin to playing political football with the health of President Chen.  It will also not bring about a much-needed political reconciliation in Taiwan.""

    Dr. Kao added:  ""While we as Taiwanese-Americans are happy that former President Chen has now finally been release on medical parole, we are angered and dismayed by the delaying tactics of the Ma administration.  This was an utterly contemptible display of bureaucratic incompetence and malicious vindictiveness.""

    ""Ultimately, Chen's six years of incarceration has severely blemished the Ma government’s human rights record and status in the international community.  It is the ultimate proof that under President Ma Ying-jeou there has been a serious erosion of justice.  It is also evidence that the judicial system continues to be tainted by the political bias imposed by Mr. Ma.""

    ""We express our deep appreciation for the broad international support for Chen's parole, expressed over the past years. We are sure that these international expressions of concern have helped bring about the release of former President Chen.""

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    ",,"7","39","2015-01-12 18:45:24","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "180","U.S. Officials Proclaim Second Week of May as Taiwanese-American Heritage Week","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  May 15th 2015

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    U.S. Officials Proclaim Second Week of May as Taiwanese-American Heritage Week

    (Washington, D.C. – May 15th 2015) -- Every year, the month of May is designated as Asian Pacific Heritage Month -- a month of national celebration and commemoration of the innumerable contributions that Asians and Pacific Islanders have made in American life.

    Since 1999, when President Clinton dedicated the week after Mother’s Day as Taiwanese American Heritage week (TAHW), Taiwanese Americans have annually joined hands to reach out to the general American public to share their heritage.

    This year, from Mother’s Day May 10 until Sunday May 17, 2015 Taiwanese Americans all over the Union are celebrating  TAHW.

    The celebration did not go unnoticed by elected officials from Oregon to Florida and in between where elected officials dedicated the week after Mother’s Day as TAHW.

    Among these, Oregon Governor Kate Brown proclaimed (view the document) the week after Mother’s Day as TAHW stating: “WHEREAS Taiwanese Americans have made enormous contributions to the diversity and prosperity of American society, consistently contributing to the promotion of democracy and security of their homeland.” Portland Proclamation 2015 TAHW; Beaverton Proclamation 2015 TAHW

    Gainesville, FL mayor Edward B. Braddy took similar action stating: “WHEREAS Taiwan is a sovereign, independent country but continues to be illegitimately claimed by the People's Republic of China as a renegade province.” view the document

    In his TAHW proclamation, San Diego Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer added: “WHEREAS 2015 marks the 36th anniversary of the enactment into law of the ""Taiwan Relations Act,"" the cornerstone of U.S. Taiwan relations.” San Diego Proclamation 2015 TAHW

    FAPA President Mark Kao states:  “Taiwanese Americans are proud to be citizens of this country which believes in democracy and equality.  Taiwanese Americans having and celebrating their own Heritage Week reinforces the understanding amongst the American public that Taiwan is not part of China, and that we need to recognize the reality that Taiwan is a free and democratic nation-state that needs to be accepted by the international community as a full and equal member.”

    ",,"7","39","2015-05-18 06:28:16","2015-06-21 23:18:39" "181","Support the Taiwan Policy Act-backup","

    Membership of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus

    You may click on above link to view the members of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus.


    Support the Taiwan Policy Act

    The Taiwan Policy Act (TPA) was reintroduced on January 25, 2013 by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) together with the four co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus.

    The TPA is the most important and weightiest piece of Taiwan legislation in the U.S. Congress since the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act of 2000.  The TPA builds on the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act  (TRA - which has functioned effectively as the cornerstone of US-Taiwan relations over the past three decades). It does not amend or supersede the TRA.

    Please fill out this petition letter (click here) and ask your family and friends to do the same. Collect as many signed petitions as possible and mail them to:

    552 7th Street S.E.
    Washington DC 20003

    We will make sure your petition letters end up in the correct Congressional offices.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to call FAPA at 202-547-3686.

    Thank you!

    ",,"8","41","2015-06-21 22:14:56","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "183","FAPA statement on heavy-handed handling of the student protests against history textbook amendments by the Ma administration","

    Taiwanese, Tibetans, Uyghurs and Chinese rally in Washington and Seattle, September 2015


    FAPA statement on heavy-handed handling of the student protests against history textbook amendments by the Ma administration


    Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  July 31st 2015

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    (Washington, D.C. – July 31st 2015) - Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs – a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization with 54 chapters across the United States -- expressed its deep concerns about the heavy-handed handling of the student protests against amendments of history textbooks by the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou in Taiwan.

    The problem stems from the fact that during the past two years, the administration of President Ma has been preparing changes in the history textbooks that turn the clock back to the days of the repressive Martial Law (1949-1987) when the ruling Kuomintang – which came over from China in 1949 – imposed its version of history on the people of Taiwan, emphasizing a Sino-centric view, and glorifying the Chinese Nationalist perspective.

    After Taiwan’s momentous transition to democracy in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the governments of presidents Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian were able to bring about a change to a more Taiwan-centric perspective, emphasizing Taiwan’s own rich history, geography and culture.  The amendments currently being proposed and implemented by the Ma administration are designed to shift the focus back to an anachronistic perspective based on the outdated worldview of the Kuomintang old guard ideologues, and whitewashing the authoritarian period.

    During the past few months, there has been an increasing groundswell of protests against the proposed amendments – which presumably will go into effect on 1 August 2015.  Both teachers of history as well as students at high schools and universities have voiced strong opposition against the changes, and have urged the Ministry of Education to rescind the proposed amendments.  To no avail: the Ministry has persisted in moving forward.

    After a series of fruitless meetings between ministry officials and leaders of student organizations, a number of high school activists briefly occupied the Ministry of Education on 23 July 2015.  As a result 33 persons were arrested and detained for a day, including 20-years student leader Lin Kuan-hua.  On Thursday, 30 July 2015 – his birthday -  he tragically committed suicide in protest against the lack of responsiveness and harsh treatment they received.

    As an overseas organization of Taiwanese-Americans we fully support the student protests.  The young generation in Taiwan – as all the people in Taiwan – have a right to an unvarnished history that presents the facts.  The country needs to get away from the biased and self-serving accounts of a repressive Kuomintang regime.  Taiwan can be proud of its rich and multi-cultured history.  The young protesters are right to stand up to this imposition of a false and flawed account of the course of history.

    FAPA urges the government of President Ma Ying-jeou to:



    ",,"7","39","2015-08-03 12:26:27","2015-10-17 00:09:48" "184","Election Announcement of FAPA YEAR 2015 Board of Directors At-large","

    Election Announcement of FAPA YEAR 2015 Board of Directors At-large

    According to the FAPA By-laws, the Board of Directors consists of Directors At-Large and Regional Directors. Elections for Directors At-Large are held during the odd years. In the year 2015, we elect 16 Directors At-Large who will serve a 2-year term.

    FAPA Standing Committee (SC) has formed an Election Committee to execute the election of Directors At-Large. Massachusetts Chapter will serve in the election committee and Dr. Ho-Chou Tu will chair and lead the committee.

    For further information click here

    To register, click here.

    ",,"0","0","2015-08-07 18:01:36","2015-09-05 02:02:47" "185","U.S. Representative Introduces “UN for Taiwan” Legislation","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  September 10, 2015

    Contact: 202-547-3686

    U.S. Representative Introduces “UN for Taiwan” Legislation

    In light of the opening of the annual General Assembly session in New York on Tuesday September 15, U.S. Representative Scott Garrett (R-NJ) introduced HCR76 on September 9 concluding ""That it is the sense of Congress that Taiwan and its people deserve membership in the United Nations.” 

    The resolution quotes from the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act stating: ""Nothing in this Act may be construed as a basis for supporting the exclusion or expulsion of Taiwan from continued membership in any international financial institution or any other international organization.""

    It also lauds the ""close relationship that has existed for the past 50 years between the United States and Taiwan, which has been of major economic, cultural, and strategic advantage to both countries"" and emphasizes Taiwan's long time desire to join the United Nations.

    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: ""Taiwan is an independent country that fulfills all conditions for statehood:  a permanent population, a defined territory, government, and capacity to enter into relations with other states.There are no legal obstacles for Taiwan to join the UN, just one political obstacle: the People's Republic of China. The PRC opposes Taiwan's membership in the UN for such membership would constitute international recognition of the reality that Taiwan is an independent country. The time is now for the international community to form a coalition to jointly stand up against China and support Taiwan’s entry into the UN.”

    Dr. Kao concludes:  “This coming Saturday September 12, Taiwanese Americans will gather on New York’s Times Square to rally in support of Taiwan’s membership in the UN.”

    * * * * *






    為因應915日於紐約開幕的年度聯合國大會,紐澤西州共和黨議員蓋瑞(Scott Garrett)於眾議院提出編號H.C.R.76的法案。此法案主要內容為表達「美國國會認同台灣及其人民有權享有聯合國會員身分」的支持。





    台 灣人公共事務會會長高龍榮博士指出:「台灣是個獨立國家,符合國家需要的所有條件,包括固定的人口、既定的國界、政府,以及與其他國家發展關係的能力。台 灣加入聯合國沒有任何法律障礙,只有一項政治攔阻-中華人民共和國。中國反對台灣加入聯合國,因為若台灣成功加入聯合國,將意味著國際間認同台灣為一獨立 國家。現在便是國際社會共同反制中國,支持台灣加入聯合國的最佳時機。」





    September 9, 2015


    Expressing the sense of Congress that Taiwan and its people deserve membership in the United Nations.

    Whereas for more than 50 years a close relationship has existed between the United States and Taiwan, which has been of major economic, cultural, and strategic advantage to both countries;

    Whereas the people of Taiwan are not represented in the United Nations;

    Whereas Taiwan has over the years repeatedly expressed its strong desire to participate in the United Nations;

    Whereas Taiwan has much to contribute to the work and funding of the United Nations;

    Whereas the world community has reacted positively to Taiwan's desire for international participation, as shown by Taiwan's membership in the Asian Development Bank, Taiwan's admission to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group as a full member, Taiwan's membership in the World Trade Organization, Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization, and Taiwan's participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization; and

    Whereas section 4(d) of the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3303(d)) declares, `Nothing in this Act may be construed as a basis for supporting the exclusion or expulsion of Taiwan from continued membership in any international financial institution or any other international organization.': Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that Taiwan and its people deserve membership in the United Nations.

    ",,"7","39","2015-09-15 19:46:56","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "186","Taiwanese-Americans plan protests during Xi Jinping visit","

    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  September 18th 2015

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-Americans plan protests during Xi Jinping visit

    (Washington, D.C. – September 18th 2015) - From September 22 to 28, People’s Republic of China President Xi Jinping will visit the United States.  During his stay in the US, President Xi will be met in several cities by protesters. Protest rallies are planned in Washington, DC, Houston, TX and Seattle, WA.

    On Friday, September 25th, from noon-2:00pm, a broad coalition of Tibetans, Uyghurs, Chinese human rights activists and Taiwanese Americans will hold a rally in front of the White House at Lafayette Square to protest Chinese repression in China, Tibet, and East Turkestan, and its aggressive stance against Taiwan.

    The same day, September 25th, Taiwanese Americans in Houston will rally in front of the Chinese consulate at 3417 Montrose Blvd, Houston, TX 77006 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm.

    Earlier, on Tuesday September 22nd, Taiwanese Americans in Seattle, WA, are planning a rally jointly with Tibetans and Falung Gong practitioners in downtown Seattle.  Details to be announced. Contact: John Chou (johnclchou@gmail.com)

    Taiwanese Americans strongly urge President Xi Jinping to :

    • Respect Taiwanese freedom and democracy
    • Recognize the right of self-determination of the people of Taiwan
    • Renounce the use of force against Taiwan
    • Dismantle the 1,600 missiles pointed at Taiwan, and
    • End China’s policy of isolating Taiwan in the international community

    Referring to Mr. Xi’s visit to the White House in Washington, FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD says: “Isn’t it ironic that the United States doesn’t allow the democratically elected president of Taiwan to come to Washington, but rolls out the red carpet for the repressive and unelected president of China to visit the White House and give him a 21 gun salute? Isn’t there something wrong with this picture?”

    Dr. Kao adds: “If the United States really wants to support democracy and human rights around the world, it should be much more forceful in insisting that China respects the freedom of its own people, as well as the Tibetans and Uyghurs, and also respects the right of the people in Taiwan to determine their own future, free from outside interference.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “We also urge president Obama that in his meetings with President Xi Jinping he insists that China accepts Taiwan as a friendly neighbor, renounce the use of military force against Taiwan, and dismantle all 1600+ missiles aimed at Taiwan.”



    ",,"7","39","2015-09-18 23:06:16","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "187","Taiwanese-Americans Call upon President Obama to Stand by Taiwan during Xi Jinping Meeting","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  September 21st 2015

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Taiwanese-Americans Call upon President Obama to Stand by Taiwan during Xi Jinping Meeting

    (Washington, D.C. – September 21st 2015) - In a letter dated, September 21st , 2015, Dr. Mark Kao, president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), a Taiwanese‑American grassroots organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people in Taiwan, calls upon President Obama to stand by Taiwan during his upcoming meeting with President of China Xi Jinping.

    Dr. Kao writes: “We understand that the United States needs to engage China. However, such engagement should not come at the expense of America’s core values – freedom, democracy and human rights, as embodied in the country of our birth, Taiwan.”

    He urges President Obama “…to  remind Mr. Xi that it is a core interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan. We also urge you to refrain from proffering U.S. respect for China’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity” as China lays unjustified claims to sovereignty over Taiwan.”

    Dr. Kao concludes: “To safeguard Taiwan is to embrace freedom, democracy and human rights. This is the best way to maintain peace and stability in Asia and is consistent with the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act.”

    Meanwhile, On Friday, September 25th 2015, from noon – 2:00pm, a broad coalition of Tibetans, Uyghurs, Chinese human rights activists and Taiwanese Americans will hold a rally in front of the White House at Lafayette Square during Xi’s White House visit to protest Chinese repression in China, Tibet, and East Turkestan, and its aggressive stance against Taiwan.







    President Barack H. Obama                 Washington, September 21st 2015

    The White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear President Obama,

    As the president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), a Taiwanese‑American grassroots organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people in Taiwan, I write to you today to relay to you the concerns of Taiwanese-Americans.

    As you prepare to welcome China's President Xi Jinping to the White House, we appeal to you to reaffirm America's support for freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan.

    We understand that the United States needs to engage China. However, such engagement should not come at the expense of America's core values  -‑  freedom, democracy and human rights, as embodied in the country of our birth, Taiwan.

    As you know, the people of Taiwan have developed a vibrant democracy, and the country is now looking forward to presidential and legislative elections in January 2016, which will in all likelihood bring the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to power.

    During the past months, the PRC has threatened of “consequences” if the DPP wins.  We believe this is an unwarranted interference in Taiwan’s internal affairs, and urge you to prevail on President Xi to accept Taiwan as a friendly neighbor and move towards normalization of relations with its democratically- elected government.

    We ask that you remind Mr. Xi that it is a core interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.  We also urge you to refrain from proffering U.S. respect for China's ""sovereignty and territorial integrity"" as China lays unjustified claims to sovereignty over Taiwan.

    We also ask that you impress upon Mr. Xi that China dismantle its 1,600 missiles targeted at Taiwan and renounce the use of force against Taiwan. To safeguard Taiwan is to embrace freedom, democracy and human rights. This is the best way to maintain peace and stability in Asia and is consistent with the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act.

    Lastly, it is essential that China end Taiwan's international political isolation. Taiwan is a peace‑loving country that is able and willing to carry out United Nations Charter obligations. Taiwan deserves an equal place in the international family of nations, and its people should be fully represented in international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization and others.

    Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you on these matters that are so important to our Taiwanese-American community.

    Thank you very much.  Sincerely yours,

    Mark Kao Ph.D.

    President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    ",,"7","39","2015-09-22 00:58:28","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "188","DPP Chairwoman’s visit to Washington DC - June 4th, 2015","

    DPP Chairwoman’s visit to Washington DC - June 4th, 2015


    ",,"10","46","2015-10-04 18:10:26","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "189","Announcement for Year 2016 – 2017 FAPA President Election ","


    Announcement for Year 2016 – 2017 FAPA President Election

    I. Duties of FAPA President

    1. Represent FAPA externally and chair the Standing Committee internally;

    2. Report to the Board Members and report to the Standing Committee when the Board Members are not in session;

    3. Call for the Board Meetings;

    4. Provide assistance with FAPA fundraising;

    II. Duties of Vice President

    1. The Vice President shall assist the President in fulfilling his/her duties.

    III.  Candidacy requirements

    1. Candidates for President and Vice President shall be current Board Members. (year 2016)

    2. The positions of the President and Vice President shall be elected as a team consistent with this section. As such, each candidate for President shall announce his/her choice as Vice President/running mate before the election.

    3. A candidacy for the positions of President and Vice President must be supported by at least five other Board Members in writing. Each Board Member may support only one candidacy for the purpose of this subsection. A support of candidacy under this subsection does not constitute a vote for the position of President.

    4. File a Petition for the Position of President.

    IV. Filing a Petition for the Position of President

    1. An individual who seeks candidacy for the position of President must submit a written petition to the Headquarters at least six weeks before the election.

    2. The petition shall state the individual’s intent to run for the office of the President and include the requisite support of other Board Members described above.

    3. The individual may include a one-page statement of qualification and platform.

    4. The individual must have fulfilled all candidacy requirements and obligations and duties as a Board Member.

    V. Filing Fees and Contact

    1. Candidates must complete a registration form (attached) and E-MAIL it back to President Election Committee (FAPA_2015_Election@yahoo.com). We only accept e-mail registration with $500 registration fee (check payable to FAPA) mailed to the HQ. It should be received by the HQ no later than November 10th to finish registration procedure.

    2. Contact President Election Committee: FAPA_2015_Election@yahoo.com

    VI. Timetable and Deadlines

    Nov 01-10       : Announcement of Election & Time Period for Filing of Petition for the Position of President

    November 12  : Announcement of Qualified Candidates & Mailing of Qualified Candidate(s) information to Board Members

    Nov. 13-21      : Time Period for request of Absentee Ballot (以總部收到書面資料日為憑)

    November 23  : Mailing Absentee Ballots to requesting Board Members

    December 02   : HQ receives all Absentee Ballots (以總部收到為憑、非郵戳)

    December 05   : Election by Board Members for the Office of the President and Vice President

    ",,"3","31","2015-10-17 00:02:12","2015-12-18 16:05:42" "195","2015 FAPA Annual Meeting at Washington DC ","


    Hanji Report in Pacific Times - Click here.

    ",,"1","1","2015-12-18 17:12:24","2015-12-18 17:22:09" "190","FAPA URGES POPE TO WORK TOWARDS DUAL RECOGNITION OF CHINA AND TAIWAN","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C -  October 19, 2015

    Contact: 202-547-3686


    In a letter to Pope Francis dated October 9, the president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Dr. Mark Kao, calls upon the Pope, while he is exploring diplomatic relations with China, not to abandon diplomatic relations with Taiwan but instead move towards “Dual Recognition” of Beijing and Taipei.

    The letter reads:  “For the past decades, China’s Communist Government has forced nations around the world to choose between maintaining diplomatic relations with either Taipei or Beijing. […] I ask that you pledge, while you consider establishing diplomatic ties with China, that your initiative will be based on the principle of not hurting diplomatic relations with Taiwan.”

    The letter continues: “I would like to propose that you consider moving towards “Dual Recognition” of both governments in Beijing and Taipei. Such dual diplomatic recognition would entail not abandoning the 23 million people of Taiwan, and in addition would also be a way to foster and encourage peaceful coexistence between Taiwan and China. And it would set a precedent for other countries to emulate.”

    FAPA President Mark Kao, PhD, says: “Dual Recognition” of China and Taiwan is an idea that is long overdue. Pope Francis played a critical initiating role in putting the establishment of U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations on the rails. It makes very much sense that he takes the lead in recognizing that Taiwan and China are two countries on either side of the Taiwan Strait which the international community wants to see develop into friendly neighbors.”

    · * * * * *

    His Holiness, Pope Francis                                   Washington,   October 9, 2015

    Apostolic Palace

    00120 Vatican City

    Your Holiness,

    As the President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, (FAPA) a U.S. based grassroots organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan, I write to you today to congratulate you with a very successful U.S. visit. Your five-day trip lifted not only the spirits of American Catholics but of the general American public as well.

    However, we are concerned about the following.  After your return to Vatican City, it was reported in the international press that you had “confirmed [that] talks with China are moving forward as the Vatican aims for formal ties with the Communist Party despite signs of Beijing tightening its grip on religious groups.”

    For the past decades, China’s Communist Government has forced nations around the world to choose between maintaining diplomatic relations with either Taipei or Beijing. And even though I fully understand the importance of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the government in Beijing, I ask that you pledge, while you consider establishing diplomatic ties with China, that your initiative will be based on the principle of not hurting diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

    Specifically, I would like to propose that you consider moving towards “Dual Recognition” of both governments in Beijing and Taipei. Such dual diplomatic recognition would entail not abandoning the 23 million people of Taiwan, and in addition would also be a way to foster and encourage peaceful coexistence between Taiwan and China. And it would set a precedent for other countries to emulate.”

    It is important for the church to preach the gospel in China. But to paraphrase Luke 15:4: “A good shepherd never loses even one sheep…”

    We hereby respectfully urge you to use your vision and leadership and encourage you to move towards recognition of both the government in Taiwan as well as the government in China.  That would really enhance peace and stability in the region.

    Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.

    With every good wish to Your Holiness, I am,

    Sincerely Yours,

    Mark Kao, President, Formosan

    Association for Public Affairs














    恭請 鈞安

    台灣人公共事務會 總會長


    ",,"7","39","2015-10-24 16:45:42","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "191","U.S. Congressman Introduces Legislation Affirming Six Assurances as Cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan Relations","



    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - October 29th 2015

    Contact: (202) 547-3686


    U.S. Congressman Introduces Legislation Affirming Six Assurances as Cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan Relations

    (Washington, D.C. – October 29th 2015) - On October 28th 2015, former chairman of the Asian Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) introduced legislation HCR-88 titled: “Reaffirming the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances as the Cornerstone of United States-Taiwan Relations.”

    It concludes that “… the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances together form the cornerstone of United States relations with Taiwan.”

    The resolution first lauds the importance of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act:“April 10, 2015, marked the 36th anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96–8), codifying into law the basis for continued commercial, cultural, and other relations between the United States and Taiwan.” The TRA was signed into law during the Carter administration.



    前外交事務委員會亞太事務小組委員會主席、俄亥俄州共和黨眾議員夏波(Steve Chabot),於1028日提出名為「重新確認『台灣關係法』與『六大保證』為台美關係基石」之決議案。














    H. CON. RES. 88

    Reaffirming the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances as the cornerstone of United States–Taiwan relations.


    Mr. CHABOT submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations


    Whereas for more than 50 years, a close relationship has existed between the United States and Taiwan, which has been of major economic, cultural, and strategic advantage to both countries;

    Whereas over the past two decades, the people of Taiwan have worked hard to establish a vibrant and pluralistic democracy in their country and conducted 5 successful presidential elections, successive elections for members of their national legislature, numerous local elections, and 2 national referendums;

    Whereas the United States has vital security and strategic interests in the Taiwan Strait, with United States troops stationed in countries within the Taiwan Strait region;

    Whereas April 10, 2015, marked the 36th anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96– 8), codifying into law the basis for continued commercial, cultural, and other relations between the United States and Taiwan;

    Whereas the Taiwan Relations Act has been instrumental in maintaining peace, security, and stability in the Taiwan Strait since its enactment in 1979;

    Whereas when the Taiwan Relations Act was enacted, it affirmed that the United States’ decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China was based on the expectation that the future of Taiwan would be determined by peaceful means;

    Whereas the Taiwan Relations Act declares that peace and stability in the area are in the political, security, and economic interests of the United States, and are matters of international concern;

    Whereas the Taiwan Relations Act states that it is the policy of the United States to provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character to maintain the capacity to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan;

    Whereas the Taiwan Relations Act also states that ‘‘it is the policy of the United States to preserve and promote extensive, close, and friendly commercial, cultural and other relations between the people on Taiwan, as well as the people on the China mainland’’;

    Whereas in 1982, President Ronald Reagan wanted to reinforce United States support for Taiwan and therefore issued the Six Assurances; and

    Whereas the Six Assurances are guidelines to conduct relations between the United States and Taiwan and stipulate that the United States would not—

    (1) set a date for termination of arms sales to Taiwan;

    (2) alter the terms of the Taiwan Relations Act;

    (3) consult with China in advance before making decisions about United States arms sales to Taiwan;

    (4) mediate between Taiwan and China;

    (5) alter its position about the sovereignty of Taiwan which was, that the question was one to be decided peacefully by the Chinese themselves, and would not pressure Taiwan to enter into negotiations with China; and

    (6) formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan:

    Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That is the sense of Congress, the Senate concurring, that the United States hereby affirm that the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances together form the cornerstone of United States relations with Taiwan.







    ",,"7","39","2015-10-29 14:55:40","2015-11-02 23:29:27" "192","FAPA expresses dismay at upcoming Ma Ying-jeou – Xi Jinping meeting in Singapore","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - November 4th 2015

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    FAPA expresses dismay at upcoming Ma Ying-jeou –

    Xi Jinping meeting in Singapore

    (Washington DC – November 4th 2015)  -- The Formosan Association for Public Affairs – a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization based in Washington DC – wants to express it deep concern about the sudden announcement that Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou and Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet in Singapore on Saturday, November 7th 2015.

    The fact that the plans for the meeting were kept under wraps until the last minute is symptomatic for the undemocratic “black box” approach the Ma government has been following during the past years.  This lack in transparency in governance was already evident when the Ma government tried to push through the ill-fated Service Trade Agreement in March 2014, and the changes in history textbooks earlier in 2015.  In both cases, the matters led to large-scale protests.

    The short notice for this meeting also flies in the face of the “No surprises” approach President Ma promised  – in particular vis-à-vis the United States – when conducting policy on cross-Strait issues.  However, his announcement that on November 7th he will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in Singapore is one very big surprise.

    What are the main drivers prompting this move by Mr. Ma:

    1. He is trying to salvage his legacy.  As his standing in the polls is way down, he feels he wants to do something drastic to burnish his image.  He is generally considered a down-and-out has-been politician.  Very few people outside his own little circle believe him anymore.

    2. He is trying to turn the tide in the Taiwan presidential elections, where the Kuomintang with candidate Eric Chu is still way behind in the opinion polls.  Mr. Chu’s manipulation of the ouster of the KMT’s previous candidate Ms. Hung Hsiu-chu didn’t earn him much credit, and that his poll numbers have stayed at around the same level as Ms. Hung.

    3. He wants to pin Dr. Tsai Ing-wen of the DPP down on the cross-Strait issue, and restrict her future room for maneuver by concluding/agreeing with Xi Jinping that cross-Strait “stability” cannot be guaranteed unless Dr. Tsai agrees to embrace the 1992 Consensus.

    Many in Taiwan see the “1992 Consensus” as a slippery slope towards unification.  They want to keep all options open for Taiwan, and want the Taiwanese people to have a free and open decision on their future.

    In FAPA’s view, the present “peace and stability” is only artificial, as it is predicated on the fact that Ma Ying-jeou has given the PRC the impression that Taiwan is inexorably drifting in its direction.  As is very clear from opinion polls, that is simply not the case: the Taiwanese people prefer their democracy and freedom.

    FAPA believes that:

    1. The timing and the way this meeting came about is not conducive to a balanced and responsible debate in Taiwan on future relations with China.  With his approach, Mr. Ma is attempting to preempt a DPP government that will be elected in January 2016 from exploring directions that will provide better safeguards for Taiwan’s future as a free and democratic nation.

    2. It is inappropriate for a lame duck president to engage in such a meeting only two months before the January presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan.  There is obviously no consensus in Taiwan yet on how to move forward on cross-Strait relations.  And Mr. Ma does not have any mandate: to the contrary, his pro-China policies have been soundly rejected in both the November 2014 elections and in recent opinion polls.

    3. A truly fruitful and productive meeting between the leaders from the two sides can only be held in due time, after Taiwan itself has reached a broad consensus on future cross-Strait relations in a transparent and open political process.







    1. 他正嘗試挽救他的歷史定位。在過去這段時間,馬的民調數字持續低迷,他早已被大眾認為是一位出局且過時的政客。除了極少數他身邊的人仍持續支持他外,多數人早已對他沒有期待與信任。因此,馬透過這次的會面,重新贏回他的支持度。

    2. 他希望翻轉國民黨的選情。國民黨以民調等理由撤換總統參選人洪秀柱,但在朱立倫參選後,他的民調與洪秀柱相比並沒有太大的差異。透過這次的會面,馬希望改變國民黨總統候選人朱立倫落後的選情。

    3. 馬希望透過這次的會面,限制蔡英文與民進黨未來在兩岸議題的操作空間。這將使蔡英文若要主張兩岸的穩定,則必須被迫接受九二共識的框架。






    3. 一個真正能有成果且具建設性的雙邊會談的舉行,必須在台灣內部已就兩岸未來的關係,以公開且透明的方式形塑出共識為前提。




    ",,"7","39","2015-11-05 13:37:22","2015-11-05 13:39:38" "193","FAPA WELCOMES ANNOUNCEMENT OF ARMS PACKAGE FOR TAIWAN","
    Formosan Association for Public Affairs
    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA
    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release
    Washington D C -  December 17, 2015
    Contact: 202-547-3686


    On December 16, the U.S. announced it would sell US$1.83 billion in weaponry and equipment to Taiwan – a vibrant democracy and a beacon of freedom in the Western Pacific. The announcement -the first in four years- came in the form of a notification to Congress that the U.S. Department of State had approved the sale.
    FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. reacts: “The arms sales demonstrate that the U.S. honors its commitment to Taiwan under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and the 1982 Six Assurances, which both function as the cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan relations. It will help enhance Taiwan’s security and preserve peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region, which -after all- are both in the interest of the United States, as stipulated in the Taiwan Relations Act.”
    Dr. Kao adds: “Timing-wise, the release of the arms package one month before Taiwan’s January 2016 presidential and parliamentary elections represents the notion that the U.S. will support and work with whoever wins the presidential race.”
    Dr. Kao continues: “We rejoice in this sale but look forward to the day when arms sales take place on a regular basis, to when the process is regularized to ensure that Taiwan is receiving weapons essential to its national defense without delay. The decision to provide Taiwan with the arms it requires for self-defense should not be subject to political considerations, such as concerns about offending Beijing.”
    Dr. Kao concludes: “Members of Congress such as Reps. Royce, Engel, Salmon, and Sherman deserve gratitude for their relentless efforts over the years to move the sales forward, for their trust in Taiwan, for their trust in Taiwan’s democracy, and for their trust in any new administration in Taipei.”


    高博士總結道:「此次軍售案的促成,歸功於眾議員羅伊斯(Ed Royce)、安格爾(Eliot Engel)、邵建隆(Matt Salmon)、薛曼(Brad Sherman)等議員多年來的努力不懈。同時也感謝他們對於台灣、對於台灣的民主,以及對台灣新的政權的信任。」

    ",,"7","39","2015-12-18 14:57:36","2015-12-18 15:06:54" "194","FAPA 2015 President Report","

    Taiwanese, Tibetans, Uyghurs and Chinese rally in Washington and Seattle, September 2015


    FAPA 2015 President Report
    (Email to FAPA Board of Directors on 12/7/2015)

    Dear Board Members,


    Attached please find my 2015 report and the detail reports from FAPA HQ. You can use these information to communicate with your members - to make them proud for being a part of this great organization.


    As you may know that Chris Lin is leaving us for a new career path (his photo attached). His short term plan is to take a training course before working for the US Government.  His long goal is to finish his law degree, and hopefully, can contribute more for Taiwan and FAPA’s missions in the future. From my vintage point, his career track-switch is not only good for him personally, but also benefit our Taiwanese community in the long run. If you get a chance to talk to him, please join me to wish him all the best for his future endeavor.


    At the Board meeting this past weekend FAPA Board elected Peter Chen as the new national President and Hsi-Ming Lin as the new national Vice President (photo attached). As of December 31st, I will step down from the national President post, but I will continue to work on the FAPA’s missions in a different capacity. Please note that our new President plans to have a FAPA gathering in Taipei right after Taiwan's election; he will provide you with more detail information in the next few weeks.


    As I reflect on my service in the last 4 years, I am most proud of my accomplishments in the improved relationship with the US State Department and the dramatically increased YPG participation in the decision making for FAPA (3 Standing Committee members and more than 15 Board Members are under 40 years old). Before I close my final chapter as the FAPA national President, I hope you will continue to support Peter, Hsi-Ming and HQ as you did for me, Peter and Mike Kuo.


    On behave of you all, I also wanted to thank HQ staff for supporting me and the entire Taiwanese community (not just FAPA!) in the last 4 years.


    Before the curtain is finally lowered, I have just one last reminder - please do not forget to send HQ staff your ""Staff Appreciation"" check in the next two weeks – this is minimum we can do to show our appreciation for their unwavering  support for Taiwan and FAPA's missions.


    Warmest Regards,


    Mark Kao


    FAPA President 2012-2015

    ",,"3","31","2015-12-18 15:58:15","2016-01-26 20:29:32" "196","Tsai Ing-wen’s election victory in Taiwan","

    Tsai Ing-wen and DPP win overwhelming victory in Presidential and Legislative Elections, January 16th 2016


    Tsai Ing-wen’s election victory in Taiwan

    As Taiwanese-Americans we are overjoyed with the election victory of Dr. Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP in Taiwan.  It is a major step forward in the long struggle for freedom and democracy in Taiwan.

    The victory was also applauded by the White House, the US Department of State and many members of Congress.

    Below you find links to the text of these statements:


    US Government

    White House: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-taiwan-election-usa-idUSKCN0UU12D

    State Department: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2016/01/251328.htm


    US Senate

    Senator Benjamin Cardin (D-MD): https://www.foreign.senate.gov/press/ranking/release/cardin-statement-on-taiwans-historic-election

    Senator John McCain (R-AZ): http://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2016/1/statement-by-senator-john-mccain-on-democratic-election-in-taiwan

    Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL): http://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2016/1/rubio-congratulates-taiwan-s-newly-elected-president


    House of Representatives

    Elliott Engel (D-NY): Click Here.

    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL): Click Here.

    Steve Chabot (R-OH): Click Here.

    Scott Garrett (R-NJ): Click Here.

    Amata Radewagen (R-American Samoa): Click Here.

    Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA): Click Here.

    Matt Salmon (R-AZ): Click Here.

    Ed Royce (R-CA): Click Here.

    Alan Lowenthal (D-CA): Click Here.

    Lois Frankel (D-FL): Click Here.

    Kenny Marchant (R-TX): Click Here.

    Kevin Yoder (R-KS): Click Here.

    Pete Sessions (R-TX): Click Here.

    Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)
    : Click Here.

    Joe Barton (R-TX)
    : Click Here.

    Kay Granger (R-TX): Click Here.

    ",,"1","1","2016-01-26 20:24:59","2016-04-08 18:05:26" "197","Members of Congress Congratulate Dr. Tsai Ing-wen with her Election Victory","


    Formosan Association for Public Affairs

    552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

    Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

    For Immediate Release

    Washington D C - January 16th 2016

    Contact: (202) 547-3686

    Members of Congress Congratulate Dr. Tsai Ing-wen with her Election Victory

    (Washington, D.C. – January 16th 2016) - In letters to President Elect Dr. Tsai Ing-wen and statements, members of the U.S. House of Representatives today congratulated Dr. Tsai with her resounding election victory on January 16.

    Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) wrote: “The people of Taiwan have today chosen you to preside over their future for the next four years. I write to offer my warmest congratulations. Your victory is the result of your demonstrated commitment to serving the people of Taiwan and the democratic values Taiwan embodies.""

    ""I also congratulate the Taiwanese people who have demonstrated their commitment to a true and robust democratic process, voting for their government to change hands once again. The U.S. and Taiwan share a commitment to democracy, rule of law, and human rights, and Taiwan’s successes serve as an example of what can be built based on these principles. I have no doubt there will be a smooth transition, and urge all to recognize the results of the election in a peaceful manner.""

    Ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) issued a statement saying: ""The Taiwanese people have put their confidence in Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP party to lead them in the right direction and I look forward to continuing the collaborative and supportive relationship with our partner and friend.""

    Chairman of the Asian Subcommittee Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) wrote: ""Our close relationship with Taiwan, a vibrant democracy and natural ally, is only further deepened by this free election of their next leader and the peaceful transition of power that marks developed nations around the world.  I look forward to working with President Tsai's administration in the years ahead.""

    In a very personal note, former Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) wrote: “I look forward to working with you and your new government to strengthen the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. I remember fondly the times that we have met: in my office in 2010, at a reception here in the House in 2011, in Taipei during a delegation I led in 2012, and again here in June of last year at a reception held by the Committee on Foreign Affairs where I presented you with a replica of the Statute of Freedom, the statue which has sat atop the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington for the past 150 years. The statue represents the values that we both strive to protect, a reminder of the constant vigilance required to preserve our freedom against tyranny.""

    Former Chairman of the Asian Subcommittee Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) wrote: ""I know that you will be a strong advocate for the people of Taiwan and I look forward to the opportunity to work closely with you and help strengthen the United States-Taiwan relationship.""

    Hinting at Taiwan's relationship with China, its giant neighbor across the Taiwan Strait, Rep. Chabot writes: “Additionally, it is my sincere hope that Taiwan's neighbors in the region recognize the result of these elections and continue to work with the newly-elected leadership in Taiwan to maintain peace and stability in the region.""

    FAPA President Peter Chen states: ""On behalf of FAPA members worldwide, I offer my warm congratulations with your victory, Dr. Tsai, and my best wishes for your success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of the highest office in the land. Now that you have lit up Taiwan, under your presidency the country will burn as a beacon of freedom and as a model for other countries in Asia and across the globe to emulate.”

    Peter Chen concludes: “The people of Taiwan should also be praised for their continued commitment to freedom, human rights and democracy. As the saying goes: “A leader is a dealer in hope."" Your election, Dr. Tsai, not only provides the people of Taiwan with such hope, but provides inspiration and encouragement for people around the world, who are striving to attain such freedom, human rights and democracy....”

    More letters of congratulations from members of Congress are expected during the coming days.






    ",,"7","39","2016-01-26 20:33:29","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "198","Taiwanese, Tibetans, Uyghurs and Chinese rally in Washington and Seattle, September 2015","

    Taiwanese, Tibetans, Uyghurs and Chinese rally in Washington and Seattle, September 2015


    ",,"10","46","2016-02-04 12:46:26","0000-00-00 00:00:00" "199","FAPA 520 Celebration in Taiwan (慶祝台灣民主募款午餐會)","

    FAPA慶祝台灣民主 募款午餐會

    2016年5月22日中午 / 台灣台北市 / 每人美金百五十元或台幣五千

    親愛的台灣鄉親和FAPA 會員:

    2016 是台灣的新里程碑,代表台灣本土力量的民進黨首度完全執政,FAPA將於五月下旬組團回台,在此邀請您參加我們於五月22 日中午在台北市典華飯店大直旗艦店六樓(中山區植福路8)舉辦的FAPA522募款午餐會」一同慶祝這歷史性的轉捩點,也繼續投入FAPA 在美國首都華府的草根運動。

    三十多年來,因著會員和鄉親的支持,FAPA 在美國國會深耕,勤奮不懈的為台灣發聲,推動有利台灣的法案。過去八年,台灣島內種種狀況,FAPA 都在最快的時間內呈獻給美國國會參、眾議員,例如2008年陳雲林到台灣發生警察打人事件,到最近的「反課綱微調」運動,美國議員都是藉著FAPA, 得知
    真確和及時的狀況;2014 年四月太陽花結束24天的運動,我們馬上安排兩名同學黃郁芬、魏揚到美國演講,太陽花在出立法院一刻,也同時走入美國國會山莊,親自向國會議員傳達第一手的消息,爭取支持。

    2015 年台灣兩位總統侯選人訪美,美國政府為表示公平,晚來的國民黨朱立倫幾乎是完全照先到的民進黨蔡英文主席行程走,但唯一一個國民黨無人引見拜會的部門,就是美國國會山莊;蔡在

    蔡英文主席的當選之際,大家對她期望都很高,台美外交上公開的秘密就是:台灣政府許多舉動都要跟美方溝通,不能踩紅線。陳水扁前總統在2000 年就職的「四不一沒有」,令許多支持者失望,其實背後就是美方授意。可以想見民進黨雖完全執政,我們要達成夢想的法理(
    de jure)獨立,還是得以「美」意為馬首是瞻,小心經營,此時FAPA 的角色更形獨特重要。做為台美人唯一在美國的民間草根團體,FAPA 可以做台灣人強力的前鋒,台灣政府不方便對美方說的,FAPA 透過國會人脈,讓國會議員來替我們發聲和傳達,分進合擊,為台灣出雙倍的力量。

    FAPA是在美登記的草根組織,不能接受任何政府的援助,只能仰賴個人的支持,故更需要大家幫忙。盼望您參加FAPA五月二十二日在台北這場歷史性的募款午餐會,每人餐費新台幣五千元(或美金一百五十元),多多認桌(一桌十人新台幣五萬元或美金一千五百元)鬥相挺,支持FAPA 在華府點亮台灣!




    Invitation with PDF file:: Click Here

    在美國認購 (registration form for US use, or pay with US dollar) PDF FILE: Click Here
    在台灣認購 (registration form for Taiwan use, or pay with New Taiwan Dollar) PDF FILE: Click Here


    ",,"1","1","2016-03-10 11:26:56","2016-04-08 18:04:49"